Resolution 063-2010 RESOLUTION NO. 063 - 2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE SIGNING AND SUBMISSION OF A FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION, 49 U.S.C., SECTION 5310, ELDERLY AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES PROGRAM FOR YEAR 2010, CAPITAL ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION, SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AND ASSURANCES TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO PURCHASE ONE (1) TRANSPORTATION BUS AND ACCEPTANCE OF ANY SUBSEQUENT GRANT AWARD. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida has the authority to apply for and accept grant awards made by the Florida Department of Transportation as authorized by Chapter 341, Florida Statutes and! or by the Federal Transit Administration Act of 1964 as amended; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: This resolution applies to Federal Program(s) under V.S.C. Section 5310 Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Program for 2010. Section 2: The submission ofa Federal Transit Administration, 49 V.S.C., Section 5310, Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Program for Year 2010, Capital Assistance Grant Application, supporting documents and assurances to the Florida Department of Transportation to purchase one (1) transportation bus is hereby approved. Section 3: Sylvia Murphy, as Mayor of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to sign the application and accept any subsequent grant award, unless specifically rescinded. (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk By:{hMo. ~ Deputy Clerk Mayor Murphy Mayor Pro Tem Carruthers Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Wigington Commissioner Di Gennaro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes '~ ".:' C} C),~ ......_ !II> ;'.::.._..... .;:-<~;; ~: C) rq (m)J!~~~~E (305) 294-4641 CliP<< "". 11111 ~ le26 :Lt" tlJut, fl~ 33041-1026 (305) 292-3410 flu; (305) 292-3516 (' .... ,............. M George Neugent, District 2 Mario Di Gennaro, District 4 10m Wigington, District 1 ,District 3 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT APPLICATION The Board of Co.... Co.....enofMo..roe .Co...".JItltida sUl1mits. this Application fot the Section 5310 PtopamGrant and~.ees to. comply with allassuraneesand ~uibits attached hereto and by this reference made a part thereof: as itemiZed in the Checklist for AppJieadonCompleteness. TbeBoatdofCou.. CO.IID_ioDers ofMo.r.Co..~,ltOt.~.fU~herat>r.., to the e~tent.provided bylaw (in case of a government .I~y..jn .,ccor~ witb .SectioJ1S 129.01 and 168.28, Florida Stawtes) toi~fY, defend and hold harn)lessthe Department and all of its oftleers, agents and~pl!yees from any Claim, loss'dan1~se,cost, charge, or expense · arising .out of the non...cotnpliance by the Agency ,its officers, agents or employees, with any of the assurances slated in this Application. This Application is submitted . .on tms 1114. day of Februa.ry, 2010 with two (2) original resolutions or certified copies of the ori....al resolution authoriZing .S,h-iaM..rp.y, as Ma,orof the Board oleo....., Com.issioDers of Moaroe Cou.ty, Florida, to sign this Application. (Seal) Attest: DaDDY L. Kolhale, Clerk By: Clerk