Resolution 463-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 463 - 2009 A RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ELECTING TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COUNTY: STATING A NEED FOR SUCH LEVY; PROVIDING FOR THE MAILING OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida (the IICountyll) is contemplating the imposition of special assessments for the provision of wastewater utility services; and WHEREAS, the County intends to use the uniform method for collecting non- ad valorem special assessments for the cost of providing wastewater utility services to properties in Key Haven, Lower Sugarloaf through Big Pine Key, and Long Key authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended, because this method will allow such special assessments to be collected annually commencing in November 2010, in the same manner as provided for ad valorem taxes; and WHEREAS, the County previously advertised and held a public hearing on December 17,2008, as required by F.S. 197.3632, resulting in Resolution 515- 2008, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A; WHEREAS, the special assessments which Resolution 515-2008 stated would be collected by the County annually commencing in November 2009 were never levied; and WHEREAS, the County intends to exercise in 2010 its previously declared intent to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem assessments as set forth in Resolution 515-2008; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Commencing with the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1 , 2010 and with the tax statement mailed for such Fiscal Year, the County intends to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem assessments authorized in section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended, for collecting non-ad valorem assessments for the cost of providing wastewater utility services. Such non-ad valorem assessments shall be levied within the Key Haven, Lower Sugarloaf through No Name Key, and Long Key Wastewater Service Areas. A legal Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers ,.<':.1',.,~~~~~"P,,~ O,mmissioner Mario Di Gennaro _~:\ ~"'~;,~~~m!Si~ner ~eorg~ ~eugent ~...,. i \;('\,~~~_mISSloner Kim Wigington Atte$trOAN~'t'.l. KOLHAGE, CLERK B . o M a:: N 8 M w 2: 0'.:' c- o:: C7\ ~ N E; ~ -.J ~ lJ... ~ description of such area subject to the assessment is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. Section 2. The County hereby determines that the levy of the assessments is needed to fund the cost of wastewater utility services within the Key Haven, Lower Sugarloaf through No Name Key, and Long Key Service Areas. Section 3. Upon adoption, the County Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution by United States mail to the Florida Department of Revenue, the Monroe County Tax Collector, and the Monroe County Property Appraiser by January 10,2010. Section 4. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 16th day of December, 2009. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN FLORIDA By: LLJ _J C-:J u.. <! ~ ~~..: :!~ (._~ ;~.~- ~~~ ~~~ ~.) _1 :~'fC CJ i~~!'J ~GC) CJ :E: EXHIBIT A Resolution 515-2008 \.. '. ~',;~ ," .. . ~;. . ;t ..~ J?t' ~ : 2 RESOLUTION NO. 515 -2008 A RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ELECTING TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM SPECIAL ASseSSMENTS LEVIED WITHIN THE UN"CORPORATED AREA OF THE COUNTY: STATING A N&D FOR SUCH LEVYi PROVIDING FOR THE MAILING OF THIS RESOLUnON: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Monroe County. Florida (the IICOUntY') is contemplating the imposition of special assessments for the provision of wastewater utility services; and WHEREAS, the County intends to use the uniform method for collecting non-ad valorem special_sessments far the cost of providing wastewater utility services to properties in Key Haven, Lower Sugarloaf through Big Pine Key. and Long Key authorized by section 1D7.3832, Florida Statutes. 8$ amended. because this method wI. allow 8uch special assessments to be collected annually commencing In November 2009. in the same manner as provided for ad valorem taxes; and WHEREAS, Resolution 568-2007 passed in December 2007 stating that the County would collect special assessments annually commencing in November 2008 was never activated; and \ " -',~ '. ..~~. . ,1 ..,. j/ .! . ..;t . .'