Resolution 149-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 149 -2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN AS REQUIRED BY THE STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM ACT, SUBSECTIONS 420.907-420.9079, FLORIDA STATUTES; AND RULE CHAPTER 67-37, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE; AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE AMENDED LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN TO THE FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION Whereas, the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Act, ss. 420.907-420.9079, Florida Statutes (1992), and Rule Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code, required local governments to develop a one to three-year local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) outlining how funds will be used; and Whereas, the Monroe County Housing Authority has prepared a three-year Local Housing Assistance Plan which was approved by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners; and Whereas, on January 28, 2009 by Resolution 038-2009, the Board of County Commissioners approved an amendment to the Incentive Strategies portion of the LHAP pursuant to Florida Statute 420,,9076 and submitted it to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation; and Whereas, the Florida Housing Finance requested more information be provided for the strategies accepted and rejected two strategies because they were not adopted and implemented, but presented only as suggestions for further exploration; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Adoption of Incentive Strategies The Incentive Strategies portion of the Local Housing Assistance Plan is amended as shown on Exhibit A. Section 2: Official Notification to FHFC. A copy of the amended LHAP shall be given to the Monroe County Housing Authority and forwarded to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. Section 3. Staff Direction Staff is dire:cted to make any further clerical corrections as required by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. PASSED A.ND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of May, 2009. Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia J. Murphy Commissioner Kim Wigington Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario De Gennaro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON~E COUNTY~LORIDA ~ BY: ~~ ~.. 0 J~,e.(f ~ Mayor George Neugent (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK C!~ Deputy Cler C tn ~J -j 0:: M LL <-'" 0 .. <C ......: '..: - u :r: (~J ;=-- l.LJ z: r 0:: c... --' C). ... cr:: X'.:c...) 0 ex> t. ~., Lt... N > c'::: Lt! >- -LJO 0 cc :5 --' o~: L&J s: ...:';.. Co,,) :t-: -' 0"\ <{ C:' Lt... is 0 L C"ooI ~ EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION 149 -2009 III. LH.AP INCENTIVE STRATEGIES F.S.Sec.420.9071(16) A. Name of Strategy: Expedited Permitting Pennits as defined in Sec. 163.3167(7) and (8) for affordable housing projects are expl~dited to a greater degree than other projects. Established policy and procedures: The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations established a set aside of 30% of all building permits issued for affordable housing. This includes the unused allotment of permits for affordable housing set aside units to be roll(~d over and accumulated each year without going through the RaGa (Rate of Growth Ordinance) process. Monroe County has assigned Planning Department staff to faciJlitate affordable housing applications. Affordable permits jump to the head of the line (first priority) in all stages of the planning review and permitting process. TIl'IELINE: The County shall enact an ordinance and codify this policy by December 30, 2009. B. Name of Strategy: Modification of Impact Fee Requirements Established policy and procedures: The County shall continue to waive impact fees for all affordable housing. The Building Department and Planning Departments are responsible for implementation. (Comprehensive Plan Policy 601.1.12: LDC Chapter 126 ) C. Name of Strategy: Flexibility in Densities for Affordable Housing Established policy and procedures: a. M:onroe County has increased density for affordable housing on land zoned SC (up to 18 units per acre versus 6), MU 9 (up to 18 units per acre versus 12) and DR (up to 25 units per acre versus 12).(Comprehensive Plan Policy 101.4.21: LDC Sec. 130-161(a)(1 )) b. The County shall continue to allow the construction of affordable housing units on commercial sites without deducting from the commercial floor area allowed or residential density allowed. (LDC Sec. 130-161(a)(5) D. (Ft--Nanle of Strategy: Reduction of parking and setback requirements for affordable housing Established policy and procedure: Currently, variances are available where the requisite criteria can be met. The Planning Department is responsible for this on a case by case basi~!.:. C:\Documents and Setting:s\tezanos-mayra\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK13B\bocc Revisions to LHAP 20090408.doc EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION 149 -2009 E. G. N aIne of Strategy: Allowance of flexible lot configurations Established policy and procedure: Monroe County allows flexible lot configurations to the lextent setback and buffers are met. Within a development, zero lot line configurations are allowed. Variances are available where the requisite criteria can be met. The Planning Department is responsible for this on a case by case basis. F II. Name of Strategy: Modification of Street Requirements Established policy and procedure: Monroe County allows internal street configurations that meet life-safety criteria. The Planning Department is responsible for this on a case by case: basis. G.1. Name of Strategy: Cost of Housing Establishment of a process by which a local government considers before adoption, polides, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions that have a significant impact on the cost of housing. Established policy and procedures: a. A.ll County resolutions and ordinances contain a cost analysis section specific to affordable housing, the county has waived impact fees for affordable housing and building permit fees for the very low and low income homeowner participating in local, state or federally supported affordable housing programs. As an Area of Critical State Concern, the County's policies, procedures, ordinances and regulations are subject to the approval of the Florida Department of Community Affairs which is concerned and monitors the cost of affordable housing. TIMELINE: The County shall enact an ordinance and codify this policy by December 30, 2009. b. The county waives planning application fees for all affordable housing, and waives building permit applications for charitable organizations and those affordable housing projt::cts receiving financial aid from or leasing property from Monroe County, and others as approved by the Board of County Commissioners. (LDC Sec. 6-1 Og( d)(2) and Sec. 6- 10g(le)) The Planning Department and Building Department are responsible for the administration of the respective fee waivers. H. J. Nanle of Strategy: Provide an Inventory of County Owned Property Suitable for Affordable Housing Established policy and procedures: Pursuant to Florida Section Sec. 125.379, the County has prepared and will continue to provide an inventory of possible sites suitable for affordable housing. (Comprehensive Plan Policy 601.1.6) The Clerk of Court has the list of properties approved by the Board of County Commissioners in Resolution 299-2007. C:\Documents and Settings\tezanos-mayra\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK13B\bocc Revisions to LHAP 2009040B.doc EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION 149 -2009 I. K. N alne of Strategy: Support development near transportation hubs and major employment centers and mixed use developments Established policy and procedures: The County has a purchase and lease-back program for affordable housing. The properties leased for affordable housing development comply with this requirement. J. h Name of Strategy: Inclusionary Housing Established policy and procedure: Where development or re-development exceeds three units, Thirty Per Cent (30% ) of units must be deed restricted as affordable housing for ninety-nine years. (LDC Sec. 130-161 (b) The Planning Department is responsible for the evaluation of development requirements. C:\Documents and Settings\tezanos-mayra\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK13B\bocc Revisions to LHAP 20090408.doc