Clerk's Memo ~~v~r: ~R~~3~04~E (305) 294-4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MAYOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 January 16, 1983 Mr. Danny L. Ko1hage Clerk of the Circuit Court MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 RE: Sign Lease Dear Danny: Enclosed please find an original and 3 copies of the Sign Lease between Monroe County and the Casa Marina to be executed by your office. Please forward executed copies to: Mr. Art Skelly Airport Director KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT / South Roosevelt Boulevard Key West, Florida 33040 ~ Lucien C. Proby, Jr. County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 George Fetherston ~ The Casa Marina Reynolds Street Key West, FL 33040 Also enclosed please find a check in the amount of $1,260.00 from the Casa Marina to cover the cost of said lease. yours, JR. LCPJr/brp Enclosures <""j"'H~lI4l1"'I11~ 1.f"a1~:~~'~"~"sl ',0"'Jlc,-t" ',"'t,<'" ikt., . 'l!" ~ .. . ~"'''~''~'~''''''''' <..t.~ JII ~aJp4 .. _4ilt BRANCH OFFICE 3 J J 7 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (30') 8'2.92'3 RECORDER COLLEC1OR OF DELINQUENT TAXES COUNTY CLERK COUNTY AUDIlOR March 30, 1983 Casa Marina Developers 1800 Atlantic Boulevard Key West, Florida 33040 Attention: President The Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting in formal session on March 18, 1983 authorized execution of Sign lease by and between Co~nty of Monroe and Casa Marina Developers. Enclosed is a fUlly executed copy of said lease for your files. Very truly yours, Ralph W. White Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners by: Deputy Clerk /vp cc: Art Skelly, Airport Director ~~,. Erlinda Tabag, Finance Dept. )Z'c : F i 1 e Enclosure SeptembeIL 15, 1983 . . ., ~ t ill , f' il , . i I ; t i~ lJ If !{ f . : , r I ~i ;( If · t f ~ i r' MIt. A1tt SkeUy AiApOu. UanaseJt Key (alu.t lntvr.na.tional. AilLpoJr.t Key We6t, Flo~' 33040 Re.: AdveJLti6ag Spa.c.f. I " . :, OeM WL. Skelly: Ua1vc.iDU'.6 CMa /.faJWu.t Ruou. would Uke. .to lea.6e. adveJr.ti.6ag .6paee. a.t. the. AlJr.pou. ttJUl&inal. buil.di.ng, a .the. baggage. c.W.m Mea. . . DIe. wuleJl.6.tand the. .6pace. .u $1200.00 ptJI. yt41t, wkic.h ac.lu.du a d.l.1te.c.t-Une. phone.; wtaU.a.tion .u OWL ILUpon4.ibu..uy. We. .toolt 40JtMrVul to a de.c.i6-ion .6oon, .60 the. .tea.6e. may be. enacted cu 06 Octob~ " 1983. Thanlt you 'OIL yoWl. CU.6.uttlnce In .tkU ma.tteJL. SinceJtely, ~~~~tr%- !~l ine' , O.ilte.ct 0' IAaltk · 9 ,. Salu. . ~ ! . J . i ~ ( t BL : nm , fj j} " .' , If ~ . . c I ,; , ~ ~~ . . /"..... ~ ~~-'~~_~"""'~T"14..... '_....., "" W'~,!.ot~.""--"'--:-~_~"'''''~--.'-_.~",~_".,~_."~,,OP ~'~"\ 1!lannp 1L. JSolbage BRANCH OFFICE 31 17 OVERSEAS HIGHW'A Y MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 J'EL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT CO'URT 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT !\;10NROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 RECORDER COLLECTOR OF DELINQUENT TAXES COUNTY CLERK COUNTY AUDITOR January 2.3, 1984 Mr. G e 0 r' 9 e F e the r s ton The Casa Marina Reynolds Street Key West, Florida Dear Mr. Fetherston: The Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting in formal session on October 14, 1983 authorized execution of Sign Lease by and between the County of Monroe and The Casa Marina. Enclosed is a fully executed copy of said lease for your records. Very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners b,Y: Deput,Y Clerk l cc: Airport Manager cc: County Attorney c~ Fin an ceO e pt. Ac: File Enclosure 1Jaannp I.. 1Solbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MONROE COUNlY SOO \VHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.o. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 RECORDER COLLECTOR OF DELINQUENT TAXES COUNTY CLERK COUNTY AUDITOR ---------~-- M E M 0 RAN 0 U M To: Airport Director From: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Subject: Resolution No. 335-1984 Date: December 13, 1984 On November 30. 