~ . :a WHEREAS, the County held a duly advertised public hearing prior to the adoption of this Resolution, proof of publication of sud, hearing being attached hereto 88 Exhibit A_ NOW. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TIE BOARD Oil COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA: Section 1. Commencing with the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1. 2009 and with the tax statement maled for such Fiscal Year. the County intends to use the uniform method of collecting non4d valorem assessments authorized In section 197.3832, Florida Statutes, as amended, for collecting norHiId valorem assessments for the cost d providing wastewater utility 8ervlce8. Such non-ad valorem aaaesement8 nil be levied within the Key Haven. Lower Sugarloaf through No Name Key, and Long Key Wastewater Service Areas. A legal description of such area subject to the assessment Is attached hereto as Exhibit B and Incorporated by reference. Section 2. The County hereby determines that the levy of the assessments Js needed to fund the cost of wastewater utity services within the Key Haven, LO\Vsr Sugarloaf through No Name Key, and Long Key Service Areas. Section 3. Upon adoption. the County Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution by United States mall to the Florida Department of R8V8lUe. the Monroe County Tax Collector, and the Monroe County Property Appraiser by January 10, 2009. Section .. This Resolution shaD ~ effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board 01 County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida. at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 17th day of December, 2008. .;... .. Mayor Georgi Neugent .xu Mayor Pro Tim SylvIa Murphy .lD Commluloner Kim Wigington l!f Commleloner H.....r Carruth.... ~ Comml.1IoMr 118r10 DI Gennaro J:sp BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MglfROE ~~ORIDA .q-.. BY.~~ ......, Mayor olMJo. ~ Deputy Clerk "~~;' , rt )~. " .:j;~~ .. ~~. . . : :a \ ~.,::~ \. .. .. 3 ~ .." ~ c:I ;:: ,.;:) ~ -.a 2: rTl ~"n% c.- o..-z !; 0 n:s:-< ..... . . . ...,. r- 0 OM- c.n :x) '--:x %:00 -a ::0 -tnr- :x rrt :< ....:1: en n ...," ~ .. 0 ; ~ '-" ! ~ EXHIBIT A PROOF OF PUBLICATION \ '. ~}~ .. .. .~; . ,1 .~ , .,;Ji" . .. ~j" :a .................... - Cooke Communications, LLC FIorkla Keys M..ha F. Kirkwood Advertising Coordinator PO Box 1800 Key Weal FI 33041 OffIce... ..30&-212-7777 Extenaion. ...... .x219 Fax..... ..308-28I-802S Iea.......,.n~ftm INTERNET PUBLISHING ~t.com .......CDm llarfdlklya.com ~.com WR DIllIn SeMca NEWlPAPERS 1he CiIzen ~ FIyw SaI... H. Big Pine F...,.. MarIlItw\ FNe P..- I....... AM PteI. __ '--Do Fill p,.. 0cMn Hell fir.- SMport LOa IlACIAZINE The Menu HolM GuIde Clm. I.OCII's Gum PadiM Keys 1V ChInnI& GukM MARKETING SERVICES Cocnmen:lll Pftnlng Cniztn l.ocII, c.d DIrect tMil PLORlDA KEYS OfFICES Prlntln.I...." FaUlly .MiO NonhItdo OlIVe Key ....... Fl 33040-1800 Tel 3IJ5.a2.77T1 F. 3CJ5.2SM.0768 citizen......com Intemet Dlvl_n 1201 ....... ..... (I. 103) ~ WIll. FL 3304D4S2I Tel 3D54t2-111O F. 305414-1_ ....~ MIddle ~ OffIce ua 0wIMu Hwy ~ FL (MM&2.S. aao&Q.D42 Tel 3GIo-1'Q.I7ee Fa 301-7Qfi11 ~,cona Upper w.,. otftce .1541 Old Hwy poe_..- ::::::a FL CMM81.6) T.l~ Fa 3CJ5.t84.I411 ..........idIkayI.oam Ooean RMt OffIce SA a.r.cuda line ICtIy I...ugo. FL 33OS7 Tel 31J5.317..., 1 Fa 3OWI'7--2181 .. . . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Randy G. Ericksol1t who on oath. ~s that ~ is Vice-President of Advertising Operations of the Key W~ CItizen, a daily newspaper published in Key West, in Monroe County Fwn~; , that the attached copy of advertisement, being a legal notice in the matter of 7J~~t(rL~) ".~; . ,1 was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of . '~7ji;' 1J~~A '';':J~ f~~7/~~~ ~/'~ Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Mumoc County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Fl()rida every day, and has beep entered as second-class mail 'matter at the post office in Key . West, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of 1 year next ~recediBg the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant'1Urther says that he has neither paid. nor promised any persoD, firm or Qorporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpo 0 securing this advertiscD.ent for publication in the said De a Swom and subscribed before me this~ day of ~2008 , Notary Public: ~wood I ~1,~~ Expires: September 1 S, 2009 . ... ..... .. .......... 