02/17/2010 f ~ CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT This Consent to Assignment is entered into this 17th day of February, 2010, by and between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereafter COUNTY, and Care Center for Mental Health, Inc., hereafter ASSIGNOR, and Guidance/Care Center, Inc. hereafter ASSIGNEE. WHEREAS, on September 16, 2009, the COUNTY and ASSIGNOR entered into a contract for the provision of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program services; and WHEREAS, the Guidance Clinic of the Middle Keys and the Care Center for Mental Health, Inc. have merged; and WHEREAS, said agreement will be amended to substitute the name of Care Center for Mental Health, Inc. for that of Guidance Care Center, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the assets and operations of the ASSIGNOR have now been transferred to the ASSIGNEE; Now therefore, inconsideration of the mutual promises of the original agreement as amended herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Assignor assigns to Assignee all the Assignor's rights, title and interest in the original agreement. 2. In consideration for such consent, the Assignee agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions of the original agreement, as amended above. 3. The remaining provisions of the agreement dated September 16, 2009, not inconsistent herewith, remain in full force and effect. (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY~~C. ~ Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR UNTY, LORIDA By: Witnesses: Care Center for Mental Health, Inc. (ASSIGNOR) q ,GJ ~ By OJ'\)l~~ ~~ Signature ::Jd ~"" I r P ~ pk lj Printed Name --:- .".. ~:-. -" BY:-'?~ ~;&- i4'.E# '/2]({) c I"--.) C'.:) - C'.:) ..." I'TI CD N c..u m CJ " o ;0 ::u fTl (J o :::0 o ':::J ._:.;J> r-- ~ By: ~- ~Cl (- ~4 1(-<--1/IJ f~.. J ..- (~;;' C) ::i~ , .. ?::: ~.~ ~ ~~;~.") :r: ::< :-f ~ c:? -i l..A } r- M N Guidance/Care Center, Inc. (ASSIGNEEf" \ (1-\ ( \ J Date: Witnesses: By .f:o \~-- --C67r' , (L 1 (( " By: :r ~ (~~ p; f~<-e v- Printed Name \ \LICd iVl0f'J ROE C'OlJ r~J-r\ll\l'TOFlf'~ t~~f /\PPROVED AS 1"0 FORtv1: C htit ~o ~,~Q f/lAf-lt. rtf'^' / ,J CHRISTINE 1\11. t';~~1aERT-BARRO"VS ASSISTANT COUi'\jTY ATTORNEY Date 1/~fI\'l() 7 By ~rVV\ . tCCt (- il'111() .', ~tk Date: y CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT This Consent to Assignment is entered into this 17th day of February, 2010, by and between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereafter COUNTY, and Care Center for Mental Health, Inc., hereafter ASSIGNOR, and Guidance/Care Center, Inc. hereafter ASSIGNEE. WHEREAS, on September 16, 2009, the COUNTY and ASSIGNOR entered into a contract for the provision of Offender Re-Entry Employment Readiness Program services; and WHEREAS, the Guidance Clinic of the Middle Keys and the Care Center for Mental Health, Inc. have merged; and WHEREAS, said agreement will be amended to substitute the name of Care Center for Mental Health, Inc. for that of Guidance Care Center, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the assets and operations of the ASSIGNOR have now been transferred to the ASSIGNEE; Now therefore, inconsideration of the mutual promises of the original agreement as amended herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Assignor assigns to Assignee all the Assignor's rights, title and interest in the original agreement. 2. In consideration for such consent, the Assignee agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions of the original agreement, as amended above. 3. The remaining provisions of the agreement dated September 16, 2009, not inconsistent herewith, remain in full force and effect. MONROE COUf~JTY .ATTORf\JE'{ /~~PPROVED AS '''0 FORM: t ~ ,- i\f;,.. ~ ~ 0 t{i Iff3:t't( Jl~i. rJ CHRISTINE M. LI~6~BERT'-BARROVVS ASSISTANT COUNTY' ;\TTORNEY Date t Id'i1 ( i0 I (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By~~Q.~ Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Witnesses: Care Center for Mental Health, Inc. (ASSIGNOR) By: D &---_J . kTf\--X){,,..J k4''Td'' (.) , 1ft- 7 to ~ C::J ~~Pk (::; r-', :~ r-~'*~ ?:~::: r-: By SignatU\e :J(}. M ('.e P ( f t.... -t ~ Printed Name .. By: ~ ltc,' C. Cvt 5/'IL'-. t(27((0 +"'f'.." ~ ...._..:1.'. Witnesses: r=;.- C') :::: ~::'~: ::~.:j S :J:'aI .",,",...~ .. :J:: --~(')=c ...,.-;>~ 0 :.~,",. · CJ .. Guidance/Care Center, Inc. {~SSf(}NEW ~~~, Date: t ( 21L 0 ByQ~<.lJns,"{,- -l~~ '(2,1((u Signature By: -r ' ~ ~ '~.N\. ( ..( ~ I r k..t \- Printed Name By ') ,. f (' ,1 ~ t 'I ~ft1Nt lit-Ii L - ~. f~ l (Z'7((u ( Date: I ~( I .) ~ c::>> ~ .." ,." CD N c....> -r"1 fT1 o 11 o :::0 ::1J rr1 CJ o :::0 o