Item E-N AUG-07-01 10,36 FROM,FLA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTH 10,3052863521 PAGE 1/1 FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY KEY WEST, FLORIDA TO; Isabelle county Clerk's Office FAX: 295-3663 FROM; Elvira Roger Braun, Executive Director FKAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS John M. Koenig, sr., Chairman --------~--------------~------ Ubert O. }\ppe1.~ I "ice Chairman (Audit c~ttee) ------------------------------ uary L. Rice I Sec:retary-Treasura:r; -------~------~-------~------- was not at. the July 12eh meet.ing Linda B. Wheeler (:Budget &; Labor committee) ~------~---------------~------ Harry s. Cronin ~ ~ .-C- ~ BOCC Re~()lution...R';'lugh Dra.ft Whereas, the F1OTid~ Keys Aqueduct Auth\ll'ity, FKAA, by speCial state legislative act is designated a~ tbe soh: sewer authority for <ill of uninc:orporatvd Monroe County, an.d Whereas, the FKAA is ill' autonomous state- agency with a b(JiUd that i~ appoU'lted by the Gt.wernor and not e1ecred by the people, and Whereas, the FKAA can issue balds, revenue certificates and ot.herwi~~e borrow m~e$ for !.'iewer capjtal P"c;ects wit"hout any respon~bility to the people of unincorp<<a~d Monroe County who will pay such indebtedne5s, and Wht!r~a:>, the &~rd of County Commiik4i~::;~ BOCC, ltQ l(,lIOger had any power or authority Qver the PKAA h\Curring indebtedness for ~t!r capital projects in uninC'Ol'pOl"ared Mot'lroe Cmmty, and Where3S, the B<..1CC therefore desirp.s the Florida Legislature return the authority and responsibility for sewers in unincorporated Monroe Cotinty to the BOCC, who are an elected board, answerable to the p~"lple and Whereas, the BC>CC d~es to hav~ the ability to overl:k-'e seww: relattld. matters d.irectly or by setting up local area elected sewer boards, and Wher~at;, thi~ resolutiun is n~.l:!d by M'-lllI~ Cou.n.ty'~ State R4tpmsentati ve on or before August 1, 2001, so such legislation might be initiated fur the coming state legi!'llati ve se88ion, We now therefore reeolve that the above and following action is approved by the members of the B(1CC with thl: l:'tipulated conditions: 1. The BOCc. by this resolution, requests the State Representati ve fC)l" M011.t'oe County, Kell SoreJ1fle'J"lI to b:'\itiate legislatic:m. for the 2002 6e5$ion to return the sewer authority to the eex:.:c tor aU of unincorporated Monroe county. 2. At any tune after the paS$.in~ of this Resolution, the BClCC may n:scind thi8 Legisl"tj ve requ~t. 3. If. at any time, this resolution j:; deemed to adver!lely affect the pending Circuit Court appeal of Judge TaylOl"s ruling on the Sunshine :matter, the decisiOl'\ of which has terminated the Key Largo central sewer contract fOl' vi(~lationB of florida'" Sunshjne Law, the BQCC may cancel this TeAoIutkm and the request to its State Rep.rceet\tative. ReBul ved thi!; _ day of