07/17/1991 F : L ,l- ~ U (~p!rv~o~ o~ E~ectioZlf titS ~1 ,JUt 24 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this :Seventeenth day of July - :---; J1 fJ ~ .~'" r ...' .,) ,~9 91 between F. JAMES CHAPLIN & BETTYE B. CHAPLIN, 5190 OVERSEAS WtGIfY!~Y 'MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 , here~GYher eaUe'd the Ifflsor, party of the first part, and MONROE COUNTY of the County of MONROE and State of FLORIDA hereinafter caned the lessee or tenant, party of the second part: , . WITNESSETH, That the said lessor does this day lease unto said lessee, and said lessee does hereby hire and take as tenant under said lessor Room or Space 5160 QVERSEAS HIGHWAY, MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 (CHAPLIN BUILDING) AND HAVING APPROXI- MATELY 1500 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. No. situate in MARATHON State of FT.ORTT)A , to be used and occupied by the lessee as and for no other purposes or uses whatsoever, for the term of ONE (1) YEAR , subject and conditioned on the provisions of clause ten of this lease beginning the FOURTEENTH day of JULY 1991 19 , and ending the THIRTEENTH day of JULY , 1992 at and for the agreed total rental of SIXTEEN THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE DOLLARS & ~fl,-~i>?~lliE:tlo))ows: ONE THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED SIX DOLLARS & SEVENTY-SEVEN CENT MONTHLY ($ 1,406.77) PAYABLE WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF EACH DUE DATE, COMMENCING ON 14 JULY 1991 UNTIL 13 JULY 1992. all payments to be made to the lessor on the first day of each and every month in advance without demand at the office of CHAPLIN REAL ESTATE, 5190 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY in the City of MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 or at such other place and to such other person, as the lessor may from time to time designate in writing. The following express stipulations and conditions are made a part of this lease and are here- by assented to by the lessee: FIRST: The lessee shall not assign this lease, nor sub-let the premises, or any part thereof nor use the same, or any part thereof, nor permit the same, or any part thereof, to be used for any other purpose than as above stipu- latedl nor make any alterations therein, and aJl additions thereto, without the written consent of the lessor, and all additions, fixtures or improvements which may be made by lessee, except movable office furniture, shall be- come the property of the lessor and remain upon the premises as a part thereof, and be surrendered with the prem- ises at the termination of this lease. SECOND: All personal property placed or moved in the premises above described shall be at the risk of the lessee or owner thereof, and lessor shaH not be Jiable for any damage to said personal property, or to the lessee arising from the buisting or leaking of water pipes, or from any act of negligence of any