Resolution 210-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 210 -2009 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CLARIFING RESOLUTION 184-2007 AND RESOLUTION 083-2009 RESERVING AND SETTING ASIDE FOURTEEN (14) AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWELLING UNIT ALLOCATIONS FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS MANDALAY PB 1-194 KEY LARGO PT SQUARE 3, REAL ESTATE NUMBERS 00554720.000000 AND 00554720.000100 FOR A PROJECT TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF THE UPPER KEYS AND THE PROJECT IS KNOWN AS MANDALAY; SETTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, at its meeting of May 16th, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved Resolution 184-2007 (Exhibit A) reserving sixty-nine (69) affordable housing allocations for four unspecified County projects; and WHEREAS, at its meeting of March 18th, 2009, the BOCC approved Resolution 083-2009 (Exhibit B) reserving ten (10) more affordable housing allocations for unspecified County projects; and WHEREAS, one of the projects for which allocations were reserved is located on RE: #00554720.000000 and 00554720.000100, Mandalay PB 1-194 Key Largo PT Square 3, for Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys (HHUK) to construct project known as Mandalay; and WHEREAS, HHUK anticipates developing fourteen (14) residential units, therefore fourteen (14) affordable housing allocations have been reserved for the project; and WHEREAS, HHUK entered into a 99-year lease with Monroe County on May 20, 2009, for property described as Mandalay PB 1-194 Key Largo PT Square 3, Real Estate Numbers 00554720.000000 and 00554720.000100 for the project known as Mandalay; and WHEREAS, the reservation of affordable housing allocations for the anticipated project does not exempt the project from applicable requirements for the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, Building Code and other regulatory requirements; and WHEREAS, HHUK shall obtain all required approvals from the Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department for the project; and Mandalay 00554720 Reso.doc WHEREAS, HHUK according to its lease shall obtain permits for all affordable housing dwelling units by June 1, 2011; if the permits are not issued, the allocations will revert to the County; and WHEREAS, the project mentioned above is still in process and the allocations are still required. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Fourteen (14) affordable housing allocations continue to be reserved and HHUK has until June 1,2011, to obtain the building permits. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of July, 2009. Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern, Sylvia J. Murphy Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Kim Wigington Yes Yes Yes ~ ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ \. "A-".. ~~ >n~r:e.d- BY , Mayor George Neugent (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ~~L 0 0:: N w _... 0 .. <.:J tj..~ c..> - <:( ~ ..".:: - l.t..J z: :r: <..J ;_< a:: cz: __1,-...; o :::: 0:: M :X:u 0 _-1 ::: (,..;} Lr... , ...."'I~..... g ... '"- 0 Ct.!...! LU C ..0..:. --J f.'... 