Resolution 084-2009 Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. 084 - 2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY CLOSING OF THE NORTHBOUND LANES OF US 1 FROM MM 98.2 TO MM 100 FROM 10 AM TO 11:30 AM. ON THE 4TH OF JULY 2009. WHEREAS, The Reporter Newspaper annually sponsors the 4th of July parade in Key Largo; and Whereas, it is necessary to temporarily close the Northbound Lanes of US 1 from MM 98.2 at Anthony's Clothing Store to MM 100 at the Holiday Inn from 10 AM to 11:30 AM for the Parade; and Whereas, the 4th of July Parade usually has between 65 to 70 floats, groups, bands, etc. and Whereas, The Florida Department of Transportation has requested the Monroe County also authorize the closure as stated herein; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA hereby authorizes the closing of the Northbound Lanes of US 1 from MM 98.2 at Anthony's Clothing Store to MM 100 at the Holiday Inn from 10 AM to 11:30 AM for the Annual 4th of July Parade sponsored by The Reporter Newspaper. Passed and Adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th Day of March, 2001. 0 ~ -ry Q)>~- Mayor George Neugent y es ~~ I ~ ,~iGennaro Yes ~~: ~ d )gington Yes g~8 ~ mmissioner Murphy Yes ~n~ ~ ~ rruthers Yes :<;-i)> t.ft ("') ,., C') ';;" 0 r- f'T1 ell ::0 CD 0 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida ~~~.. 'oJ~c:~ By I Mayor George Neugent Board of County Commissioners . . HUTTON (>)~"II';Y~I rEV ~..~ 0':1" . ,_.'_._OO,"-~' __._. .. '... -,- ,-~~"",--~Uj -- STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY CLOSING/SPECIAL USE OF STATE ROAD 850-040-65 MAINTENANCE 03/06 Instructions: 1. Obtain signatures of local law enforcement and city/county officials. 2. This form must be submitted by the local governmental authority to FOOT to obtain written approval. Allow adequate time for the review. 3. Attach any necessary maps or supporting documents. NAME OF ORGANIZATION Monroe County ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, FL 33040 PERSON IN CHARGE David Goodhue DATE 2/27/2009 TELEPHONE NUMBER (305) 292-4741 TITLE OF EVENT The Reporter 4th of July Parade DATE OF EVENT 7/4/2009 STARTING TIME OF EVENT 10AM DURATION OF EVENT (APPROX.) 2 Hours ACTUAL CLOSING TIME (INCLUDING SETTING UP BARRIERS, ETC.) 12 PM PROPOSED ROUTE (INCLUDE STATE ROAD NUMBER, SPECIFIC LOCATION, ETC. -INCLUDE MAPS) U.S. 1 Northbound lanes, MM 98.2 at Anthony"s Clothing to MM 100 at Holiday Inn. DETOUR ROUTE (INCLUDE ALTERNATE ROUTES -INCLUDE MAPS) U.S. 1 Southbound NAME OF DEPT. RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL, ETC. (CITY POLICE, SHERIFF'S DEPT., FLORIDA HWY. PATROL, ETC.}(INCLUDE PRECINCT NO.) Monroe County Sheriffs Office SPECIAL CONDITIONS Maintenance of traffic as indicated on the attached letter to FOOT, District 6, Miami, FL THIS SECTION IS TO BE COMPLETED WHEN PERMITTING SPECIAL USE OF A STATE ROAD FOR FILMING LICENSED PYROTECHNICS OPERATOR LICENSE NO. APPROVAL OF LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT LIABILITY INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE COVERAGE AMOUNT $0.00 ($1,000,000 MINIMUM) LENGTH OF COVERAGE DAYS FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION APPROVAL FOR LOW FLYING FILMING ADDITIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE AMOUNT $0.00 ($5,000,000 MINIMUM) TYPED NAME AND TITLE (INCLUDE BADGE.NO IF APPROPRIATE) DATE SIGNED Sheriff Robert P. Peryam D~4;I, TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF CITY/COUNTY OFFICIAL DATE SIGNED Roman Gastesi AUTHORITIES: CHAPTER 14-65, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: RULES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - TEMPORARY CLOSING AND SPECIAL USE OF STATE ROADS. SECTIONS 337.406(1}, 496.06 AND 316.008. FLORIDA STATUTES. 850-040-65 MAINTENANCE 03/06 The Permittee, shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Department and all of its officers, agents, and employees from any claim, loss, damage, cost, charge, or expense arising out of any acts, actions, neglect, or omission by the Permittee, its agents, employees, or subcontractors during the performance of the Contract, whether direct or indirect, and whether to any person or property to which the Department or said parties may be subject, except that neither the Permittee nor any of its subcontractors will be liable under this Article for damages arising out of the injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the SOLE negligence of the Department or any of its officers, agents or employees. Contractor's obligation to indemnify, defend, and pay for the defense or at the Department's option, to participate and associate with the Department in the defense and trial of any damage claim or suit and any related settlement negotiations, shall be triggered by the Department's notice of claim for indemnification to Contractor. Contractor's inability to evaluate liability or its evaluation of liability shall not excuse Contractor's duty to defend and indemnify within seven days after such notice by the Department is given by registered mail. Only an adjudication or judgment after highest appeal is exhausted specifically finding the Department SOLELY negligent shall excuse performance of this provision by Contractor. Contractor shall pay all costs and fees related to this obligation and its enforcement by the Department. Department's failure to notify Contractor of a claim shall not release Contractor of the above duty to defend. It is understood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein set out are granted only to the extent of the State's right, title, and interest in the land to be entered upon and used by the Permittee, and the Permittee will, at all times, assume all risk of and indemnify, defend and save harmless the State of Florida and the Department from and against any and all loss, damage, cost, or expense arising in any manner on account of the exercise or attempted exercises by said Permittee of the aforesaid rights and privileges. During the event, all safety regulations of the Department shall be observed and the holder must take measures, including placing and display of safety devices, that may be necessary in order to safely conduct the public through the project area in accordance with the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), as amended, and the Department's latest Roadway and Traffic Design Standards. In case of non-compliance with the Department's requirements in effect as of the approved date of this permit, this permit is void and the facility will have to be brought into compliance or removed from the RIW at no cost to the Department. ~ \'" \ ~~~ ~.~ Submitted by: \.) ~ \l \ 0 a V"\ 0 e..... Place 'corporate Seal ._~.. '-1.:0' G,;:;"P~7"', r:,:,:1C;.~F'CT ,i. WfHSENHUNT 1 !{~ ',~ ~.;~.~ MYCOiV1~;liSS:ON #!JD443753 . r ", EX?IRES. JUN 2L 2G09 I 'J<,,:~~: <~~~~:r~thrniIQh 1 ~t C;~ot~l In~I'r;lPr~ ~D\t()~ tUe.w5~ fle.R.... Department of Transportation Approval: This Request is Hereby Approved Recommended for approval Title Date Approved by: Date District Secretary or Designee DISTRIBUTION: Original - Permittee 1 st copy - District Maintenance Office 2nd copy - Local Maintenance Engineer