co-tenant or occupants of the buildinR' or of any other person whomsoever. . THIRD: That the tenant shall pro"!ptly execute and comply with all statutes, ordinances rules, orders, rl'gulations and requirements of the Federal, State and City Government and of any and all their Depart- ments and Burenus applicable to said premi!!es, for the correction\ prevention, and abatement of nuisance!! or other grievancNl, in, upon or connected witn said premises durinR saia term; and shall also promptly comply with and execute nil rules, orders and regulations of the applicahle fire prevention codes for the prevention of fires, at own CORt a nd expense. FOURTH: In the event the premises shan be destro~'ed or so damaged or injured by fire or other casulllty during the life of this agreement, whereby the same shall be rendered untenantable, then the lessor shall have the right to render said premises tenantable by repairs within ninety days therefrom. If said premises are not rendered tenantable within saId time, it shall be optional wit.h either part.y hereto to cancel this lease, and in the event of such cancellation t.he rent shall be paid only to the date of such fire or casualty. The cancellation herein mentioned ShRII be evidenced in writing. FIFTH: The prompt payment of the rent for said premises upon the dates named, and the faithful observ. ance of the rules Ilnd regulations printed upon this lease, and which are hereby made a part of this covenant and of such other and further rules or regulations as may be hereafter made by the lessor, are the conditions ~pon ,,'hich the lease is made and accepted and any failure on the part of the lessee to comply with t.he terms of said lease, or any of said rules and regulations now in existence, or which may be hereafter prescribed by the lessor shall at the option of the lessor, work a forfeiture of this contract, and all of the rights of the lessee hereunder: ...)IJ~' .a. aa .t.\ .c.............t. I,. .... ." . ..,,~. ~ ~ . .." Flu'fet thc relIt tn be Ir. nttenrH, the 'e89ot Inn1, lit hi.. opllon. forthwllh eOllcrl lI.ls l~nRf! or he .uny enler ..old .)1 ClnlACfI Oil lit" ol!e.tl nr lite 'ellllee, w tlanut "elh' U.ble In any 1'IIIY nt"refor, nnd re'el lhe p.ent'lIcs with 0. wlntout enI hit nlturft ll.nt nUIY lu, tbereln, 08 the "lent of the le"fJre, fit sur." ptlcn "lid upon nnrh let'"8 and rot "neh durntlon of I hue n8 the 'o"..or .ne, deto,mlJ1t', A,.ft receive tl.e tellt t lereror, IIPIl'Y'''' tIle ("Irne to tho p"y,"e,ll of lhe rent duo by " ,h..lle prl'Sentll, "..d I the full I"entol herein "rovlded ,,'.nll nol be t".lIzed by 'ellRor over olul nlmve lite flCpeflse. tfJ "~R8or In flurh re-Ielllng. the 8Rld leele. Blinn PRY nn}' denclcncy, IInd If hlore t.hnn tlu~ full t('nlnllA tenll~ed leR80r will I)ny over tn "nld le88ee the exceR" of demnnd. SEVEN'fll ~ J,cS!H!e nftter.~ to I'"Y lIu! cO!ll of ~ollcrUon nncl ten r(!t celli nt.torneY'(9 Ire on nnJ "ort or "n'fl ,r"I nl thnt mny he ~o"ectf!d by !full or by nttortH!Y. ..rler the RAnlC .