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Resolution 063-2009
Resolution No. .__O~ .2009 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.03, Florida Statutes, \0 amend the following One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund 304,2003 Revenue Bonds Fund 307,2007 Revenue Bonds Fund 308 and Big Coppitt Wastewater Fund 310, for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2008 and ending September 3D, 2009, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORiDA, that a Public Heanng was conducted on February 18, 2009, at 3;00 P.M. to One Cenllnfrastructure Surtax Fund 304,2003 Revenue Bonds Fund 307, 2007 Revenue Bonds Fund 308 and Big Coppitt Wastewater Fund 310 budgets and to adopt the amended budgets as follows; ODe Cent Infrllstr Surtax - Fund 304 Current lnc/(Dec ) Revised Re\lenues: Budget Budget 304-3 I 2600GN Discret Sales Tax 1 Cent $13,999.998.00 ($266,901.00 ) $13,733,097.00 304.361 005G I Interest Earnings $399,99800 $2.00 $400,000.00 304-381125GT TmfFmGrants-125 $1,029,547.00 ($1,029,547.00) $0.00 304-26oo0-381125GT TmfFm Grants - 125 $92,391.00 $1,029,547.00 $1,121,93800 304-389001 Less 5% FL Statute -$719,999.00 $13,344.00 -$706.655.00 304-389002 Fund Balance Forward $1 I 565095.00 $3 539 657.00 $15 104752.00 Total $26,367,030.00 $3,286,102.00 $29,653,132.00 Appropriations: 304 22004 510120 COWlty Engineer COlIstr Ml $750,586.01 ($300,000.00) $450,586.0 I 304 22004 510140 County Engineer Constr Mt $1,000.00 0.00 $1,000.00 304 22004 5102" County Engineer Constr Ml $264,292.00 0.00 $264.292.00 304 22004 530". County Engineer Conslr Mt $57,372.00 $0.00 $57,372.00 304 22006 510....530...,560... ADA Assessment $271,000.00 $0.00 $271,000.00 304 22007 530340 Med Exam Envir Mitigation $5,500.00 $0.00 $5,500.00 304 23000 530310, 560630 Phyicasl Environment $1,257,906.00 $0.00 $1,257,906.00 304 24000 5]0." General Govt Cap Proj $11,600.00 $0.00 $11,600.00 304 24000 530310 General Govt Cap Proj $20.400.00 $0.00 $20.400.00 304 24000 560620 General Govt Cap Proj $208,851.00 $2,716.00 $21 U67.00 304 24000 560640 General Govt Cap Proj $110,000.00 $0.00 :;: 11O,000.OD 304 25000 530340 Culture & Rec Proj $2,000,000.00 $0.00 $2,000,000.00 304 26000 510". Public Safety Cap Proj $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 304 26000 560620 Public Safety Cap Proj $2,230,700.00 $1,400.00 $2,232,100.00 304 26000 560640 Public Safety Cap Proj $48,328.00 $0.00 $48,32800 304 85532 590990 Reserves 304 $100,000.00 $400,000.00 $500,000.1)0 304 86502 590125 Budgeted Transfers 125 $22,667.99 $0.00 $22,667 99 304 86502 590207 Budgeted Transfers 207 $7,998,130.00 $1,221,207.00 $9,2 I 9,337.00 304 86502 590307 Budgeted Transfers 307 $3,353,697.00 SI73,552.00 $3,527,249.00 304 86502 590311 Budgeted Tran5fers 3] I $4,750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $5,750,000.00 304 86502 590403 Budgeted Transfers 403 $705,000.00 $0.00 $705,000.00 304 86502 590404 Budgeted Transfers 404 $200,000.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 304 86502 590405 Budgeted Transfers 405 $2,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 304 86502 590910 Budgeted Transfers ~ $287227.00 $287 227.00 T otlll $26,367,030.00 $3,286,102.00 $29,653,132.00 $000 $000 $0.00 2003 Revenue Bond. Fund 307 Current IncJ(Dec. ) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 307.36 I 005GI Interest Income $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 307-381163GT Transfer from Fund 163 $40,424.14 SO.OO $40,424.14 307.381304GT Transfer from Fund 304 $2,853.697.00 $673,552.00 $3,527,249.00 307.389001 Less 5% FL Statute $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO 307.389002 Fund Balance Forward $0.00 $000 Thill! Total $2,894,121.14 $673,552.00 $3,567,673.14 Appropriations: 307 24001 510... General Govt Fund 307 $36,000.00 $0.00 $36,000.00 307 24001 530310 General Govt Fund 307 $19,000.00 $0.00 $19,000.00 307 24001 530340 General Govt Fund 307 $252.000.00 $0.00 $252,00000 307 24001 560620 General GoVl Fund 307 $1,405,710.00 $0.00 $1,405,710.00 307 24003 510". Asbestos AbatementIPSB $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 307 24003 560620 Asbestos AbatemenUPSB $785,082.14 $633,891.00 $1,418,973.14 307 26501 510". Fund 307 Hwnan Svc Proj $15,228.90 $0.00 $15,228.90 307 26501 560620 Fund 307 Human Svc Proj $381100.10 $39 66 I. 00 $420 761.10 Total $2,894,121. J 4 $673,552.00 $3,567,673.l4 $000 $000 $000 Bdgt Amendment Reso Fund 304,307,308,310 2007 Revenue Bond - Fund 308 Current Inc/(Dec ) Revised Revenues: Budgel B urJgCl 308-361055UI Inlerest Income $500,001.DO ($1.00) $500,000.00 308-25002-3811250'1' TmfFm Grants. 125 $2,726.64 $0.00 $2,726.64 308-38900 I Less 5% FL Statute .$24,999.00 ($1.00) -$25,000.00 308.389002 Fund Balance Forward $15 141 303.00 $3 155910.00 U&..2.2L2JlQQ Total $15,619,031.64 $3,155,908.00 $I8.77J.,939.64 Appropriations: 308 2300~ 530340 Physical Environment Fund 30& $5,000,000.00 $3,484,&5600 $8,484,&56.00 308 24004 5104<+* Gr.r1 Govt Projs Fund JOB $28,500.00 $0.00 $28,50000 308 24004 560620 Gnrl Govt Projs Fund 308 $2,547,960.00 $0.00 $7,547,960.00 308 25002 510." Culture & Rec FIUJd 308 $5,800.00 $000 $.\800 00 308 25002 :560620 Culture & Rec Fund 308 $83,119.64 $0.00 $83, I] 9.64 308 26006 :510". Public Safety Fund 308 $24,000.00 $0.00 $24,000.00 308 26006 5303]0 Public Safety Fund 308 $ J 7,798.00 $0.00 $J7,79800 308 26006 560620 Public Safety Fund 308 $7 9J J 854.00 ($328948.00) $7582906.00 $15,619,031.64 $3,155,908.00 $18,774.939.6-1 $000 $0.00 $000 Big Coppitt Key Wastewater- Fund 310 Current Inc.l(Dec. ) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 3]0-311200GA Del Ad Valorem Taxes $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 310-334350CP State Grants $3,025,508.00 ($3,025.508.00) $0.00 310-23006-3811250T TmfFm Grants-125 $0.00 $3,025,508.00 $3.025,508.00 31O-23007-3811250T TmfFm Grants. 125 $100.000.00 $0.00 $100.00000 310-361oo5GI Interest Earnings $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 10-363 lOOGM Special Assessments $0.00 $459, J 79.00 $459,179.00 310-384oo3GM FRUFC Loan Proceeds $12,467,766.00 ($12,467,766.00) $0.00 310-23005-384003GM FR UFC Loan Proceeds $0.00 $2,589,650.00 $2,589,650.00 310-389002 Fund Balance Forward $J 281 712.00 $14548 261.00 $J5 829 973,00 Total $16,874,986.00 $5,129,324.00 $22,004,310.00 Appropriations: 3]0 23002 560630 Big Coppitt Wastewater $0.00 $914,470.00 $9J4,470.00 310 23005 550630 Big Coppitt WW Brdg Loan $12,467,766.00 $3,974,760.00 $16,442,526.00 310 23006 560630 Big Coppitt WW DEP Orant $3,025,508.00 $0.00 $3,025,508,00 310 23007 5<50630 Rockland/Geiger WW DEP Grant $133,000.00 $000 $133,000.00 310 55011 5,50630 Big Coppitt Special Assessment $12487J2.00 $240 094.00 $J 488806.00 Total $ 16,874,986.00 $5,129,324.00 $22,004,310.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of and directed to make necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board on the 18th day of February, AD 2009. the above, is hereby authorized 4~~- ~ _. t/}<" 'iY >N r--_.""~. . ~'1,;r , (~I/~\~~ ..:;:: /./' ~~ ;~. ,Ii:,~. c/.~~ ,1r 1f:;"'~f ~...,\ .:.~' ~I " ,', 'Ie ~'_:;- 1\~l!:.~ .~.. ::~"'.:)'.;..' '.' II" , ' " ' .,,., , I: .,-", .. """,,;'!:. ..;"'- <I"':';..;~ . .~'\ ..~""~.::~I}\'~: :"\","C'... "::.~."..>~;}~t:;;:','. .. ~ <.:. ," -_."~"~:~I::~:;:~~-'~:';;"~~' ~ - - - ',- -, . 't ,," '-::'-' ':,::> ~ '1::) . c. . :x 0 in> ;or-~ Of"!'l-< "';0 n~: Onx C-o x?O. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ ("):r: 'XCOUNTV, FLORIDA · :-l~ By Y-~~ ';r)~,~;;' rq Mayor Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Murphy Commissioner Wigington Commissioner Carruthers Commissioner Di Gennaro Yes Yes VP~ Yes YP.P. I ..". - r- 5 rT:I 0 . " '" 0 ::0 :I :::0 F"PI W (") 0 - ::0 r Q BdgtAmendment Reso Fund 304,307,308,310