Resolution 244-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 244-2009 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE ROCKLAND INDUSTRIAL PARK REPLA T WITH A MINOR TECHNICAL CHANGE TO THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE ROCKLAND INDUSTRIAL PARK RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7 AND PAGE 76 WHICH AMENDMENT HAS ALREADY BEEN APPROVED BY THE ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR PURSUANT TO MONROE COUNTY CODE SECTION 110-96(E), HAVING LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 7, SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 67 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, ROCKLAND KEY, FLORIDA, HA VING REAL ESTATE NUMBER 001122080-000100. WHEREAS, The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved the final plat for Rockland Industrial Park at its regular meeting of July 19, 2006 by Resolution 267-2006; WHEREAS, pursuant to Monroe County Code Section 11 0-96( e) if a plat has been previously approved and recorded, technical or minor changes to the plat may be approved by the Director of Planning; WHEREAS, the applicant moved a road 10 feet west and south of a 30 foot road / utility easement which is a minor technical change; and WHEREAS, the Acting Director of Planning granted the mInor technical amendment on September 5, 2008; and WHEREAS, the City of Key West, Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, the Monroe~ County Engineer and the Fire Marshall have no objections to the replat; 'WHEREAS, The Fire Rescue Captain has reviewed the old and proposed plans and concluded that the Fire Marshall's office has no objection to the granting of this change because all ingress/egress roads to and from the waste transfer station are unaffected. WHEREAS, The County Engineer has reviewed the old and proposed plans and has no objections to the minor technical change. Page 1 of2 o 0:: o (..) w a::: a:: o lJ... CJ W -' l1- M N (SEAL) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida: SECTION 1: The Rockland Industrial Park replat is hereby approved. SECTION 2: A complete set of building plans will be required for each platted lot as it is developed and subject to review by all relevant permitting or review agencies including, but not limited to, FKAA, Fire Marshal, Keys Energy Services, Department of Health, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, South Florida Water Management District, County Engineer, County Traffic Engineer, and reviewed by Staff for compliance with the Monroe County Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County', Florida at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of August, A.D., 2009. Mayor George Neugent Yes Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Murphy Yes Commissioner Kim Wigington Yes Commissioner Heather Carruthers Yes Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Yes ... - - I lJ..J ~ c.=l LL_ 4: ~ ':F,..: :.r: u ,. , . E; r"'" ~: i~ r-~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA x: ct N N a.. La.J (I) er'\ 15 c-...a c.) _1 >..