2: <...) .:;,; -J I <t """~ 4: o c. :E: Mandalay 00554720 Reso.doc ~Y-"" 6,1 '14' RESOLVTION NO. 184..2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COVNTV BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECTING CONTINUED RESERVATION OF AFFORDABLE DWELLING UNIT ALLOCATIONS FOR SPECIFIED PROJECTS; SElTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAs, the State of Florida and all local gOVenmtents in the Florida Keys (each subject to Area of Critical State Concern mandates relating to housing affordability) recognize the need fur aftOrdable housing throughout the state and particul....y in the Florida Keys where developable land for housing is exlremely limited and expensive; and WHEREAS, on July 19, 2006 the Board of COIIIIty Commissioners adopted Resolution 273-2006 raerving affonIable dwelling unit allocations fur severaJ specified projects for a period of one year which expires 011 the 18" of July, 2007; and WHEREAs, the challenge of providing affordable housing opportunities in the Florida Keys is one lYJqUiring sensible and llISpOosive use of residential unit alloCations, including implementation of effective long-term preservation mechanisms; and, WHEREAS, several projects contemplating the development of affordable housing (the "Projects") involve County funding and/or properties and n:q\linl for fundiog approval and other purposes the immedillte verification of affordable ROOQ dwclJing unit allocation set asides; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has examined the Projects identified here in and determined that elIch is in the County's interests and are prograsing with si~ intent to complete; NOW THEREFORE. BE IT REsoLVED BV THE BOARD OF COUNTY C01\-IMISSIONERS OF MONROE COVNTY FLORIDA: Seedoa J ,: The Monroe County Planning Department shall direct and approve the reservation and set aside of affordable ROOO allocations fur one (I) year from the elate of this resolution (should buiJdiog permits fur the related units not be issued within one (I) year from the date of this resolutions all allocmions shall ='ert to the County fur possible award to other applicants) for the follOwing Projects as folJoWs: A. For the "Islander Village" Project, eighty-nine (89) affordable ROGO allocations B. For the "Overseas" project. forty-nine (49) afiordable ROOO allocations. Page I of2 " .:- C. For the "Habitat for Humanity of the Lower Keys/Florida Keys community Housing Land Trust.' Big Coppitt project. eighteen (18) affordable ROOO allocations. O. For the four Monroe County owned parcels (previously CWHIP projects), sixty-nine (69) affordable ROGO allocations. SeetioD 2: Planning Staff is hereby authorized to process expeditiously permit related applications for the above-referenced projects. SedlOR 3: Alternative methods of deed restrictions as approved by the County Attorney's office may be substituted for the foregoing projects. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Boerd of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, held on the 16'" day of May, 2007. Mayor Mario 01 Gennaro Mayor Pro Tem Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner Charles '~nny'~ McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Sylvia Murphy .I!L. Abaaa~ - y.. Yee - Y.. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFMONROECOUNTY,FLO~DA ~4~ By: Mayor Mario DiGennaro ~ ~ 0 0 e:I c::t . . :;..~ >- ...... .- ;1,. ("") :-:': c.. :" ., -- ~ rf"!!::':'.2 '~J ~.. N ~'1 .....~.. ;- .:-:) .---: p 0\ :) '~ --. -0 "'J ;; ;:1.:" : :: . '1 N '.'") -:'1 :l r:-. - ;J . , : en ;::. ::::J (SEAL) A ITEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK D.c.. Page 2 of2 ......:.. . (~ ~ 11/ '41 'tgl '-.~./ DSO~ BU. ~2009 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EXTENDING RESOLUnON NO. 047-2008 RESERVING AND SemNG ASIDE AFFORDABLE ROGa ALLOCAnONS WHEREAS, at Its meeting of February 20TH, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved Resolution 047-2008 (attached as Exhibit A) I'8serving five ROGO allocations for Habitat or Humanity of the Upper Keys Harbor Shol8S property and ten Affordable ROGO allocations for County projects; and WHEREAS, if building pelTn/ts W81'8 not Issued for !he related dwelling unils within a year of the resolution date. the allocations would revert to the County; and WHEREAS, the projecls mentioned above are stili in process and the allocations are stiR required; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe County. Florida: SectfoQ 1. Section 1 of Resolution No. 047-2008 reserving the allocations is hereby retroaclIveIyextended for an additional eighteen (18) months until August 20, 2010. SecIioo 2. The remaining provisions of Resolution No. 047-2008 are stili effective. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regu'ar meeting held on the 1811 day of March, 2009. Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern SyMa J. Murphy Commissioner Kim Wigington Commissioner Heather Canuthers Commissioner Mario 01 Gennaro Yea Y88 Yes Yee Y.. % -=r Q ~ ~p~ 0",_ 1'T1;:a-- ("');::Il;r oC")~ C::-o ztGr- -In: :<:-1> -... a r- I'W1 .~ 2 ~ .... ... --.. Q ::0 ~~ W g 1& ~ MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPRoveD~ ~ .k4~ --A...c.~ SUSAN M. IMaLEY ASSISTANT cor 'i~9 Date "'OX #t G RR.Wl~vnON NO.. 047 ..~ A RESOLUTION OJ' THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECTING RESDv AnON POR AWARD OF AnoRDABLE DWELLING UNIT ALLOcATIONS lOR SPECDDD PRo.JEcTs; SEtTING TERMs AND CONDITIONS WIIEREAs. the SWe of P10rida -.I aU loca1 ao-nmeats la the P10rida ICoy. (CICb JUiject to ~ of CriticIII SWe Colllllll'll ~ rei.... to IIousiai ldl'ordUiIity) I'eC:OJIIU>> 1hc Mad AIr a80IdIbJe houama lhrovcbout the illite IIId ~:r la 1hc PIorida Kc,. where cIeveIopUIe laud fiJr!lousilw Is ---:r Ilalired 8IId Cl]JaIIive; 8Dd WIIERLu, the ~...... of providiDa 8fCordabJe lIousiDa opportuaides in the FIodda Keys Is ODe l1lq1I/rlaa -.ibJe aad ~ UII of ~ uaIt .I1ocatiou, iocJlIding imp~ul".afioD of e1fecdvc lCUl8-1am ~ ~""; IDd WIIERKA8. &ewal projects conM.-...pJafi..., die dewlopD~ of aftOrdable ........ (the ~ iDvohll CCIUIll.y ~ 8IIdIor pr__ IIIlI Jeqube b fimdiua 8JlPIOVaI IIld odIcr )IUrJIoICI CCIIIftrmed wrifbdoa of aIbdebIe ROOo clMI6aa unit allocation let ~ ad WIII:RJtAs, 1JIe BOCc fiDds tbIIt 1hc ~ idmtiftecI benia lie la the County's iaterests; NOW ~ lIE IT RI:8OLVED BY 'I1D: -ARD (W OOtINTY COMMISSIONERs 01' MONROE COUNTY, JILORlDA tUb ---- J. The Moaroe Couaty ,...., Deperb....t IIWl cIIreet IIId lIJIpoYc 1110 ~.o6la IIld let aide of ~ ROOo ~ b lip to om (I) ,.. ftoaa lite dale of d1fs ~ (1IIIauId buiJdiaa palbi1l. for dle reIatod lIIIi18 DOt be __ witbla om (I) yea hm the - of this l'OIOlutioa G)' ..m....d .11__ sWI ._~ without 1iIrlber CoUllty lICIion revert to 1hc CCIUIll.y for JI08IibIe __ to other appJic:ams) for the foUowiDa Project: A. For 1hc "H.bilat AIr Ham8aity of the Upper Keya" HIrbor Sbora JlI'Opooty project. five (5) dbldable aooo ADocatioas. B. Fill' 1hc ~l County projects, ten (10) ldJbrcisble ROOo allocations. ~ a: The PIamaina Std iJ hemJy mIIIIorb:ed to PftlCe8* expediliousl,. permit relared applicadoas for the above-referenced projects. I>x.,t.; ~ '71 / T L) . . SeetIa. 3: Alternative methods of deed restrictions as approved by the County Attorney's office may be substituted f~ the foregoina project P ASSD AND ADOPTED by the Board of County CommissiODeD of Monroe County. Florida at a reJUlar meetina held OD the ~ day of February 2008. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Yel Mayor Pro Tcm Mario Di Gennaro Y.a en...i88ioner Dixie Speb&r Ye. ComMi..o.. Sylvia Murphy Yel Colnmissioacr Gecqe Neugent Yea BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ::MONROB]i FLORIDA Mayor Charles any" McCoy MONRoE COUNTY ATlOfk.T Js~~ a.Allkl:~ _ :E 0 I ~ >- !n~ i! f'I"I~-< !li ("). r- . Of")> 0\ ~?O~ ~ ::<(")-_. :IE .:-1); 9 ;! ~ ?- ,.., G' 2 ,.. ? '''' o .':'f ..:;) ::0 ;t1 .'11 \""') ~ N C