Resolution 212-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 212 -2009 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EXTENDING RESOLUTION 273-2006 AND RESOLUTION 184-2007 CONTINUING TO RESERVE AND SET ASIDE FORTY-NINE (49) AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWELLING UNIT ALLOCATIONS FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS MALONEY SUB PB 1- 55 LOTS 1 THRU 20 SQUARE 38 & PT DISCLAIMED FIRST AVENUE, STOCK ISLAND, REAL ESTATE NUMBERS 00125350.000000 AND 00125360.000000 FOR A EMPLOYEE HOUSING PROJECT TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY OVERSEAS REDEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC AND THE PROJECT IS KNOWN AS FLAGLER VILLAGE; SETTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, at its meeting of July 19th, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved Resolution 273-2006 (Exhibit A) reserving forty-nine (49) affordable housing allocations for the Overseas Redevelopment Company, LLC (Overseas) proj ect; and WHEREAS, at its meeting of May 16th, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved Resolution 184-2007 (Exhibit B) reserving forty-nine (49) affordable housing allocations for the Overseas project; and WHEREAS, the project for which allocations were reserved is located on RE: #00125350.000000 and 00125360.000000, Maloney Sub PB 1-55 Lots 1 thru 20 Square 38 & Pt Disclaimed First Avenue, Stock Island, for Overseas Redevelopment to construct a project known as Flagler Village; and WHEREAS, Overseas Redevelopment Company, LLC anticipates developing forty-nine (49) residential units; therefore, forty-nine affordable housing allocations have been reserved for the project; and WHEREAS, Overseas Redevelopment Company, LLC entered into a 99-year lease with Monroe County on September 20, 2006, for property described as Maloney Sub PB 1-55 Lots 1 thru 20 Square 38 & Pt Disclaimed First Avenue, Stock Island, Real Estate Numbers 00125350.000000 and 00125360.000000 for the project known as Flagler Village; and WHEREAS, on April 15,2009, the Board of County Commissioners approved Amendment No.1 to the Ground Lease for Overseas Redevelopment Company, LLC; and ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF RESOLUTION RE# 00449410.000000 04305020 Page 1 of2 WHEREAS, the reservation of affordable housing allocations for the anticipated project does not exempt the project from applicable requirements for the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, Building Code and other regulatory requirements; and WHEREAS, Overseas Redevelopment Company, LLC, shall obtain all required approvals from the Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department for the proj ect; and WHEREAS, Overseas Redevelopment Company, LLC according to the amended lease, shall renew permits for all affordable housing dwelling units by November 30, 2009; if the permits are not issued, the allocations will revert to the County; and WHEREAS, the project mentioned above is still in process and the allocations are still required. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Forty-nine (49) affordable housing allocations continue to be reserved for Overseas Redevelopment Company, LLC, which has until November 30, 2009, to renew the building permits. 0 f!\J cr C\J 0 .. (..) - - la.J 2: 0:: cc 0:: 0 M La.... , 0 g LLJ lIICt -J fi lZ: N PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of July, 2009. u-l c.::J <( ,.....: . ~ :r: t:-) .,;>-- _f . c....? c.:. X:L) _...J ~:c >-0.::1.1 ::?;: LJ-1 -'.' ;;e: c:.., < Ci ~ ~ ~ Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern, Sylvia J. Murphy Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Kim Wigington ~ ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) BA~I!. 'nolA4.~~ Mayor George Neugent ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK C7~~-~~~dc DEPUTY CLf(RK ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF RESOLUTION RE# 00449410.000000 04305020 Page 2 of2 G'th,'h,'f ' 14 I ~""'.IJ'tiON ~ 273__ A UBOLIJTION OW TU MONROE COtJNTY BOARD OJ COtJNTY COIlMlSSJO,... DIR&C'I1NG ....,..VADON 1'0& AWARD 01' AIIORDA8l& IJ'WELUNG UNIT ALLOcATIONS 1'0. SPlt.:"1&D PROJECTS; RlIIft'G T&RMs AND CONDntoNS WIIEREAs, lhe StIIIIII of Florida .... a111oealllOWl"'...... ia lhe PIorida ICcyt (ed IlIbjec& 10 ARIa of Critical StIlt Coacem ___ aJdaa 10 .... a8bnWdUt,y) I'CIIXlllMIiI' die DIlId fiIr ..... ......... .............. tile ..... IIId JlIIdc:aIIdy iD lhe FIoridIi .rc.,. wfIIR ........ .... fiIr ....... II ab""'" IImW 8Dd~ve; md ~ 1be M.~ otJlU~wa.. ..... --lli~ 0Wu-~ ia ... FJarida Ke,I iI.. ~...... ........, w_... ol........W IIIIIt ~~ ~ '.............~ioa of cdI'ectiw ~ pnltn'lldoa 1ftIW'!.....__ ad WIIIOtE.uI, dame ... '- allllnloriula fa II'- CIIl tile ..... of -""'lIIIit .I~~... AUIJIIt. 2005;.. WIIJrJttis, IeWIal JI'O~ COJ'ItaL.,~ the cIeveIopmem of a8brdab1fl ~ (tile "PmJocta") iDwhe o.a" f'aDdIa8 -'lor JIO_de. .... ...... AIr ~ ....-J - odMr JlIIIIIl*Ilhe _"_Lee m&4lbl of ....... ROOo <tweIliai .. au.,.. .doe let aides: ... 'WIIDIUs, tile BOCC ... -Nd tile ~ "'-tl~ ... .... ~ mined ...... ilia the eo.ty., mrc.~ NOW 1'III:RDoRr. 81: rr ....vm BY ... B04IID 0,. COVNTY COMMIIIIONatl<w MOlalOl COUNTY, rLORIDA .... ""'1; n. Moame c-a,,.,., DlJMtIlr.u,..... diNet _ ~ tile .