04/19/1993 Agreement CERTIFICATION The local government entity certifies that: 1. The availability of SHIP fimds will be advertised pursuant to 420-9075(2)(a). Florida Statutes. A proof of publication will be provided to Florida Housing Finance Agency within sixty (60) days. 2. A maximwn award schedule to govern fimd distribution at the local level has been adopted by reference. 3. A process of selection of recipients for fimds has been established. 4. All SHIP fimds will be expended in a marmer which will ensure that there will be. no discrimination on the basis of race, handicap, creed, religion, color, age, sex, familial status, or national origin. 5. Recipients of fimds will be required to contractually commit to program guidelines. 6. The Florida Housing Finance Agency will be notified promptly if the local government entity will be Wtable to comply with the pro~ions of the Plan. 7. An amended Plan will be submitted if 500A>> of the distributed fimds have not been encwnbered by the mid-point of each fiscal year, except in State FY 1992-93. 8. The Plan conforms to the Housing Elements of the local government's Comprehensive Plan, or that an amendment to the Housing Element will be initiated at the next available opportunity to insure confonnance with the Plan. 9. Amendments to the approved Local Housing Assistance Plan shall be provided to the Agency within 21 days after adoption. 10. Loans shall be provided for periods not exceeding 30 years, except for deferred payment loans or loans that extend beyond 30 years which continue to serve eligible persons. 11. Owner-occupied houses constIUcted or rehabilitated with SHIP funds shall be subject to the recapture pro~ions contained in 8.143 (m) of the Internal Revenue Code. 12. Rental units constructed or rehabilitated with SlllP funds shall be monitored at least annually for compliance with tenant income and affordability requirements. 13. The representations contained in the Plan are true and accurate as of the date of submission. ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. CLERK By fid~)~4g..J Deputy Clerk APP,q~:/~?! -: ~~. By ~ .(/L__ ~/~'" D:;:o3 --'fJ I( 1,; ..-- (SlDP:CERT.DOC) STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROG~ LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAB CHECKLIST (Revi.ed 2/93) The local government or interlocal entity should include information in the SHIP plan narrative as specified below: . IS the plan typed on 8 1/2"x 11" paper? {9I-37.005(7), F.A.C.} . Is the plan securely bound and tabbed? {9I-37.005(7), F.A.C.} . Have two copies of the plan been sent? {S.420.9072(3); 9I-37.005(7) F.A.C.} Does at least one plan have original signatures? {9I-37.005(7), F.A.C.} Will the SHIP plan be sent to the Agency by certified mail? {s.420.9072(3); 9I-37.005(7), F.A.C.} Will the plan be sent so that the Agency will receive it by April 30, 1993? {S.420.9072(6); 9I-37.005(1), F.A.C.} I. LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN . . . A. DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL PROGRAM: MEETING SHIP PROGRAM CRITERIA . Has the local government or interlocal entity submitting the plan been identified? . Is there an interlocal agreement? {s.420.9072(5); 9I-37.002(17), F.A.C.} · Is the irtterlocal agreement attached? · Does the plan specify the number of years it will cover? circle all that apply. {9I-37.005(2), F.A.C.} CIRCLE ANSWER <5> NO GiS) NO 'CYEU NO ~ y:D NO C yEn NO CYES~NO 4ii? NO age -L YES @ NA YES @> NA @NO . age-L LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 2 . If a multi-year plan has been submitted, are the proposed program activities identified in the plan presented on an annual basis? . Does the plan document specific activities the local government will perform? {s.420.9071(13); 9I-37.005(3)&(4), F.A.C.} . Does the plan describe how the SHIP program will be implemented? {s.420.9071(13); 9I-37.005(3)&(4), F.A.C.