Item D2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: December 3. 2008 Division: County Attornev Bulk Item: Yes No ...1L Staff Contact: Bob Shillinger x3470 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing to approve an Ordinance of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopting amendments to the Monroe County Year 20 I 0 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to a compliance agreement with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) regarding working waterfronts. ITEM BACKGROUND: The working waterfronts Comprehensive Plan amendment was adopted by the BOCC (Ordinance 008- 2008) and rendered to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) on February 4, 2008. Upon completion of its review, in a letter dated March 31, 2008, the DCA issued its notice of intent to find the amendment not in compliance. DCA determined that all but five of the adopted objectives and polices met the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, (F.S.), for compliance, as defined in F.S. 163.3184(1)(b). Since that time the County and DCA have been involved in a compliance agreement negotiation process. This ordinance will adopt the amendments to the comprehensive plan in accordance with the parameters set forth in the compliance agreement. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: June 2008, BOCC gave staff direction to negotiate a settlement of the administrative challenge over the proposed amendments adopted in February 2008. February 2008 - Final adoption of the Comprehensive Plan amendment for working waterfronts. September 2007 - Approved transmittal of a Comprehensive Plan amendment for working waterfronts. September 2006 - Directed staff to enter into an inter-local agreement with South Florida Regional Planning Council to develop a Comprehensive Plan amendment for working waterfronts. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: nla STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes...1L No COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management_ DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # D.~ Revised 11106 MEMORANDUM MONROE COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION We strive to be caring, professional and fair To: Roman Gastesi, County Administrator From: Andrew Orner Trivette Growth Management Division Director Date: November 25, 2008 RE: 2008-01 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Remedial Amendment Proposal The intention of this memo is to provide additional background and detail concerning the proposed remedial amendment for Monroe County's 08-01 2010 Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Baekl!round In 2005, the Legislature passed House Bill 955 entitled Waterfront Property which became Chapter 2005-157 of the Laws of Florida. This Act amended F.S. 163.3177(6)(a), by requiring that all coastal counties amend their comprehensive plans to include regulatory incentives and criteria that would encourage the preservation of recreational and commercial working waterfronts. The Act also amended F.S. 163.3178(2)(g) to require that the coastal management element of the Comprehensive Plan include strategies that will be used to preserve recreational and commercial working waterfronts. Monroe County began the discussion of preserving working waterfronts in 2005 and contracted with the South Florida Regional Planning Council to draft a Marine Management Plan for a total cost of $99,000.00. The completion of this plan identified the severe economic pressures being applied to traditional working waterfront uses to redevelop as more economically viable uses. In an effort to protect these disadvantaged uses the County again contracted with the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) to produce a Working Waterfronts Preservation Plan and a Marina Siting Plan for a total cost oUI80,000.00 in September of2006. This contract instrocted the SFRPC to produce the necessary land development regulations and comprehensive plan amendments to implement a protection strategy for working waterfront uses. In March of 2007 the BOCC participated in a workshop aimed at dealing with the most central concept of the proposed preservation program, "No Net Loss". The SFRPC led the BOCC through a series of options, I through 3, which began with the most restrictive option "No Net Loss". Option 2 allowed the use ofa property to convert to another water dependent use. Option 3 allowed for 50% of the use to be redeveloped without a preservation restriction. The BOCC provided instroction to implement a preservation strategy based on the third option which included a revised percentage and incentives to keep and/or expand working waterfront uses. I\l~'\.-' I Based on this direction, staff presented proposed amendments to the Marine and Port Advisory Committee (MP AC) in April of 2007 with a special workshop on the proposal in May of the same year. The amendment package was also presented to the Development Review Committee in May. The Planning Commission held its first of three (3) public hearings in June of2007. The BOCC conducted a public hearing to transmit the amendment package on September 19, 2007, at which time the Board was presented with three (3) options for transmittal, an amendment as prepared by staff, an amendment as revised by the Planning Commission and an amendment which contained elements of both. The BOCC transmitted the amendment as revised by the Planning Commission. The County received the Objections, Recommendations and Comments (aRC) Report from the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) on December 7, 2007. The Growth Management Division prepared a response in an attempt to address many of the concerns raised by the DCA. On February 4, 2008 the BOCC adopted the amendment package which would be the 2008-01 submission with revisions entertained from the floor at the adoption hearing, one of which deleted the concept of "No Net Loss". This amendment package was found not to be in compliance by the DCA on March 31, 2008. The DCA's finding of "Not in Compliance" triggered an administrative hearing on the amendment unless the County chose to withdraw it. The County opted to pursue the hearing, and the BOCC instructed staff to pursue settlement prior to the hearing date. In an effort to fulfill this instruction, staff now presents the attached remedial amendment and settlement ( compliance) agreement. The proposed remedial amendment is the product of seven (7) individual parties negotiating terms of the originally adopted amendment over a period of eight (8) months. These negotiations consisted of numerous conference calls and in person meetings with all of the subject parties, some of whom were granted status as interveners and others who participated as interested parties. Remedial Amendment Exulained The amendment proposes the creation of a new Future Land Use Category (PLUM) for an area of Stock Island known as Safe Harbor. This new PLUM is to be called the Deep Port Harbor District and is a change from the previous PLUM category for that area which is currently named Industrial. The more specific Land Use Map Designation is Maritime Industrial. In application, the PLUM category (comprehensive plan) serves as a broad category under which the more specific land use designations and land development regulations fall. Characteristics ofthe Deep Port Harbor Future land Use Category 1. Alluwed Uses This amendment allows for residential development, both affordable and market rate, as well as transient and commercial development. The only difference proposed in these allowed uses between the two PLUM categories is the allowance of transient uses (hoteVmotel). It is important to note that current regulations do not allow transient development within the more broadly applied i\1 0 n 1 0 C C () U III v (j] I) \\ t h !'vl ,111 " g L: III l' 11 t D I \ 1 S 1 0 Tl Industrial FLUM category. The Land Development Regulations do provide for the development of transient uses in the more specific Maritime Industry Land Use District. This amendment would correct this inconsistency through allowance of such uses in the newly created Deep Port Harbor PLUM category. 2. Alluwed Density Allowed density is defined in two (2) ways, allocated and maximum net density. Allocated density is the density to which an applicant is entitled through the land use district and FLUM category. Maximum net density is similar to a bonus provision in that the primary method to achieve this higher density allowance is through the transfer of development rights from another property effectively retiring those rights. An applicant proposing desired uses such as affordable housing is also allowed to build to maximum net density without the use of transferable development rights. Existing density table: FUIllI1 Land UN eenalties and I.