Resolution 448-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 448-2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELEASING THE COVENANT, CONDITION AND RESTRICTION ON PROPERTY RUNNING IN FAVOR OF THE COUNTY ENCUMBERING A PORTION OF MARATHON CITY PARK; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO RELEASE THE COVENANT, CONDITION, AND RESTRICTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Marathon ("City") is the fee simple title owner to certain real property (the "Property") consisting of Parcels '~A" and '~B" in the Clanchette Commercial Subdivision, within the City of Marathon, Monroe County, Florida, constitutin~~ a portion of Marathon Community Park, more particularly described in the Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, on November 17,2004, the City recorded an instrument entitled "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions" ("Declaration") in the Official Records of Monroe County as Document 1479483, at Book 2059, Page 1361-1364, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B", in return for and in order to fulfill the terms of a grant from the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners in the amount of $120,000.00 from local option tourist development taxes for the constructioIl of an aquatic center and park on the Property; WHlEREAS, the Declaration stated that the Property could only be used for an aquatic center and park; however WHE:REAS, in November 2006, the City declined and never accepted the funds; and WH]~REAS, the City now wishes to remove the restriction so that the City can develop the Property for other uses; and WHI~REAS, the City requires the written approval of the County in order to release the covenant, condition, and restriction. NOVV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein. 3"T1C 0.... 0 z....n :::a-II 00. mpo~ n=ucn 0ft)U) c:O-a:. ZO-a:. .....'-..J -<~ 0. .... c.... N D:l......... ZoCSl Z~-..J -<~......... .... N roCSl . .... CSl CLlU) ~.... 0:;;0 rft) %:0.... DO.. Cl'W mOo.... (1)-0 03 ~ me ';1:'0 IIn ZI N -a:..... -a:...-J wen (0 .I:- -0.1:- Ul..-J II Q) U) Q) Section 2: The County approves the Release of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit ~~C''', and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Release and record it in the Public Records of Monroe County. Section 3: This Resolution shall take effect imtnediately upon its adoption. PASSED A.ND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County" Florida, at a meeting of the Board held on the 18 day of November 2009. Mayor Sylvia Murphy --2es Mayor Pro Tern Heather Carruthers Yes Commissioner Geroge Neugent --2es Commissioner Kim Wigington Yes Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA jJ.,r." L. 'oJ0L4' ~ By: Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DA~NNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By: -1b.J~C ~ Deputy Clerk ~ .... ,. -.:J ~l ~~ I .~. < ~~ J,~ C) l.yt STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ARP.ROYEO AS TP ,FBBM: l'11l'tlLlA- 1-. fh:L : C\{f\JTHl^ L. HALL ASStSTAt'-JT COUNTY ATTORNEY Oat e __~1.-:..;l_~_.~ L'C q / ; _._~_.~ .II_\/~' -. ;i~:r~;~~l:~~t~PJf~i~:~~\ i~ j~;,S , r . \. .J..band and OffICIal Seal. '.'~y ~ !~ .>,:~.,j/ 'This day of · \"'~.':1..., 09 ...... tr'"",/_'_~ " -_.~:..,..,. .& n 20 ....._...". .,-. . ..._...-' n.u., ---- ,.-.".-,.. - DANNY L. KOL!li\GE ~~rcc~_. ~ U4C, 2 toe 7'0 un u N .a:..... .a:.-J wGl U) .a:a .".a:a ~..... u OJ UI UI ~ " ~ r- o fT1 rr1 CJ n I " W 0 ::u ;u ", <J o ::0 \D 0 -0 :x CN .. Exhib i1 "c" This instrumlent prepared by: After recording please return to: me ,,"0 un u N .e:..... .e:.~ wen (Q -a=. ""U-a=. tD~ u (0 tSl tSl Cynthia L. Hall, Esq. Monroe County Attorney's Office 1111 12th St.