FY2011-FY2012 05/19/2010 DANNY~L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DA TE: May 26,2010 TO: Chief James Callahan Emergency Services FROM: Jose Tezanos, Planner Emergency Management Pamela G. Hanctk;!j;c. ATTN: At tIle May 19, 2010, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval an,:l authorized execution of an Agreement between Monroe County and the Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) in the amount of $250,000.00, fully grant funded and no county match, conc'eming Radiological Preparedness for Fiscal Year 2010 and Fiscal Year 2011; and authorizatioll for the County Administrator to execute any other required documenation in relation to thle application process. Pursllant to our conversation today, I am returning one duplicate original instead of two for your hanldling. The distribution is as follows: I-Clerk; I-Finance; I-County Attorney; and I-Generating Department. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office. cc: CourLty Attorney FinaIlce FileJ AGREEMENT BETWEEN FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY AND THE COUNTY OF MONROE This Agreement is between Florida Power & Light Company (hereinafter "Company"), and the County of Monroe (hereinafter "County"). I. PURPOSE /i... Certain responsibilities have been defined by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (hereinafter "NRC") in certain provisions of 1 0 CFR Parts 50 and 70 and in the NRC guidance document NUREG 0654, FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants." There exists a possibility of duplication of effort in meeting those responsibilities by the Company and County. The resulting increased financial burden on taxpayers and consumers can be avoided by the development of a cooperative relationship between state and local public agencies and the nuclear power utility. The County is authorized, in Sections 252.35 and 252.60 of Florida Statutes, to participate in such cooperative relationships and is further authorized, in Section 252.37 of Florida Statutes, to accept services, equipment, supplies, materials, or funds for emergency management. The purpose of this Agreement is to define certain aspects of the relationship between the County and the Company. E~. The NRC regulations and guidance cited above are incorporated as requirements in this Agreement by reference. All activities that are the subject of the Agreement shall comply with those requirements (hereinafter "Federal Emergency Preparedness Requirements"). II. BUDGET '-he parties have agreed to the Work Scope and Funding attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. Said budget provides that the C;ounty will require the sum of dollars specified in Exhibit A to carry out its nesponsibilities hereunder. 1 III. PAYMENT IJpon execution of this Agreement and receipt of associated invoicing, the (:;ompany shall make equal semi-annual advances to the County as (jescribed in Exhibit A. Expenditures by the County shall be based upon the approved budget attached hereto and incorporated herein. IV. TITLE TO EQUIPMENT J'i..ny equipment purchased by the County under this Agreement shall be the property of the County. This equipment is to be used for the activities (jescribed herein for the term of this Agreement and subsequent cigreements between the parties. Upon termination of the agreements cind cessation of the County's activities, the equipment will remain the ~)roperty of the County. V. INTEREST lrhe unexpended portion of advance payments to the County shall be invested in an interest bearing account in accordance with applicable c;ounty regulations, if any. At the end of the term agreement period, the (~ounty shall either refund all unexpended funds to Company or reflect all remaining interest earned as funds carried forward and apply such funds tlQ any additional term of this agreement, as appropriate. VI. AUDIT J\. The County shall (at any time during normal business hours and with five business days advance notification) make available for examination, to the Company and any of its duly authorized representatives, all of the records and data with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement. The County shall permit the Company and its designated authorized representatives to audit and inspect all costs and supporting documentation for all matters covered by this Agreement. The County shall provide an annual audited financial statement at the end of the Agreement period. EL The County shall retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents pertinent to this Agreement for a period of three years after the date of submission of the final expenditure report. Or, if an audit has been initiated during the term of this Agreement and audit findings have not been resolved, the records shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. In addition, the County shall maintain time and attendance records for all salary costs charged to this Agreement. 2 VII ASSIGNMENT -rhe County may assign the right to accept services, equipment, supplies, l11aterials, or funds to any appropriate local governing body or agency. VIII .rERMS OF AGREEMENT J~. The term of this Agreement is October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2012, unless sooner terminated in accordance with Paragraph B of th is Article. 13. Either party may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part without cause, by providing sixty (60) days notice in writing to the other party. Upon termination of this Agreement, all unexpended funds shall be returned to the Company and an audit may be performed in accordance with Article VI of this Agreement. (~. The County agrees to be bound by the provisions included in the Standard Conditions attached to and incorporated by reference in this Agreement. IX. MODIFICATIONS J.\ny modifications to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both ~)arties. In the event the statutes, rules, regulations, or plans applicable to this Agreement are revised, voided, or rescinded, the parties agree to c:onsider reasonable modifications to this Agreement. E~y their signatures below, the following officials have agreed to these ttsrms and conditions. FOR THE COUN~ _ By: ~-?t:U · FOR THE COMPANY By: ~kL - Sylvia J. Murphy (lrype Name) Gene F. St. Pierre (Type Name) l1ayor /Chairman (l-itle) ~1ay 19, 2010 (Date) v.P. Fleet Organizatiofl!#. SUlfE,ort ~ ",~~) . ..~ = (Title ) :2~.- C) :): =-= ".1 '"'f'" :E:J- /j -/ - ~/O ;:~ ;~; ~~: ~ (Date) 0'"\ ,., r- ", o " o :::0 :r:- ::a ::c fT1 \0 ('j .. <::> N ::0 ......., 0 ."'--.., -"".;:.""'. _ '.. ~j-L_ ~"";-i :t> C") fI1 STANDARD CONDITIONS 1 . I:=xtension of this Agreement shall be in writing for a period not to exceed six months and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the initial Agreement. There shall be only one extension of the Agreement unless the failure to meet the criteria set forth in the Agreement for completion of the Agreement is due to events beyond the <:ontrol of the Company. 2. All bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be retained and have sufficient detail for a proper audit. 3. f:lursuant to Section 216.347, Florida Statues, the County agrees that no funds from this Agreement will be expended for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature or a State agency. 