1.4' ... ......... .. .... .,.., Notary Seal ~. .'. e...I .. . ': .~,,:..:' ~~' .. . .'. ~ . ~: · ~ -~ .'...!: '~~~""'~t 4. ~.".", . "'. '," 'r r . ~. ',. . ~'.I'~ Q~ r:1r;rida ,f ~..t .~>.; :' 'I' ;;'~ ...~. ". ... ,; r.:.~ ~e~. ~ 5. 2Ql); ,;~ · <" ":. ; : ... ,,',' '.' ..,. .''.:..~~.~.-' t . . " '. .:....04:0 " ~......:-"~ Perso~ly Known X Produced IdentifiQauon Type of Identification Produced OUNTYOLMONROE KEYWEST .:::J 1~.-040 (3)5) ......1 r-'-""- NOTICE OF INTENT TO USE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (ttthe County") hereby provides notice, pursuant to Section 197.3632(3Xa), Florida Statutes, of its intent to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem special assessments, for the cost of providing certain wastewater capital improvements and connectioDs. to be levied. within. - the unincorporated area of Monroe County encompassing the Key RaveD, Lower S8garloaf tbroagb Big PlDe 1CJo'j, No Name Key aDd LoDg Key for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2009 and continuing each ye&r.'until discontinued by the County. The County win consider the adoption of a resolution electing to use the uniform method of coUecting such assessments authorized by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, at a puKe llearbal to be IleId at 5:01 p.1IL 08 December 17,2008 ia the CoIlUDissiOD Chambers. Mantho. Government CeDter, 3798 Overseas :a HIghway, MDe Marker SO, MarathoD, FL. Such resolution will state the need for the levy and will contain ~ legal description of the boundaries of the real property subject to the levy. All interested persons are invited to attend~\. \ .... ....;~ PUDU8Ut to Section 286.01 OS, Florida Stabltes, notice is given that if a penon decides to appeal any decisionioade 'by . the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearinp tot meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpos~ he may need to ensure that B verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes tho testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. .-~; " (.. '; j j.,o:.." ..t. . -i...j~ . - ~;: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act>> persons needing 8 special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact tbe County Administrator's Office by phoning (305) 292-4441 no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing. Dated at Key West, Florida this 19* day ofNovcmber, 2008. DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ox officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida For PublieatiOD M .3 x S disDIay ad witll border OR the foUowin2 datel: Key West Citizen (Su) 11123/08~ 11/30/08, 1217/08, 12/14108 Keynoter (Sa) 11/22/08, 11/29108, 1216108. 12113/08 Reporter (Fc) 11121/08, 11/28/08, 121SI08. 12112108 . . , . ..~: . 11 -~ ..);~ .... ~ . :a -~~o FLOIIDA IE1. ~'J~, ~ . . ., II. '. ~~ ~ I, ", . '.f' _ .. . ..." . .... '" , I I. r- .... t . . .. . . . -4:.' ." . It.' ~ .,... l I' f I"~ .",,;J. _._.\_~~S L/ :.>~:. .'.c/ ~.J ~J_i~:~~, Published Twice Weekly Marathon, Monroe County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROI Before the undersigned authority person- ally appeared WAYNE MARKHAM who on oath, says that he Is PUBLISHER of the FLORIDA KIYS KlYNOTER, a twice weekly newspaper published In Marathon, In Monroe County, florida: that the attached copy of advertisement was published In said newspaper In the issues of: (date(s) .of publication) !t:::/,: ;{lj' .~ _ .~., 6 /~ 211r Amant further says that the said FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER Is a newspaper published at Maratho"n, In said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Monroe County, FlOrida, twice each week (on Wednesday and Saturday) and has been entered as a second class mall matter at the post office In Marathon, In Monroe County, Florida, for a period of. one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement. The affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm, or corporation any discount, rebate, .commlsslon or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s) and that The Florida Kevs Keynoter Is in full compliance with Chapter 50 of the Rorlda State S~tul:A!; an leaal and Offl(:lal A SW~ to an u thl Da of (SEAL) ~~JAI/IkV Notary t .JJ.,tL. ~ .' .' ~ BEVERLY 1'RAEOSR ......1 MYCOM....,.,.DDSI1Dt ~ ex....r '-.lI." tftJJ.....u ...........,.......