Meeting Date:Wed. April 15, 2009
Bulk Item: Yes No X
Division: BOCC
Department. Commissioner Di Gennaro
Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Tamara Lundstrom
305 289-6000
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of appointment of Billy Wagner to the Duck Key
Security District Advisory Board.
ITEM BACKGROUND: Mr. Wagner is a long standing resident of Duck Key and has been a driving
force; serving the Keys community for three decades as an advocate for public safety and hurricane
preparedness issues. Mr. Wagner will replace Brian Walsh, who declined reappointment.
APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing
DOCUMENTATION: Included XX Not Required
Revised 1/09
Risk Management
Monroe County Boards and Committees
Appointment Information
Board or Committee: Duck Key Security Advisory Board
Commissioner Appointing Member: Mario Di Gennaro. (BOCC District 41
Name of Member:
Mailing Address:
Billy Wag lamer
302 Banyan St. (Duck Key)
Marathon, FL 33050
Phone Numbers: Work: N/A
Horne: 305 743-0605
Cell: 305 942-6546
Fax: 305 289-9290
E-mail: bill Mao er _
Date of Appointment: April 15 2009
Reappointment: No
Date Term Expires: April 15, 2012
Name of Person Being Replaced: Brian Walsh — Declined reappointment on
3/03/09, term ended 4/01/09
Fulfilling Term of: N/A
Misc. Info: Mr. Wagner has been a driving force in public safety and hurricane
preparedness in Monroe County, the State of Florida, nationally, and in the Caribbean for
three decades.
William "Billy" A. Wagner, Jr,, CEM
Emergency Management specialist
Billy is recently retired as Senior Director of Emergency Management for
B.S., Geology with a minor in
Monroe County which includes both Mainland Monroe and the Florida Keys. He
meteorology, Tulane University
held that position for 25 years this being his 26 Hurricane Season!
Professional Affiliations
Billy has over 30 years of public administration and management with extensive
experience in emergency management disaster response and planning,
particularly with tropical cyclone and severe weather events. In his current
• Excellence in Emergency
position he is responsible for public administration and management of a
Management Award from
comprehensive emergency management system, which includes disaster
the Florida Emergency
mitigation, planning, response, and recovery. Billy's actual disaster response
Preparedness Association
experience includes many severe weather events, tornados, tropical storms,
for outstanding weather
hurricanes, floods, oil spill response, mass immigration and urban search and
warning coordination and
collaboration with the
National Weather Service
Billy had the direct responsibility for the coordination of the response to the
following Tropical Cyclone Events: 1981 TS Dennis, 1982 Hurricane Alberto,
• Neil Frank Award, the
1983 TS Isidore, 1985 Hurricane Kate, 1987 Hurricane Floyd, 1990 TS Marco,
highest award given by the
1991 TS Fabian, 1992 Hurricane Andrew, 1994 TS Gordon, 1995 Hurricane
National Hurricane
Erin, 1996 Hurricane Bertha, 1996 Hurricane Lili, 1998 Hurricane Georges and
• Emergency Management
IS Mitch, 1999 Hurricane Floyd, TS Harvey, Hurricane Irene and Hurricane
Director of the Year In
Michelle., 2004 Hurricanes Charlie, Ivan. Frances, Jeanne and 2005 Dennis,
recognition of dedicated
Katrina, Rita and Wilma.
service to the citizen of
Florida for Emergency
Other related experience and practices include direct coordination with the
Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center and World Meteorological
Origination and Committee Team Leader for the FEMA /Corps of Engineers
• NWSEO Paul Revere Call
Hurricane Georges, Bertha, O"l, Fran and Floyd Response Assessment. Billy is
to Action Award for going
the only Emergency Management representative on the American Society of
above and beyond in
Civil Engineers Task Committee, which developed a set of guidelines on wind
alerting the public and the
damage investigation, for publication as an ASCE Manual of Practice
emergency management
community of the
Billy is one of the original founders of the Federal Emergency Management
impending peril from
Agency's Hurricane Liaison Team (HLT). This select group of Emergency
proposed cuts to the NWS
Management professionals with hurricane experience is specially trained to serve
in the National Hurricane Center (NHC). The primary role of the HLT is to
• Robert C. Sheets Annual
provide support to Federal, State and local officials whenever a tropical cyclone
Award for contributions to
threatens the United States and its territories in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf
hurricane preparedness for
of Mexico basins to insure that the emergency management community has the
South Florida
information needed to take proper actions in responding to the event.