} . Does the plan describe efforts made to facilitate the development of one or more partnerships at the local level? {s.420.9072(1); 9I-37.002(24), F.A.C.} . Does the plan describe how public input in the development of the Local Housing Assistance Plan was solicited? {s.420.9071(16); s.420.9072(1); 9I-37.002(24), F.A.C.} . Does the plan describe how the local government or interlocal entity will insure that SHIP funds will be used to increase the affordability of units for the target population? {s.420.9075(1); 9I-37.005(3), F.A.C.} . Does the plan specify how 65% of the funds will be used for homeownership? {s.420.9075(3) (a); 9I-37.007(2), F.A.C.} . Does the Plan specify how 75t of the funds will be used for construction, rehabilitation or emergency repairs? {S.420.9075(3) (b); 9I-37.007(3), F.A.C.} . Does the plan identify how the remainder of the SHIP funds will be utilized? {S.420.9072(7); 9I-~7.007(6), F.A.C.} CIRCLE ANSWER ~~9 JJNA ~ U:7'2 ~ NO 6J ~ :11:.,1. ~ ~j>~ '-ffl( ~ ~ ~..I ~ LM.If I!J ~-a ~ 1.0 ~ ..t:.t:J ~ NO~j ~ .?L'7~ ~ li9 ~e ~fz. ~ NO ~~fZ LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 3 . Does the assisted persons? F.A.C.}" plan document that Jot of the units will be occupied by very low-income {s.420.9075(J) (d); 9I-J7.007(9), . Does the plan document that an additional Jot of the units assisted will be occupied by low-income households? {S.420.9075(J) (d); 9I-J7.007(9), F.A.C.} . Does the plan identify the number of households proposed to be served by income? {S.420.9075(J) (d); 9I-J7.005(5) (a), F.A.C.} . Does the plan identify size of households projected to occupy SHIP-assisted units? {9I-J7.005(5) (a), F.A.C.} . Does the plan identify the number of special needs households proposed to be served? {9I-J7.005(5) (a), F.A.C.} . Will your plan include activities relating to homeowners hip new construction? If so, does the plan identify the following? {S.420.9075(J) (i); 9I-J7.005(5) (b), F.A.C.} Proposed average cost per unit? Proposed SHIP dollars per unit? Number of units to be produced? CIRCLE ANSWER <:;;~ ll--~z, ~ tJ-Iz.. ~it~ ~ NO.-J, ~ %1:1Z, ~ Jl.~ <ED NO NA ~ 47--/z. ~~ ~-'1.2. .~ 1{-~ ~...,..."...,~.",.~,.",..,_..~,...",___..,.....~"....,..w._,._.._............_.__"__",_,_~_"'-~'",,,,~"""""'''''''''_ LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 4 . Will your plan include activities relating to hom~ownership rehabilitation? If so, does the plan identify the following? {s.420.9075(3) (i) i 9I-37.005(5) (b), F.A.C.} Proposed average cost per unit? Proposed SHIP dollars per unit? Number of units to be produced? . Will your plan include activities relating to homeowners hip emergency repairs? If so, does the plan identify the following? {S.420.9075(3) (i) i 9I-37.005(5) (b), F.A.C.} Proposed average cost per unit? Proposed SHIP dollars per unit? Number of units to be produced? . Will your plan include activities relating to rental new construction? If so, does the plan identify the following? {S.420.9075(3) (i) i 9I-37.00S(S) (b), F.A.C.} CIRCLE ANSWER ~ NO NA '2 <;;~ '1:e ~4~ Jt.1z, NO J. ZL"7~ (!!) NO NA ~ NO .1. ~ Zl-7~ ~ li-1:z. ~ NO ~ ZL'If~ YES NO (!!9 Proposed average cost per unit? YES NO CEJ> Page - Proposed SHIP dollars per unit? YES NO <3 Page Number of units to be produced? YES NO (ii;> Page -' LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 5 . will your plan include activities relating to rental rehabilitation? If so, does the plan identify the following? {s.420.9075(3} (i); 9I-37.005(5} (b), F.A.C.} Proposed average cost per unit? Proposed SHIP dollars per unit? Number of units to be produced? . Will your plan include activities relating to rental emergency repairs? If so, does the plan identify the following? {s.420.907S(3} (i); 9I-37.00S(S} (b), F.A.C.