Resolution 124-2010 RESOLUTION 124 -2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN SUPPORT OF THE DEDICATION OF A PORTION OF ALL MONROE COUNTY PARKS AS PEACE PARKS WHEREAS, the issue of peace embraces the deepest hopes of all peoples and remaillS humanity's guiding inspiration; and WHEREAS, four Community Peace Parks to-date, at Upper Keys church and community based parks, have been dedicated to the ideals of peace, both inner peace as well as peace among individuals, organizations, communities, cultures, and nations; and WHEREAS, Community Peace Parks are places where people can take time out to relax, reduce stress, contemplate, meditate, honor nature and cultivate more peace in their lives; and WHEREAS, there is a growing support within our County, especially within the High School population, in support of peace and non-violence, including, but certainly not limited to, the eradication of domestic violence, child abuse, gang violence, school violence, and terrorism; and WHEREAS, global crises impels all citizens to work toward converting humanjty's noblest aspirations for world peace into a practical reality for future generations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that: A portion of aU Monroe County Parks be dedicated as Community Peace Parks at a public dedication ceremony commemorated by a plaque which states, "Community Peace Park - We are All the Keys to Peace" ~ ~ " 0 ~ i::J :> - - c:::>> r- .i.. ~~z :z iT1 Yes ::0 ~Tl ?-~~ ::a. 0 -< Yes ...,...-~.. N ...." C') r I'. en 0 Yes _:5-.'-";' .("'-) ;1~ :.u -........... Yes \-.-. -.. .. .J (-:j :x:- :::0 .,.-..... . :E fTl Yes CJ ::r: (J :-< :-()> '!? 0 -.:-1 C) ::::0 r - rr1 W ex) 0 NY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~ Mayor/Chairman ~ ~ < ~ ~ u < ~ ~ ~ CJ ~ ~ ~ = ~ rIJ ~ ~ ~ ~ -= ~ 0> c .> o s..- O>........ c(() w........ <D~ N . <Dr- ~~ co. >LC) ~~ I t ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ Q) N C 2~ coo o 1i5o 0,..- 0'0 ::: C ~~ :: 0 O..c .-- (f) (j) '-- ::J ~ +- (j) 115 a.- (j) ..c +- o Q) r:. · -t- <D .~ N C C 0-- '- 0 .01;) -o(j) (j)-o f5 -x -- 0 o~ 0.5 ---0 -g(]) .~ .0 0= '-- -- (j) ~ .00 =(j) .- '--- ~ 0 ~Q) Ot O..c .o~ <(-