• Florida Emergency
Preparedness Association
Billy spearheaded the development of the position of HLT coordinator which is
Professional of the Year
responsible to contact the State and Local emergencies managers assuring that
Award for endeavors to
they have received all the NHC products pertaining to the event and briefing
save the funding the NWS
budget; the TPC/NHC
them on any changes which may take place regarding the system between
budget, and the N
advisories. This position also has the responsibility of setting up the conference
Southern Region Office
calls between the NHC and the emergency management community and high -
and liaison work the
level officials being affected. This also includes Puerto Rico and the American
Virgin islands. He also handles any calls made to the NHC that are emergency
• FEMA's highest award, the
management related.
William "Billy" A, Wagner, Jr., CEM
Program Manager
Director's Award.
Some of his national involvements include testifying before the United States
Senate Sub -Committee regarding FEMA and local emergency management
response to Hurricane Andrew; Testified in Governor Lawton Chiles "Lewis
Report" hearing regarding impact of Hurricane Andrew including the response;
Was instrument in getting Congressional support regarding the critical need to
maintain a fully staffed National Weather Service in Key West, Florida;
Participated in over 20 nuclear power exercises; Directed the emergency
response for the Florida Keys addressing the Cuban immigration crisis;
Participated in numerous full scale US Coast Guard oil spill exercises as a
member of the Unified Command; Testified in a Congressional Field Hearing at
the National Hurricane Center regarding funding cuts effecting personal and
operations; Testified before the Senate Sub -Committee on Science, Technology
and Space regarding the National Weather Service fiscal budget.
Intrically involved with the first Southeast Florida Regional Evacuation Study
completed in 1983. Started in 1981 and completed in 1993 for the Counties of
Monroe, Miami -Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. As re -study was started in
1989 and completed in 1992.
Attended segments of the Corp of Eng tri-stale study. Work with Brian Jarvinen,
Chief of the Storm Surge Group of the National Hurricane Center for over 20
years. Involved in many post storm surge surveys From Hurricane Alicia 1983
through Hurricanes Rite 2005. Spent many hours with Brian Jarvinen and Dr.
Wilson Schaffer addressing storm surge problems along Florida and the U.S.
Coast line. As well as the Virgin Island and Puerto Rico. Participated in many
Corp of Eng evacuation studies workshops over a 25 year period. Involved in
many workshops in outreach programs involving evacuation studies in historical
evacuation responses in Florida
Has had the opportunity every coastal county in Florida including the inland
counties which were impacted by an evacuation in Florida and boarding states.
Truly under the importance of the technical data reports in the evacuation studies
and how the results are used in the emergency management communities
planning process. As well as transmitting this information to the emergency
responders and those citizens who are at risk and must respond.
Invited as the instructor for the emergency management component of the World
Meteorological Workshop at the National Hurricane Center for over 15 years
with the primary emphasis of the importance of the data produced of the
evacuation studies and this data being used by the emergency management
community for planning and response.
The most recent post storm involvement included Hurricanes Charlie, Ivan,
Frances, Jeanne, Katrina, Rita and Wilma.
From: Brian Walsh [Brian.Walsh@Halliburton,com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 1:41 PM
To: Lundstrom-Tamara
Subject: RE: Reappointment to the Security District Board
My recent purctiase of a house in Cape Coral and o-her commitments make it impossib
continue serving on the Duck Key Security Advisory Board. Please withdraw my name
Thank you,
Brian D. Walsh
From: Lundstrom-Tamara [Lundstrom-Tamara@MonroeCounty-FL.Gov]
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 1:25 PM
To:; Brian Walsh
Subject: Reappointment to the Security District Board
Donna and Brian,
Your respective appointments to the Duck Key Security District Advisory Board are expiring
the first of April. Vjould you like to continue serving on the Board? Comm. Di Gennarc
would be happy to reappoint both of you at the March 18, 2D09 BOCC meeting if you would be
interested. Please confirm as soon as possible, our agenda item filing deadline is coming
the end of this week.
Thank you,
Tamara Lundstrom
Tamara Lundstrom
Executive Assistant
Commissioner Mario Di Gennarc
Monroe County Com:uissioner - District 4
9400 Overseas Highway, Ste. 210
Marathon, FL 33050
Pn: 305 289-6000
Fx: 305 289-4610
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