Resolution 019-2009 Resolution No. _______ 012__.2009 OMR Schedule Item Number 12 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Conmlissioners of Monroe County, Florida to illCfc3se items to account !()f unanticipated funds in the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal Ycar 2009 /lOW therefore, .'\ RESOLUTION CONCERNrNG THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNOS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE IJOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORmA, that the following aCCOUllIs of the Monroe County Budge1 Jar the Fiscal Y car 2009 be <llJd the same is hereby increased by the amount hcreina1lcr set forth: Fund #125 - Governmental Fund Type Grants Cost Center # 6153409 - Older Americans Act -HIE OffclfDiv# 1016 Function 5600 Activity 5640 Revenue: 125-6153409-3316900 H 125-6153409-381001 GT Federal Grants Trsfr fm Gen. Fund $54,560.00 $ 0.00 Total Revenue $54,560.00 Appropriations: 125-6153409-510120-Salaries 125-6153409-5102IO-Fica ] 25-6153409-51 0220-Retirern ent 125-6153409-510230-Group Insurance 125-6153409-510240-Worker's Compensation 125-6153409-530310-Professional Services 125-6153409-530340-0ther Contractual Services 125-6153409-530400_ Travel 125-6153409-530410-Communications & Postage 125-6153409-530440-Rentals 125-6153409-530451-Risk Management 125-6153409-530460_Repair & Maint 1 25-6153409-530470-Printing 125-6153409-530498-Advertising 125-6153409-530510-0ffice Supplies 125-6153409-530520-0perating Supplies 125-6153409-530540-BooksfPu bs/Su bs $ 7,060.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 40,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Total Appropriations: $54,560.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of tile above onanticipated fu"ds, is hereby authorized and directed to plaee funds in said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a reguiar meeting of said Board the 28th day of January AD 2009. Mayor Neugent Yes Mayor Pro Tern Murphy y p ~ Commissioner Wigington Y 9S Commissioner Carruthers Yes Commissioner Di Gennaro Yes held on :r 0 o ):> Z("')_ :::Or-;; o rrt.....- trl ;.0 -< (JAr On=-: C::-o Z.?Or- ~ -{ ("')~ . =<;-tl> C5 .." C') .. r- ", ~ MONROE COUNTY .ATTORNEV 1'l"A!'P'RqvE~ AS TO FORM: ~ ~On.u--~rf1f1h ~/1 CHRISTINE M. LIMBERT-BARROWS I".SSISTANT COUNlY Ji.TTORNEY Date !J 11At:iJalQtB J I i N CJ\ ~ r- m o .." o ~ ::c rq C"') <:> :0 CD BO~ARDOUNTY COMfj,SSIONERS ONROEC~T OroOA -L- ;y;- ~. ~'e.{/" Mayor/Chairman By: (Seal) C7-=e~ D,c- ./ Item 12 unant oaa 3e AA-929 6153409