-tios FuI1Ie I.sIKI Use Ca\eglry AIocaIed Il<r$ly MalOlun Net DensiIy Wsxlrom l1IeroIy And (""'aae\ rk;;rwldableaae\ lblr....lIl11io\ 1ncbIrIO(I) 1du 200 0.25-0.00 · II ard MI zOOM) 0 NlA Proposed density table: Futul'f Lnud Use- DtllSitirs 81111 IntfuSitifS Futul'e- Land Us.- AIlorottd Dtnslly (pt.. MODmum Ntt Dtnslly IIfnDmum Cnttgo..y Aud acre) Cpt.. bull,llIblt ncrt! [nltnslly (000" COJ'l'rspondlu& lll'enratlo) Zonln2 Deell POlt Hnrbor I du (nlOrket rote) 2 du (market fate) 0.35-0.60 J:!m!l. 5 dll 7 dll (l)PH 20nl112"1 ( nffnl"{lfthlp/workf'orcel fnffm:(lJlhlp/workf'orcel emolovee) enllllovee) 12 unils (DubUc lodoine) 15 units (DubUc lodoine) The proposed density for this new PLUM category does not by itself pose a significant increase or even a change from what is currently allowed to the area through the Industrial FLUM category. The proposal includes allowing 1 market rate dwelling unit per acre and allows for as much as .60 floor area ratio (FAR - using the total area of the parcel and applying the floor area ratio renders the total allowable commercial square footage for that parcel) which is consistent with that which is allowed currently. The significant change to allowed density for this district is a special provision for affordable/workforce housing of 5 dwelling units per acre as a separate allowance from market rate dwelling units and the provision of 12 public lodging units per acre. These provisions are not extreme when we consider the current allowance for transient development under the current Maritime Industry Land Use District: [\10 Il I 0 e Co U 11 t") (J I l) \\1 t h iVt a 11 agc!1l e n ( I)! V i ~ I 0 11 Land Use Allocated Max. Net Density Density O.S.R.' District and Use (rooms/acre) (rooms/bulldable acre) Maritime Industries: Hotel 110.0 115.0 10.0 a. Terminology - Public Lodging Unit VIS Rooms The Monroe County code currently uses the word "room" when describing a hotel unit. That term is defined in the LDRs. This definition restricts the length of stay to not more than 30 days and also includes the restriction on unit construction. This restriction stipulates that one hotel or motel room may be a single room or suite and may include a kitchenette but not more than one and one-half(l 1/2) baths and one (1) bedroom and one (1) living area. This proposed amendment uses the term public lodging unit and defines this unit as not exceeding three (3) bedrooms with a maximum of 1700 square feet. 3. Public Lodging Development A public lodging facility is a transient use, and simply another term for hotel/motel for the purposes of applying Monroe County regulations. Currently Monroe County has a moratorium on the development of new transient units. This moratorium has been in place since 1996 and originally expired 2006. However, the BOCC has consistently granted an annual request to extend the moratorium for a period of one year. The basis for the moratorium is a lack of methodology to account for new transient unit allocations in the Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) system. Staff is currently working on a plan to remedy the moratorium and should have it ready for BOCC consideration during 2009. The proposed remedial amendment requires that a public lodging facility be developed by transferring existing transient units from one location to another, including from within the municipalities. This transfer is governed by a process in use by the City of Marathon and requires a conversion ratio dependent on what type (number of bedrooms) of unit is being transferred and what type of unit is being constructed. This transfer process includes three scenarios, a straight transfer between the same types of units (equal numbers of bedroom), a 10% penalty in the number of units to transfer a one (1) bedroom unit to develop a two (2) bedroom unit, and a 15% penalty to transfer a one (1) bedroom unit to construct a three (3) bedroomlbathroom unit. In practice this would mean that if proposing a transfer of one hundred (100) one (1) bedroom units, an applicant could construct one hundred (100) one (1) bedroom units, or ninety (90) two (2) bedroom units, or eighty-five (85) three bedroom units or a combination thereof i\.1 0 11 I n e (' 0 U 11 t y C r 0 \\i t h !VI .ll1 ,1 ~ l: 111 C 11 1 [) 1 \ 1 S I \) II 4. Worldng WoJerfront Uses Preservation The proven methodology for preserving a use that is no longer economically viable or that is being driven out of a community due to regulatory pressure and/or market forces is the provision of incentives for the continued maintenance and enhancement of the disadvantaged use. This amendment contains numerous incentive measures for the continued maintenance and enhancement of the working waterfront uses found in this area of Stock Island. The following addresses the incentives which are only available to the proposed Deep Port Harbor FLUM category properties. a. Building Height The proposed amendment includes a provIsion which allows the maximum building height of 35 feet to be measured from the base flood elevation for projects proposed with the Deep Port Harbor FLUM category. Base flood elevation is the minimum elevation to which FEMA requires a habitable first floor to be established to be considered above flood level. This elevation varies dependent on the area of Monroe County being considered and the characteristics of the property. In this area of Monroe County base flood elevation varies from eight (8) feet to fourteen (14) feet. In practice this would allow total building heights to range from between 43 feet and 49 feet from grade to peak of roof. This additional height is intended to facilitate additional commercial space between the grade elevation and the first floor. Residential units cannot be constructed below base flood. Commercial square footage is allowed below base flood if special flood proofing measures are included in the construction techniques. b. Permitting Restrictions Monroe County Land development regulations include restrictions on port facility construction including dimensions and construction methodology. Variances from these restrictions are allowed thtough a minor conditional use approval as a "special approval". This amendment waives the requirement for the special approval if the property is located within the proposed Deep Port Harbor FLUM category and the applicant has received all applicable approvals from state and federal agencies, i.e. DEP and Army Corps of Engineers. A Monroe County building permit would be required. c. Non-Conforming Structures Monroe County land Development Regulations require that a non- conforming structure that is damaged to the extent of requiring repair in an amount exceeding 50% of its value the structure must be brought into compliance with all regulations. The proposed amendment provides an exemption from this requirement for non-conforming structures within this Deep Port Harbor FLUM Category. l\l~l '1 d. Protection of Commercial Square Footage Much of the commercial square footage within the current Maritime Industrial Land Use Category was constructed as industrial use or commercial fishing use. These two (2) uses are exempted from the Non- Residential Rate of Growth Ordinance (NROGO) and, as such, if the use changes from these two (2) types of use, the applicant would be required to receive NROGO allocations for the buildings in question. The proposed amendment recognizes the hardship this would cause property owners within the Deep Port Harbor PLUM Category and allows for lawfully established commercial square footage to be considered NROGO exempt regardless of the proposed use. e. Separate Calculation of Densities Density calculations are calculated considering the amount of the property consumed by a use. This prevents "double" or "triple" dipping property area when determining the amount of allowed development on one (1) parcel. This proposed amendment allows for separate calculation of allowed development through density application in three separate categories, non- residential, public lodging, and residential. In application this would allow for an applicant within the Deep Port Harbor PLUM category to use the entire square footage of a property to calculate development potential regardless of other development occupying space on the property. This flexibility allows for additional use development on a parcel dedicated to waterfront uses that are not economically viable to subsidize their maintenance and expansion. J Skilled Labor Workforce Housing Currently any housing deemed affordable by Monroe County is required to meet all the requirements of affordable housing pursuant to Monroe County code. These include residency requirements and income restrictions. In return for these concessions, the required ROGO allocations for the developmeot of affordable residential housing is provided by a separate pool with significantly