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tfllusiness 1fienst
THIS AGREEMENT, entered fnto this J I -fA day of July
, 1990
FLORIDA 33050 , hereinafter called the lessor,
party of the first part, and MONROE COUNTY
of the County of MONROE and State of FLORIDA
hereinafter called the lessee or tenant, party of the second part:
WITNESSETH, That the said lessor does this day lease unto said lessee, and said lessee
does hereby hire and take as tenant under laid lessor Room or Spaee 5160
MATELY 1500 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. 5 U P v, 0 ~ E Le.E,~'C /p,~'/' tJ I~,/S:
situate in MARATHON State of ~LORIDA , to be used and occupied by the lessee as
and for no other purposes or uses whatsoever, for
the term of ONE (I) YEAR , subject and conditioned on the provisions of
clause ten of this leaBe beginning the FOURTEENTH day of JULY
19 90 , and ending the THIRTEENTH day of JULY , 1991 ,
~~IR~fo~~h~'~!ir~~l!'rltJfff-c~ THOUSAND, 5lI~~ ~~ i~ LLAR~NO
.0 ars,f.lati e as follows: ONE TROUSAND, THREE HUNDRED.am. DOLLARS AND ~ CENTS V~
d4 JULY 1990 UNTIL 13 JULY 1991.
all payments to be mad~ to the lessor on the first day of each and every month in advance without
demand at the office of CHAPLIN REAL ESTATE, 5190 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY in the City of
MAAATHON, FLORIDA' '33050 or at such other place and to such other person, 8S the lessor
may from time to time designate In writing.
The foUowingexpreBs stipulations and conditions are made 8 part of this lease and are here-
by assented to by the lessee:
FIRST: The lessee shall not assign this lease, nor sub-let the premises, or an1 part- thereof nor use the same,
or any part thereof, nor permit the same, or any part thereof, to be used for any other purpose than as above stlpu-
latedl nor make any alterations therein, and aU additions thereto, witho~t the written consent of the lessor, and
an additions, fixtures or Improvements which may be made by lessee, except movable office furniture, shall be-
come the property of the lessor and remain apon the premises as . part thereof, and be surrendered with the prem-
Ises at the termination of this leaBe.
, SECOND: All personal property jJlaeed or moyed In the premises above described shall be at the risk of
the lessee or owner thereof, and lessor shall not be liable for any damage to said personal property, or to the
lessee arlsln<< from the.. burlltlnR' or leaking of water pipes, or from any act of negligence of any co-tenant or '.
occupants of the bulldinR or of any other person whomsoever. .
1'IIIRD: That the tenant flhall promotly execute and comply with all 8tatutes, ordin8nce9~ rules,
orders, rf:'gulntions and requirements of the Federal, S'tate and City Government and of an)' and all their Depart-
ments and Bureaus. applicable to said premiaes, for the corret;tion, preveution, and abatement of nuisances or other
griev811ceR. in, upon or connected with 8aid premises during 8aia term; and shaJJ also promptly comply with and
execute all ruleR, orden and regulations of the applicable fire prevention codeR for the prevention of fireR, at
own coat ond expense.
FOURTH: In the event the premises shall be destroyed or 80 damaged or Injured by fire or other casunlty
during the life of this agreement, whereby the same shall be rendered untenantable, then the lessor shall have the
right to render said premises tenantable by repairs within ninety days therefrom. If said prernises are not rendered
tenantable within said time, It shall be optional with either partr hereto to cancel this Jease, and in the event of
such caneellation the rent shall be paid only to the date of such fire or casualty. The cancellation herein mentioned
shall be evidenced In writing.
FIFTII: The prompt payment of the rent for said premises upon the dates named, and the faithful observ.
anee of the rules and regulations printed upon this leue. and which are hereby made a part of this covenant, and
of such other and further rules or regulations as may be hereafter made by the lessor, are the conditions upon
which the lease is made a~ld aeeepted and any failure on the part of the lessee to compl,. with the terms of said
leRse, or any of said rules and regulations now In existence, or which may be hereafter prescribed by the lessor
shall at the option of the lessor, work a forfeiture of this contract, and all of the rights of the lessee hereunder:
, SIXTII: If the le8see ahall abandon or vacate aaid premises before the end of the term of this le88e, or shall
lufTer the rent to be In arrear8, the le880r may, at his option, forthwith cancel tbl. le8se or he may enter said premises
88 the 8gent of the le8see, without bein. liable In any way therefor, and relet the premlse8 with or without an~
furniture that may be therein, 8S the 81ent of the le8see at such price and upon such terms and for 8uch duration of
time al the les80r may determine, and receive the rtrot t"ere'for, applyln, the seme to the payment of the rent due by
these presents, and if the full rental herein provided shall not be realized by lesBor over and above the expenses to
lessor in such re-letting, the said leslee shall pay any deficiency, and If more than the full rental Is realized lessor will
pay over to laid lellee the exce8S of demond.