~ Jln~l ,fur.. EI(JI "I'll: '1'1t" IrnAce egr ('eo thnt IIc will ~flV ell chntRee rot ,ru'. gn~, elet' I iril y or nUI(~t ilhlllllnotlon, find for nil \VI'I ('t UACt) on gnid Ine'nJR~8, nud elanu'.1 801.1 ChAtlleR for t~..t. light nl wot.et- herein J1lovldcd for nt 811Y Lhlle I ('IIInl,. d..~ nlld ',"pold for tl,r "l'nr.e uf nve dny" uh.r.r the An'"f! "I."n hnve l,rcf)lnn dur. th" 1(~qfJor Innl RIllA o"llnll ff)nslder the ..nld le"8c~ t.cnAnt n Rulfer once elld lhr entire tent rOt thc renl o'I,r.1 Iful t.hf!n Jlr.xf. f'tlAulhR ..hnllllt OflC(! I,r flue nnd pnynh'e n.ul mny rnrthwit.h Ile ~olleeted hy dhwtrc"" or ntherwlnf'. ~LEV F:Nl'll: "he 1~89or, or nil' 01 I.,.. "'ent.... "I.nUIIIlve the rlRht to (!nter ~nlll prelu'9~1I durlnR all reft~oJl. "Mil IlOlItll, to "lllllnlne lhe "111111' to mAkfl "ur" 't'rftlrll, _dd'Uo"lI or .UrrnUons liS may be Ilel'l1ted fleeellsllt, for Ute ~n'f!t.y, eo,,,rort1 Qr rtf!A@rvntlnnthereof,orollaldbulld'nl,or to exl.lhl~ IlIld prentlse"l ",," to put or keep upon Ihl! dOOlll 0. \\,11,,10'0'1" lhereof "noUet! 'FOR RENT" at an, thne 1'IU"'.. tMrt, (90) I II)''' before Ibe explraUon I' , I hi" I f' 1I!11'. '1''' n tlg Itt '" f ..nlr y lilt II 'I II Ice "'lie U'lIt '0 r Ih e pur PO!!" 0 f tf'lll 0 v ht If r'n rr tll ", 1I1~t11I, flda re", ..Iter It- tI,,"!!, ".. n".lIlioll'!, ''''''fh do ""t. ennfnrm to I"'!II "R.eement, or to the tll'!!lI n..d .!!gul.Uo.." of the bulldlnr. 'r\v ~r.f"'JI: ',f'!1~r.., '1f'1 cby "e~f'Jll, UU~ l)remf!l~1I In tilt, eondlllon tltf!Y or P. In III lite Itf!Rlnnlnr 01 thl! lell!' n 11.1 "'l't er!l 10 .l1n In I ,,'n "nl(1 It' "In l~r8 In tile IU'hlft ~ondlllotl, orl1f!r nlHI r(trn It n, lh~, '" (! n t, tllf~ tOlnmenCf!h1!ht of ""Ir) t"rll1, Ue!!rUn~ n..'y .eMoII,,"'e weor and t!!lr ft.l!lht, Irom n'e It!!e lh~l(!of ulu'!!r lhls nlnement, end 10 mnke R"od to 1l,,1d 11'1l!lo, Immt'lllnt!!', upon d!!IIUlhd, ..nl (1Imlll) to wnlu "p,mr ntull, 0. ell'elrle 1I<<lltIt or an, flx- "" e, nl'rllllnee" or nrrurl!!...nCl'!I nf IlR'd prem'se!!, or of U,e building, cnU!lell hy nil' net or n!!Rled of le!!see, or of nllY pet!on or 'U!t!!lOIUI 'n tll@ @mploy or tlllder tilt! control 01 lite 1~!-;gee. T'I'n~r~ENTII: It I, f'xpr@!'91, "Jreed an.1 ,,"d~r8tood b, nn(1 IJf!t\\'een UU~ IUlrtlr.!t to t"I!II RRreemel1t, UIOt thf' In,ullor.1 ..Iln" rIot be IInble for An, ""1"10 or InJut, b, waler, wl.leh IlIny ItO RURlnln!.1 I,y Ult! 8Rld tennllt or "Ihl'r Ill'r"on or lor ..ny nlll!!r dnr""I" 0. 'IIJU')' .ftllulUnR 'rom Ihe cnr!!'f'!lsltCS!l, ttegllRNlce, or hnprop!!r condud 0" Ulf~ Jlntl of nny other t@nnnt or 'Rent.., or elnr'oJen". or b, tenl'O" of tlI" tltf!ftlcftRe, '{'nltnR~, or obstruction of tI," wntt't, "~\V<<!r or ..011 r'flf'!It, or otht!r If!ftltnR8 In or nbout tIle ..nl.1 't1II1,"..