} Proposed average cost per unit? Proposed SHIP dollars per unit? Number of units to be produced? . will any other activities be funded ~~~~ . NOTE: A SAMPLE CHART IS ATTACHED nZCH INCLUDES ALL REQUIRED CATBGORZES O~ DATA. USE OF THIS CHART WZLL FACZLZTATB RBVZBW BY THE AGENCY. CIRCLE ANSWER ~ NO NA ~ j<? NA ~ ~f2- ~ 1,o-'Il.A ~ l}-.{E @) NO NA <S ~O NA Page ~1Z. ~ NO NA Page ~"Iz,. ~ NO NA Page ZL-6{z.. Jjj) NO NA Page Z,I-r'~ Page Page Page -- ~ ......_----~..~~--~,.....,........'"'~..--~,.",."..~.......~..""-,-_._-, *'---" ~.__....- ----~~- LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 6 . Is there a list of proposed sales price(s) or range of acceptable sales prices for new and existing homes? (Sales price may not exceed 90% of the median area purchase price). {s.420.907S(3) (c); 9I-37.00S(S) (c) & 9I-37.007(7) , F.A.C.} . Do the sales prices meet the "affordability test" of s. 420.9071(3), F.S.? . Are rental rates included which are based on unit size? {S.420.907S(3) (h); 9I-37.00S(S) (c), F.A.C.} . Do the rental rates meet the "affordability test" of s. 420.9071(3), F.S. ? . Does the plan provide a list of support services which will be available to residents? (e.g., train persons for the responsibility of homeownership, counseling of tenants, day care, health care and transportation.) {S.420.9071(16); 9I-37.00S(S) (d), F.A.C.} . Does the plan describe outreach and selection strategies for recipients of housing units to be built or rehabilitated? {9I-37.00S(S) (e), F.A.C.} . Does the plan provide a maximum award schedule to govern fund distribution? { s . 420 . 9075 ( 2) (b); 9 I - 37 . 005 (6) (a) 2, F. A . C. } . Does the plan document how funds generated from loan repayments, reimbursements, other repayments and interest earned on distributed funds will be utilized? {9I-37.00S(S) (f), F.A.C.} CIRCLE ANSWER ~ u,4z. ('L~~l ~ ~ NO,~ NA ~ ZE7'Z- t1ES\ NO NA ~ ZL-If~ ~~ ~~ ~~, ~ Page ~ LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 7 . Does the plan provide a timeline of proposed activities showing estimated start and completion dates? . Are the budgetary requirements for accomplishment of each task or milestone listed? {9I-37.005(6) (b), F.A.C.} . Are the income limits, adjusted for family size, identified in the plan? {9I-37.002(25),(26) & (33), F.A.C.} B. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES . Does the plan specify the percentage of funds to be used for administration? {S.420.9075(5);9I-37.007(4), F.A.C.} . Does the administrative budget exceed 5%? {S.420.9075(5);, 9I-37.007(4), F.A.C.} . If yes, is there a local government resolution attached providing the administrative budget will not exceed 10%? {S.420.9075(5); 9I-37.007(4) (b), F.A.C.} . Is there a detailed listing of administrative activities to be funded? {9I-37.005(6)4(d)3 & 9I-37.007(5), F.A.C.} . Does the plan include a line-item budget for administrative expenditures; e.g., salaries, office expenses, studies, consultants, etc.? {9I-37.007(5), F.A.C.} . If consultants are to be used, does the plan specify how they are to be selected? {9I-37.005(6)4(d)3, F.A.C.} CIRCLE ANSWER ~ NO ~S1 ~ ll-~z. ~~? &. if ~l7 ~NO ~ SB~Z Gi) NO ~NO ~ G-62 ~~ ~~~~ YES NO ~ Page LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 8 II. ORDINANCE . Is a copy of the ordinance provided? . Does the ordinance incorporate by reference or enumerate the definitions included in s.420.9071 and 91-37.002, F.A.C.? . Does the ordinance establish a Local Housing Assistance Trust Fund? {s.420.9072(2) (b)l; 9I-37.004(1) (a), F.A.C.} . Does the ordinance establish a Local Housing Assistance Program? {s.420.9072(2) (b)2; 9I-37.004(1) (b), F.A.C.} . Does the ordinance designate the responsibility for implementing and administering the SHIP Program? {s.420.9072(2) (b)3; 9I-37.004(1) (c), F.A.C.} . Does the ordinance create an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee? {s.420.9072(2) (b)4; 9I-37.004(1) (d), F.A.C.