less competition than the market rate allocation pool. The proposed amendment identifies a segment of the workforce associated with waterfront uses that is skilled labor. Due to the demand for this unique subset of the traditional workforce, the pay scale is augmented beyond those requirements typically applied by Monroe County. The proposed amendment allows for the development of skilled labor workforce housing which meets residency requirements but is exempted from income restrictions. This housing type will be required to receive allocations from the market rate housing pool, but will be counted toward rlJ"l' (J satisfying inclusionary housing requirements for affordable housing. Only thirty percent of the required affordable housing may be for this skilled labor force. Inclusionary requirements are triggered if the development proposal includes 10 or more public lodging units. Working Watenront Uses Preservation - Density Revisited As stated above a proven method of incentivizing the preservation of a use that is no longer economically viable is to provide additional density for a land owner to develop a new use that is financially sound which can, in turn, support the enhancement and maintenance of the traditional use. In this case the traditional use is the working waterfront use. 1. Density Bonuses The proposed remedial amendment includes a robust density bonus section. This section includes: a. 80-60-25 Bonus Waterfront Parcels An applicant proposing to provide boatyard services as a primary use or public access along 70% of the waterfront and to construct or enhance the dockage along the waterfront shall be eligible for a density bonus of 80% to the allocated density for public lodging units and a 60% bonus to the allocated density for income restricted affordable housing and a 25% bonus to the floor area ratio of .35. An applicant proposing to provide at least 50% of the parcel proposed for development as working waterfront uses or port facilities and include as a principal use commercial fishing, boatyards, warehouses and other traditional maritime uses may utilize a density bonus of 80"10 to the allocated density for public lodging units and a 60% bonus to the allocated density for income restricted affordable housing and a 25% bonus to the floor area ratio of .3 5. Application This program would boost the allowed density for public lodging units from 12 units per acre to 21.6 units per acre. It would facilitate the development of 34.56 units on a 2 acre parcel. Without the bonus, the parcel would be entitled to only 19.2 units. The program would augment the allowed density for affordable housing from 5 dwelling units per acre to 8 units per acre. A two acre parcel would be entitled to 12.8 units utilizing this bonus provision and 8 units without the bonus. The floor area ratio would increase from .35 to .6 which would allow for the construction of 52,272 square feet of commercial floor area. b. Commercial Fishing Preservation Bonus An applicant proposing to deed restrict, in perpetuity, the property for the Pdge 7 use of commercial fishing and the accessory uses associated with commercial fishing such as trap storage, shall be. eligible for a density bonus to both public lodging and affordable housing densities of 80% which may be transferred to any parcel within the Deep Port Harbor FLUM category. Application The program would augment the allowed density for affordable housing from 5 dwelling units per acre to 9 units per acre. A two acre parcel would be entitled to 14.4 units utilizing this bonus provision and 8 units without the bonus. It would also allow the public lodging density to increase from 12 units per acre to 21. 6 units. It would facilitate the development of 34.56 units on a 2 acre parcel. Without the bonus, the parcel would be entitled to only 19.2 units. The transfer provision would allow for the owner of the above described two (2) acre parcel to transfer the tntal allowable density under the bonus program to another parcel. If the receiving parcel were also a two (2) acre parcel the total development potential of the parcel after transfer and receiving a bonus on its own merit would be 69.12 units for public lodging and 27.2 affordable housing units. 2. Density Minimums and Maximums The amendment includes both density minimums and density maximums. The density minimums are to ensure a balanced, mixed use development in the FLUM category and are required to comply with state statutory requirements for the creation of a mixed use land use categery. The density maximums are designed to protect against over development of the area through the use of density bonuses and other incentives provided in the amendment. The density maximums are 800 public lodging units, 306 affordable units, and 49 market rate units without a cap on commercial square footage. These maximums are unlikely to be realized due to open space requirements and site constraints. Military Coordination This proposal contains several policies regarding military coordination by Momoe County in connection with development within the proposed Deep Port Harbor FLUM category. Earlier versions included a county-wide military coordination element in an attempt to address statutory requirements. These efforts were not successful. However, the proposal mandates that the County initiate the process of adopting a county-wide military coordination element within ninety (90) days of the effective date of the remedial amendment. The proposed initiatives include ensuring development compatibility through noise attenuation, lighting restrictions, and prohibitions on visual hazards, electronic interference, and bird attractors. Real estate disclosures are also a component of this proposal. These disclosures would be required when affected real estate changes hands through lease or sale as well as during development approval. These disclosures will be , required only within the Deep Port Harbor FLUM category. P,l!..!;1.: ~ These concessions do not require the County to acknowledge the Air Instlillation Compatible Use Zone Study (AICUZ) as an official document for use by County staff. Staff Discussion The issue of working waterfront preservation began with the discussion of traditional working waterfront and the accessory uses to that industry. The BOCC heard much discussion over the looming failure of the industry, dear to many as a hallmark of Monroe County's waterfront past, due to economic pressure and regulatory interference. This led the state and its coastal communities to pursue legislative action to assist in the preservation of the industry through regulatory incentives. The proposal provided includes a robust incentive package which I have outlined as simply as possible above. However, at the conclusion of this three (3) year process, we as a staff are disappointed that we have fallen short of the initial goal of preserving this waterfront industry throughout the County. We take solace in particular components of the proposed amendment which address this community issue, even though it applies to only one specific area of the County. The question before the commission today is three fold. Is the preservation of working waterfront in one area of the County enough? Are regulatory incentives an appropriate measure to address market fluctuations? Will this amendment promote the vision of Stock Island identified by its residents? This amendment centers on the redevelopment of one area of Stock Island and does little to promote the continuance of working waterfront uses throughout the rest of Monroe County. While most will agree that Stock Island is the heart of traditional working waterfront uses, typically identified as boat yards, commercial fishing and their accessory uses, the expanded statutory definition of working waterfront includes many other types of properties. The discussion of working waterfront preservation was altered through the revision of the state's definition of working waterfront to include things such as commercial and recreational marinas and public lodging facilities. Staff supports the concept of working waterfront including transient uses, when they are inherently dependent on the waterfront. This proposal includes adequate linkage between the resource of the waterfront and the transient facility as the use. However, we remain concerned over the specificity of this amendment and are not sure if it adequately satisfies the statutory requirement to amend our regulations to encourage preservation gf working waterfront uses. Regulatory incentives such as density bonuses, height increases, and lessened development restrictions are a proven method of creating a needed community use throughout the nation and the state. The proposal includes an excellent package to encourage the preservation of these working waterfront uses and also successfully provides