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(305) 294.4641
- Jerry Hernandez, District 1
MA YOR Gene Lytton, District 2
Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3
Mayor Pro tem Mike Puto, District 4
John Stormont, District 5
'ro : Mayor Gene Lytton and the Board of County O:mni.ssiQIlers
FRCII : Thanas W. Bra-m, County Administrator
~: Two Agenda Items
~ : March 29, 1988
Item 11. oval to execute lease for Ola Un Buildi and relocatioo of ~
County offices in Marathon.
'!he Assistant County Administrator for Public Safety has negotiated a lease
for the 2nd floor of the Olaplin Building located at 5160-80 OVerseas ~. in
Marathon, Florida. The enclosed lease will be for approxi.ma~ly 4fOOO square
feet of office space at a IlDnthly payment of $4,000 or $12.00 per square foot
of space per year.
'1bi.s relocatioo will provide centralized office space for the following
County Cannissioner Mike Puto
Comnissioners Aide
A.C.A.~ic Safety Division
A.C.A. Admin. Assist./Sec.
E.M. S. Director
Fire-Rescue Director
E.M.S. & Fire Iescue Admin. Assist./Sec.
Emergency Services SUpport Staff (3)
1. Accounting Clerk
2. Manpcwer /Training Coord.
3. SUpply/Maintenance Coord.
E.M.S. Operations Manager
Code Enforcement Officers (2)
Code Enforcement Secretary
Safety Officer
Fire Marshal
Deputy Fire Marshal
Fire Marshal Secretary
Civil ~fense Director
Civil ~fense Deputy Director/Planner
Radiological Coordinator
Civil Defense Secretary
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The objective of this relocation is to relieve the overcrowded condition at
the Marathon Public N:>rks Gar~ CCI1J>lex and to centralize Public Safety
related operations in the Middle Keys.
The total fiscal inpact associated with this relocation will be $43,868 this
fiscal year with a reoccurring cost of $58,200 for utilities and rented
office space in the next fiscal period.
Item '2 ~al to transfer funds out of Contingency Accounts in General
Fund, ~al 'nuci.nc1 District arxi E.M. S. to defray the cost of unb1d<1eted
The Assistant County J1.dministrator for Public Safety has analyzed the oost of .
this relocat:i..m by furxl based m the square footage used and the mmber of
personnel OCaIpying the available space. (Please refer to attached cost
analysis. )
Since the oost associated with this relocation is unanticipated, the Board of
County Carmissioners are requested to approve the following transfers fran
the various cxmtingency accounts to various operating cost centers acconiing
to fund:
'IWB/ cw
cc: R. Michael Managan, A.C.A. Managenent Services
Regie Paros, A.C.A. Public Safety
.... .>> -- .
AttachIrents: Cost Analysis