-. - ----.... .- \~ . ;.~ <; . 47 '.. T I . Ji; -f: ...;". .,('" . ...~; . 2 OUNTYofMONROE KEV'NES'r .::J 1~3S040 (305) -..-4841 r'--"'-"- NOTICE OF INTBNT TO USE UNIFORM METHOD OF cnT.T .RCTlNG NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS The Board of County Commissioners of Mouroc Collnty, Florida ("the County") hereby provides notice, pmsuant to Section 197.3632(3)(8), Florida Slam_ of its intent to use the uniform ourthod of collecting non-ad valorem special assessments, for the cost of providing certain wastewater capital improvements and CODDectiO~ to be levied within. - the unincorporated area of Monroe County ellCOmp8SSing the Key BaVeD, Lower SagarlGaf through Big Plae Key... No Name Key aDd LoB. Key for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2009 and continuing each year:until discontinued by the County. The County will consider the adoption of a resolution electing to uso the unifonn Diethod of coDectiDg such assessments authorized by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, at a public heuiDI to be beld at 5:01 p.m. 08 Decenaber 17, 2008 ill tile COIDIIIIssiOB a..Dlbert, Muatlloa Government Center, 2798 OverSea. ~ Bfghway, MDe Marker SO, Maratlaoa, FL. Such resolution will state the need for the levy and will contain ~ legal description of the boundaries of the real property subject to the levy. All interested persons are invited to attend~i. PursuBDt to Section 286.0l0S. Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decides to appcalany decision ~;: . the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearinp ,ar mcetings~ he will need a record of the proceedings. and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that B vexbatim record of the proceedings is made, wbich record includes the testimony and evidtmcc upon which the appeal is to be based. .,5 . ,i "~ l' . :ji~' . ..~ In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, peISOOS needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator's Oftico by phoning (305) 292-4441 no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing. Dated at Key West Florida this 191" day of November, 2008. DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida For Publication.. .3 ][ 5 disDlay ad with border 08 tile follo1riDt! dates: Key West Citizen (Su) 11/23/08, 11/30/08, 1217108, 12114/08 Keynoter (Sa) 11/22/08. 11/29/08, 12/6/087 12/13/08 Reporter (Fr) 11/21/08. 11/28/08:. 12/5/08, 12/12108 .,.f ~j. ,-1 <~lj ;t- :.';.;~. .2 -;\Q THE PORTER P.O. Box 1197, Tavernier, F133070 92655 OvOncllS Hwy, Tavernier F1 33070 Phone 305- 852-3216, Fax 305- 852-0199 'JIWW.keysnet.com STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersiped authority penonally appeared WAYNE M.ARKIIAM who on oath, says that he is PUBLISHER of the TIlE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper published in Tavernier. in Monroe County t Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: (date(s) of publication) ~~~JfJJ~~I2~;Jfl)Y Affiant funher says tbat the said THE REPORTER is a nowspaper published at Tavernier, in said Monroe County II Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe CoUntyl Florida, each week (OD Friday) and has been entered as a second class mail matter at the post office in Tavernier. in Monroe County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the fll'St publication of the attached copy of advertisement. The affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any penonll fmn- or COrPoratiOD any discount, rebate) commission or refund for the purpose of securinS this advertisement for publication in the said ncwspapor(s) and that The 11m REPORTER is in full compliance with Chapter SO of the Florida State Statutes on Legal and. Official Advertisements. Sworn ~ and su~bcd before me thisADay of ~ ,,200B (SEAL) A- ~ Nr~Y{f-"~~ !JLL /UftrfJlA}-/ .' .' -- . 8EVBnV TRABGBR ~ MY COM...... /I DDfGu4. EX"III: .,1.... ~ ..,..... ~...,........ ..~: . ,1 '1' · .-ti~' .aw~; . :a \~ ". ~-,~;O OUNTY~ONROE KEY WESr .:::;. I~OM)A 38040 (305) 2IM-4841 r.