Miscellaneous .,. t t ! ~ F R 0 M ;~..y /'F.~:. III III T 0 I, '{ III I iM~e Qepf!j ATTENTION: DATE: PRIORITY <)c to'bt":!: 1 r:'ST ATE: D URGENT! D SOON AS POSSIBLE D NO REPLY NEEDED FILE NO, ~;) H f}K E ~ i='LO~{ ~ [Jr\ :3 3fJ62 ~~- 742 ,(7~; 743-U4i SUBJECT: ;-i' 14 ~':- c: I'Ll\ .f\~'1J3 .E': " rrT '.... .i .~ . '~-.v Y' ~~ f.:, ()a I'ij cf (:ount~/ n.ei:j ...-'~ "'. \..1 0 lI; rj~l S S ~ ":.;.'",.. e..." ,;' \. '" st7 lit "10 ri d.,j ;s M E S S A G E find ~:(ec ~ltcd. f)ne <>'lea r to Ian C.: " 8t Ch.l ~j f' c' r t 11 e 'f\t 0 n. th. t h:;1 t "/ (;' y ha Vrc~ it -i,l1 !J'Ll r fiJ ("* c.,~ ;! (:: ! 1. c: C t' r (j ~, t 1 artl ~ }'<: SIGNED: R E p L Y I DATE OF REPLY REPLY TO: i.: .A 1 ;~in. S c hrn.i t t "-' . n<: SIGNED: F~ECIPIENT: WRITE REPLY. RETURN WHITE TO SENDER. KEEP THIS PINK COPY. LEE 'NTER.lORS~ 'NC. F... 0 P U A r< E Y S S;-I 0 W' 800 ~l , ;"" (~ :\ THO ~1 P l A Z A ~ P. ~~, {) ~., ': ,q Ii H.~ rHO .r: L O? ~ T E.j;l;~:;NE ?';;~i7~:j 5ep:l:.em6e1t /6, /974. /1h. fduxuu:/. tVotdo~ .5:f.a;te' /.J At:foll.n.e!/, ~ . ~ ./i1oMOe Cordy. Cowd:. lIoUde ,4nn.ex, 500 tPhLteAead 5htee:t, Keff fl/eA~ F l.a.. Oealt lih. !Votdon: We tWu1.d. lihe .to i.nlotun /pU :f1ud: :tAe COApe:lin.g, i:1vroughoui:. .tAe "".6uLl.di.ru:;; Otmed b!f I!h. Ch.am/;eM, i.n.c!.url.i.n.g,!pUIl. o,t./1-ce h.aA neve/t been. pai.d. Ion., and. flk. Ch.emheM h.aA Il.e.~ed. f:o pa/f /011. /.Juch. /.Ji.n.ce lVovem6E?A. 20, /974. Th..eA.e,101l.e i..t iA OUll. .i..n.:t.en;tWn ;to Il.e- nvve aU.. /.Jai.d. cmtpeti.Ju;. /Aom :l:h.e Ch.an/;€/td ~ I /.J,ook.e llJi.;th. Ilk. Alan. 5clunu:J.;u, Il.ea.l:tolt /o1l.;.tAe Chamb€/td ~ and. h.e in.{ollJ'1'leJi me i:h.at fPU/t 1.eG/.je /.J:f:ated. t}ud !pU wu1.d. have a C111lpe:l:ed. olli.ce /.Jpace. 7h..E?A.eloll.e i.f!.fPu tWukL be i.n.i:eAedi:ed .in. piuu:ltaAiJu; :l:h.e COAp& PIl.€/.Jent1/f in. !pWt ol/i-c~ I 6eli.eve 1.~!f !:.pU UJ:)uld. be ab1.e .to d.educ:t Lt jAom fPUIl. IlRrd., /.Ji:n.ce Lt c1.ecvJ./f voi1:l4 fPwt 1.eaA~ h.av.J..n.g. OaJl.e {100M. A comp1.ete oll.each.-doun ot caIlpe;t, Rod and .i.nda.liati..on iA below: /60 /.Jq;..uu1.e ~ of!. CaAfJ& AClty1Lc/ ffod aCIt.J;LLc :~L'~ f:!.. "~' .:~ r~~jri2J~.l{7;~i.(Jl::' /}. FLa. .da.leA ~iax 6ft. 00 .r......~~ r;~ 'f'.:'::' I~ r:=a f.l \t, f7\r Tf\', .1/554. 00 ; ~ P ! t.... f \ ! ~A \ ~ \ I f \?..:l ~ t \ l~\t' U) \3'..;;;3 ~ U ~~ LV; q,"\. ~ Si)eIl.e1II, . ... h ! L~e Irdr." '~; Inc. I . I ~ \\i~\v\v~t' ~ -(', lit. Laun.an. c. Lee. l'.(f... t~ ~ Q 74'" o ~\,J1. C'TA'I)'"J: 1\TTr'QijFY ,,) ~ j'\ jl '- 1"\ 1 U i .- ~tate J\ttnrne~ ".....(~~i?lS: t~.' U'''~ '-./f'~"".~. .~^ ~--' '':i~. E\'~..: ~~.~7~ ~~~~.