-..dca ... .. ..... of......... ROOO ..., ..... fiIr ClIIe (I) yea- &am tile - of.... ...... (1IaoaId "'~......... flr tile ......1IIIifI DOt Ile iIIUId widaie - (I) ,... hD ... .. ot... ........ aII.u-..... ... milt ID lhe CGIIIIly Ibr j)OIIible aWIId to otIJer Ipp.uc.m.) fbr tile Iollowiaa Projectlll folio...: A. For the "Pmt V_It project, Ihrty (40) aftbJdaeJe ROOO .~ B. For the MIs.... Vw.,.," project. eiabty-aiae (19) aftbrdabJe ROOO aDoo-~ioaa. c. For the "Ovenea" project, forty..wne (49) affordable ROOO aUocadoas.. l'\ D. p~~~~.~"I~~ty~("~~.~. C()lftlft1nrity IIouIiDa Lad Trua- ail Coppitt projecC, ten (10) affonIehIe R.OOO aJJor--. E. For the (o~coI -omt.fcf' project. sixly-aine (69) aftbrcIIble ROOO alJoc.donJ. ... .,.... 2! I'Iannb.. StIff illBeby .......b.ed to p:o'*I ~ pcIIIIit related IPPIicadoaI for tile aboVH.Iea~ Ift~ Sll" 3: AltBmaIive medaoda of deed ~ . IIpJJIOWd by 1M Couaty A1bDI)". office may be ~w for tJ)e fcnaoinI projocq. PAIDD AND ADOPTm by die BoInI of Coaat7 Ct--I~ of MGaaae County, F10dda . . ...... ....... held .. die ..JJ.tJL cII9 of .Ju1y 2006. Mayor~"""'" McQJy Mayor Plo r.. Dide Spehar (PnmlfllioDer Oeoqp: Neupm ()mHm~ 0lcIm PIaOIl O-'...I~ Dmd Rice Yea Yes y- y- Yea BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE ~. PLORlDA ~.$. ,.. BY: .~.' ,~/":' May ~MI:Co,. / p. .. ~'-"" 01' 1.'1.' / (:.. j (~ ">~" i' 23 \~~ ,.:;: (SBAL J/.!'f\.,-., I r<j !! I A f. ~ ICOLHAOB. CLERK 'i~ ': . >I 'k . ',' ~ ~.. . :I 0 II ...,.. C) Z > ;= :u(")z a- m 0,....= ii t.:J .....x-< ..." (") . r- 0 0(") . en c:-~ ~ ::z:?'c - -..., -.o~ :z rT1 ~ -t-- - ("') . . )> - 0 "'T'I Cl - ::0 r- rr1 en .,... G 0 APPROVED AS TO FORM: COUDty Aaomey O.t. 2 b'/.!" 6,'.} '8 ' RESOLUTION NO. 184.2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COVNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECTING CONTINUED RESERVATION OF AFFORDABLE D\l'ELLING UNIT ALLOCATIONS FOR SPECIFIED PROJECTS; SETTING TER1\IS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the State of Florida and all local governments in the Florida Keys (each subject to Area of Critical State Concem mandates relating to housing affordability) recognize the need for affordable housing throughout the state and particularly in the Florida Keys where developable land for housing is extremely limited and expensive; and WHEREAS, on July 19, 2006 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 273-2006 reserving affordable dwelling unit allocations for several specified projects for a period of one year which expires on the 18th of July, 2007; and WHEREAS, the challenge of providing affordable housing opportunities in the Florida Keys is one requiring sensible and responsive use of residential unit allocations, inCluding implementation of effecti ve long-term preservation mechanisms; and, WHEREAS, several projects contemplating the development of affordable housing (the "Projects") involve County funding and/or Properties and require for funding approval and other purposes the immediate verification of affordable ROGO dwelling unit allocation set asides; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has examined the Projects identified here in and determined that each is in the County's interests and are progressing with sincere intent to complete; NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COllNTY COJ\.IMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA: Section I.: The Monroe County Planning Department shall direct and approve the reservation and set aside of affordable ROGO allocations for one (I) year from the date of this resolution (should building pennits for the related units not be issued within one t I) }ear from thc date of this resolutions all allocations shall revert to the County tar possible award to other applicants) for the following Projects as follows: A. For the "Islander Village" Proj~'Ct, eighty-nine (89) aftordable ROOO aJ l()(:ations B. For the "Overseas" proj~'C1. forty-nine (49) aflardablc ROOO allocations. Pag~lnr~ Rc\ tc\\"(."r: C. For the hHabitat tor Humanity of the Lower Keys/Florida Keys community Housing land Trusf. Big Coppitt project. eighteen (r 8) atlordable Rooo allocations. D. For the four Monroe County owned parcels (previously CWHIP projects), sixty-nine (69) affordable ROGO allocations. Section 2: Planning Staff is hereby authorized to process expeditiously pennit related applications for the above-referenced projects. Secdon 3: Alternative methods of deed restrictions as approved by the County Attorney's office may be substituted for the foregoing projects. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe CountYt Florida, held on the 161h day of May, 2007. Mayor Mario 01 Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner Charles '''Sonny'' McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Yes AbHi.t - Ye. Y.. - Yea BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~j[f~ By: Mayor Mario DiGennaro z o 0 ;~ ;;'It ;:J ::.. '-' S2 = - ~..~-- ..' . "J . .....-. '.. J. " ....., c:::I C=:J ......, '- c: z N 0"\ -0 ::z: rs; (J'I '71 :1 (SEAL) "q .:l h:' ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK , - I : '.., '1 '.J :l ;] ..:.J :~ ; :, "- Page 2 ('If:2 Rc:viewer: