Resolution 007-1963 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY RESOLUTION ON USE" RESOLUTIC}N NO. 7-1963- SE~CONDIlliY RQA,DS of 80% SEVENTH CENT GAS TAX and OTHER SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS YEAR 1'6' COUNTY MOMaOK WHEREAS, under Section 208.44 Florida Statutes, known as the "Secondary Road Assistance Act of 1949" and Section 339.08 Florida Statutes, the State Road Department will receive 80% of the proceeds of this county's pro-rata share of the Seventh Cent gasoline tax, to be used as prescribed by regulations of the said Department within this County, as requested by resolu- tion of this Board of County Commissioners and approved by the Department for one or more of the following purposes: Construction, reconstruction, main- tenance and repair of State roads and bridges, the lease or purchase of bridges connecting State roads, the acquisition of rights of way for State roads, and the reduction of road and bridge indebtedness; and WHEREAS, The State Road Department has requested this County Board to recommend the purpose for which, and the roads on which, this County's 80% surplus gas tax and Federal Aid Secondary allocations should be spent for construction and improvement; and WHEREAS, the State Road Department requires this information so that it may be considered in the preparation of the Annual Budget of the State Road Department; and WHEREAS, this Board conferred with the State Road Department con- cerning the projects to be selected and the specifications with respect thereto, Na~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the State Road Department is hereby requested to use such funds for construction (including rights of way acquisitlo~ surveys, plans maintenance, etc.) of the following roads: I'..r' DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS FOR 196 J 1 ~. it / Wk...y. (a) U.8.1, &e.-.Mlle arict,. Nertb to' V.a C.t. ft.J U.I. I. r.. Tal1ll. Ball" aft.. .rtt& .t. Ww. Harbo..~ (.ct.V.I. I. &..ake C"'B;..s. Borth ,_r.. S.rpttl.... C.cI) S. Jl. ~., f... ...ti.. wtthG. $.1 _..It t. C4t..ty It...~ Ce) :h* .ltr..t. f....tJf:... .,. .tl...41 ,A..I&8t...' '1"0. .. t. _.o:ftteD- l. a i W .Actll'd_ti.nU. I. 1 Ih,..,,, T......at..; t....... an. Mawatho. C tI. '-rs..t ~ J a.ad.a.l... lhat -...i... f... _.....1....1..ar4 a....:.. ......t... all.at to p.a. Ay....; t..JWO......... Pal. A........;> Eat.. St.~...t..ftlt.heMl4.r.. co T......""..... 4. 'lall.. A.....:. .." W..' .. lacllt:r..'to ".....ita..'....!'.. Ct-t... .."iel,.l). 5 8il Pl.. - U. $. 1 te 1".1 A. It.... W..,t tll".,,,a4.. Pl... .hj,- tliYl.toa .. Pay." (, . 1111 P!a;. -L.ea A .. ItWtraectl.. ()l"~-A 10 Oltl an. to Ne --. Key. '7. A...i&i P_t..J 400 Seate.".,_ ..4 Maial,..tlli. R. 94 (l,oo, ao..t .~..- a~ 0....1 Mr..' ... Atlaatic 0<<_ .. ..11.' at....., aacI ,A..laSt...., f...., .Da'Wal te S,"..... - PaY!. _. DIei___e. q. o..iJ~" aa. eeJt.at...etfo'f', ., aaattawy. tactliti.. ..Wi." Key"". lOt Ita.rod J(ey~ 'W..tlacli..o.ty.. i.plat '. a........" ..,.t..t Plat aoek 4. ~ I~J. Pwltllc it.c'..... of Mo.... CeaotYt Fl...i8.. 11.. C..4Ij.. lCIty 4 Cot... .D&*l....4 1awy,.I'Dri.... C.........., Plat ___It 4 ~ '11.. a..and ,AtWttl.. th.....;: Plat a._ 4. PIlI. 159, P\dtllc JI,ltCo"-." N.~a....' C_tYt FI.wi... ll~ C,..,..ltey, Pirat.. il0a4, ,~lt'. o.i... C..dl...... D.(.. ..41.J.l1y It..r Drt.., e.tt.t\.....t Mar_I' ..~-.t.t... J't.. _.. .4\&.) Pac. If>5. .hWic a.c...... of Moa.,.. C..Aty.Fl..._.. 13.. E.t.,..i~. wlltatell.ad s.._,.~Z <<s.._..t.04 Itey~t'. C...tt K.ey. Me".... Co.at,. Flortda. l~~ IC,a"'1'04.. C...IA......, ..., 5&101'8 Drive.*" Mak. 1iA\.tr."ll.. ,. .-.1. Ir Pav..