~""""'" NOTICE OF INTENI' TO USE UND'ORM METHOD OF COlLECTING NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS The Board of County Commissioners of MODl'OC County, Florida ("the County") hereby provides notice, pursuant to Section 1~7.3632(3)(a), Florida Statutes, of its intent to use the uniform matbod of collecting non-ad valorem special assessments, for the cost of providins certain wastewater capital improvements and CODlleCtio~ to be levied within. . the unincorporated area of Monroe County encompassing the Key RaVeD, Lower S8prloaftbrouch Bie Pine Keys, No Name Key aDd LoDg Key for the fiscal year beginning on October 1. 2009 and continuing each year.' until discontinued by the County. The County win consider the adoption of a resolution electing to use the uniform Dietbod of collecting such assessments authorized by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes~ at a pabUe laearial to be IleId at 5:01 p.m. OD Dece-ber 17,1008 ba tile Commission ClaaJDben, Maratlloa GovenuDeDt Ceater,2798 Oveneas a HIghway, MUe Marker SO, M....thoD, FL. Such resolution will state the need for the Ie\')' and will contain .~ legal description of the boundaries of the real property subject to the levy. All interested persons are invited to attm..: , '" -:~ Pursuant to Section 286.01 OS, Florida Statutes. notice is given that if a person decides to appeal any decision 'made' by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearinP,Qt meetings. ho will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure tbat a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. ..~; <-1 , .)~~ . .~.. . . In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an intelpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator's Office by phoning (30S) 292-4441 no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing. Dated at Key W~ Florida this 19th day of November. 2008. DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk. of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida For Publication as a 3 So: 5 diaD)." ad with border 08 the followiDsr dates: Key West Citizen (Su) 11123/08, 11/30108, 1217/08, 12/14/08 Keynoter (Sa) 11/22/08, 11/29108, 1216108, 12/13/08 Reporter (Fr) 11121/08. 11/28108, 1215108, 12/12108 .. .!;.'.. . ~. .. .~ . .- !'J .' 1* '~'J-;: .1 '.....p"!. .. ..,,,; . .. 3 . ". .. ..~;~....' '. : .~. .... .~.. EXHIBIT B KEY HAVEN WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA That portion of the unincorporated area bounded on the west by Florida Bay, on the east by AUantlc Ocean. on the north by Florida Bay, and on the south by US1 and Stock Island (between MM 5.5 and 8.0), Monroe County, Florida. LOWER SUGARLOAF THROUGH NO NAME KEY WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA That portion of the unincorporated area bounded on the west by Lower Sugarloaf Sound. on the east by Big SPMllh ChanneJ and Bahia Honda Channel, on the north by Florida Bay, and on the south by Atlantic Ocean (between MM 16.5 and 36). Monroe County, RorkIa. LONG KEY SERVICE AREA That portion of the unincarporated area bounded on the west by Long Key Viaduct. on the east by Channel 5. on the north by Florida Bay, and on the south by Atlantic Ocean (between MM 65 and 71), Monroe County, Florida. <~ . ,1 "~T-l. . I ~~. -..~ ..}I' ... ,1i 3 \.... -;;~ . r .. BRANCH OFFICE: MARA THON SUB COURTHOUSE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 BRANCH OFFICE: PLANTATION KEY GOVERNMENT CENTER 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 500 WHITEHEAD STREET, SUITE 101 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 FAX (305) 295-3663 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY www.clerk-of-the-court.com ROTH BUILDING 50 HIGH POINT ROAD PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 853-7440 December 29,2009 Florida Department of Revenue Lisa Echeverri, Executive Director 104 Carlton Building 5050 W Tennessee Street Tallahassee ]~L 32399-0100 Dear Ms. Echeverri, Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. 463-2009 electing to use the Uniform Method of collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments levied within the unincorporated area of the county: stating a need for such levy; providing for the mailing of this Resolution; and providing for an effective date. This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a Regular Meeting, held in formal session, on December 16,2009. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (305) 295-3130. Respectfully Submitted, Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk of Court and ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners by: Pamela G. Hancock, D. C cc: Property Appraiser Tax Collector File