Resolution 449-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 449 -2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE BILLING COl\1P ANY FOR TRAUMA STAR TO NOT BILL THE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE OR MONROE COUNTY FOR TRANPORTATION OF ARRESTEES CHARGED WITH A VIOLATION OF A STATE OR COUNTY ORDINANCE WHEN ALL OTHER :METHODS OF REIMBURSE:MENT HA VE BEEN SOUGHT PURSUANT TO F.S. 901.35 WHEREAS, Monroe County and the Monroe County Sheriff's office operate a rapid- transport air ambulance to provide air transportation of trauma, critically injured and ill patients, herein after called "Trauma Star", which is funded by the residents of Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, in medical emergency situations, inmates of the Monroe County Detention Center may require transportation via Trauma Star; and WHEREAS, Monroe County contracts with a billing company to provide billing services for Trauma Star services; and WHEREAS, Section 901.35, Florida Statutes, sets forth the financial responsibility for the medical expenses incurred in providing medical care including transportation; and WHEREAS, ES. 901.35(2), states that when reimbursement sources as set forth in the statute are not available; the costs of medical care, including transportation shall be paid from the general fund of the county in which the person was arrested when the arrest was for a violation of state law or county ordinance; and WHEREAS, in compliance with F.S. 901.35, the County is both charging and being billed for transportation services it provides via Trauma Star; and WHEREAS, the billing company for Trauma Star is billing and seeking reimbursement from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office for transportation services which are already funded from county-wide tax dollars, which is a misuse of time and resources; and WHEREAS, in order to avoid the arbitrary practice of transferring funds from one fund to another; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County: 1 tit 1. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereby directs the billing company for Trauma Star to not bill Monroe County Sheriff's Office or Monroe County for transportation services rendered via Trauma Star to arrestees, which are arrested for a violation of a state law or county ordinance, when all other reimbursement sources have been sought since the transportation services are already funded by Monroe County and to bill for such services would be a misuse of time and resources. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of November ,2009. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers Commissioner George Neugent //./;r.-..-;;..~o~~' ~m.. ......:.I...ssioner Mario DiGennaro /f:~~~ ..'. . issioner Kim Wigington ~l vt:)/___\ <0l'/~ \ .,'.; ~ '/r/ ...- v" ~., tL . '1'Z · ." '" V. \'-V \. !(~r ._'~. ~ ~(~tZ;f:p; ~'\ ~\"...j.~'. :~ L. KOLHAGE, Clerk \,~~~j}, \~?:O(;/ '<':':'~i!Y~Ai-~~ .;I' Deputy Clerk Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /J.,,~~. '()~,~ By Mayor/Chairperson fv10NROE COUNTY ATTORNEY rPPROY.ED AS TO FORM: CHRISTIN M. LIM EAT-BARROWS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date 111.j 10' I I ~ 23 0 ~p~ (:) rq ....--: iT1 ~'Q -" C) ::>1:: r~- ~~~ '''''1 'J:r :;"'< :-f l> C) r'- rrt ~ 51 z C,) < N ~ :I:Ja :E ~ r- ", o " o ::u ::::l:J f"T1 c-) o ~ o - - ... N 2