~. F()Ulrr~F:N'''II: If U", leRRce "holl beto.ne ItlAolvcnl or If (,Pltltr"llfcy rtorrf'dlugR ,,11011 IJn bCI"" by or ol"lnsl III(' If'n"('''~ I,rfore l'IC;' (,lIrl flf "01(1 t(,I.'" tIle leRBot I.. he(f'by Irrevoen"', In. fun izefl (1'. ItA of'Uon, to forth.ltl. concel '.hls . 1""f1~. 0'1 lor n dr,-""n. J.tn"Of IJlnJ rlerl to nCCCltt t(!ut (,'oln 8uch .-ec~Jv(',', t,unlcr., or ot Ict j,utlclnl officet duthll! ll,e 'f't In (If "H~h' nrC"p""fV ill Utf'lt 'h"Ir.III'Y cnrnelly wlt"ouln(fect.lnlllf'A~fJ('8 tl~hlf1 A8 cun'nlfled In 11", contrnct, but IIn I f'f"~ i Vef~ "nf" ('r Of "I t.(', ju ellelnl officer 8'.nll ever hnve ft.1Y "R,.I, llf.le or In' ere"t In fit to the nbove dCfJcrlhf'd l'tn,H" f l' I,y vir' tI., f)1 'lti,. f~"'" rnr't. r"IFTF:rr:1J,." = r.e~!".!f' '_r, r.'" 1\'nlv(!~ ftlHI tello"nrf'1 lor "lrn~e'l ntHI In.un, IIIIY nil.. nlll,olne!ttelld IInd ~,.. e,uI,lffln tl~l,l.. I.t' .,,"~. I",vr 110W, or IU!t~Dltr.t, ululr.r or by vlt.tue 01 "I~ cou!1UllIUon "'If 1 Inwl of the Slnte fir f'lm i,I,., ot or II11Y ""I~r 91",,,, or 01 the Utllt~11 Stnle", It!! 1I,,,lfI,,1 thl' 1'"YlIIllltt. IIf IInl.' I!!nle' or ..n)' portion 'Irr.."r, or nny (1""'" "I-URn'L,,, nt (1n..tAR" Ulnt Inny ftcr.rne tli1fl~t tllf! trrfl1!-1 or I"'" "J!tr.~f1u!nt. SIK.Tff;'~rll ": '1'1.1" ,;n,d 1 '1('1. ,,"nil "hlfl Ule le8S'll a"d Its OARIRIIA ot ""CC~R'HlI", "Iul tlte 1.~lt", nRRlgn.., petAonn' 'f'llI-r"r.nfn'h",ft. fl' ""ff'r"Ao," n" lit., cnR~ Inny he, of thc '~8"~e. fn~Vf:t",.r~I';rJ"J': If ,., n..drr~too.1 nnd ngl~('(1 bel\veen the ,'R,UCA 11f!,eto thnt Unle '!II of tllt!@!t!t@lIteol lhl" cont.lnrl. nil" ''''~ "Jtr"~~ t.o nil tf'I'I"~ nllf' rOll,JllIo"" rOf1tn'n@fl .('rf!'n. EJ(:'....~Er,.I'I' = It I, tlnflr.tsloo(lftlld ftltee(1 bet\veeq tl." rntUe~ her('lo fhnt wlllt.~11 notice mRlled or delly- llle" lo lite 'ltetnl!'!(,1l l~nlle,1 Ilel!!u IlIler ..1r..1I co..stltule t1UU'dNtt Itollee lo lI,,, '1'!'!!1!!e lilli' \V t'llen notlee mllll!!,1 or .'"lIvered. to tll8 o"I~e of the le8!1tor "hall eon8Utnte lIu"lcl@nt nntle(! to the I ,~~~or, to to,np" with the terms of UII8 C!ontrllct. NINETEENTII! T'te .Ights of the 'e8sor under the lo.e,oht<< ..hllll be eutnulnt.lvt'!, Rnd fn'hlte on the pltrt of lite '!!8S0r 10 nerclllt! r.omptly tin, r'ghl.s II.en Itl!rellnder ""ltll nol Or!!tnte to forfeIt IIny of Ihe .ltld r'rlttll. TWENTIETH! It III IUI titer understood nltd ngreed belwel!ll nlO l.n.lI!!s he.elo Ulot an)' elaltr;e8 .,n'n"t t."" 'e!'9l'e by the 1@!I!tor lor ..ervlcf'1 or lor work done on ll.8 rtenth'l'ft by or.let 01 tll@ le~9ce or other"'..e acetnlnr ttlll'er Ut'S l'onhltct ""1111 be eoltlllde.ed tI" rent due Itftd 8hlt' lIe 'ftdude,1 'It nlty IIllft for .eftt due and unplld. T \V F.NT Y -FIRST: It 's IIl'relty .tnd"t!Itood ...d ttlreed H'llt ...., "Ittlt!! or .d,erU!"It~ lo be fI.ed, InehullnR (I w t. htl ", 'It eo line e 1I (In w' tit 1I11...t etn '8e.. I(!II Bed hereu nl' er 8"..11 It 1'1 II r!!1 1111 IntI I Uetl lo I h" 'ell"or I or I PI" 0 \'Il' hI'. lot" hl11tnlllltlon 01 Itnmft. 1'WEnTY-SEcono: '.essee shaU, ;at his eXpeflGe, kep.