- L:j C~) ~~d~ <C c~ Cl :E BY /it.r-~" 't>~,~ Mayor George Neugent ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ~J~~. lflL4aJ~ DEPUTY CLERK Page 2 of2 ROCKLAND A SECTION INDUSTRIAL PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 7, 21, TOWNSHIP 67 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST ROCKLAND KEY, FLORIDA UM.~lml ~~.oIc,,:-:,::,;:,~.oI~~~~ ~"'::::..:. ~ ~ lip. n;:~"."":.,..; '~ ...wG[ NO.2" .. .-- ill PIcot ~~r~~~~~~-g~~ 'ar . _ 01 JOO.5e 1o?i: 1Il_ _ '" . _. 01 ".00 1001; _. _ far . _ 01 1".00 '001 10 IIla _ ...-" .... 01 IIlo .. ... __ in ~ ~......'":'arl~:":"",,",: ~1~ ~~"'= :~ ~-, :.:::. -.y CMt..... .7...... .... ,. Of ..01 ....... ...... CIr ..... A _ool 01 _ In . port 01 _t IAl 7. _ 21. T........... .7 South. ...... 2. ........_ 1le7. _ ColIn". FloItcla. _ ,..,.,.. ..... _ _ulorIr ~ by..-=- s:;::..- -= ~__ 101I.U<< NO.2" _ .- iol _ =- ~..J.:7~:r-~ i~~~'"";:~; ~ fool; _ , 27'00' E ... . _. 01 73." fool; _ _ t.. . _. 0( 037.71 fool; _ 5 !WOT2ft' E tar . _ 01 2M." '00110 tho poW. 01 _ .. . __ _to tho WI ......... . ....... 0( 110-00' _ . .....,... ..... =..:::.. ":a:.".. "'= ::. "::":O:P.::'t :," ':=.0( 172.71 loot: _. Wall 'ar . c.nteiN .201,213 ...... '-' ., 4.11 ..... more ... ..... Frederick H. Hildebrandt Engineer Surveyor 31 52 Northside Drive Key West, Florida July 2006 UM. ___ 1.01 J: :.~ :"='''ICo~.~ =:""~, 7~~2~-":: ~ ~ ..,-----: - of .... _ __ 01 "IIOCl<UlNO ...wG[ NO.2' .. .- .. _ _ ~'U7i::- -= :r ~.:= :..:-~ ~ -:-.= .::..:::.:. ':r~ 5:.~"E='...~:f~~~~~=:f~ ::'~L ~?i~~1~~~= Cont.. 204.4:i' ....... twt 01 ".18 eern...... .... LEGAl. DESCRIPTt:>N: f1(M PARCEL A parcel 01 land in 0 port 0' Gov.rnm.nt LoIs 5 & 6. Section 21, Township 67 South Range 26 East on Rockland Key. liIonroe County. Florida and bein9 more particularly describ.d 01 fallow.: CommencI at tt,. Southwest corner at "ROCKlAND VIll.AGE NO, 2" a. recorded in Plot Book 7 at Pa(j. 17; then<:e North 0 distance of 29.30 fe.t; thence W.st tor 0 distance of 1956.83 fll!.t; tho!nce North for Q dislonce of 40.00 feet to the Point of lleqinning; thence Wnt for 0 dIstance of 30.00 teet; th.nc. North for a distance of 110.00 feet; thence West for 0 di,tonce of 230.80 feet; thence North for 0 distMce of 251.67 teet; thencs Eo.t for 0 distonce of 250 ,80 feet; thence South for a di,lonce of 351.67 I..t; thence S ~'oo'oo" E lor a distonc. 01 H. 14 reet back to Ihe Point 01 8eginni!19. ::~~el contoine '.50 ocr.. more or ~a: Sty, a Story R/'W ~ Right-e,(-Woy frl. '" Found p. - Ptat m. - "eosurf~d "'.H.W.- Ihon High Water O.R. - Officiol Recordl1 Sec, - Section T.p, - To.nship Rge. ... Ron~ N. T.S- Nol to Sc'olfJ q ... Ctlnterlilltl Dev.'" Ct.VOfio" 8.",. - Bench /Jorlt p, C. ... Point 0.' Cwvature P. T. ~ Point a.' Tongtlney p.O.C,a Point 0" Commtlnce P.O.B.- Point of Beginning P.B ... Plot BOo;. ~r~.: ~~ric Tel. ... T tlt.phOfltJ E:ne".- Encroodl'flflfl/ O. L, ... On Line C.L.F.- Cham L,IIk Fenetl A/C'" Air COrI(/i/ioner o/h '" Overl>tN1d ~.: ~~1:h'V~~:: (laWl/ion L,B. ... Low B~om Rod. - Radial :::;;".::: I.P. - Iron Pip. 1.8. - Iron &/ f = BOll81intl C.B. ... Coneret.. Block C.B.S.'" Concrett' Block Stucco cov'd. '" CoVtlred P.I. a Pain/ of Intersection wd. ... Wood R ... Radius A '" ArC' {Lenglh} o ... Delio. (Centrol angle) ..m. - Woler ",..t.r Bal. ... 