~ Suite 408 Monroe County, FL 33042 l'el. (305) 292-3470 Ms. Zully Helueyer Utilities Manager City of Marathon 9805 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Phone: (305) 289-5009 REIJEASE OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS THIS RELEASE OF COVENAN:r~~ CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS (-'Release'~) is made and entered into this 18 - day of November, 2009, by and between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (""County"') with a principal address of 1100 Simonton St., Key West, FL 33040, and the City of Marathon, a municipal corporation with a principal mailing address of 10045-55 Overseas Highway, Marathon, I;L -'(City~~). RECIT ALS: 1. The City is the fee simple title owner to certain real property (the ~ioproperty~') located in the City of Marathon., Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as: -- SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT ~'A~' -- 2. On November 17, 2004, the City recorded an instrument entitled ".Declaratio:n of Covenants~ Conditions, and Restrictions'l~ ("'Declaration'''). The Declaration was filed and recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County as Document 1479483, at Book 2059, Page 1361-1364. A true and correct copy of the Declaration is attached hereto as Exhibit ."B~". 3. In or about 2004, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved a ,grant in the amount of $120,000.00 from local option tourist development taxes, for the construction of an aquatic center and park on the Property. The City recorded said Declaration in order to melTIorialize the terms of the contract between the City and Cc,unty granting said funds, which agreement provided in pertinent part: .~Real property aC(luired or improved through funding under this Agreement shall remain dedicated fc~r the purposes set forth herein or for other purposes which prOlnote tourism and ownership of said property shall be retained by the Grantee.". 4. However, in November 2006, the City notified the County that funds for the construction of the aquatic facility were no longer available within the City~s budget, and the Citjr declined acceptance of the funds. 5. In paragraph I of the Declaration, the City covenanted that the Property would be used solely as an aquatic center and park. The City now wishes to develop the Property into something other than an aquatic center and park. Given that the City declined acceptance of the funds~ the release of the restriction on development set forth in the Declaration is appropriate. 6. Paragraph 4 of the Declaration requires any amendment to the Declaration to be in writing and signed both by the City and the County. 7. It is now the intention of the parties hereto to release the City from the covenants, conditions, and restrictions set forth in the Declaration. 8. The City shall, at its sole cost and expense, record this Release in the Official Re(:ords of Monroe County, Florida. IN V\IlTNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed on the day alnd year first above written, and effective as of that date, the aforementioned Declaration is cancelled, withdrawn, and no longer in effect for the Property. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: CITY OF MARATHON A TTES"f: DIANE CLAVIER.. CLERK ~~~1 tJaui( -O",puIY Clerk ~ (Se-al) ATTEST: DA1~NY L. KOLHAGE~ CLERK MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUN COMMISSI9 RS: ~~~~ Deputy Clerk (Seal) MONRC)E COUNTY ATTORNEY ~PPF~OVED A.a2B;FORM: l. '::t!::.'!-t.<-L/ I , ---7 C~l'NTHIA L. HALL A.SSISTJ"NT C9U!'JTY ATTORNEY ,.) ate _.~_._. ( J - ;) '- ~- c ( l' me ~o un II N .s:a.... .s:a...J wen U) .a:. -u.a:. .a...J u U) (S) .... EXHIBIT A / LEGAL DESCRIPTION All of Parcel "A" and Parcel "B", "CLANCHETTE COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION", as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 56, in a part of Government Lot 3, Section 10, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, V ACA KEY, Monroe County, Florida, Public Records~ LESS Parcel "C." A tract of land in a part of Government Lot 3, Section 10, Township 66 South, Rang,e 32 East, on KEY V ACA, Monroe County, Florida, said tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the East line of said Government Lot 3, and the Southerly right-of-way' line of U.S. Highway No.1, said intersection being the Northeasterly comer of the tract of land described in the Official Records Book 1186, Page 1623, of