Miscellaneous , :~1, C1TERPILLAR@ Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation 2401 Lake Park Drive, Suite 270 Smyrna, Georgia 30080 Telephone (404) 432-1407 November 27, 1989 Board of County Commissioners Acting as The Board of Governors of The Monroe County- Municipal Service District Box 1680 Key Vest, Florida 33040 BE: Lease I 27290-01, (1) New Caterpillar D68 Track-Type Tractor SIN: 08Z33913, Vaste Disposal Arrangeaent Vlth 6 SU Bulldozer Dear Sir: Enelosed you will find your copy of the docuaents for the lease transaction with Caterpillar Financial Serviees Corporation on the above referenced equipment. Please note that the lease date has been changed on the doeuaents, from August 30, 1989, to November 1, 1989. The later date is when the doeuaents were executed in our offiee. Also, we do not as yet have the serial number for the Vaste Disposal Arrangement with 6 SU Bulldozer. If this inforaation is available to you, please call us or fill in the blank space above on this letter and return to this office in the enclosed self-addressed, staaped envelope. If you have any questions regarding these documents, or we may be of further assistance to you, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, cf~ ~. Vanda G. Abernathy Documents Adainstrator ;. -\ ',.. .::j. ~ ....~,. ~~"':"~ Iwga