the necessary development incentives to facilitate enhancement and creation of these types of uses. The density and height of uses have historically been of great concern to the residents of this County. However, as with affordable housing, we cannot adequately address the situation without the proven tools to do so. Staff supports the proposed density and bonus language as provided, however we are concerned about the ivl n 11 I 0 ceo u n t y G [ n \\ t 11 1\1 a 11 d ;.; e III l' 11 t l) I \ [ S ] 0 Ii potential for over development particularly as it could occur with commercial redevelopment. This last point brings to light the discussion of compatibility with the vision for the community by the community. The Stock Island Livable CommuniKeys Plan provided little indication that high density uses should be prohibited from the area. The plan also failed to directly address the issue of transient uses. Instead the plan centered on protecting what was then known as working waterfront uses and eliminating the pressures placed on that use through sound development regulation. The plan discusses the allowance of hotels as a use and suggests that the use either not be allowed or that the use be more clearly linked to the waterfront. Staff Recommendation In conclusion, Staff is very hesitant to offer a recommendation as many of these questions are appropriately answered by the SOCC as the policy maker for the County. However, in light of the level of incentives provided within this proposal, consistent with the previous direction from the BOCC, we recommend approval of the remedial amendment. Staffs' support for the proposed remedial amendment is premised on the inclusion of many concepts originally recommended by staff to address the issue of working waterfront preservation. BOCC Ootions The Board has 4 options to choose from: a) Approving the Compliance Agreement and the Remedial Amendment as proposed; b) Approving the Compliance Agreement but rejecting the Remedial Amendment as proposed and directing staff to negotiate modifications with the stakeholders; c) Rejecting the Compliance Agreement and proceeding to hearing on the original amendment. The hearing, which is scheduled to commence on December 16th, would focus on the version adopted on February 4, 2008, not the remedial concepts proposed here. d) Rejecting the Compliance Agreement, withdrawing the original amendment, and giving staff direction on whether to restart the comprehensive plan amendment process from the beginning. P 1"C' I ) ORDINANCE NO. - 2008 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE MONROE COUNTY 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PURSUANT TO A COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ACCORDING TO FLA. STAT. fiI63.3184; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND THE CONSERVATION AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT REGARDING RECREATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL WORKING WATERFRONTS; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP TO CREATE THE DEEP PORT HARBOR FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY; ESTABLISHING ALLOWED USES AND DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA FOR THE DEEP PORT HARBOR FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY AND WORKING WATERFRONT PRESERVATION AND ENHANCEMENT INCENTIVES INCLUDING A DENSITY BONUS PROGRAM AND SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS; ADOPTING FUTURE LAND USE GOAL, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES RELATED TO COMPATmILITY OF DEVELOPMENT WITH MILITARY INSTALLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) held a public hearing on September 19, 2007 for the purposes of transmitting to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, for review and comment, a proposed amendment relating to recreational and commercial working waterfronts to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 4, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 08-2008 adopting amendments to the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan related to recreational and commercial working waterfronts (the "Plan Amendments") and submitted the same to the Department of Community Affairs for review (DCA Number 08-1); and 1 WHEREAS, on March 32, 2008, the Department of Community Affairs issued a Notice of Intent and Statement of Intent finding that the Plan Amendments were not in compliance with the requirements ofCbapter 163, PartII, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Deparbnent of Community Affairs initiated a formal administrative proceeding before the Division of Administrative Hearings regarding the Plan Amendments, and several interested parties intervened; and WHEREAS, the parties have negotiated in good faith in an effort to resolve the objections to the Plan Amendments and to preserve the County's recreational and commercial working waterfronts; and WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved a Compliance Agreement under which the County Commission agreed to consider for adoption the Remedial Plan Amendments attached to the Compliance Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Remedial Plan Amendments amend the Future Land Use Element and Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan to address recreational and commercial working waterfronts; create a new future land use category known as the Deep Port Harbor ("DPH") category; designate property in Safe Harbor on Stock Island as Deep Port Harbor by amending the Future Land Use Map, a map of which is attached as Exhibit A; establish uses, densities and intensities for the Deep Port Harbor category; and adopt a goal, objectives and policies to address coordination with military installations and to ensure compatibility of land uses adjacent to or in close proximity to military installations in the County, giving appropriate weight and consideration to the safety and private property rights of the citizens of Monroe County; and 2 WHEREAS, the designation of a portion of submerged land and Tier ill uplands in Safe Harbor as the Deep Port Harbor future land use category will facilitate and encourage the revitalization of Safe Harbor into a modern mixed use port that will enhance the economic well- being of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008 the Board of County Commissioners held a duly advertised public hearing to receive public input, consider the recommendations of the County's Growth Management Department, and consider adoption of the Remedial Amendments; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has received and considered all public input as well as the Department of Community Affairs' Notice ofIntent and Statement of Intent, County staff comments and recommendations, and other relevant information regarding the Remedial Plan Amendments; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds and determines that the Remedial Plan Amendments are internally consistent with the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan, are consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern as ta whole, comply with the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statues, and further the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: [Amendments are presented in st.ike!hfeugh to indicate deletions and underline to indicate additions to text. All other words, characters, and language of this subsection remain un-amended.] Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into this Ordinance. 3 Goal 101 Monroe County shall manage future growth to enhance the quality of life, ensure the safety of County residents and visitors, and protect valuable natural resources. [9J-5.006(3)a] ***** Objective 101.4 Monroe County shall regulate future development and redevelopmellt to maintain the character of the community, strengthen and diversitY economic resources, and protect the natural resources by providing for the compatible distribution of land uses consistent with the designations shown on the Future Land Use Map. [9J-5.006(3)(b) 3] Policy 101.4.5 The principal purpose of the Mixed Use! Commercial land use category is to provide for the establishment of commercial zoning districts where various types of commercial retail and office may be permitted at intensities which are consistent with the community character, the natural environment and orderly and balanced growth. Employee housing and commercial apartments are also permitted, along with other permanent residential development compatible with the mix of uses allowed. The maintenance and enhancement of economically viable commercial fishing, and traditional water dependent and water related uses such as retail, storage, and repair and maintenance shall be encouraged within this land use category (pursuant to Goal 219 of this Plan). This land use category is also intended to allow for the establishment of mixed use development patterns, where appropriate. Various types of residential and non-residential uses may be permitted; however, heavy industrial uses and similarly incompatible uses shall be prohibited. In order to protect environmentally sensitive lands, the following development controls shall apply to all hammocks, pinelands, and disturbed wetlands within this land use category: I. only low intensity commercial uses shall be allowed; 2. a maximum floor area ratio of 0.10 shall apply. Policy 101.4.7 The principal purpose of the Industrial land use category is to provide for the development of industrial, manufacturing, warehouse and distribution uses. Other commercial, public, residential, and commercial fishing-related !.m:~.