Monroe County, Florida, Public Records, thence bear South, along said Easterly line for a distance of 151.70 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land herein intended to be described~ from said point of beginning continue bearing South, along said Easterly line for a distance of 168.27 feet, to the Northerly lille of those lands as described in Official Records Book 1084, Page 0866, thence bear South 74 de:grees, 20 minutes, 00 seconds west along said Northerly line, parallel with the said Southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.1, for a distance of315.90 feet to the Westerly line of the tract of land described in Official Records Book 1186, Page 1623; thence bear North 02 degrees, 30 minutes, 44 seconds west, along said Westerly line, for a distance of 166.38 feet; thence bear North 74 degrees, 20 minutes, 00 seconds East, on a line parallel with the said Southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.1, for a distance of 323.47 feet, back to the point of beginning. me '1'0 DO D N .c:..... .c:.~ wen U) .c:. -u.c:. \Q~ D U) CSl N EXHIBIT B ./ e Doc~ 141~ 11/17/2004 2:28PM ~il.d L Recorded i~ Official Reeor~ of ~oe COUNTY DANNY L. KOUIAGE Tbis i!flStTument prepared by: JotUl f.t. }le~ Jr.. Esq. Steams WeJlver Miller Weli$Slet" .AUwdeff & Sit1er~n, P.A. I SO v.' est Flagler So-eet Suit(., 2200 MianlJi1 Florida 33130 Tclephone~ (305) 789-3427 Doetl 1479483 SkI 20S9 PgU 1361 After r0tording return to: City of Marathon I 0045..55 ()v~rseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 !)ECLARATION OF COVEN'~T~ COND]TI0NS~ AND RESTRI(':TIONS TillS o ECLi\R-t\ TION OF (~OVENANTSl COND)TIONS~ AND' RES1"'RlCTIONS ("Dtx laration") is nlade and entered into this -L day of AJ b U .. ~ 2004, by the (~ity of Marathon, whose princ.ipal mailing address is 10045.. 55 Overseas Highway, Marathon~ Florida ("Declaranff). R Eel TAL s: J. Declarant is the fee siluple title O\\ller to certain reaJ property (the "Property") located in (~ity of Marathon~ Monroe County~ Florida., which is more particularly described as: SEE LEGAl. DESCRlPTTON ATTACHED AS EXHlBlT t' A'f 2. Declarant has applied to the Tourist Development Council (the 'lDC''') for funding to construct an aquatic center and accessory uses on tIle Property (the '~Grantti). 3. -'[he Board of County COlnn1issioners for Monroe County (the aCounly") and 1DC have detemlined that it is in the best tote-rest of the l~ounty, for purposes of promoting tourisrn and preserving the heritage of the comnllUllty. to improve the Property for use us an aquatic center open to the public. 4. In connection with the Grd11l, Declarant desires to subject the Property to the restrictions, covenants, and conditions hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are for th~~ benefit of the Property. NOW, THEREFORE't the Declarant declares that the Property shall be held and conveyed subject to the following teStrictions~ covenants and conditions, which are for the OlD ,,"0 un II N ~~ ~..... wen U) ~ -U~ .0..... II U) (g W e Doca 1419483 ,. ek~ 2059 P9~ 1~2 purpose of protecting the value and desirabHity of the Property, and which shall run with the Property and be binding on all parties having any right. title or lnterest in the. Property or any part thereof" their heirs, successors and assigns. l. R~triction. Declarant hereby covenants, agrees and ce.rtifies, in so far as the rights, powcrs~ inlerests and authority of the DeclarMt is concerned, tl\at the Propeny shaJ) used so lei y as an aquatic center and park open to the general public with corresponding accessory uses. The construclion of, or the use of (he Property for any other use or purpose is prohibited. 2. County. T11is Declaration is intended to benefit and run in favor to the County. 3. lu:m. The restrichons~ covenants and condilions of this Declar'J.tion ,()haH run with and bind the land for a tenn of thirty (30) years lron1 the date this Declaration is recorded, and after which time Lhey shaH be autolnaticaHy extended for successive periods often (10) years. 