80lcony PI. - PlarJler Hydt. '" Firtl Hyd'Vn/ F. W. = Firtl Well NOTICE TO lOT F'llRCHASERS AND All OTHER CONCtRNfD lHOMOUAlS Purchase 0' 0 p oiled lot shown h.r.on conf." no riCJht to build any slructure on such lot. nor to use the lot for <lny particular pufJlOse. nor to jevelop the lot. The development or us. of each lot is subject to. and restrict.d by. the (joals. oiljectuv.s. olld policies of the adopted comproh.nsiv. p/3n and land d.velopm.nt regulations impl.menting the pion; th.r.10re, no buildinq permits sholl be issued by the County uf\less the proposed dev.lopment com;>!;'. ",ilh the compr.h.nsive pl"n and land dewlopmllnt regulations. APPROVAL OF l.IONROE COUNTY ZONING ClfFICIAL rAST ~ ~ 03 io ~i " P. . ~ ~ ~" i~ 02 '1.- 0' \.. ~~ ~~ 0:) o '"}:) '"}:) o ~ .(> ...,' Q' ~ \.. WES"(~9.00' ~~ < ~~ M:ST 31..00' 101.00' P.O.B. WEST 415.00 Lot 1 "\) .---\ WEST 29B.35'm. (294' d.) 50' Northerl Ri ht-of-Wo Line :t ~~I 2: I! 1114110 :::~ [fIt i~1 A_JOO.OO' QQ' ";:!fi36.8 "ti ~ ~ .E. . 7' u. No. s. H GHWAY I~ Rodius- 110.00' Delto- 90"00'00" Arc.. 172.79' Tong.nt- 110.00' Chord- 155.56' Chord Brg. - S.45'00'00"E. Rodius- &).00' Ostto- 90'00'00" Arc- 125.66' Tongent- 80.00' Chord- 113.14' Chord 8rg.- N.45'OO'OO"W. Radius.. 50.00' Delta- 90'00'00" Arc- 78.54' Tongenl_ 50.00' Chord- 70.71' Chord Brg... N.45'00'00"W. \ o:~') ~O .: ~ r.O. -{ '?' ~ ~ S 63'0' G t\ t "" \ 00' d. 5000. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. $ Denotes Permanent R.ference Monument, P.l.S. No. 2749 2. . Denotes Permon.nt Control Point. P.l.S. No. 2749 3.. Denottls 1/2. I.P" P.l.S. No. 27411 s.t 4. North arrow and b.orings based on f.O.O.T. R/W "'op 5. a.nch Mark. 101-271 , Elev. 11.781 6. ..)- denot.. e"isting elevation. based on ....S.L.. N.G.V.D. 1929 dATUM o ~"t.. \J . ')09'?-0 ~.6 OEOlCATlON: ~~s.~~~ ~~~c~;:s ~~~y t;'OI~:~~:C~.:~;~. h:~:o~~:\::,~a~f~. o:n!.~b~. i~~~i~:OI ~~~?n~t t~~-;;o:: :~~~st':e~:~~omponies engaged in their official capacity. and ~uch use 2. Nothing in this Plot sholl be de.med to be 0 dedication 0' on)' lands or the use ther.ot to th. public. ACKNOWI mr.unrr., I HEREBY CERTIFY: That th. attached plot .ntitled: "ROCKlANO INOUSTRIAl PARK" is true and corr.ct representation of the londa os recently .uIWy.d and platted und.r m)' =~~ r::'=~~~ ~~o~~;t:'m. 't:::s ~~"';" cn;t=d om ~;J:,p~~. W~~71t~hot the permon.nt ref.renc. monum.nts ww. set in occOf'danc. with Section 177.091 (7) of ao;d Chapter 177. and furth.r that the permanent controll points sholl be s.t ~"", ~ .... ~ ~ -- ........., "'.., (8) of soi hU-7. · fREDl CK H. HIlDE 01. E.. . S. Prof_ionol land .Surveyor ., Napper No. 274!l profe"iono,;I;~~' 36810 ~~: of F1 . .& ACkNOWl..E'DGUf'NT: State of Florida ) Codnty of liIonroe) Before me personally appeared F'rank P. T<>ppino, 01 "'on09'" of Rockkmd Operations. LLC, to b. well known and known to me to be the individuals delCribed in and w...o uecut.d lIIe for.Qoing instrument and acknowledged ~' ...... .. ,..,...