SEVENTII: Lessee agrees to pay the cost of <<!ollectlon ond ten per cent attorneY'1 fee on any part of sold
rental that may be eolleeted by lult or by attorney, .fter the some Is past due.
EIOIITII: The leslee agrees that he will ~I!Y all charlee for rent., la8, electricity or other illumination, and for
all water used on IBid ~remlses, and should laid charles for relit, light or water herein provided for at any linl~
relnain due and unpaid for the space or Dve daye .ner the lame sball have become due, the lessor may at its option
conllder the said lessee tenant at 8ufferance end the entire rent for the rental period then next ensuinglhall at once
be due and payable and may forthwith be collected by distress or otherwise.
NINTH: The laid lessee hereby pledgel and assigns to the lessor 811 the furniture, fixtures, goods and
chattels of laid les8ee, which shall or may be brought or ~ut on Bald premises as security for the payment of the
rent Ilereln relerved, and the leslee agrees that the lalll lien may be enforced b, dIstress foreclosure or otherwise
at I.he election of the .ald lellor. and does hereb, a,ree to pay attorne7'. fees of ten pereent of the amount 10
eollected or found to he due, torether with all costs and charrel therefore Ineurred or paid b, the les!or.
TENTH: It Is bereb, agreed IInd under.tood between lessor and lessee that In the event the lessor decides
to remodel, alter or demolllh all or .ny part of the premises leased hereunder, or In the event of the lale or long
term lease of all or an, pr.rt of the · requiring tbls space, the lessee hereby agrees to vacate
18me upon reeelpt of .Ixt" (80) da)',' written notle. and the return of any advanee rental paid on aeeount of this
ELEVENTII: Th.lellor, or any of hi. .,ents, .hall have the right to enter laid premises durlnK aU reason-
able hours, to examine the .ame to make .ueh repalrl, additions or alteration. al may be deemed necessar, for the
lafet" eomfort1 or prelenatlon thereof, or of .ud bulldln<<, or to exhibit .ald premf.ell and to put or keep upon
the doorl or Window. thereof a notice 'POR RENT" at an, time within thlrtJ (80) da,s belore tbe expiration
of thll lease. The rl.ht of entry shan IIk..I.. exist for the purpose of iemovlnlf plae,rdl, Ilgn., fixtures, altera-
tions, or addltlonl, which do not eonform to this .rreement, or.to the rulel and regulatlonl of the building.
TWELFTH: Leaee hereby aeeepts the premises In the condition they are In at the berlnnlng of this lease
Rnd arreel to maintain laid preml8e. In the .ame eondltlon, order and repair al tbe, are at the eommencement of
Bald term, exeeptln, onl, realonable wear and tear arlsln, from the ule thereof under this aareement, and to
make good to .ald le..or Immedlatel, upon demand, an, damlle to w.ter .pparatul, or electric lights or any fix-
ture, .ppllaneel or appurtenaneel of .ald premlles, or 01 the building, eaused b, In, act or negleet of lessee, or of
any perlon or perlons In the emplor or under the eontrol of the lessee.
TIIIRTEENTR: It I. expressl, .creed and understood b, and between the parties to this arreement, that
the landlord Ih.1I not be liable for an, damage or InJur, b, water, which may be lustalne~ by the lold tenant or
other person or for an, other damll,. or InJut)' relultlna from the carelessness, neglllenee. or Improper conduct
on the part ot an, other tenant or aaents, or emplo,eel, or b, realon of the breakale, leak.g.e, or oblltruetlon of
the ~ater, lewer or loll pipe., or other leaka.. In or about the aid building.