=i!l';'~,lll~Q jlllli'l:l'l:.d, Policv 101.4.18 The orincioal oUl'Pose of the Deeo Port Harbor CDPID land use cate!!orv is to orovide for the develooment and redevelooment of areas suitable for water- dependent oor! and maritime uses such as seanor!. marina. boatvan!. commercial fishin!!. watercraft/vessel repair. and water-deoendent manufacturinl! and service. Port uses include recreational and commercial workin!! waterfront uses: however commercial oassenller cruise ships with a draft of25 feet or !!reater are orohibited 1l/14/2008 4 Other commercial. public. park. utilities (including wastewater treatment plants) and transient residential uses such as public lodging units are allowed. A public lodging unit is a transient residential use that shall consist of no more than 3 bedrooms. .1Ut!!l;Jl!1H:Y"1lJ.d!lit,!lli!J:~iJlgJ,tl!ll.{J!I,m\!.U:~t~41~U9JUlllbitJ1.h!~~.t1.i1'. r,lj!!lI\tiqJ!(,Jtt{Il!;l!:I;..f~I,I!. !.\~!Mv-!};.PI,Wj,(;. LQ~g1-!!!L-.!wj-l..fMllJ!J..(',~rJ~!L:!.~IIl) l,I.tI!1-Hp.b~.Ai';;~mJIWj.\lm~Lm!ti!,l.'.('J~{!ll.j,fl-'.I..tl,lr~.e_ s.t\!!Y .R!!~.IjS.li!l!gi)Ij,Lmlij .CllWlntUC.ero.17JlJUlahitabII:".aU:.l:lllI,diJinned1i!l!!1!rdCfi.,.Pennanent market rate 'reside;;-ti~C~--;;"eTi' as . emljjo-;oo iiowiiim and--;';o&force housing that is accessOlv to principal water-dependent uses. are also allowed. This land use categorY shall consist onlv of harbor areas capable of accommodatinll vessels of fifteen (5) foot draft and one hundred (J 00) foot length. tollether with contiltUous Tier III upland areas. Building height in the DPH future land use catesorv shall be measured from Base Flood Elevation ("BFE") as defined bv the federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps. To complv with the mandate of Rille 9J-5.006(4)(c) F.AC. which reQuires an appropriate mix of residential and nonresidential uses and to preserve commercial workinll waterfront uses. the following mix of uses shall be reauired. 1. No less than fiftv percent (50%) of each parcel. in"'lIduIJUmlJ.II.ll[lmd lands. proposed for redevelopment shall be utilized for working waterfront uses or port facilities as defined in F.S. Sections 315.02(6) and 342.07. 2. In order to encourage preservation of traditioniii maritime uses such as commercial fishing boatvards. warehouses nautical stores. and other port uses. no development order shall be issued that woilld result in reduction of the percentage of total upland area developed with traditional maritime uses to less than thirtv percent (30%), In order to assure compliance with this provision Monroe County shall reauire each aDPlicant for development approval to redevelop more than one upland acre within the Deep Port Harbor future land use category to submit an inventorY of (a) the traditional maritime uses and other working waterfront uses in existence within the Deep Port Harbor catelZorv at the time of development application submittal and (b) the net increase or decrease of each of those uses if the development application were granted. 3. There shall be in place prior to redevelopment of more than fifty (50) percent of the upland llfelLCOmprising the DPH future land use category : a no less than forty (40) percent of the upland comprising the Deep Port Harbor category shall be developed with nonresidential working waterfront uses or port facilities. as defined in F.S. Sec. 315.02(6) and 342.07. including but not limited to docks. 11114/2008 5 commercial fishing facilities. commercial seafood facilities. trap storage. shipping. facilities to serve ocean-going vessels. marine research. boat maintenance and repair. and marine transportation facilities: and b. no fewer than 100 residential or public lodging units. RaGa allocations for the development of state-licensed public lodging facilities mav be accomplished through transfer or competition within the Monroe County RaGa DOOI. Transfer shall be governed through the following Drocedure: RaGa allocations for the develoDment of state-licensed Dublic lodging facilities mav be accomplished onlv thromrh the transfer from: a) a lawfullv established state licensed Dublic lodginlr facility or b) a lawfullv established recreational vehicle Dark within Monroe County or c) a municiDaI division of Monroe County with a resolution from the sending local government. Public lodging facilities shall be develoDed through the transfer of RaGa exempt units. Drovided that thev are lawfullv existing and can be accounted for in the County's hurricane evacuation model. Contingent UDon the future adoption of a Monroe County comDrehensive Dlan amendment to revise the Permit Allocation Svstem to allocate a Dercentage of residentialla"owth to transient units. RaGa for Dublic lodging facilities may also be obtained through comDetition within the Monroe County Permit Allocation Svstem. .. A residential dwelling unit (RaGa) allocation mav be obtained and transferred from (a) a lawfully established State-licensed Dublic lodging facility in unincornorated Monroe County currentlv serviced bv a seDtic svstem or a Drivate Dackage Dlant that does not meet 2010 standards. (b) a lawfully established State- licensed Dublic lodging facility in any municioality in the Florida Kevs thrJl].ph 'I rg~.b.Itii!,!.fr.l!!I1 thr .1fW1ll1'?...M>J:~nl. or (c) a lawfullv-established recreational vehicle park within Monroe County or a municiDal division of Monroe County t1u:JlJ.W!J!.,!J:s.i1.l!JiblllJtqlll~tl\f.ll1',w.!!ngJJ!.clll~rp.!!!,!;P._l A residential dwelling unit CRaGO) allocation transferred to the DPH Future Land Use Category for development of a public lodging unit may be redeveloDed at the following ratios: 1. one (J) bedroom. two (2) bedroom. or three (3) bedroom public lodginlr units may be developed bv transferrin" allocations from units havin" an eauivalent nwnber of bedrooms without a reduction in thenwnber of transferred units: 2. two (2) bedroom public lodging units may be developed at the rate of ninety percent (90%) of the one (I) bedroom units being transferred: and 1l/14/2008 6 3. three (3) bedroom public lodging units may be developed at the rate of eighty-five percent (85%) of the one (]) bedroom units being transferred. Policv 101.4.19 To ensure compatibility of development in the Deep POlt Harbor catell:OlV with nearby NAS Kev West. the County shall reauire that: I. In areas identified bv NAS Kev West as being within noise contours of 65 dB DNL and above sound attenuation that complies with the following standards shall be required: in DNL 65-69 an outdoor to indoor noise level reduction of at least 25 dB: in DNL 70 and above. an outdoor to indoor noise level reduction of at least 30 dB. 2. All lights or illumination used in coni unction with street parking. signs or use of land and structures shall be shielded or otherwise arranged and operated in such a manner that it is not misleadinl! or dangerous to aircraft operating from NAS Kev West or in the vicinity thereof. 3. No operations from any development or land use in the Deep Port Harbor category shall produce smoke. glare or other visual hazards to any usable runway at NAS Kev West. 4. No operations from any development or land use ill the Deep Port Harbor category shall produce electronic interference with navigation signals or radio communication between the airfield at NAS Kev West and any military aircraft. 5. New land uses that are potential bird attractors and that NAS Kev West advises would create a safety risk to pilots and members of the public shall be prohibited or restricted. 6. A notice disclosing the fact that a parcel is located in an area that may be affected by NAS Kev West aircraft noise shall be affixed to all sales and rental contracts. lease agreements for leases greater than three months. and development orders aoplicable to anv parcel within the neep Port Harbor category on Stock Island. Receipt of the notice shall be acknowledged in writing bv the recipient. and copies of all such acknowledgements shall be provided to NAS Kev West and Monroe County. Nothing in this policy or the regulation adopted pursuant hereto shall impair the validity or enforceability of any sale. transfer. or lease or contract for the sale. transfer. or lease of anv interest in real property. nor shall anYthing in this policy or the regulation adopted pursuant hereto be deemed to create a defect in the sale. transfer or lease agreement. In addition. the notice shall be affixed to alll~.li..1Ill.ll..!l111~.LI:!'JIlsJ1lI.l.c :!J1J!lM~,r~ in the DPH land use catelmrv. .