4 Exhibit A Work Scope and Funding I. Work Scope: -rhe County shall be responsible for participation in the following radiological emergency planning and preparedness activities: J'i... The County's responsibilities shall include coordination with the Company in the development, maintenance and implementation of an emergency preparedness program in support of the Company's nuclear power program. The County shall perform those actions associated with maintaining emergency preparedness as described in the Federal Emergency Preparedness Requirements and implemented in Annex A of the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and other implementing procedures. The County agrees to implement these requirements professionally and successfully in maintaining the County in a state of readiness. E3. The County and Company shall collaborate in the development of a safety planning booklet, to be distributed to persons within ten- miles of the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant. The County and Company shall collaborate in the development and distribution of information for parents of children who attend school within the ten- mile Emergency Planning Zone. (~. The County shall monitor changes in land use and population within the ten-mile Emergency Planning Zone. The County shall provide the Company an update of the population in the Emergency Planning Zone, by geographical boundaries, based on available county records. This population update should be provided in the first quarter of each year. The County shall advise the Company of any change in land use that may warrant a change in the County's planning basis for nuclear power plant emergency response and preparedness or involve inclusion in Annex A of the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. This advisement must be within 90 days following discovery of a significant change in land use. E). The County shall maintain current radiological emergency plans and implementing procedures for the County as required by Federal Emergency Preparedness Requirements. 5 ..~* IE. County personnel assigned emergency response duties shall successfully complete radiological emergency training as required by Federal Emergency Preparedness Requirements and Chapter 15 of Annex A of the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. Documentation of training shall be maintained and made available for inspection upon the request of the Company. 1=. The County shall participate in Radiological Preparedness and Response exercises and the evaluation thereof. <3. The Company shall furnish to the County copies of Federal Emergency Preparedness Requirements and any revisions thereto within 90 days following enactment. ~-I. The County shall invoice the Company per the funding section of this Agreement. The County shall include a financial report that provides the status of the expenditures covered by the Agreement current at time of billing. II. Funding F.unding will be provided to the County by the Company to enable the (~ounty to carry out its responsibilities above, comply with Federal E:mergency Preparedness Requirements, and carry out the provisions of the emergency plan mandated thereby. '-he parties have agreed to the funding amounts as detailed below. The funding provides that the County will require the sum of $125,000 annually tlD carry out their responsibilities hereunder for fiscal years 2010/2011 and ~~011/2012. '-he Company shall pay the County, upon invoice, an annual amount not t~:J exceed the amount specified below for the reimbursement of costs incurred in the performance of duties associated with maintaining riadiological emergency preparedness for the County. Such costs shall c'nly include reasonable and necessary costs associated with n1aintenance of radiological emergency preparedness for the County. F~iscal Year October 2010 through September 2011 NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $250,000.00 F.iscal Year October 2011 through September 2012 6 IJpon receipt of a County invoice in October and April of each year, the (~ompany shall advance 50% of that fiscal year's budget amount to the (::;ounty. For each year covered under this agreement, the Company shall JJrovide funding to the County semi-annually in the same manner. -rhe County agrees that funds needed for the correction of any "deficiency," as defined by the Federal Emergency Preparedness I~equirements, in the County's plans or program will be offset with existing funds from the current approved budget. Funds necessary to implement changes required by the Federal Emergency Preparedness f~equirements, Annex A of the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, or local operating procedures will be offset with E~xisting funds to the extent practical. The Company and County shall review and agree on any supplemental funds that may be necessary to rneet the change. In the event the Company and County are unable to resolve differences regarding funding for preparation, testing and implementation of radiological emergency response activities, the parties shall first meet to resolve the dispute. If informal meetings are unsuccessful in resolving the issues, any dispute or controversy between the parties arising out of or in c:onnection with this agreement must be submitted, by either party, to final and binding arbitration before a single arbitrator in accordance with the (~ommercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Each party shall be responsible for its attorneys' fees and costs incurred in the arbitration. The arbitrator's fees shall be paid in equal parts by the parties unless the award shall specify a clifferent division of the fees. Venue for arbitration proceedings brought hereunder shall lie in Monroe County, Florida. '-he Company shall be responsible for providing all funding under this Agreement to the County. J\t the end of the term of this Agreement, the County shall either refund all unexpended funds to Company or reflect all remaining interest earned as flJnds carried forward and apply such funds to any additional term of this Agreement, as appropriate. The County and the Company may also discuss alternatives for disposition of excess funds, provided, however, tllat such alternatives shall be effective only upon execution of an a.greement in writing by the County and the Company. 7 Exhibit A MONROE COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FY 10/11 AND FY 11/12 BUDGET CATEGORY 10/11 BUDGET 11/12 BUDGET Salarie:s & Fringe $86,625 $86,625 Benefits Contra(~tual Services * $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Communications ** $14,000 $14,000 Travel $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Supplie's $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Insurance $ 1 ,600 $ 1,600 Capital Equipment *** $ 5,875 $ 5,875 Maintenance & Repairs $ 500 $ 500 Vehicle Allowance $ 1 ,400 $ 1 ,400 Total $125,000 $125,000 * Includes funds used to pay for training and exercise participants and other training related expenses. ** Includes phone lines for Key Largo EOC. *** Includes major equipment purchases such as Portal Monitor and Raciiological Survey Meters. 8