Resolution 118-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 118 -2009 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE REQUEST BY SOUTH FLORIDA COUNCIL OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA FOR AN EXEMPTION OF 4,113 SQIJARE FEET OF NON-RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA FROl\l THE NON-RESIDENTIAL RATE OF GROWTH ORDINANCE (NROGO) PERMIT ALLOCATION SYSTEM IN ORDER TO REDEVELOP AN EXISTING CAMPGROUND FACILITY, COMMONLY KNOWN AS CAMP SAWYER, AT PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS WESTERLY PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2, SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, WEST SUMMERLAND KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, HAVING REAL ESTATE NUMBER 00106030.000000. WHEREAS, South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America has requested an exetnption from the Non-Residential Rate of Growth Ordinance (NROGO) permit allocation system; and WHEREAS, Policy 101.3.4 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan allows the Board of County Commissioners to exempt federally-exempt non-profit organizations from the requirements of the non-residential permit allocation system following a finding by the Monroe County Planning Commission that such activity will predominately serve Monroe County's non-transient population and not adversely impact the hurricane evacuation clearance time of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located at 33990 US Highway 1 (Overseas Highway) on West Summerland Key, approximate Mile Marker 34 (oceanside), and is legally described as Westerly Part of Government Lot 2, Section 32, Township 66 South, Range 30 East, West Summerland Key, Monroe County, Florida, having Real Estate Number 00106030.000000; and WHEREAS, during a regularly scheduled public meeting held on March 25, 2009, the Monroe County Planning Commission conducted a review and consideration of the request and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners based on the following Findings of Fact: 1. The subject property has a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation of Institutional (INS). Policy 101.4.10 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan states that the principal purpose of the Institutional (INS) land use category is to provide for institutional uses by federally tax-exempt, non-profit facilities, including, but not limited to, educational, scientific, religious, social service, cultural, and recreational organizations. Related residential and non-residential uses, including student and employee housing shall be allowed; 2. The subject property is located in a Sparsely Settled lSS) District; 3. The tier n1ap overlay designation of the subject properLY is Tier 3; 4. Pursuant to ~ 130-96 of the I\lonroe County Code, in the Sparsely Settled (SS) District, institutional uses may be pennittcd with Inajor conditional use pernlit approval if the property is identified on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) with a designation of Institutional (INS); 5. On February 19, 2008, the Planning COlnn1ission approved a request by South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of Alnerica for an anlcndlnent to the property's n1ajor conditional use permit in order to redevelop the site. The approval was n1eInorialized in Planning COlnmission Resolution No. P 12-08, which was filed and recorded on April 24, 2008; 6. The approved redevelopment plan included demolishing three (3) buildings and several accessory structures; constructing one (1) administration building, which would consist of offices, a dining area and a trading post; constructing one (1) residential counselor building, which would consist of ten (10) rOOlns to house counselors and a shared bathroOlnllaundry facility; constructing two (2) affordable employee housing units, which would provide pennanent housing for camp personnel and/or a law enforcement officer; improving six (6) existing campsites; constructing several accessory structures, including one (1) amphitheater, six (6) tiki huts and one (1) softball field; and carrying out several other associated site improvements; 7. The proposed development will result in the redevelopment of 2,564 ft2 of lawfully- established non-residential floor area on the subject property. The 2,564 ft2 of lawfully-established non-residential floor area may be replaced without going through the NROGO permit allocation system; 8. The proposed development will result in 4,113 ft2 of new non-residential floor area on the subject property. The 4,113 ft2 of new non-residential floor area must be either acquired through the NROGO permit allocation system, transferred on-site from an eligible sender site or exempted from the NROGO permit allocation system in accordance with Policy 101.3.4 of the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; 9. Condition 3 of Planning Commission Resolution No. P12-08 states "Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the 4,113 ft2 of additional non-residential floor area will have to: a) be acquired through the NROGO permit allocation system; b) transferred on-site from an eligible sender site in accordance with ~9.5-124.3 of the Monroe County Code; or c) receive an exemption from the NROGO permit allocation system by the BOCC in accordance with Policy 101.3.4 of the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan."; 10. In accordance with Policy 101.3.4 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and ~ 138-50(4) of the Monroe County Code, the Planning Commission may recommend an exemption from the NROGO permit allocation system for development activity for certain not-for-profit organizations; 11. Planning & Environmental Resources Department staff found that the applicant has demonstrated that all of the required standards shall be met and recommended approval with conditions; and WHEREAS, during a regularly scheduled public meeting held on March 25, 2009, the Monroe County Planning Commission conducted a review and consideration of the request and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners based on the following Conclusions of Law: 1. South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America is a non-profit entity, as designated by the Internal Revenue Service; ') South 17lorida Council of the Boy Scouts of Alnerjca is a social, cultural and recreational organization; 3. South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of An1erica predolninately serves Monroe County's pennanent population~ 4. The subject property is designated Tier 3 and is not within an area proposed for acquisition; 5. The request is consistent with the provisions and intent of the Monroe County Year 2010 C0111prehensive Plan; 6. The request is consistent with the provisions and intent of the Monroe County Code; WHEREAS, the Board of County COlnlnissioners has duly considered the recolnn1endations, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law of the Monroe County Planning COlnlnission and adopts them as its own~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Section 1. The preceding Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law support its decision to APPROVE the request by South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America for an exelnption of 4,113 ff of non-residential floor area from the Non-Residential Rate of Growth Ordinance (NROGO) permit allocation. Section 2. Non-residential floor area exempted under this approval may only be utilized by the Boy Scouts of America and may not be changed to a for-profit use without permit approvals and a NROGO application and receipt of a non-residential floor area allocation for the converted floor area. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of April , 2009. Mayor George Neugent Mayor pro tern Sylvia Murphy Commissioner Kim Wigington Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3, 0 c;> :P" Z ("") :;Z ::,fJi:;;'!:: C) 1"1'\ -< l~~r- (:)c::~ ;:: :;0 ~ ::~ .(j ::x: -< -fP =-no C1 r- rr'\ i :c ~ , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: A-.l;" L. '()~,e4- 'Mayor eorge Neugent .." :s -r'\ r= rf'\ o .." o ::0 ::0 f"\ C') 'i1 0 _ ::0 '" Q:) (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ~ok.t~.~ Deputy Clerk MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY PPR 0 AS TO FORM: S ~N M. GRIMSL ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY 5} Date "->??c:l/7 /" ~ -? I. ;:; tJ[J ,