-----------...-----.--- 11/1412008 7 L$.Itsubdivision plats and conditional use approvals granted after adoption of this policY for properties in the Deep Port Harbor categorv shall contain a provision or notation indicating that all or a portion of the propertv is in an area that may be affected by NAS Kev West aircraft nOIse. 8. No modification. condition or restriction. other than the above. on anI' plan amendment. land development regulation. or development order recommended bv NAS Key West shall be req~red if its inclusion in a plan amendment. land development regulation. or development order would constitute a taking of prooerlY or would inordinatelv burden an existing use of real properlY or a vested rieht to a specific use of real properly under the Bert 1. Harris Act. No later than 90 davs after the effective date of this policv. Momoe County. militarv installations in the County. and the state land planning agencY shall initiate the comprehensive plan amendment process for adoption of a comorehensive plan amendment establishing County-wide policies for coordination with militarv installations and to establish criteria to ensure the comoatibility of development with adiacent or closelv proximate militarv installations as reauired bv Fla. Stat. Sections 163.3175 and 163.3177(6)(a). The comprehensive "Ian amendment process shall be initiated bv an initial meetine to negotiate the terms of such policies. and such meetinl!S shall continue thereafter until the plan amendment is adopt&! bv the County. ... Policy 101.4.21 Monroe County hereby adopts the following density and intensity standards for the future land use categories, which are shown on the Future Land Use Map and described in Policies 101.4.1 - 101.4.18: [9J-5.006(3)(c)7]. Future Land Use Densities and Intensities Futw'e Land Use Allocated Density (per Maximum Net Density Maximum Category And acre) (pel' buildable acre) Intensity (floor Corresponding al'ea ratio) ZoniRl! Agriculture (A) o du N/A 0.20-0.25 (no directly o rooms/spaces N/A corresnondin" zonin") Airport (AD) Odu N/A 0.10 (AD zoning) o rooms/soaces N/A Conservation (e) o du N/A 0.05 (CD zonin,,) o rooms/soaces N/A 1lf14/2008 8 Education (E) o du N/A 0.30 (no directly o rooms/spaces N/A corresnonding zoning) Indus1rial (I) I du 2 du 0.25-0.60 (I and MI zoning) o rooms/spaces N/A Deep Port Harbor I du (market rate) 2 du (market rate) 0.35-0.60 amn 5 du 7 du (DPH zoning) (,In>>!:.!!1!/tle/workforce/ (l~tli!~!labM\lworkforce/ emplovee) emplovee) 12 units (public lodging) 15 units (public lodging) Institutional (INS) o du N/A 0.25-0.40 (no directly 3-15 rooms/spaces 6-24 rooms/spaces correspondin2 zoning) Mainland Native om du N/A 0.10 (MN) (MN zoning) o rooms/spaces N/A Military (M) 6du 12 du 0.30-0.50 (MF zoning) 10 rooms/snaces 20 rooms/spaces Mixed 1-6 du 6-18 du 0.10-0.45 Use/Commercial 5-15 rooms/spaces 10-25 rooms/spaces (MC)(g) (SC, UC, DR, RV, and MU zonin2) Mixed Approx. 3-8 du 12du 0.25-0.40 Use/Commercial o rooms/spaces o rooms/spaces Fishing (MCF)(g) (CFA, CFV(c), CFSD zoning) Public Facilities (PF) o du N/A 0.10-0.30 (no directly o rooms/spaces N/A correspondin2 zoning) Public Odu N/A 0.10-0.30 Buildings/Grounds o rooms/spaces N/A (PB) (no directly corresponding zoning) Recreation (R) 0.25 du N/A 0.20 (PR zoninl() 2 rooms/spaces N/A Residential 0-0.25 du N/A 0-0.10 Conservation (RC) o rooms/spaces N/A (OS and NA zoning) Residential Low (RL) 0.25-0.50 du 5 du 0.20-0.25 (SS(d), SR, and SR-L o rooms/spaces N/A zoninj,,) Residential Medium approx. 0.5-8 du (1 N/A 0 (RM) du/lot) N/A 11/14/2008 9 (IS zoning) o rooms/spaces Residential High (RR) approx. 3-16 du (1-2 12 du 0 (IS-D(e), U~(e), and dullot) 20 rooms/spaces UR(fI'zonin 10 rooms/snaces Notes: (a) <<N/A" means that maximum net density bonuses shall not be available. (b) The allocated densities for submerged lands, salt ponds, freshwater ponds, and mangroves shall be 0 and the maximum net densities bonuses shall not be available. (e) The allocated density for CFV zoning shall be I dwelling unit per lot and the maximum net density bonnses shall not be available. (d) Maximum net density bonuses shall not be available to the SS district. (e) The allocated density for IS-D and URM zoning shall be 2 and I dwelling units per lot, respectively and the maximum net density bonuses shall not be available. (f) The maximnm net density for the UR district shall be 25 for units where all units are designated as affordable housing. (g) For properties consisting of hammocks, pinelands or disturbed wetlands within the Mixed UseJ Commercial and Mixed Use! Commercial Fishing land use categories. the 'floor area ratio shall be 0.10 and the maximum net residential density bonuses not apply. (h) Uses lUlder the categories of Agricult~ Education, Institutional, Public Facilitiest and Public Buildings and Uses, which have no directly corresponding zoning, may be incorporated into new or existing zoning districts as appropriate. (i) The Maximum Net Densily is the maximum density allowable with the use of TDRs. Ii) In the DPH Future Land Use catee:orv density and intensity bonuses allowed under PolicY 219.1.2 .are additional. (k) Notwithslandiml the above densilies and inten~ities the maximwn develooment in the DPH Future Land Use Cate20rv including incentives and bonuses shall be RIWl ,otn) DubHe lodeine units 306 ~_J,;.~qJ&clworkforcelemDlovee housinll units. and 49 market rate unils. 11) In the DPH future land use cateeorv the aDen soace ratio shall be a-1I1.inimum (tfO:20 (20%) lUlll...m.ns.is.1U!lLu:.lt.h thSLom'1lJiIUltlLr.w . .", > Its fur habitnt l"U$..' '" *.- Goal 212 Monroe County shall pnonl1ze shoreline land uses and establish criteria for shoreline development in order to preserve and enhance coastal resources and to ensure the continued economic viability of the COlmty. (9J-5.0l2(3)(a); 9J-5.013(2)(b)2] ... Objective 212.4 By January 4, 1998, Monroe County shall complete an analysis of the need for additional marina facilities and shall develop criteria for marina siting which shall meet or exceed state standards. (9J-5.012(3)(b)1,2 and 3; 9J-5.013(2)(b)2] ... Policy 212.4.4 Applicants for development approval of marinas with three (3) or more slips, other than marinas in existing harbors located in the DeeD Port Harbor Future Land Use Category. shall meet the following: I. Monroe County's marina siting criteria (See Policy 212.4.3); and 11/14/2008 10 2. Monroe County's dock siting criteria (See Objective 212.5 and related policies); and 3. criteria of Rule 17-312 Part IV and Rule 18-21.004, F.AC. [9J- 5.012(3)(c)I,2,3 and 8; 9J-5.013(2)(c)1 and 61 Pursuant to the inherent maritime characteristics of the Deep Port Harbor !DPHl Future Land Use Categorv. a9plicants for develoDment aDDroval for marinas and port facilities in the DPH Future Land Use Categorv may obtain a Countv building Dermit as of riebt for the construction of marinas and DOrt facilities. including docking facilities of any dimension. upon Dresentation of renuired permits from state and federal rel!U!atorv agencies having iurisdiction to authorize that develoDment. and Davment of the aDDlicable building Dermit fee. ... Policy 212.4.7 Applicants for a permit to develop a new marina or eXDand an existing marina facilitv shall obtain necessary permits from all applicable state and federal regulatory agencies prior to issuance of a County permit. [9J-5.012(3)(c)1,2,3 and 8; 9J-5.013(2)(c)1 and 6] .. . Policy 212.5.4 The following restrictions shall apply to all structures built over or adjacent to water (including but not limited to boat docks, fishing piers, swimming piers and observation decks). exceDt the submerged lands in the DeeD Port Harbor Future Land Use Categorv lving outside the Main Ships Channel: 1. the maximum permitted length of docks shall be commensurate with the shoreline width of the land parcel at which the dock is located, subject to a maximum length of 100 feet from the mean low water line; ... Goal 213 Monroe County shall ensure adequate public access to the beach or shoreline. [9J-5.012(3)(a); 9J-5.013(2)(a)] Objective 213.1 Monroe County shall maintain and increase the amount of public access to the beach or shoreline consistent with the estimated public need and environmental constraints. [9J- 5.012(3)(b)9] II/14/2008 11 Policy 213.1.1 Monroe COlUlty shall complete a Public Access Plan for lUlincorporated Monroe County. The Public Access Plan shall estimate the existing capacity of and need for the following