Item L2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 15, 2009 Division: Monroe County Sheriffs Office Bulk Item: Yes 1- No - Department: Grants Staff Contact PersonIPhone #: Tamara Snider 1292-7092 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to apply for the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance (JAG) Local Solicitation Grant, and requesting approval for the Sheriff to be designated as the "signing official" for the funding request, and for the Monroe County Sheriff's Office to be designated as the Organizational Unit; and authorization for the Sheriff to accept the grant and execute any other required grant documents, if awarded. ITEM BACKGROUND: In February 2009, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the receipt of additional funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to be disbursed through the Edward Byrne JAG Program. JAG funds support all components of the criminal justice system, from multijurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs, courts, corrections, treatment, and just information sharing initiatives. JAG funds may be used for law enforcement programs; prosecution and court programs; prevention and education; corrections and community corrections programs; drug treatment and enforcement; planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs; and crime victim and witness programs. The grant funds, if awarded will be used for a one time purchase of computer software. This software will be used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our criminal justice as delivered by MeSO, training agency personnel, for improving the MCSO information systems, and for improving the agency evaluation activities. The deadline for application is July 9, 2009. PREVIOUS RELEVANT HOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: T-otAL COST: $0.00 ($23,000.00 BUDGETED: Yes X No - COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes-J;o- 1UNTPERMONTH- Year_ APPROVED BY: County Arty ff ~iP asing _ Risk Management ~ DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 11/06 Proaram Narrative (Attachment 1) Proposed Program The Monroe County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) protects and serves the residents of and visitors to Monroe County, Florida. Monroe is the southernmost county in the continental United States. It consists of the Florida Keys, a string of islands connected by U. S. Highway 1, extending 150 miles southwest of Miami and the surrounding waters. There are approximately 40 bridges linking the Florida Keys. The MCSO employees over 600 persons to serve its 80,000 residents. The MCSO is comprised of law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and civilian staff. The Monroe County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) is applying for JAG funding for a "Law Enforcement Program." The program activities include the one time purchase of computer software from Innovative Data Solutions (IDS). The grant funding will be used solely for this purchase. The purchased software will be used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal justice as delivered by the MCSO. It will be used for training agency personnel, for improving the MCSO information systems, and for improving agency evaluation activities. Essentially, IDS provides a complete suite of solutions to the MCSO's needs. Through the IDS PowerDMS (document management system) module MCSO will be able to manage the agency policies and capture employee signatures verifying their receipt electronically. Employees will be able to search policies by keyword, document number, or subject. The system tracks all revisions and allows administrators to monitor signature requirements. The PowerTest module is used in conjunction with PowerDMS to create and administer tests for the employees. This ensures greater accountability for critical policies. The PowerSurvey Module allows the MCSO to create surveys and deploy them electronically to employees. The PowerAlerts module provides electronic notifications to employees of new policies, test, surveys, and training. The PowerTraining module allows for the electronic delivery of both self-paced courses and virtual courses. This will allow for the MCSO to address a wide range of training needs effectively and efficiently. Employees will train at their work site and will not be required to travel to a training location. Analysis of Need On-going training, and its documentation, is a critical need of the MCSO and all in law enforcement as the rules and laws often change via legislative changes and judicial interpretations. Agency policies are frequently updated to remain compliant with the changes in the rules and the law. Employees certified by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement as either law enforcement or correctional officers are mandated by law to maintain their certifications via annual retraining. The MCSO is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA), and the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission (FCAC). Each of these commissions requires the highest standards for its accredited agencies. Training of all staff, both civilian and certified, is required to maintain accreditation. Policies addressing everything from use of force to all hazard responses are required by these commissions. As a fully accredited institution these requirements ensure that the MCSO provides professional services to the community. The MCSO currently trains its employees in person and then manually tracks each employee's training. This is time consuming, cumbersome, and inefficient. Employees have to travel from their base worksite to the training center. This is expensive beyond the fuel expenditures. The MCSO currently distributes changes to its policies via an Outlook email system. The tracking provided by Outlook is unreliable. Sound accountability through