FOURfEENTII: If the lessee ahall become insolvent or If bankruptcy proceedlolB shall be begun by or ogainst
the le8see., before the end of laid term the le880r II hereby irrevocably authorized at Its option, to forthwith cancel this
lease, 8' lor a default. Lessor mal elect to accept rent from luch receiver, trustee, or other judicial officer during the
term of their occupancy in their flducl~O' capacity without affecting les8or. rlght8 al contained in thil contract, but
no receiver, trustee or other Judicial officer shall ever have any rijht, title or Interest In or to the above described
property by ylrtue of thla contract.
FIFTEENTII: l..,s8ee hereby ",alves and renounces for himself and famll, an)' and aU homestead and ex-
emption rights he ma)' have now, or hereafter, under or by virtue of the constitution And laws of the State 01
Florid., or of any other State, or of the United States, as alalnst the payment of said rental or any porllon
hereof, or an, other obllr_tlon or dama.e that may aecrue under the terml of this agreement.
SIXTEENTII: Thl8 contract shall bind the lellor and It I a881gnl or succe8S0rs, and the heirs, a8slgns, personal
repre8entatlve8, or luece880r. 81 the case may be, or the lellee.
8EVENTEENTII: It II understood and agreed between the parties hereto that time Is of the essence of
thl. eontraet and thl. .ppllel to all terms and conditions contained herein.
EJGIITEENTR: It f. understood and agreed between the partie. hereto that written nollee mailed or deliv-
ered to the premlsea leased hereunder shan eonstltule lulflelent notlee to tbe lessee and written notice mailed or
delivered. to the offlee of .the lelsor sh.n conltltute lufflelent notlee to the Leslor, to eompl, with the terms of
this eontraet.
NINETEENTH: The rJehts of the lessor under the forerolng Ih.1I be cumulative, and failure on the part of
the lellor to exerelle promptl, an, rights ....en hereunder .han not operate to forfeit an, of the said rights.
TWENTIETII: It II further underltood and .creed between the parties hereto tI.at any eharlel agal1l8t
the Jessee b, the lessor for servleel or for work done on th. rremlsel by order of the leslee or otherwise aeerulnr
under thl. contract Ihan be considered a. rent due and Iha) be Ineluded In an, lien for rent due and unpaid.
TWENTY-FIRST: It I. hereb, understood and a,reed that an, ligna or advertising to be uled, Including
awnln'll, In connection with thetfremlses leased hereunder Ihall be flrlt lubmltted to the lessor for approval be.
lor. In.tall.tlon ot ..me.
TWENTY-SECOND: Lessee shall, at his expense, keep the premises in good order
and repair during the term of the lease, including, but not limited to cracked and
broken glass, air-conditioning, doorp, locks, plumbing and electrical, repairing or
replacing with similar or bett~r size or quality.
TWENTY-TIIIRD: Lessee agrees to carry general liability insurance in the
amount of $ 100,000/$200,000 per person for bodily injury and $ 100,000 per
occurence for property damage, as per F.S. 768.28.
TWENTY-FOURTII: Lessee has the option to renew tile lease for One (1) Year with
an increase based on CPI of the past year.
TWENTY-FIFTII: Tllis lease may be terminated by the Lessee upon the following
1. Written notice of intention to terminate said lease shall be given to the
I.essor not less than One llundred Twenty (120) days pri-:>r to such termination,
2. Written c:onfirmation shall be given to tIle Lessor that the Lessee lIas
nht:"tinrrl rlc1~.l11At~ nffice space in a qovernmental building.
TWENTY-SIXTIJ: Lessee agrees to pay t:o Lessor $ 50.00 per monl:lt for water
TWENTY-SEVENTII: Lessee agrees to pay for garbage service.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto executed th.s 'nstrument for the
purpose herein expres8ed, the dny and year above written.
Signed, sealed'"and delivered In the presence of:
All to Lessor
t-/ _(Seal
(). ,('.
BY ~C~ \..L1 ~ '..Juu
Attor~~ roffice ·
--_ (Senl
-.---._ (Senl
Count, 01 MONROE
Before me, a NotAr, Publle In and for laid Btate and County, personall, eAme F. James ella.pi!n
, .