~;/:' ~~ SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TELEPHONE 294-4841 EXT.233 294.8168 J. EDWARD WORTON October 16, 1974 Mr. Ralph W. White Clerk of the Circuit Court Mo nro ~_,_CQ"u.n.ty.".,.Cou'Fthetts'e""'''''<<'''''''''' est, Florida 33040 ./ / ../ ./ Re: Chambers Building, Marathon, Florida ~ <;"."I'J'~."'ll' '\ ~. "~"-'O'e"'~.llli.''''_~.~''''''''''.",~_I...)#.,,~...t'.~,~.''''''''''''''''~.''*--I''.''''~~~ Dear Ra 1 ph: ....~, "-'~""''''''''''''''''''''lJ''o'I......t''''l~'''~'''''''''''''''''A~/).''''''''-'''''''' "'... ~.H"".",,,,.... .l-'~ -," ....,... !"..~. .'H'U ,_.'.1>"'" As you recall, when I leased the space in this building my lease called for carpeting and panelling. I recently received the attached letter from Laurin Lee stating that he has not been paid for the carpet installed in the office. If the carpet is removed, there is, of course, a breach of lease. Additionally, we are under no obligation to pay for the carpeting, it being agreed that building would furnish same. By copy of this letter, I am requesting Mr. Schmidt, who is the agent for the building, to inform us whether or not he is agreeable to having rent payments made in the future applied to the cost of carpeting. Very truly yours, J. EDWARD WORTON State Attorney JEW:mjr Enclosure cc Mr. Alan Schmidtt ; , I ~,'~~~~~ ~~"~S!A t-rtr -;. k" :':',,' " ~"'f '''i . \ .' NO CARBON PAPER REQUIRED: Type (or write) on original-Impression will automatically appear on copies bonoath. L INSTf1~~IONS ~ Sandor: Write or typo massaga, pull out y"lIow shoot, mail tho othar two by folding In half and insorting in 11771 DU'O.Vur ~nvolnf)O ~ Rocipient: Write YOllr reply lit bOllom, mail buck while slloet end koep the pink. rOflM 'lll-Avnll;lhl"lrom(f\(i.'I't!j/~'()Wllqrlfl 'A^<,', 'll.lI,l~ , : I DATE: r- MeMqge Qep~ i--n. pn~OnlTY I U URGENT! I LJ SOON AS POSSIBLE o NO REPLY NEEDED Oct. 18, 1974 R o M ill III ALAN G. SCl-lMiTT, REAL ESTATE 10980 Overseas Highway MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 FilE NO. ATTENTION: 305 743-5181 743.5790 743-2641 : i : I i II I Mr. Eddie Chambers c/o Jetport Dodge '2630 W. Irving Blvd. Irving, Texas 75060 SUBJECT: T o I, , I III l: : Dear Eddie: Copy of letter from our tenant to the Clerk of the Court of Monroe County is enclosed. The Clerk is the paying officer for the county agencies, and apparently Lauren Lee has written to the State's Attorney indicating he has not been paid for the carpet. s The State's Attorney is correct in stating that his lease calls for carpE and it cannot be removed. s A G I understood from you that you had talked to Mr. Lee, and asked him for a complete bill, inasmuch as you two were in dispute over the cost of carpeting in the lobby area. Would you advise me what to do to alleviate the tenant's concern. The carpet agreement was made between YOt and Mr. Lee as I recall. Kindest.