~.. ,f ,.. ....,~ c.,,~ ..." ,....""', enl. Re gulo. tOo.ns, ,.onuClJ990. ~ ..~"~ ~~~~~A3ft1& ..~l~~t~E" . to and before me that he and she exacut.d such instrument of their free act and d.ed. ~ ~~. (j Witn... m)' hond and Official Seal this ~o)' of A.D., 2006 Notary P~bll~, Stott of florido, at Lorge. i.: .~~= lily CommISSIon e"por.s.~, "..+Ii.... ~'= IH WITNESS WHEREOf': ~~:n~f~".~ 0:n~~.:'';9:~al. this /'I" doy of ./~ AD 2006. *~~~_.,.. "l..<-LO~+ ... W s..) Fronk P. Toppino. iii Qer PARK ~ N N.T.S. Ia.L ~ 1m 4< A........ 01 ...... in . port ", ~ Let 7, -.. 2.. T......... .7 South, "".... 21 [0", ... _ Kor, _ ~. florIdo. .... ....- ...... _ pcII1iccoIcwly -.,----- ClMIENC[ . lIlo _ _ ", ~ '4UG( NO. 2" .. _~ .. PIel :: ~ ~7i.. "':"""...::::- :r.:.~.::.... 2I.JO_~ ~...:: ~2~ ~ .ra...:.::: o$!::::..~!!EE :'?E ~2~ == = ~:= :::, ~ "::: :": ::.=~ ';;. -:.t ~ = =- ... "" 100_ .... IIlo _ -.... _ _ .... _ ~ .... s 01'07'28' [ ,.. . _. 01 751.03 _ _ ... .. _ _ -, .... 01 ... eo ,_ ~~ Z~.etD.~ = ::::: = 'or . - 01 32.03 f..1 2662.84' -- -~... Wtn4lX_ __~u.c._",..._ - -- - -.-.. - ...... e"" of ~ l.olo. _ 2.. T...... 17 -. ..... 21 r.c. I.IIW. ......... ~ H H): ~Hat:..."'~oIlCor~~~~ S::-~. ~-' -- - - eeo- ollila __ _ 01 ~ lIIUAIi( NO. !i::..~/::.~== ~~:=.:=.=t:~~.. - 0( '-.4 fool; _ -. . _ ", 375.lll1 foil; _ M:SI' . . d1_ at 415.00 foot: _ _ . . _ III 731.11 -= _ EaaI ...... . .... ..... 2OOlI.00 _ --. ... _ ........ _ ... _ .. 0( __ 21 for 1110..&.l _: _. S.2TOO'lll1't.. . _ ", 7J.4lI foil: _ WEST.. . dlot.... ", 437.71 fool, _ 5.!W07'2S'[.. . _ ", 101$.A1I _ t. lIle Ploinl of eo.;.....,. ,..,ool _ 7304.737 _ 'oot or 18.17 _. ...... ar -. IIllM. DIIaW'IlllN: :If 1IQMI/UlIm DIDIEHf: ~8"= ::. =.:..: ::. :...C::-=, ~ s:" ~ ~ ~ -.,----_: c~ of 1M __ _ crI "IlOCIllNlD W!MlE NO. 2" _ _ .. _ = ~_ "%.:7i.. ~ ::' .;.... ~-:. ~-:-..:," '::"'::2: ., .. .... eo _ _ _ __ 10 _ _ ... 1_ . ..... 12. at IIlo '"- _ 0( _ c-.tr. F10rIde ..... . _ 0( 214.74 fool 10 ... :.-..: ..:t::"'..::..= ~ ~fool;-":::'':;''":. '== :- 754""_ '". _ _ Iolllo _ _-"._0( eo -. _. ~::-:'Io~-:;-iE:::' :a:.t. =O(,~~ · -. - 10 ... ~ _ ..... . ...... 01 IIOJI teot. _ . _..... :3"..10'.:":"'-:- .::~ =: :: .-:..:: :'-~.:-f~ ~ ~7I _lD IIlo _ _ -... _0( 5D.O-. _. -........", WOO', _ -., _ ......, I" _ _ lor _ on: ..... crI 71"" ,... ~~ "j:,~ ~ :- tlO -:: :::. -::;- ... lho ....... at ........... J92.97' m. (J9J.8'd.) ~ ~ -West Abunl",."t of Rockland Key Vooducl 0.00' "NOnCE: This plot. 05 record.d in ils (jrophic form, is '}.~~ y. rf" ~~.i~ff~~1 ~t~iO:O ~r~::n:I~~~~de:' 1:~~IO~:~ri?:O authority by any other groptlic or di9itof form of the plol. Ther. may b. additional re.lrlctions thot ore nol r.cord.d on this plot thot may be foynd '" th. public record. of lhis county" Plat rev;ewed & approved by; J. ~~;;J~~nl~c. ~i~i~. ~f'lo~~;8 00 PLAT BOOK 7 PAGE 16 RESOLUTION NO. 244-2009 _ A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE ROCKLAND INDUSTRIAL PARK REPLA T WITH A MINOR TECHNICAL CHANGE TO THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE ROCKLAND INDUSTRIAL PARK RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7 AND PAGE 76 WHICH AMENDMENT HAS ALREADY BEEN APPROVED BY THE ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR PURSUANT TO MONROE COUNTY CODE SECTION 110-96(E), HA VING LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 7, SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 67 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, ROCKLAND KEY, FLORIDA, HA VINO REAL ESTATE NUMBER 001122080-000100. WHEREAS, The Monroe CoWlty Board of County Commissioners approved the final plat for Rockland Industrial Park at its regular meeting of July 19, 2006 by Resolution 267-2006; WHEREAS, pursuant to Monroe County Code Section lJ0-96(e) If a plat has been previously approved and recorded, technical or minor changes to the plat may be approved by the Director of Planning; WHEREAS. the applicant moved a road 10 feet west and south of a 30 foot road / utility easement which is a minor technical change; and WHEREAS, the Acting Director of Planning granted the minor technical amendment on September 5, 2008; and WHEREAS, the City of Key West, Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, the Monroe County Engineer and the Fire Marshall have no objections to the replat; WHEREAS, The Fire Rescue Captain has reviewed the old and proposed plans and concluded that the Fire Marshall's office has no objection to the granting of this change because all ingress/egress roads to and from the waste transfer station are unaffected. WHEREAS, The COWlfy Engineer has reviewed the old and Proposed plans and has no objections to the minor technical change. Page I of2 3T1D 0.... 0 z....n ::a-. oD. mOD~ n:uCJI o.cp c:n~ ZOU) ""'01 -<t D. cg a'" GI D::J......... ZoN Z~GI -<~......... ... N r-ncg . ... cg "co "'.... O:u r-. ~n"" DO.... a'" mD..... inN oD ~3 me ~o an II N ..... N~ (DUI CD ~ "'1JCD GUI a .. UI N NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida: SECTION I: The Rockland Industrial Park replat is hereby approved. SECTION 2: A complete set of building plans will be required for each platted lot as it is developed and subject to review by all relevant pennitting or review agencies including, but not limited to, FKAA, Fire Marshal, Keys Energy Services, Department of Health, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, South Florida Water Management District, County Engineer, County Traffic Engineer, and reviewed by Staff for compliance with the Monroe County Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of August, A.D., 2009. Docl 17~679S Bkl 2429 PI. 453 Mayor George Neugent Yes Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Murphy Yes COmmissioner Kim Wigington Yes Commissioner Heather Carruthers Yes Commissioner Mario OJ Gennaro Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY b~~~ )r)~ Mayor -eorge Neugent (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ~al~!n~ DEPUTY CLERK. r10NROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS Page 2 of2 This Copy i:3 f: ~)riginH! en .C;; ;~~:I:~~&:ii-f:_ ! . ,~. .:) ,=, '":.:- i~ I" 1. :l2 :-' ~.. "oq c~J-~-L~C. 1OL~~~ ". ,,~ CLu" A. 'I', ",,0 V