Clerk's Memo _annp I.. Itolbagr BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 M E M 0 R A H DUM To: Tom Brown, County Administrator ~. Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk -9.C. September 15, 1993 From: Date: -~-----~-----~-------~-----------------------~------------------- ---~-------------------~----------------------------------------- On September 7, 1993, the Board authorized execution of a Business Lease Agreement between HRS/Monroe County located at 7993-7999 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida, for the Monroe County Public Health Unit. Attached for return to the Public Health Unit is a fully-executed copy of the subject Agreement. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. .cc: County Attorney Finance Risk Management w/o document File llannp I. Itolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY SOO WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher R. Smith Florida Dept. H.R.S. FROM: Ruth Ann Jantzen, Deputy Clerk f~. July 24, 1996 DATE: At the Jllly 17, 1996 County Commission Meetiqg, the Board granted approval and authorized, execution of an Amendment to Lease between Monroe County and Diane C. ChapliB, for the Marathon Public Health Unit at 7977-7999 Overseas Highway, Marathon, to September 9, 191'. q Enclose~ please find a fully executed duplicate original of the above Amendment to Lease Agreement18r return. to Diane Chaplin. H you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Enclosure cc: County Attorlley Finance County Administrator, w/o document File