~egards, SIG NED~:::::''::~'"'' c - -_.~-----_.- ~--- - - -.--.-.----. - , I I ; I n E p L y DA TE OF REPLY: I REPLY TO: cc: Mr. J. Edward Worton Mr. Ralph White SIGNED: SENDER: MAIL RECJPIENT WHITE AND PINK SHEETS. RECIPIENT: WRITE REPLY. RETURN WHITE TO SENDER. KEEP THIS PINK COPY. . " I CHAMBERS BUILDING 11399 DIXIE HIGHWAY MARATHON SHORES, FLORIDA 33050 9 14 75 Mrs. Richardson Bookeeping Department 500 Whitehead Street PO 1086 Key West Fla. 33040 Dear Mrs. Richardson, Please find enclosed a copy of the deed showing the owner of the Chambers Building as Edward J. Chambers. Therewith, a copy of "Notice to Lesee" indicating the manager of the building, where to mail check etc. The rent is now past due from the States Attourney's office. Your prompt attention to this matter will be grately appreciated. Sincerely CHAMBERS ~U~ ~~ ~~ ~~Cuiston, Building Manager ee: Mary Avery Enclosures: 2 TJM/ssS MArLING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 2618, fv\ARA THON SHORES, FLORIDA 33052 . PHONE 743-6207 \~, W"....AN'Ty OrEO ""0'-'" ':O".O"t.T.ON' AAMCO "'0"'" 33 II i, II 'I ;, I' :\ lhis Warranty Deed ;..Taclt' and ut>cutt>d the A 9 CC~PORATIO~ a C'or;:>oraCion exislin~ !lndi'r :h, lau)$ of Florica ;~.:>.t'~S at Pom?ano' Beach, ?lor ida ,~_t'~r.r'lftt'r coHea ,lut ~-~~I':'.r, to E~~'iA.?..D J. ''C:i.A~~32.RS t and . 'laVin~@ltG'~@ I AUG 2 7 1975 ,,-'"- :.... day of ;) .::/ A. D. 19 "'IS-by !l r II I, I wl1()~C po~loffic(t (l(l(l,.:!~ :~ hcr('inof/cr C'all('(l 111(' wa"l !..~: ~ MAmtJiOD Shore$ ~ (\\'hf"nH" \~..(C1 h~r:".n t~~ f<r:O"\ .. l~d "'!f'ran!u" il,dud~ .:1 lhf' parlira 10 l~. inJtrumtnl anJ the hfin. 1(,-:\: rt;;;"r'~nt.::~t. ~~t: 11\ .-~ f indlnduo.ll. and the nlC!'('UNi and .11;~1'K ~.f ((\tvorat:orn) Witness~ tll: Thai f/u1 oral.'or, for and in conJidcralion of ~he sunl of S 1 0 · 00 and olher vulultble consicl~ro'ion~. receipt u,lu'ffloj i.5 hereby ucknolvlcclge(l. by th(tsp. presen's <lops grant. bargain. scH. cliftn. rcmisp.. ralftase. conI".)' oncl confirm un'o ,Tte grantpe. all ,110t certain land situnl~ in Cour.'y. Florida, vi:: ~ I II It (l 1\ . i1 II II II Ii !i M ,~ Ii i' LOTS 95, 96, 97, 98 and 99 of LITTLE VENICE, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book .3, Page 7 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Lots 161 and 162 of LITTLE VENICE #2, according to the Plat the:reof, recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page 26 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida '{ ogether \ cvith ell tl18 lencrnenls, hereditamenls and a.ppurl('nance5 .hereto I)Glongina or in uny- Ul ~ ., e 0 p per l (J i n i r! (i . T t:; ~1fl ... ' ..., .,4> d r.. ~ A ;,~,l~ ."'V 1: 1,-611 11>..