types of public access facilities: 1. public access points to the beach or shoreline through public lands; 2. public access points to the beach or shoreline through private lands; 3. parking facilities for beach or shoreline access; 4. coastal roads and facilities providing scenic overlooks; 5. marinas; 6. boat ramps; 7. public docks; 8. fishing piers; and 9. traditional shoreline fishing areas. [9J-5.012(3)(c)9] Policy 213.1.2 Monroe COlUlty shall adopt Land Development Regulations which: 1. implement recommendations of the Public Access Plan; 2. provide for the enforcement of public access to beaches renourished at public expense by prescription, prescriptive easement, or any other legal means; 3. provide for the enforcement of public access requirements of the Coastal Zone Protection Act of 1985; 4. specify standards for transportation and parking facilities for beach and shoreline access; 5. include environmental desigu criteria which reflect environmental constraints. [9J-5.012(3)(c)9] 6. ensure adequate public access to public facilities including boat ramps, docks, and fishing piers and bridges. [F.S. 342.07 (2006)]. ***** 11114/2008 12 Goal 219 -- Community Character and Preservation of Recreational and Commercial Working WaterfJ"Onts It is the intent of the County to preserve and enhance the working waterfront identity and character of the Keys, and to promote the responsible and economically viable management of its coastal area Objective 219.1 Monroe County shall implement a strategy that provides regulatory incentives and criteria to encourage the preserntion and enhancement of recreational and economically viable commercial working waterfronts. Policy 219.1.1 The Countv shall take a oroactive role in encourlll!il\l! the maintenance and enhancement of communitv character. and economicallv. viable traditional uses on the waterfront through adherence to the following key tenets of working waterfront oreservation: 1. Protect the working waterfront bv establishing that commercial fishing activities are comDatible with other working waterfront uses including water del'endent uses. pursuant to Florida Statute 342.07. 2. Recognize the imoor!ant role of boatvards and other maritime service facilities. and encourage the maintenance and enhancement of water- deoendent SUDDOrt facilities. 3. SUPDort the continuation of DrOgramS that oroyide historical and educational information and 'training in the marine and commercial fishing industries. 4. SUDOOr! mixed use development adjacent to marinas which provides a range of services and activities for boaters and their families. includiDl! restaurants shoos. and other activities for residents and visitors. 5. Encourage Dublic access and creation ofoublic sDaces in the redeveloDment of marine facilities through the provision of Dedestrian access along the shoreline. Drotection of view sheds. and creation of public ooen SDace. giving due consideration to oublic safetv concerns. 6. Establish that non-conforrning structures that are lawfullv established and located within the DeeD Port Harbor Future Land Use catellorv and the Mixed Use/Commercial Fishing Land Use categorv. as indicated on the Future land Use maD. mav be rebuilt if damaged or destroved. orovided that thev are rebuilt to the oreexistin\! use. building footprint and configuration without increase in densitv or intensitv of use consistent with FEMA reouirements. ll/14/2008 13 7. Protect L49~!ll~,~i.dj\J!J.illtSQUare footage within the Deep Port Harbor land use category through the entitlement to NROGO exempt redevelopment of !;!I'f,[!!~t~.I\!l(,'IDli:il!ltJl square footage. 8. Provide working waterfront development incentives within the Deep P0l1 Harbor Futw'e Land Use categOlV through the separate calculation of non- residential intensitv and residential densitv. 9. Recognize the hardship for maritime uses to complv with standard regulations for parking requirements bv allowing shared parking facilities located within walking distance of a water-based transportation facilitv to satisfl' off-street parking requirements. 10. Provide OPD0l1unities for and encourage development agreements and inter-local agreements governing the use of public and private waterfront lands which promote the goals. obiectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. II. Establish that the development or redevelopment of public lodging facilities exceeding 10 rooms or 10 public lodl!ing writs will require comnliance with the inclusionarv housing requirements. 12. Recognjze the necessitv of a skilled maritime industries labor force and their inherent income requirements bv nrovidin~. that within the DPH Future Land Use category the terms "emplovee housing" and "workforce housing" shall mean housing to accommodate recreational and commercial working waterfront emplovees who lZenerate a minimum of 70% of their income from an emnlover with a Monroe Countv occunational license. Seventv nercent (70%) of all reouired affordable housing shall comnlv with affordable housing income restrictions. Thirtv percent (30%) of reouired affordable housipg built as emplovee or workforce housing for a particular development mav be permitted for skilled maritime industries labor without regard to income level. however the requirement for 70% of the anplicants' income to be derived in Monroe Countv shall applv. Market rate residential dwelling unit allocations shall be required for the emnlovee or workforce housing portion of the required affordable housing that does not comnlv with all affordable housing income restrictions and shall count toward the inclusionarv housing requirements. Policv 219.1.2 The strategy to protect and enhance recreational and commercial working waterfronts shall include the following actions: 1. Prioritv for shoreline development shall be given to water-dependent uses. In order to nrevent the loss of existing commercial harbor frontage to 1l/14/2008 14 exclusive residential use. no approval mal' be issued for permanent residential uses. excluding emplovee/workforce housing. along anI' waterfront area which maintains at least four (4) feet at mean low water at the shoreline. However. in the Deep Port Harbor Futw'e Land Use Category water-dependent facilities such as public lodging establishments mal' be constructed along the waterfront on anI' parcel that provides commercial recreational and/or public boating access to marine and coastal waters. 2. PubliC/private investment for orooertv Dfeservation either through ourchase of prooertv or purchase of the develooment rights to the propertv. 3. In the Deeo Port Harbor Future Land Use categOry the County shall provide land use intensitv and density bonuses to encourage develooment that orovides oublic access to the shorelines and waters of Monroe County and to encourage oreservation or exoansion of recreational and commercial working waterfronts. IJ'ioc.1~~1I1v~1l:!!...llLwn!'Jlafa r!'l!ar.djpl!j~ill'Jl.(I.lYll.llLth!;.exisJ.inlul~..arulwJlI:~v.at~rll:lln1 ~es~J!'Jl.LbJ)...Il.rIl.l!i!,l.c.d...1O...1hILClnIlUl'-.ilLjdJlDIllltJW:eJl.tahItL.1fLtb.e j}lo.llr.Q$_C!l\!!!l.Y~~ The bonus orogram applicable to the Deep Port Harbor Futwe Land Use Category shall include the following incentives: a. A development aoolication for redeveloomenf of a waterfront oarcel within the DeeD Port Harbor Future Land Use Category that proooses J.l2!h (I) to provide boatvard services as a orincioal use of the Darcel. or to orovide public access to marine and coastal waters including without limitation boating access through a marina open to the public. along at least seventy oercent (70%) of the oarcel's water frontaae: and (2) to construct oort facilities that will substantiallv imorove the dockage caoacitv of the oarcel orooosed for develooment.. bv exoanding dockage. measured in linear feet of oiers. docks. and wharves. to no less than one hundred ftftv oercent (150%) of the dockage existing on the orooertv as of the date of adoption of this oolicv. resulting in a ratio of no less than 200 linear feet of dockage oer one uoland acre. shall be entitled to a oublic lodging density bonus of 80% and a density bonus of 60% 1:!IJ:"'!IM~Q.lI!~cl:l!'t.l;j,j:,t!l!tJ!.ml~d,!blp. h.!'"';IIl!. and shall be further entitled to an intensitv bonus of 25% for nonresidential uses. !mRI.i'l'ILMi"thd!!;l,'LX;:).~_J!I~.l:$lll~Y...JJn.4.u. The term "exoanding dockage" as used in sub-oaragraoh 5.a.(2) above includes not onlv construction of new docks and piers but also the substantial imorovement 11/14/2008 15 of existing wharves. S,~"'~tlllls, all,l',,~m;l,,!g~ and the addition of finger piers. bollards or pilings to facilitate mooring of vessels. b. A development application for redevelopment of non-waterfront parcels within the Deep Port Harbor Future Land Use CategOli' that proposes to utilize no less than fifty Dercent (50%) of the Darcel for working watelfront uses or port facilities as defined in F.S. Sections 315.02(6) and 342.07. and to include as a principal use up the Darcel one or more traditional maritime uses such as commercial fishing boatvards. warehouses nautical stores. or other port uses shall be entitled to.1UIlL.Iifu: !mJgLqgJ!m!JiiJx'!Jm!!