4. Anlendments. AU ~nnendments hereto shall be in writing and nlusl be signed by both (he Declarant and the (~ounly. or tllelt respecLive successors or assigns. An anlendnlcnts herelo shaH be recorded in the Public Record.<; of Monroe ("()unty~ Florida, and shall not he valid W11il recorded. 5. Para2rauh Headin2S. Parng,r&1ph headings, where used hcrein<t are inserted for convenience only and are not intended to be a part of th.is Declaration or in any way defined limited or describe the scope and intent of the particular paragraph to \vhich they reter, 6. Effective Date. This Declaration will bcconle effective upon the recordation of lhis Declaration in the Public Records of Monroe (~OWlly, Florida. 7. Go\'crom1? Law. l11is Declaration and the enforcement of the rightc; and obligations established herehy shaH be subject to and govenled by the laws of the State of Flonda 8. Recordation, Declaranl shall, at il.:; sole cost and expenses, record this Declaration in the Public Records of Monroc County, Florida within five (5) days of approval of the same hy t.he C'OU!lly. Declarant shall provide the County with proof of the recording of the "Declaration in accordmce with the provisions ofthi5 p~ragraph. {TIlE REM.-\.INDER OF THIS Pi\GF: INTENTIONAl..l,Y LEFT BLANK) me "0 SIn II N ~.... ~...-J wen U) ~ -U~ UI...-J SI U) t9 ~ e Doett 1479483 A Bkta 2059 Pgtt ~3 IN \\1TNESS \\,'HERf.~OF, Declarant has caused these presenls to be executed on the day and year first above wrillcnr Sign~~, sealed and delivered in th(: presence 0 f: DECIJARAN1' ~~~~ .. - PrirlLoo Narne:J.Q\(..l~ CJ(~V~L' ~fA,(4~'L #!UYU~ By: Printed Name: · 0:.,6 #.. t c,t.tl/t:> Prim STA'TE OF FLORJD.A ) ) ~s: COUNl-Y OF MONROE ) The foregoing inst~ument was acknowledged before lue this --Z-.-. day of ~, -2!2a':-!..-.-, hYt rYJl'/'U'~ L Jf ({, 10 It tk:/y'...AJ'Y f?",,~:)~ \J./ho personaUy appeared hefore n1e, and i~L~.l:U'ersona1l}LknQi'ln..to.llliU>r have produced _ as identification and acknowledged executing the toregoing docunlcnt Lh.t:.:J )lA:rt 1..U;(/) N01ARY P1JBLlC S'fATE OF.__._.__ Print Nalne: C:onnnlssion No.: Comnlission Expires: ~~ Susan 1MmM · ~ j ~ ~ 002t250I l:..~ ~ FMNatyOl. 200C me ';1/:'0 un u N .c:.... .c:...... wen U) .c:. "'U.c:. Ul..... u U) (9 (JI e DocU.79483 BkU ~9 Pga 1364 E~m'T A LEGAL DESClUPTIQN All ol Parcel ~'Au and Parcel uB/' .tCIANCHETTE COMMERCIAL SUBDlVISION,t} as recordEd in Plat Book 7, Page 56, in 8 part of Government Lot 3) Section 10. Township 66 SOU~ 'Range 32 East) V ACA KEY, Monroe County. Florida, Public Records; LESS l?arcel ue.n. A tract of land in a part of Government Lot 3, Section lOt Township 66 South~ Range 32 East~ on KEY V ACA, Monroe County, Florida. said ttac1 of Jand being more particuJarly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at tho intersection of the East line of said GovcnUllent Lot 3; and the Southerly right-of~way line of U..S. flighway No.1. said intersection being the Northeasterly co~er of the tract of land described in Official Records Book] 186r Page 1623* of Monroe County. Florid~ Public ]Records~ thence bear Sou~ along said E88terly line for a distance of 151.70 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land herein intended to be described; from said point of baginniJlg continue bearing South, alODg $aid Easterly line for a distance of ] 68.27 feet, to the Northerly line of those lands as described in Official Records Book 1084) Page 0866t then~ bear South 74 degrees, 20 minutes, 00 seconds west along said Northerly line, parallel with the said Southcrjly rightowOf-way line of u~s. Highway No.1. for a distance of 315.90 feet to the Westerly line of the tmet of land described in Official Recon:ls Book 1186, Page 1623; then~ bear North 02 degn~, 30 minute~ 44 s~onds west, along said Westerly line. for a distance of 166.38 feet; thenee bear North 74 degrees, 20 minuteSt 00 seconds East, on a Jine parallel with the said Southerly rigbt..of-way line of U.S. Highway No.1, for a du.1.ance of 323.47 feet, back to the point of beginning. nONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS me "0 IIn II N .I:::It.... .I:::It~ WCJ) (0 ~ -"..a:=.. ..~ JI (0 CSl en