[I the prmnlses in C}ood ordp.r fllH1 repClfr durluq t:he t:'elim of the lease, includIng, hIli: Il()t: l.inlft~ed t:o cracke(l ~l1Hl hroken ql ass, at r-coJl(Htlonf n9, doorf:t, locks, p1 "hlblng nfleJ electr1cal, repa1r 1n(l or ,,' r~placlng wlt:h sImilar or hetter sl?;e or quallty. 'I'W~fJ'rY-'I'''lllr)! ',~!1gee ngrees t-o c;trrv g~"et'(ll t I;)bll i~y _1"~t1ranca In the ,111101111 t: 0 r $ ton, O(JO/$ ~()n, 000 per pnn;on for bod IIV J n 1111: V ;lml $ 100,000 per (lCcl1t~eI1C~ [(Jr. prop~r ~ V (lnmnq~, ns p~r F. S. 7()A. ~n. '1'\-lf:fI'rV-F'(l"n"'JI! T,~~!J('?e h(l~ t:h~ {)ptf.oll t:(} Yell~W ~"" lef1~e for flue (1.) Year \tlfth nIt i"crense hilsed on crr for Wage Earners and Clerical Workers in the Miami, Florida, area index and shall he based Upon the annual average CPl. 'I'WRfJ'I'Y-FIFTlf! Thfs 1eClse ma1 be termJllilt:erl hy l::I,e t.e~Jgee upon the following (,"fl,ul1 t:.f o,,~ ! I. wr-fl:h~n nolice of Jntelltfon to t:ermlrmt:e md,l lease sl,.,11 be gIven to the "r>~~or I1nl: 'e!Hl f:hnn One lIundred 'twenty (120) dnvs pd. -:Jr to such I:er-ml "atl all , ~nd ] · Wr i t- (:PII cnll r t Yln{1 t J ()11 sh<<111 IJe glv~n f:() the ',~r-;!10r tl.~ t the I..esgee has f t h' ;'l I 'H" 1 ;- H 1 p ,,,: 1 'P ... 1 r r I (~~ r.; p n f ~ e J t1 n qn " ~ l , , ",,:~ III:- f1 1 t l1l1 J d .f II q . TWENTY-SIXTH: Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor $ 50.00 per month for water service. . . TWENTY-SEVENTH: Lessee agrees to pay for garbage service. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pnrties hereto hnve hereunto executed this Instrument for the Jlurpose herein expressed, the tiny And year nbove written. Signed, sealed nnd delivered 'n the presence of: --~~ ~~;--{&~~ - 3- '---_ --- -------------- --~~---------- As to l.Jcssor ~ (Senl ~ grdrF~ (8 I -- -_ en Lessor . \.U...,~.~ ~ :. t ~1\,- ~" q- By: ----~ (Senl (5 EAL)_~~~_~QiRA~- Clerk-~u_______ D1\t NY I..'. KOfJIJ1\G'n C,3ERK By :..___ ___ __ _ -~____~e_P~_!y_~L~.!:.~_ A9 to Lessee ---- _..._---~._- - --.- --.---..------- frrATE OF F'l,onID1\ ------______1 Mayor/Chairman -----------.----------- --.-------- '---- - (Ben I l.Jessee APPROVED AS TO FORM , Byc:r~~Z~ . AttomVs ~ / Dats +-J-91 : Cotlhf.y 01 MONROE Defore me, ft Notftry r~blle In RIHI for IlRld stn.t.e Rnd County, rer90nnlly cnme F. James Chaplin anc;1__"-~t:_t:y~__e_. ChapJ._~~________________-___~. well known R'ld known to be ~he per90n~ nAmed In ~he fort-goIng lense, And they ndmowledgl'!d tllRt they ueeuted the !lAme for till'! Jlurpo!le therein elrJlrell!led. to m(! '/1,,:, /".f"1111""'" 1"r,'(lI,,.d I')' o. F. JAMES CHAPLIN 11(!t!tr.u 5190 Overseas Hwy., Marathon, FL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hnve hereunto Mt my hnml nnll nlllltell my offlclnl lIenl thf!_________ dllyof S~YJv I~ -------__, 19~. . ------~~~------- , ot.nry Fuhii2 t/ '/ J\fy comml5A'on eXI'lrf!!t Notary Public, State of F'oritla at large My CommissJen Expires March !t, 1'92 Bonded thru Agent's Notary irokeral~ 33050