Resolution 120a-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 120a -2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COlVlMISSIONERS REMOVING MEMBERS OF THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION; APPOINTING OR RE- APPOINTING NEW MEMBERS TO VACANT SEATS; DIRECTING THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION TO PROCEED WITH AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 102-20 OF THE MONROE COUNTY CODE TO ESTABLISH PLANNING COMMISISION MEMBER TERMS COMMENSURATE TO THAT OF THE SPONSORING MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, Section 102-20 of the Monroe County Code establishes the Monroe County Planning Commission with five (5) members selected by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) fro In the electorate and serving at the pleasure of the BOCC for a tenn of two (2) years without a term limit; and WHEREAS, Section 102-20 of the Monroe County Code does not allow for a newly elected BOCC member to affinn or remove the respective Commissioner's representative to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, current Monroe County Planning Commission appointments include: Randy Wall sponsored by Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Donna Windle sponsored by former Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy and currently representing Commissioner Heather Carruthers J eb Hale sponsored by Mayor George Neugent John Marston sponsored by Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Jim Cameron sponsored by former Commissioner Dixie Spehar currently representing Commissioner Kim Wigington; and WHEREAS, Commissioners Kim Wigington and Heather Carruthers are newly elected members of the BOCC and may desire different representation on the Planning Commission than those appointments from former commissioners; NOW, THER:EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners: Section 1: Tht:: Clerk is instructed to call a separate vote for removal of each of the appointments to the Planning Commission for those members of the Board of County Commissioners currently serving their first term and showing in the record the resulting vacancy. Section 2: The Clerk is instructed to accept nominations for appointment to each vacant position of the Planning Commission and to call a separate vote for each appointment showing in the record the new appointment. Section 3: The Monroe County Board of County COlll111issioners further directs the Growth Managel11ent Division to iInnlediately pursue the revision of Section 102-20 of the Monroe County Code to stipulate that appointment tenns to the Monroe County Planning COlnlnission shall be COlll111ensurate to the tenn of the sponsoring nlenlber of the Board of County COl111nissioners. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County COlnnlissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of _AQTil,_, 2009. J\1ayor George Neugent \1ayor pro tern Sylvia Murphy Comnlissioner Kiln Wigington COlnmissioner Heather Carruthers COlnmissioner Mario Di Gennaro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes '\.';~ .... ~ ';:c:-..:.".'. ).-; ATTEST: DA:NNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ..QaWG, ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: /J.-.~ L4 '()~,~ Mayor George Neugent Deputy Clerk P) - c a:: Q (.;) Lu a:: 0::: o I..L o lU -.J r;:: MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPR~D AS J1? FO~M: ~~1 Lk~~ . SUSAN M. GlMMSLEY ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOANEY9 Date 'YJ.-1 C~.A-,- :5 I I ~o 0' '" :: (\") - >- ;! i