Resolution 464-2009 Resolution No. 464 .2009 A RESOLll'fIOl\ CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF lr~ANTICIPA TED Fl'NDS \\'HEREAS, it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.03, Florida Statutes. to arnenu the folluwing. rv1arathon Arrport, Fund 403, tor the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2009 ood ending September 30, 20] 0, no,,, therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COlINT\' CO~tl\USSIONERS OF M()~ROE COlfNTY, FLORJDA, that a Puhhc lleanng was conducted on LJecember 16. 200l}. at 3: OU P.M. to mnend Marathon A lrport. Fund 4()3 budget and to adopt the amended budget as follov..'s: ~1aratbon Airport-Fund 403 Current Inc.l(Dec ) Revised Rel'eoues: Budget Bud get 403-344104SA Other Rents $721.000.00 $0.00 $72].000 00 403-3610U5GI Interest Earnings $ 15,000.00 $0.00 $15.000.00 403-38 I "''''''' Interfund Transfers In $123,000.00 $U.OO $ I 23,OOO.i)() 403-38900 t Less 5 % FL Statute -$36,800.00 $000 -$36,800.00 403-389002 Fund Balance Forward $741,903.00 $177,00000 $918,903.00 403-341 "'."',344"'*'" Various Federal & State Grants $ 1 ,710,197. I 9 $0.00 $1.710,197,19 403-334***.366u*,381 *** Various State Grants & Contributions $66525.70 $iill1 $66,525.70 Total $3,340,825.89 $177,000.OU $3,517,825.89 Appropriations: 403 63501 510***,530***,560620 Marathon Airport O&M $1,247,577.43 $35,4 73 57 $1.283,05100 403 63502 560640 Marathon Airport R&R $0.00 $105,27443 $105,274.43 403 635"'.* 510"'**,530..*,560*** Various Federal & State Grant Projects $1,665,448.46 $000 $1,665,448.46 403 63574 560640-GAMD68 ARFF Equipment $317.748.00 $36.252.00 $354,00000 403 86504 5909]0 Budgeted Transfers 403 $110052.00 $0.00 $110.052.00 Total $3,340,82~.89 $177,000.00 $3,~17,82~.89 $0.00 $000 $0.00 BE IT .'[1 RTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSl:l> AND ADOPTED by the Board of County CommIssIOners of Monroe County, Flonda, at a regular meeting of the Board on the 16th day of December, AD 2009. Mayor Murphy Mayor Pro Tern Carruthers Commissioner Wigington Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Di Gennaro Not Present Yes Yes Yes Not Present BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNT ~DA B (Seal ) Attest: DA~NY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk .n I~ lit\ /1 --I- ~ ~ c;J<.1 (2 I ~11/U!L/ ----- ~--~ - - -- - ---~ Cl en a:: Ln 0 a. w w z:: CL: cr c:: \.0 C lL. I :z: a -=:: w ..., -1 c:::. u... ~ C".J Lu c.:J .~~ t-~': -.- \........ . i 0 r: c. n , ' ,:::. (' ;:, Q T' n q, c~~ ]~; :'~JkJt:& ~~J'J - C H R 1ST! ~\ E 1\/\. j., ~ r',:1 a E RT - SA R R (} VV S p~ ~3 t:i ~ :':~~ L'rW;~ !\~ ~r' ;(:~.J t~} t~ D G.t e ~.". =.._ ~.Ji_5:t"LQ",~,~-~~_.,~~~~--~~--=<u~.. ::: (:; ~~.~: i.__.: C'1 ..~ Bdgt Amendment Reso Fund 403