employee receipt and understanding of all policies is necessary for a professional law enforcement agency, the MCSO is lacking in this regard. The software that the MCSO proposes to purchase with this grant funding, Innovative Data Solutions (IDS), Power modules, provides comprehensive solutions to both of these needs. Anticipated Coordination Efforts The MCSO will coordinate local reven ue training and professional standards/accreditation funds with those awarded through this grant to fully fund the purchase of the Innovative Data Solutions, Power modules. There will not be coordination with other law enforcement agencies as this is not a multi- jurisdictional program. This program will be used to solely improve the quality of services provided by the MeSO. These JAG funds will thus supplement the MCSO training and professional standards/accreditation budgets in an effort to augment the services provided by these divisions. Without this grant funding there is no budget for this purchase and the purchase will not be made. These federal funds will not be used to replace or supplant any nonfederal funds as none were appropriated for these purposes. Budget and Budget Narrative (Attachment 2) Budget Quantitv Name Price Total 1 PowerDMS Base System $5,000.00 $5,000.00 1 PowerTest Module $3,000.00 $3,000.00 1 PowerSurvey Module $2,000.00 $2,000.00 1 PowerAlerts $2,000.00 $2,000.00 600 PowerDMS User Licenses $15.00 $9,000.00 1 PowerTraining Base System $5,000.00 $5,000.00 600 PowerTraining Client License $8.00 $4,800.00 TOTAL $30,8000.00 Budget Narrative The Justice Department has allocated $23,972.00 to Monroe County, Florida as part of the 2009 JAG Local Solicitation. The MCSO is applying for that total amount. Although no match is required for this grant the MCSO will supplement the grant funding with $6,828.00 from its training and professional standards/accreditation budgets to support and implement this program. Review Narrative (Attachment 3) Governing Body Review This JAG application is scheduled to be presented to the governing body, the Board of County Commissioners, on or before June 30, 2009, the agenda deadline for the July meeting. It will be reviewed by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners at a publicly noticed Commission meeting scheduled for July I 2009. The application will thus be made public and citizens and neighborhood or community organizations will have an opportunity to comment on its worthiness at the July 2009 Commission meeting. The MCSO was unable to present this application to the Board of County Commissioners at an earlier date due to the short turn around time between our awareness of the JAG announcement and the defined due date. Abstract (Attachment 4) Applicant's name, title of project, goals of project, description of strategies and performance measures to be used. The applicant is Monroe County, Florida. Monroe County is governed by a Board of County Commissioners. The Board is chaired by a County Mayor. As designated by Mayor George Nugent, the Chief Executive Officer of the Board of County Commissioners, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office is the signing authority for the JAG funds allocated to Monroe County, Florida. The title of this project is "MCSO: Trained and Accountable." The goals of this project include a well-trained and informed workforce that is held accountable to the highest standards of professional law enforcement to ensure a safe and secure community for our residents and visitors. The initial goal is the purchase of Innovative Data Solutions, PowerDMS, PowerTest, PowerSurvey, PowerAlerts, PowerTraining modules and to implement these within the daily workings of the MCSO. Once installed and online PowerDMS will be used by the Professional Standards/Accreditation Division to electronically distribute all of the agency's Policies and subsequent revisions. Notification to all employees of policy revisions will be electronically via PowerAlerts. Tracking of each employee's receipt, reading and understanding of each policy revision will be accomplished using PowerDMS and PowerTest. Training of employees will be done using PowerTest to ensure not only their exposure to the training materials but also their comprehension of the substance. The strategies to be used include the purchase of the IDS modules as MCSO has already identified the vendor and assessed the appropriate modules to meet the agency needs. The MCSO Training Division and Professional Standards/Accreditation Divisions fall under the command of one Captain who will ensure that the IDS modules are installed and all aspects are fully implemented in a timely and efficient manner. The performance measures that will be used by the MCSO to ensure that these JAG funds are utilized for equipment/supplies and training purposes, approved activities, include the following: . Within three months of the award of this grant, MCSO will purchase the described Power software modules from Innovative Data Solutions. All of the grant funds will be expended within the first three months of the award on this purchase. . Within six months of the purchase from IDS, all MCSO policies will be available to all employees electronically via PowerDMS. . Within six months of the purchase from IDS, all MCSO policy revisions will be delivered electronically to all employees via the PowerAlerts and PowerTraining modules. . Within six months of the purchase from IDS, 100% of MCSO employees will be tested on policy revisions via PowerTest. ;J;YI70J4(f' I Ai . ~d .. .. l!! -. B ~U i~ CJ iJ <( en!!! - 1~1 S ~ i f H ... i''1:I CI) c :.: , Q. CD 0 i:: i3 C._ 0 8:Ql III OIl!! ~4!: CI) ~o ft118 !i ~s . -li=E CI) C '1:- ON en 1lI.c ::I W e 'C ~ 0 ftII & ::: ai ~ ~ -'" ", II ~ u """" 8..,J . 0 >. ::I ~ ! t .... ti ~ ~ CD E :.;::3 g.oI! '& 'S ~ ~ i 0 ~ .a " () III S 'E -" - ~ ~! 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