1984. the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 335-1984 ~uthorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of ~onroe County. Florida. to execute a Sign Lease by and between the Casa Marina and the County of Monroe, State of Florida. We are attaching two copies of the subject Resolution and the Sign Lease which has now been fully-executed on behalf of both parties. It is our understanding that you will handle forwarding one copy of the Sign Lease to the Casa Marina and retain the other copy for your own files. Danny L. Kolhage Clerk /-) / / .' ./ / ./.-' )( /"// /. /-->'. by " -;:!.... .{~C {~(_. ::."..... c /' .{ ~ l' ',> )/ ;:../";t. ..;".;;,' Deputy Clerk /rls Attachments cc: County Attorney w/copy Finance Department w/copy V-i 1 e ,..<,s.:s:";~).", /r~'~ ~~~.~.~~~ C'Oi t:1..'..-!~('S ...~1i0t.'\ CIJ/.ll;";:.. c.-~ v~. ? ct/"J . \ '-;j, ~\ ~ 0 i ,Ii ..' j" ,~ ~~......~. ,-" ..::....~~ ~ ~~ '9>0 ...... <C"f;1' ~~~~$''- laannp JL. I\olbage BR.ANCH OFFICE 3117 O'VEJ1SEr\S I-IIGIIVV A'Y MARATHON. FLORIIlA 33050 TEL. (305) 7 43~9036 CI.JERI( OFI THE CIRCUIT COUR1' l\1()NROE COUNTY 500 \VHITEI-IEA~D STREET KEY WEST. FLORIDA 83040 TEL. (30t~) 294-464 J BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 M E M 0 RAN 0 U M To: Airport Director From: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Subject: Resolution No~ 064-1986 Date: March 18, 1986 On March 7, 1986, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No~ 064-1986 authorizing the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida to exe- cute a Sign Lease by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida and The Casa Marina for installation at the Key West International Airport. Attached hereto are two certified copies of the subject Resolution and two fully-executed copies of the Lease. One set of documents should be retained for your records and the other set should go to your Lessee. Da.nny L. Kolhage Clerk /, . ~--!< ) (; -/-> f/ 1>' /' //;1 by _/,.:\-c.',:i.-l,4,-. 1'1, h'-?~i.. Ai. ,~_ Rosalie L. ConnollY; Deputy Clerk ;/ Attachments cc: County Attorney Finance Department ~ile BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 .ann!' I.. )tolbagt CLERK OFt THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (306) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 MEMORANDUM -~---_....---- To: Airport Director From: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Subject: Resolution No. 355-1986 Date: December 10, 1986 On December 2, 1986, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 355-1986 authorizing the Mayor and Chairman of the Board to execute a Sign Lease by and between the County of Monroe and The Casa Marina. We are attaching two copies of the subject Sign Lease which have now been executed and sealed on behalf of the County. Also attached are two certified copies of the Resolution. One set of documents should be retained for your records and the other set should go to your Lessee. Danny L. Kolhage Clerk Attachments cc: County Attorney Finance Department ~ 119annp lL. )tolbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 MEMORANDUM -----~-....,-- To: Art Skelly, Airport Director From: Rosalie L. Connolly, Deputy Clerk Subject: Resolution No. 376-1987 Date: October 9, 1987 On October 6, 1987, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 376-1987 authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute a Sign Lease by and between Monroe County and The Casa Marina concerning a sign located at the Key West International Airport. Attached hereto are two ce~tified copies of the subject Resolution and two fully~executed copies of the Agreement. One set of documents should be retained for you~ records and the other set should go to your Lessee. Rosalie L. C Deputy Clerk Attachments cc: Commissioner E. Lytton ~ou y Attorney P' ance Department ile \-. Jlannp lL. l&olbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 MEMORANDUM To: Peter Horton ACA/Community Services From: Rosalie L. Connolly, Deputy Clerk Subject: Resolution No. 253-1989 Date: May 5, 1989 On April 28, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 253-1989 authorizing execution of a Sign Lease between the County and The Casa Marina concerning a sign at the Key West International Airport. Attached hereto are two certified copies of the subject Resolution and four original copies of the subject Lease, all of which are now executed and sealed on behalf of the County. It is our understanding that your Division will handle obtaining the remaining necessary signatures. Please be sure to return the fully-executed bond original to the undersigned as quickly as possible. Rosalie L. onnolly Deputy Clerk Attachments cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Finance Director T. Medina File ~~~ ~COUN1')- .. ........ C'. tf~~.~~ ~~( I . . ....IjI): I · ~:..... ..../.$J--r ~ .. .. O~, ~~~i:; · mann!, 1.. i{olbagt BRANCH OF'FICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294.4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852.9253 M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Peter Horton, ACA/Community Services From: Rosalie L. Connolly, Deputy Clerk Date: December 26, 1989 On December 13., 1989, the Board of County Commissioners approved and authorized execution of a Sign Lease Agreement wi th"..The Casa MarinaV"'rconcerning space at the Key West International i{rport. ..,. Attached hereto are two duplicate originals of the Sign Lease Agreement which have now been executed and sealed on behalf of the County. It is our understanding that your Division will forward one of these documents to your Lessee; the other should be retained in your proper departmental records. Attachments cc: County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Finance Director T. Medina File ~....~...."-~~~~' ~ CoUNr,.. ',; e," /i:'~"~ ~~ ~[, ..... 'j '"I " \~......:.../~~<J~ ~o ........ ~." · ~~ comHi.,#, ,\,,~~~:7 1J9annp 1.. }{olbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH, OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Peter Horton, Division Director/Community Services From: Rosalie L. Connolly, Deputy Clerk Date: November 1, 1990 As you are aware, on October 24, 1990, the Board of County Commissioners approved and authorized execution of a Sign Lease with The Casa Marina for installation of a sign at the Key West International Airport. Attached is one duplicate original and one Xerox copy of the subject Sign Lease, now executed and sealed by all parties. The duplicate original should be returned to your Lessee and the Xerox copy kept in your proper departmental records. Attachments cc: County Attorney County Administrator Finance Director File 1J9annp lL. Itolbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 M E M 0 RAN DUM ~.........-_- ----- To: Peter Horton, Division Director/Community Services From: Rosalie L. Connolly, Deputy Clerk Date: November 27, 1991 As you are aware, on October 9, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners approved and authorized execution of a Sign Lease between the County and The Casa Marina for a sign installation at the Key West International Airport. Attached is one duplicate original and one copy of the Sign Lease, now executed and sealed by all parties. The dupli- cate original (raised seal) should be returned to your lessee and the copy kept in your proper departmental files. Rosalie L. C Deputy Clerk Attachments cc: County Attorney County Administrator w/o document Finance Director File .. }Bann!' I. Itolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 MEMORANDUM TO: Peter Horton, Director Division of Community Services Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk .,g " C. "e · FROM: DATE: January 11, 1994 As you know, on December 22, 1993, the Board authorized execution of the following Sign Leases: Value Rent A Car for space at the Key West International Airport. Value Rent A Car for space at the Marathon Airport. Casa Marina for space at the Key West International Airport. Attached hereto are duplicate originals of the subject Leases which should be returned to the appropriate Lessees. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: County Attorney County Administrator, wlo document Fmance File Memorandum DATE: December 21, 1994 FROM: Ruth Ann Jantzen, Deputy Clerk Bevette Moore, Airports f)3 r ~ TO: RE: Sign Leases +- +- +- +- +- Enclosed please find an original sign lease agreement for The Casa Marina, and for the Sheraton Suites. The agreements have been executed by the lessee and the County. I have also sent an original to the lessee, and to the County Attorney. Ibev enclosure