Resolution 079-2010 OMB Schedule Item Number 12 Resolution No. 019 - 2010 A RESOLUTION THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHIR transfers County, Florida, to make budgeted OF MONROE COUNTY, oe County Budget for the Fiscal Year Fund # 001 General Fnud From: Repair & Maint To: Shelter From: Printing To: Shelter From: Admin Advertisjng To: Shelter BE IT F hereby the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of tbe above, is as set forth above. ers of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting ." ;::: l'Tl <<::) ." o .:0 ::0 r'1 ('"") <::) ;:0 Q W Q 3::l!la 3: - - .. <4 Q Item 12 filnd 00 I trsf fin 61 S(l1 to 6 J 502