05/15/2002 Agreement
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GircuR Goun
Danny L. Kolhage
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Phone: (305) 292.3550
FAX: (305) 295-3663
e-mail: phancock@monroe-cIerk.com
TO: Timothy McGarry, Director
Growth Management Division
ATTN: Colleen Gardner
Executive Assistant
FROM: Pamela G. Hanc~
Deputy Clerk a
DATE: June 27, 2002
At the May 15, 2002, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and
authorized execution of the fOllowing:
/ Interlocal Agreement between Monroe County and the Monroe County Sheriff's Office to authorize the
transfer of funds to Monroe County for the funding of the Florida Keys Affordable Housing Coordinator.
Interlocal Agreement between Monroe County and the City of Key West to authorize the transfer of funds to
Monroe County for the funding of the Florida Keys Affordable Housing Coordinator.
Interlocal Agreement between Monroe County and the City of Key Colony Beach to authorize the transfer of
funds to Monroe County for the funding of the Florida Keys Affordable Housing Coordinator.
Agreement between Monroe County and Mr. Ed Swift to donate funds to Monroe County for the funding of
the Florida Keys Affordable Housing Coordinator.
Agreement between Monroe County and the Lodging Association to donate funds to Monroe County for the
funding of the Florida Keys Affordable Housing Coordinator.
Agreement between Monroe County and the Key West Chamber of Commerce to donate funds to Monroe
County for the funding of the Florida Keys Affordable Housing Coordinator.
Enclosed is a copy of each of the above mentioned for your handling. Should you have any
questions please feel free to contact our office.
Please note we did not receive back the Interlocal Agreement between Monroe County and the City of
Layton to authorize the transfer of funds to Monroe County for the funding of the Florida Keys Affordable Housing
Coordinator. Let me know the status as soon as possible. thanks.
County Administrator w/o documents
County Attorney
Inter local Agreernent
Whereas, the Department of Community Affairs convened the Florida Keys Affordable Housing
Task Force in 2001 in order to develop a coordinated, multi-faceted strategy to preserve and
increase the stock of affordable housing in the Florida Keys;
Whereas the Task Force consisted of representatives from the Department, local governments,
other local agencies (Sheriff, School Board, etc.), private and non-profit sector and concerned
citizens to ensure participation by all community sectors;
Whereas, the Department and South Florida Regional Planning Council provided support services
for the Task Force, including facilitation, research and analysis and meeting reports;
Whereas, the Task Force met February 22nd and 23rd, June 5th and September 24th and identified
obstacles to affordable housing and strategies for improving opportunities for affordable housing;
Whereas, the Task Force determined that constructing new affordable housing units represents
only part of the solution to the housing deficit and that a multi-faceted strategy must include
housing preservation, rehabilitation, redevelopment and control of potential demand resulting
from land use decisions;
Whereas, the Task Force reached consensus on the need for each local government to adopt
Affordable Housing Action Plans that provide specific, multi-faceted strategies which shall be
implemented according to a specified time schedule;
Whereas, the Task force reached consensus regarding the need for each jurisdiction or entity to
provide funding to employ an affordable housing coordinator and to execute an inter local
agreement specifying the funds they will contribute;
Whereas, Monroe County should execute a contract with the Department of Community Affairs,
Division of Housing and act as the administrator of funds from the various jurisdictions providing
funding for the coordinator;
Whereas, the Task Force appointed a Selection Committee composed of Rebecca Jetton
representing the Department of Community Affairs, Nora Williams representing Monroe County,
Rick Casey representing the Monroe County Housing Authority and subsequently that Selection
Committee appointed Peter Rosasco representing Affordable Housing Developers and Jaimie
Ross representing the Environmental Community to form the Oversight Committee;
Whereas, the Oversight Committee will work with the County Manager to hire the selected
person, establish the goals of the contract and work products to be accomplished, certify that work
products have been accomplished satisfactorily and in accordance with state law and audit
requirements prior to payment; maintain records, provide direction to the Coordinator, direct the
completion of work products and provide reports to the funding sources.
Whereas, the signing of this document indicates the solidarity of purpose achieved by this group
to ensure continued coordination among local governments, local agencies, and public and private
sector entities to facilitate housing preservation, redevelopment and construction.
Now Therefore, The Monroe County Sheriffs Office agrees that the signing ofthe agreement is a
commitment to forward funding to Monroe County in the amount of $ 5,000 within thirty days of
execution of this agreement demonstrating support for the hiring of an Affordable Housing
Coordinator who will achieve the tasks outlined below:
. Begin to work with affordable housing developers, local governments, the Land and
Housing Authorities, local banks, and state and federal agencies to identify funding
. Develop and coordinate an ongoing partnership among affordable housing agencies,
developers, local banks, and local governments.
. Work with local governments, developers and affordable housing agencies to identify and
acquire sites suitable for affordable housing.
. Begin to assist local governments in development or modification of comprehensive plan
policies and land development regulations which are necessary to implement an adopted
affordable housing strategy by:
Gathering and analyzing information
Providing model language from other communities
Encouraging mutually supportive policies
Drafting needed changes and providing to planning director
. Work with affordable housing developers, local governments, the Land and Housing
Authorities, local banks, and state and federal agencies to obtain funding and approval for
the identified affordable housing projects.
. Begin to assist local governments in identifying and assigning to specific projects the
affordable housing allocations recently made available by DCA and develop a list of
vacant developable land.
. Work with the private and non-profit sectors to facilitate their effective participation in the
adopted local government affordable housing strategy.
. Work with staff ofthe House Committee on Local Government and Veterans Affairs on
the preparation and adoption of appropriate legislation pertaining to affordable housing in
the Keys.
. Develop mechanisms to overcome neighborhood objections to affordable housing
. Assist in obtaining local government approvals for housing projects.
. Work with the Chambers of Commerce throughout Monroe County to develop
coordinated information centers to provide affordable housing information to residents and
people interested in moving to the Keys. (This would include coordination between Key
West-Monroe County Housing Authority and the Chambers on publication of this
information in the Chamber newsletters and between the School Board for inclusion on
their web site.)
. Develop a collaborative partnership with financial institutions in Monroe County to ensure
a high level of participation in affordable housing projects.
. Work with the law enforcement agencies, the School Board, and medical workers to form
a consortium for Public Service Housing.
. Develop a financial literacy program for residents interested in affordable housing.
. Act as a clearinghouse for affordable housing projects so that ROGO units and Nutrient
Reduction Credits are pooled and transferred as needed.
This constitutes the entirety ofthe agreement and
Rick Roth, Sheriff
Monroe County
shall become effective on the last day of
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Date . I
Sonny M~y, Mayor
Monroe County
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