} . Is the ordinance consistent with the Local Housing Assistance Plan? III. RESOLUTIONS . Is a resolution attached detailing the estimated average cost per unit and the maximum cost per unit for eligible housing? {s.420.9075(3) (i)} . Is a resolution attached authorizing the expenditure of more than five percent of. SHIP funds (up to a maximum of ten percent) for administrative expenses, if applicable? {s.420.9075(5); 9I-37.007(4) (b), F.A.C.} CIRCLE ANSWER <;;ii) NO 6i) NO eYED NO CYEU NO l1:S) NO @ NO ~ NO dib NO NA CIRCLE ANSWER . Is a resolution attached appointing the ~ES~ NO advisory committee and defining affordable housing as applicable to the county and eligible municipality in a way that is consistent with the adopted local comprehensive plan? {s.420.9076(4); 91-37.009, F.A.C.'} LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 9 IV. CERTIFICATIONS . Has the Chief Elected Official signed a certification page identifying the following? . The availability of SHIP funds was or will be advertised pursuant to s. 420.9075(2) (a), Florida Statutes. {9I-37.005(6) (a)l# F.A.C.} Has a copy of the ad been included? (If not, please send within 60 days.) . A process for selection of recipients for funds has been developed. Is copy attached? {S.420.9075(3) (j); 91-37.005(5) (e), F.A.C.} . All SHIP funds will be expended in a manner which will insure that there will be no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, sex, familial status, handicap, or national origin. {s.420.9075(2) (c); 91-37.005(6) (a)3, F.A.C.} . Recipients of funds will be required to contractually commit to program guidelines. {S.420.9075(2) (d); 91-37.005(6) {a)4, F.A.C.} Have the documents to this been attached? yet available, please 60 days.) be used to require (If documents are not forward them within G5> NO CYTD NO YES ~ - CYE9 NO (!;) NO Gi> NO C. YED NO YES <!2) LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 10 CIRCLE ANSWER . The Florida Housing Finance Agency will be ~ NO notified promptly if the local government (or interlocal entity) will be unable to comply with the provisions of the plan. {9I-37.005(6) {d)l, F.A.C.} . The Local Housing Assistance Plan shall provide for the encumbrance of SHIP funds during the fiscal year in which they are received. An amended plan will be submitted if 50% of the distributed funds have not been encumbered by the mid-point of each fiscal year, except in state FY 1992-93. {s.9I-37.005(6) (d)2i 9I-37.005(8), F.A.C.} @ NO . The plan conforms to the Local Government ~ NO Comprehensive Plan, or that an amendment to the Local Government Comprehensive Plan will be initiated at the next available opportunity to insure conformance with the Local Housing Assistance Plan. {S.420.0003(3) (e)6i 9I-37.005(6) (f), F.A.C.} . Amendments to the approved Local Housing ~ NO Assistance Plan shall be provided to the ~ Agency within 21 days after adoption. {9I-37.006(1), F.A.C.} Loans shall be provided for periods not ~ NO exceeding 30 years, except for deferred payment loans or loans that extend beyond 30 years which continue to serve eligible persons. {s.420.9075(3) (e)i 9I-37.007(8), F.A.C. } . . Owner-occupied houses constructed or . ~ NO rehabilitated with SHIP funds shall be ~ subject to the recapture provisions contained in s.143{m) of the Internal Revenue Code. {s.420.9075(3) (9)i 9I-37.007(13), F.A.C.} LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CHECKLIST Page 11 CIRCLE ANSWER . Rental units constructed or rehabilitated with SHIP funds shall be monitored at least annually for compliance with tenant income requirements and affordability requirements. {s.420.9075(3) (k); 9I-37.007(12), F.A.C.} ~NO NA . The representations contained in the plan are ~ NO true and accurate as of the date of submission. .-----, / i ~~~ Jack London, Mayor (Type) Name and Title ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK W<i<~ii~ U: FRAN/SHIP/SHIP.CL e., C;..j.;