~ll~J!!l.tJ:Yjt B. ehaDI!n
wen known nnd known to be the person-'L- nnmed In the foregolnr lens~, and the'l
neknowledged tllRt they executed the IIlllne for the purpO!le tht!reln expre!l!led.
to mo
IN WITNESS WIIERf.:OF, I I'1Ige hereunto Ret m, hand nnd IIrfl~ed hi)' ofllclnl Renl thf!________
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S\\'OIU\ STATEl\IENT UNDER SECTI0~ 287.133(3)(a),
1. This swom statement is submitted with Bid, Proposal or ~ntract No. .
swom statement]
~'j!J 1'1 CS' c.4,q
[name or eDtlty subml
whose business address is ~ - / 7 /;.i 0 c../ JL.J"- S-..12 Fl-r
H I(fI!-I4 r!-I4...lJ -I' ~ I .J ,J CI ~""c:..
This sworn statement is submitted by
(If applicable) its. Federal ~plOJClldentftication Number (FEIN) is
(If the entity bas no FEJNt"indude the Social Security Number of the individual si~g this sworn
;;>c; ~-- C </-7 S/.] '1
My name is r; ;r iI #'1 ~ S C h ,.~ iJ /. '-"
[please print name of IDdlvlduat slgDiq]
and my relationship to the
entity named above Is
Y A /-1 ~
I understand that a .public entity crime- IS defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g). Florida Statutes..
means a violation .of any state or. federal law by a persoD with respect to and directly related to the
transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other
state or with tbe United States, including,. but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or
services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state
or of the United States and involving antitrust. fraud, theft, bribeIy, collUSion, racketeering.
conspiracy, or materia! misrepresentation. ...._...
S. I understand that · convicted 8 or 8conviction8 as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes.
means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of
guilt. in any federal or State trial coun of record relating to charges brought by indictment or
information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjwy t1'ial,-or-enuy of-a plea of guilty
or nolo contendere.
6. I undemand that an .affiliate. as definecl in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florlda'Sf4tutes. means:
1. A predecessor or successor of a person toDVicted of a public entity crime: or
2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the .
entity and who has been convicted ora public entity crime. The term 8afliljate. includes those
otficcn. directors, executives, partners, sJwcholders, employees, members, and agents who are active =~_
in the management of an affiliate. The ownemup by one person of shares constituting a controJIing
interest in another perIOn, or a pooling of equipment or income among parsons when not for fair
market value under an arm's length agreement. .ball be a prima fade case tbat one pcDOD controls
another pet1On. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a peISOn who bas beeD
convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an
affiliate. .
! understand that a -person-as defined. in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida S~tutes. means any
natural person or entity orgaDjzed under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal
power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision
of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business
with a public entity. The term .person- includes those officers, directors, executives, partners,
shareholders. employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entil)'. .
. Based. on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the
.. entit}'.sUbmitting this swoin statemenL (please Indicate which statement applies.]
.,;; t..
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-'- Neither the entity SUbmittin~ Jhis swq,m statement,.nor any officeis, directors. execunv,es, ~ ',' .
partners, shareholders, employees, members. or ~genlS who are active in management of the cnuly,
nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime
subsequent to July 1, 1989. '
_ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the ofticers, directors,
executiveS, panners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of
the entity, or an affiliate of the entity bas been charged with and convicted of a pubU~ entity crime
subsequent to July 1~ 1989. AW2 [please indicate which iIddltIoaal statement appUes.]
_ There has been a proccedlng concerning the conYictioll before a hearing.omcer of
the State of Florida, Division of Mmioistrative Heminp. The 'fiDal order entered by the
hearing oMcer did Dot place the person or afDUa1e on the convicted vendor lisL [please
attach 8 copy or the IlDaI onler.]
_ "'The persOD or amtiate was placed on the COIlVicted vendor Ust. There has been'a
subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida,. Division of
Administrative Hearings. The fiDal order entered by the hearing omcer determlDed Ulat it
was in the public iDtcres~" to remove the person or affilfato from the convicted vendor list.
(please attach a copy or the fIDaI order.]
____ The person or afftUate bas not been placed OD the convicted vendor list. [please
describe Dn)' action taken by or pend1na with the Department of GeDeral Senlces.)
.~ 1i
PERSONAlLY APPEARED BEFORE ME. the underslped authority,
E:S-ftMe.5' e ~~ who, after fiJst being sworn bymc, -aiBmt ~/hcr sigDature
[aame or IDdlvlclual sJaalaa]
In the space provided above on this
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