Resolution 041-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 041 -2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, EXTENDING THE DEFAULT DATE FOR THE SHIP MORTGAGE ISSUED FOR WOODS CORNER. WHEREAS, on July 23, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County (County), Florida, executed a SHIP construction mortgage in the amount of $315,000 with the Middle Keys Community Land Trust (MKCLT) for affordable housing at Woods Corner, Islamorada, Florida; and WHEREAS, the mortgage was due and payable on April 30, 2008; and WHEREAS, MKCL T has obtained certificates of occupancy on some of the units but is not prepared to write a check to the County for the amount of the construction loan; and and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that SHIP mortgages will be executed for each unit purchase; WHEREAS, the SHIP budget has some administrative monies budgeted which could be transferred through a companion resolution to cover the issuance of the individual purchase mortgages until the construction mortgage is satisfied through checks to be issued by MKCL T at each closing; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to extend the due date on the construction loan mortgage in the amount of $315,000 and recorded at OR Book 2310, Pages 1991 through 1995, or to find the mortgagorindemutt;and WHEREAS, the County has previously agreed to extend the due date on the construction loan; and WHEREAS, MKCLT needs additional time to complete the sales of the Woods Corner units or face defautt; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida that: Section I. The previously extended due date of January 31,2009, of the $315,000 SHIP mortgage between the mortgagor Middle Keys Community Land Trust (MKCLT) and the mortgagee Monroe County (County) is hereby extended to March 31, 2009. Section 2. This resolution shall be effective as of January 31, 2009. Res Extend Due Date MKCLT SHIP Mtg On Woods Comer to 3/31/2009 Page 1 of 2 Pages PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 28th day of January, 2009. flf1~~~, ),,,:(; ~~1~b~t;, .""~ ,.. ..,' 0'.'~" C'. ''''~~4. KOLHAGE, Clerk '\':"'. ~':':~:"-~--;:'~~-'>--; "li,_":/" ~t?-~ Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Murphy Commissioner Kim Wigington Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario DiGennaro ....Y..illL ~ ~ ~ ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~"..~.. 'r).,.",.,e.d- Mayor/Chairman :.;:: 0 i "Tl <0 3> r- z"::z: m IT1 Xlr:z:: C 0,..,,-< ""';;:0 "Tl 0:;0:::- C) 0 on:;o: ::0 <::-0 ~ ::0 ::Z:?Or .....,,:1: IT1 :<;-13> CD (") C> - 0 ..." en ::0 r IT! G\ C AS NTY ATTORNEY t ,z.., <r., ~~~EOUNTY fJzl:;D AS PEDRO J. o Res Extend Due Date MKCLT SHIP Mtg On Woods Corner to 3/31/2009 Page 2 of 2 Pages RI'JInLU'IlON NO. 504 - 2008 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNtY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNtY, FLORIDA, EXTENDING THE DEFAULT DATE Il'OR THE SHIP MORTGAGE ISSUED Il'OR WOODS CORNER. WBl:REAS, on luly 23, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners of Momoe County (County), Florida, ex......Jted a SIDP coDBtrUction IDOI't8Iie in the amount of 1315,000 with the MidcIle Keys Community Land Trust (MKCLT) fur aft'ordable housing at WoocIa Comer, IsIamonda, Florida; and WHEREAs, the mortgage was due and payable on April 30, 2008; and WHEREAS, MKCLT baa obtained certit1cate8 of oceupancy on some of the units but is not prepared to write a check to the County fur the amount of the conatruction loan; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that SIDP mortgages will be executed fur each unit purchase; and WHEREAs, the SIDP budget baa some administrative monies budgeted which could be transferred through a companion raoJution to cover the i88Ul.DCe of the individual purchase mortgages until the construction mof't81t8e is satisfied through checks to be issued by MKCL T at each closing; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to extend the due date on the constnJction loan IDOI't8IP in the amount of $315,000 and recorded at OR Book 2310, Pages 1991 through 1995, or to find the rnortgasor in deflwlt; and WHERl:AS, the County previously asreed to extend the due date on the construction loan; and WHEREAs, MKCLT needs additional time to complete the sales of the Woods Comer units or fiu:e default; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the BoIrd of County Commissioners of Momoe County, Florida that: Section I The previously extended due date of November 30,2008, of the $315,000 SIDP mortgage between the mof't81t8or Middle Keys Community Land Trust (MKCLT) and the .IIIOI't8a8ee Momoe C~ (County) is hereby ~ed to lamwy 31, 2009. Section 2 This resolution shall be effective as of December 17, 2008. Res ExlIInd Due DlII:e MKCLT SHIP to 2,132,109 1 Mtg an Woods Comer . " PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Couuty Commisaio1llll'l of Monroe Coumy, Florida, at a regular ...-i"B of Slid Board hold on the 17th day of December, 2008 ;:';~~;Z~;~~~<"" J~if., \S\\ -~>i\' j!~{/.."t.. \ -'.'1f. ~-':{_ :It~: 'h(""\.~'*. c';,' ,~' \,.,Q ~~., Jt -', '1;\,~7Y "'~9ANNY L, KOLHAGE, Clelk .ya..-'~rM~ Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Murphy Commissioner Mario DiGeooaro C(.\tnmi...ioner Kim Wigington Commissioner Heather Carruthers I!.!- I!!.- !!.L- !!.L- ID- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~~ L~ >nol.A4.'~ Mayor CADO /: _ I ATTORNEY 1I Z-21 d ~ '""') -:.j - , R8B ExtIIlnd Due oae MKO. T SHIP to 1/31/09 2 Mtg on Woods eon-