Resolution 018-2010 RESOLUTION NO. 018-- 2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN THE MONROE COUNTY CODE CONCERNING COMMERCIAL FISHING AREA DISTRICT 16 (LOCATED AT CONCH KEY) REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMISSION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS WHEREAS, the Monroe County Code was re-codified and became effective March 1, 2009; and WHEREAS, Section 130-79(12)a of the Monroe County Code was the subject of a scrivener's error when adopted as part of the new Code by specifying a particular section referred to as section 134-1 instead of "130-77" as was stated previously in Chapter 9.5- 247(P)(1) which would have been section 130-77 ; and WHEREAS, Section 102-158 of the Monroe County Code allows amendments to the text of the Land Development Code to correct typographical or drafting errors to be adopted by the Board without posted notice or public hearing as long as a copy is sent to the Department of Community Affairs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Section 1. Section 130-79(12)(a) shall be amended to read as follows: (12) CFSD 16 (located at Conch Key): a. CFA regulations apply per section. 130-77 * * * * * Section 2. This resolution shall be transmitted by the Planning and Environmental Resources Department to the Florida Department of Community Affairs as required for typographical errors pursuant to Monroe County Code Sec. 102-158(e) and to the Municipal Code Corporation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of January, 2010. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor pro tem Heather Carruthers Commissioner Kim Wigington ).__r~,~~_"Commissioner George Neugent j;:~f.~~~~~~;:~~'~issioner Mario Di Gennaro "';":~~~~~-~'~~~-~~'\, "~vc" ""'" 'f:~;'i&~{tr;~r~>J' ".., ~.->'...-~:._:::.o:':--.:~-:~ ~ ." :J: 0 c::t oJ>;; r- z n ~ ....... ,." ....,.ur-z ", 0 C)f1"1_'<: CD 1 q::2 *".- I .." ~-" .-F-...l N 0 9C?:A ~ !:;; :;0 0 -03' ::0 ...."0.... ~ r ,..", 1 ~ )~ t. . :<:-i~ 'Y g .." C) ~ :a MONROE COUNTY ROm of 0 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes By ~ Mayor Sylvia Murphy Page 1 of 1 Pam Hancock From: To: Sent: Subject: <ords@municode.com> < p han cock@ mon roe-clerk. com> Friday, March 05, 2010 1 :31 PM Monroe County, FL Code of Ordinances - 2008 (14298) Supplement 3 Municipal Code Corporation Municode.com ~ . . ~/ www.municode.com 1-800-262-2633 Monroe County, FL Code of Ordinances - 2008 (14298) Sup])lernent 3 Doc:ument Adopted Date Recorded Recorded Format Ordinance No. 030-2009 8/16/2009 12/9/2009 Hard Copy/Electronic Ordinance No. 031-2009 8/19/2009 12/9/2009 Hard Copy/Electronic Ordinance No. 036-2009 11/18/2009 12/16/2009 Ha rd Copy Ordinance No. 32-2009 12/16/2009 1/4/2010 Ha rd Copy /Electron ic Ordinance No. 038-2009 12/16/2009 1/19/2010 Hard Copy Ordinance No. 001-2010 1/20/2010 2/5/2010 Hard Copy/Electronic Ordinance No. 033-2009 10/21/2009 2/5/2010 Hard Copy/Electronic Resolution No. 018-2010 1/20/2010 2/12/2010 Hard Copy/Electronic Ordinance No. 004-2010 2/17/2010 3/5/2010 Ha rd Copy jElectron ic Ek] n".....,...'..........~......./ L:.:J KJ You can also a:€reGO GREENa€D and reduce the number of supplement copies you receIve or just get a PDF of the supplement to print your own caples. Update the internet version of your Code more often than a printed supplement. We can update the Internet quarterly, monthly, even weekly. We can post newly enacted ordinances in the online Code after each meeting. 3/5/2010