~q;fJM~L.llll!l.11.~.IJJdb',J!..~ !'-Ui.O_'Y~..Jm;i!J~flll'!~ rg,'i.tcil.1~~ffl!!:j/JMl~ hQlllii!!g,~djJljntl,'.ij,'iW'_ h!llll!&~~.Jm: WIJl!,;W!!~ntillL!.I,~.A!PJ!.Iir.!!.1li~t4l:..!Id,!5.J;A!l~jn.J~lnJ...u.1 c. To encourage Dreservation of commercial fishing use. a development aPDlication to redevelop a Darcel of land within the DeeD Port Harbor Future Land Use Category shall entitle the aDDlicant to a Dublic 10d2ing and llll....lllInrd1!ble ({!lmme resirictedl .l1lwsbIl! density bonus of 80% itIdwtiUJ,ba!lnl;ated .!bmsitv. transferable to any Darcel within the Deeo Port Harbor Future Land Use Category. Drovided that the aPDlication meets the following criterion: The aDDlication secures commercial fishing use of a Darcel of land within the Deep Port Harbor Future Land Use Category. bv recorded dedication in DerDetoitv. In order to meet this criterion. the DrinciDal use of the dedicated Darcel must remain in perpetuity commercial fishilllz: includinl1: such activities and facilities as dockage for fishing vessels [oarling docks and baYs trap storalre fish processing. fueling. ice/refrigeration plants. fishing Diers. and sale of seafood products, J!,l!d. uses that SUDDOrt commercial fishing such as seafood restaurants and markets. and public access structures. This bonus shall be derived from.. but mav not be utilized in the develoDment of. land dedicated to and used for commercial fishing. The dedicated Darcel used to secure this bonus shall be inelilrib[e for award of a bonus under (a) or (b). above. d. The bonuses awarded as \>rovided in sub-sections a through c above shall apDlv to. but shall not be derived from.. develoDment of a public lodging establishment. The nonresidential intensitv. Dublic lodging density. and aIIQJ:t1J1hh).housine: density of the land to which the bonus applies shall each be seDaratelv calculated. without deduction of land area occuDied by or desie:nated for another use or uses. and shall be based on the densities and intensities found in the Table of Densities and Intensities located within Policv 10 1.4.21. 11/1 412008 16 Policy 219.1.3 The County shall not vacate, diminish, or otherwise impair publicly-owned pailiways, sidewalks, roads, ends of roads, parking areas, docks or boat launching facilities, and oilier access points iliat are currently used, or susceptible to use by the public to access the shorelines. Policy 219.1.4 The County shall collaborate and coordinate wiili Keys municipalities, mainland coastal counties and municipalities, and State and Federal agencies on issues affecting recreational and commercial working waterfronts. To accomplish this, the County shall: 1. Participate in The Waterfronts Florida Partnership Program. This program helps participating communities develop a plan to revitalize, renew and promote interest in their waterfront districts; 2. Ensure consistent and coordinated implementation of the Stock Island Livable CommuniKeys Plan and the Comprehensive Plan, LDRs, and other activities designed to preserve the working waterfront. 3. Coordinate with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to implement the recommendations of the 2006 Recreational Boating Access in Florida State Parks study to increase recreational boating access within the state parks located in Monroe County. 4. Coordinate with municipalities in Monroe County and Miami-Dade County, the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) / Area of Critical State Concem Program, the Florida Department of Transportation, NOAA! Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Everglades National Park, Biscayne National Park, and Florida Sea Grant. '* '* * * Objective 219.7 To protect and increase the extent of publicly owned access to its shorelines and navigable waters. Policy 219.2.1 The County shall inventory the waters of Monroe County to determine appropriate sites for one or more public anchorages and mooring fields that shall be available to the boating public on a first come, first served basis. 11114/2008 17 Section 2. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 3. ReDeal of Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 4. Transmittal. This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secreaty of the State of Florida but shall not become effective until a notice is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administrative Commission finding the amendment is in compliance with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a special meeting of said Board held on the 3m day of December, 2008. Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Murphy Commissioner Kim Wigington Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk Mayor 18 NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOCC MEETING NOTICE OF ATTORNEY-CLIENT CLOSED SESSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENTS TO THE MONROE COUNTY 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REGARDING THE WORKING WATERFRONT CONTINGENT UPON APPROVAL BY THE MONROE COlMY BOARD Of COUNTY COMUISS(otlERS at their reguJarIy scheduled meeU,", on New""'" 18, 2008, a gp.eiIl Meelln9 of Ihe Board wi be held on Wednesdly, Deoember 3, 2008 beginning at 10:00 A.M. in the Hltwt Govemment center, 1200 Troman Avenue, Key west, Monroe County, F1C1rlda. At 1M Sp<<:ial MeeIkItI. ~l'SlllnllD SecIia1286.011(8), FIatda statutes, an Atl<<ney-CIlent Closect SeISion Mil be held 10 dlSClSCpencIilg litigation In lhell'llltW of DepalfmedofCMJmtlityAlfl/rs v. Monme County, "tII..DOAHoa.2035. Fobdng lheAltomey-ClenICloS9dSes:sion.lheBo8rdWllconsiderproposals k1regJlalelheUJeoflllndv.fthinllflillCCl'pCQ.l.edMorroeCounty. ^ PUBLIC HEARING wlllake place on Dtcemblr 3, 20088110:00 AM., ar u soon lhllufter as may be he.d, at Harvey Government Cenler, 1200 Truman Av.nue, KtyW.st, Mome ColDlty, florida Iorevlewal\d receive pub commWltfor lhefoRov.ingitems; 1. CONSIDERATlDN O~ A COMPUANCI'! AGIiII!"~1!HT WITH THE DfPARTMENT OF COMIIWfI'Y AFFAIRS CONCERNING THE YlAR 2OII1oOi ANEr<<r/lEtflS TO MONROE COUIfJY YEAR 2010 COMPREt!ENBlY! PLAN RElATING TO THE. WOIlI<lNCJ WA. TERFRONr,INa.UDlNO BUT NOT UMITEO TO CREATION OF A HCW fUTURE LAND USE MAPDBIGNATION CALLED DEEP PORT HARBOR ~D WORKfiQ; WATERFRDHT PReSERVATION AND ENHANCEMeNT INCENTIVES INCLUDING A DENSITY BONUS PROGRAM AHD SPEctAL De\lB.C1PM!NT CONSIDeRA110NS. 2. AN ORDINANCE OF THE NONR~ COUNT'!' ROolRn l'lF COUNTY COMMlUIOIlIERS ADOPTING AMI!fiDM~TS TO THE MONROE COUNTY 2110 COMPRHNSIVE PLAN PURBUANTTO A COMPlWlCE AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARrMEttT OP' COMMUNITY AFFAfl.S ACCORDING TO FLA. STAT, 1163J18-4; AMENOJNG THE FUTLRE LAND USE fLeMENr AND THE C0N- SERVATION AIIID COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT REGARDING RECREATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL WORMINQ WATER- FRONTS: AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE al~II!NI' AND THE FUTUIt! !.AND US! MAP TO CREflTE THE DEEP PORT HARBOR FUTURE 1.AND USE CATEGORY; ESTABUSHING AllOWED USES AND DfYELOPNENT CRf1!RIA FOR THE DEEP PORT HARBOR AITURE LAND USE CATEOORY ANDWORKHO WATERJIIRClHT PRESERVATION AND EMfANCEMENr IHCEN. TIVES INCLUQtlOA DENSIT'fBONUS PROGRAM AND SPECIAL OEVELOPIIENT CONSlDERATlOtfS;ADOPTlNG AlTURELAflID USE GOAL, OBJ!CTIVES AND POUCIES RELATED TO COMPAnBLITY OF DEYfLOPIlfNT WlT1i MUTAR'f INSTALLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEYWIIIIJI'Y AND REPEAl. OF INCON&I&TEHr PR~S; PROVIDING FOR TRAMimTAL TO THE Of. PARTMENTOF COIlll1UNrrY AFFAIRS; PRCMOlHG AN EFFECTIVE OAT!. TllIshelllll'lQlIb"lIhelcllll~.WdhV\l!lprcr.o_tASIctIQII95-S11ofIheMonll>>~IltfCode,IlIldChlp~'25.661111d 163.3187, of !he Aoride SIdJIn. Copier d 1lle prqxlnd d!q8llre availllblt IlIIhe "nning Oeperlm.nl cll'1CU In Mallllbon llIld Planltllon Key<llllng normalbusinesG hotn andonlM 11 w.rrw.mOlHoeeountj.flgov PlIISUIIl\ 10 Florida S1Ilute 2M.OlOO, lhaCCWltyhBtellyadYllll5lheptlbiGlNIliflptnOndleldas roappullll)'~mDby lbis Ccmrntmlnwilh re~ 10 any malttf eclIIlclhd 81 its ~ or lis hwrllSl, Ihev must emwre lIlal \IleWfbalm recordoflhe plOCeed- mg 18 madli, whi:ll reoord ~llDas Ihllllllllimonyll'lll8Via'erce upon lIIllich lhlllppllll ill baed ADAAnislllnca"l\nyolM rIllliIdIng splICl8I (d$lSlInoellllle eolrdol CotJ1lyCcmm~1onor$ Heering<be loa dsabilyahouldccnlacllhePlamtng OepIrlmenl by 5 PM on Novem. ber~,200812ll9-2500 Monroe CO~. n y " - L SaD.; '"it ~ ::f.; ." ":>.. """"'-' ....4 ~,.., " .."" - ~ lneot ~ Andrew Orner Trivelte, Director Growth Management. Division 2798 Overseas ffighway, Sole 410 Marathon, Florida 33050 {JC5)289-2600 - \', i