- JJ ~f ~ "J ~vu.+, s i trip!e J ..;f't. v.~;. rh6 ~ame in ( 1~f! :, il ;1 " 11 Il ;, Ii Ii I! · \1 II ' II i~,nd L"i.C vtt:u~tor JH'r'rfhy C'OVf'ndnt., luith said grnflteo thaI U b lOlvfully srlud of suia lqnd in fC{iI ,~irn:-,ii~!fl('d i1 !lrlJ goo<l right ('HI,} lJlvful authority to sell ond COnpt7Y said land; thai it 11pr(.1..y jully uJor- ",lfltS th~ u,r:J io said land and u1ill defend the Jame ago,n."t tlHt lawful cloina of all pArson! whOtr;soHve-r; :Ind th'!1 .snirt Iund 1.1 free of all encurnbrunce. \..,;' ,J' (COllPOR.,n SEAL) . in t!Jitness Whereof ,h. grantor ha, C'Uluecl theu prt'spnls to . ,. .1 ./. 1>1.1 executed in its nome. and it! corporate SPCll 10 be her"unlo offixed. by ib , . ((/ pro'jpr offi hi thereunto July authorir.rcl. IIle ,Jay and year fi"t ahove wriUlln. ~/~ / ((~. ~~ ",I:. , I ---: ./)(..+(jt,"!,? I ....\d '" '" · AlTt..STy..f .........,... ~~ :.1?'v':.~H.... .................. A B CORPORATION HOvJA RD . . ~ARTL~, JR. Sw.Uf1 ..... -.. .,. .....- ....................... ... ....... .............. ............... - ?'lwf'r.d ? the p psencc of: \' } . . .. .' ,'u . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .... ( . \..; 2....~.... ~. .... ....; ./-..).&~ ./:.1 t...) .fo:.-.H.. ~... ..f.", L t.. t -{.. (.... FLORIDA BROWARD . - )("7 . ..- i'. By.., .l;!..; (A... ...~~':. -:....;.~:.?:t... ........ ....... ........ '" ANN BARTLETT PreJadent S fATE OF C(1Ui"JTY OF } ! B(Hf.RY CEkTn'y .hat un th;, Jay, h,dnre mt. ~n t\Hictr duly .\I\huriud in thl S,.!<< .nd CouDly a(\Jff'uid \0 take .c:~r.o""ecijll:rn...nb. IH.n(J:l~lIy ayp~.rcd ^t~N BARTLETT and lIOWARD o. Bl\RTLE'rT, \.lR.' wttl Ironow" te. mt ,to bt l ht' rrf,d~nt anJ See reta. r:.-' r.1IP<'c'Jvt1r (): the cOC"poration n.uDed ... ,rantot i1\ thl f~-'''_~);~\'ldf'~c1,..~''.:J that \~t... ttHr.ily .d~,o..l..dl(..ri {..t(ul,n~ !~,f ~..,,,,:,"' - '.."If ;-.,.,wnr, d ~wq aUbKribinc.witn.caa.r. rrcti, ..d volunliuily Llt.drt'''.ut~f';~ -( duty UI)ltd"" ''''!m by u;ci r J;'" f.' l'r'I anG l"'~( lhf ~a. .' \.,... ''t'f'O:. .tlt ft'vt COrpcHltr w-' uI uid <:('r~r.liu". W!T~~.?-, mt haAd oml .Himl ...: ,'j $,." :..: .... .,0 ,-" '(':;;~/~h10f,"'{4'!~ . A. D. ltllj~ } \ ' I:', . ~...r- ,.. ". r ;..~., C~ '~=":..4T ~AIOf .. .' ~_ .;.('.. it.'t'~ ;.0.; ~. 1m ~ ~~.. ~.J::~'~~: ___ [hi; }:U"'Jrrr"11 p/(poftd b..v: ;" to ::.c ~ ;>~ ';' a t i:.a w :'JO >~o tl:. F'2deral Highway .__ .... (.~ :: iJ ."y . ...4 ~4 II ~ -"'''''''IIlr'--~ -....y............,.--.- ...~-~~..;._......"'r-"""~.,...'-'---."'........ ~...- l' ,. ~ \- I 1 I t \ 1