The Lease Agreement dated Ap~il 5, 1988, and entered into by
Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida,
Lessee, and F. James Chaplin and Bettye B. Chaplin, Lessors, for
certain premises situated in Marathon, Florida, for use by Lessee
as office space, is for good and valuable consideration, hereby
modified by the mutual agreement of the parties as follows:
The leased space or room shall be the office space at 5160 _
5190 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050, having approxi-
mately 5,000 square feet.
The total agreed rental remaining on the term of the Lease
shall be $40,000, payable as follows: $5,000 per month.
This Lease Addendum shall commence effectiveness on the 18th
day of August, 1988.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto execut-
ed this instrument for the purpose herein expressed, the 2nd day
of AUJ?;ust, 1988.
Signed, sealed and delivered in
the presence of:
Byg~, ~
Maydf ai n 0 the Board
of County Commdssioners of
Monroe County, Florida
Attest :DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk
~~,,~ ~~~~/;~'./':" ('.:: ': -- ~~:.":,,"~
;~1 /";/L. L...
~ . ~~
.~ .' . :.-:;?' .
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i ."~' ~
da1 of April
F. Jaae8 Chaplin and Betty. B. Chaplin
51'0 Overseas 1Iwy. Marathon. rL 33050 ......,................
, 1888
party of the first part, aDd Monroe County
'of the County of Monroe ad State of Florida
hereinafter called the I...e or '.Baat, part)' of tlae leconcl part:
WITNESSETH, That the said 1..... d.. this day I... unto said I...... aDd laid 1_
does hereby hire and take .. ....t uatler uJd I...or aoom or 8,...
5160-5180 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050, and having
_Jlpproximately 4000 sq. ft. (Upstairs)
situate in Marathon Floricla, to be __ aad oenpled b, tile ~ AI Offices
..ct for DO other ,.,.... or _ wttatee..., fer
the term of One Year , subjeet aM ...tlOIIed .. the ,...Iew of
clause ten of tide __ ~ .. 18th da, ef Apr1l
19 88 . ucl_tlilllf tile 17th _ of Aprl1 ,1889 t
at aDd tor the apeed tetaI ~ of Forty-e1sht Thou..nd and 110/100--------
noDus, parable .. 101...:
Four Thou.and ($4000) Dollar.
per .ontb ~
shall be paid within 30 days of due date 9. r-
all P&1Dlenta ."'__40 the I_Dr 011 tbe~lrlt -1 of ea,h ."ad f;y6~3 1.IOI,th 1u .dVGJM;a without
demand at the office of Chaplin leal Estate in the City of
Marathon. Florida or at euch other place and to such other penon, .. the leI80r
may from time to time deaipate in writing.
The foDowln&, expre&18 stipulations and conditions are made a part of this I.... and are here-
by assented to by the JUl.:
FIRST: The Jeaee .hall not allIeD tbIa 1_. Dor lab-let the prea_ or aD1 ,.rt thenet ..r .. .. _e,
or an)' pan thereof, Dor penal, die "., or __r ~" thenof. to be _d for -I' otber p1IrpeM ... . aNn ....-
lated, nor make aD7 a1teratln. tIlenla. .... all ..elitl_ tbCeto, with..' tile mateD ...-t .f tIae 1-::, au
aU addition., fixtures or -,roy_eate wIaIcIa .., .. .... b)' 1-.. ...pt ....w. .tfte. t1Inaitun,. .._
come the propeR7 of tIIel_r aacI.......... a............ pMt tIaeNot. ... 1M ............. willa .. .....
ises at the tennlnation of tit. 1_.
SECOND: All ,....... propertJ' ,lac" or ..... la the p....ls.. ."..e ct..rlNd ..... .. ., tile ..Ilk .f
the leue_ or owner thereot, and 1_1'...u .., ..11D1. ler aD)' cia..... te al. ~II'" pr~atr, er te ~
Ie.... arilin<< trom the ~...... or J...... .f water ,&pea, or tro....., act of.......... 01 .., eM_at er
occupants of the bulldiD. or .f .."7' other ..... .........,er.
TRIRD: That the teMat ....11 ~..., exen. ... ...pI, wi'" .. ....ll.... ........ ...*.
orden, reculati... and ~.Ir....ta .1 tII. ......... Ita. ... Cit" C.......eat ... .f .., ... alJ .ir ~
menta and Bur.au. applicable to _lei p...... ter .. ~. p.......doa. ... .'.t..., .1 .arr'1'. or
other .rieva"ce., in. 8pon, or coallec&ed .... laW .....~ ...... laW .....; ... .... .... ...~, ....,
with and execute .u~., onIera ... replatl... .f tile SoutlMuiMn Un4lerwrltea ......... 'or .. ......
tion of fires, at :l 0W1l eost and upeaIe.
FOURTH: In tbe event tla. preml_ ....11 be deetN," or 80 d...... or haJ.... .. tIN .. .... ~
durin5: tbe lif. of this acreemeat, wh.reb~ the .me ..... It. re.uler.. .n......... ... . a-....... .... ..
right to render said premia.. tenantable b, repaln .."'.. .Inet, eta,. th.ref..... It ............ are.. ......
tenantable within said ti.e, It .hall b. optional with either put, bere&ct .. e..eeJ ..... ..... ... .. .. ...., .t
such cancellation the rent __II be paid only to the date of ...IlIJre or eu.altJ. Th. ca....tto. ... _.u.ed
shall be evidenced in writl.. . -
FIFTH: The proml" ~)'1II.nt of the rent for _lei preml_ upon the -tel ....... tile ........ ......
anee of the rules and recul.Uon. printed apOD tbis lease, and which are hereb, IIlU. . ... of ... ......." an.
of Iueh other and farther nal.. or ncuJatlOna as may be hereafter made ., 11M 1-., .. ... ~__ ~
whleb the 18_ I, mad. aftd accepted ancl any failure 08 the part of the 1.... to e~ ... tile .... et ....
I..... or an1 of said nal. 8DcI recalatioDa IIOW in exlstenee, or wblcb m.~ be hereafter ..-.... br ... .....,
.hall at the optlon of tb. l_r. work a torfelture of thl. contract, and all of the rIP- ., the ..... .........
and thereupon tbe I_or, bla &Cents or .'tome)'s, sball bave the richt to enter la'd p....-. aad re_Oft all per-
: I
. , ..
.. .
IOn. therefrom forcibly or etbenritle, .act tbe I.... tlter.It, expr_l, .aiy. aD, aDeI all ..Uce reca81rec1 br Jaw
to tenaiute tenuey, ... .. ...... ~ u4 all ..... 'roc........ to neo.. ........ of ..w JftII!.... ... .x-
preal, ...... that in 1M ....t .f . .....dota ., _, .f the ,... .f U.1a 1_. or ef .... .... ... ............
.ow ill .x....., or ..... __ ....,.. .. _.:;...... ~, .. ..... ... .........,.. .............. ........r
laid 'nm.............................. or'" iutltutieta .f -W..... .......... .........
SIXTH: It th. 1.... IIaaIl ....... .. ...... _I. ~.... 1>>.'0" ... .. ef ... __ .f ... J_, or
shall suffer tbe rent to 1M In .Re..... .. ~ ..... a' laill .~, ,.l1hwltla __eel .. ..... .. lie ..~ _ter
uid premises .. the ~ft' of the I...., .~ Ie.... er othenrlM. with."t ..... .l>>le II. aaw ... tMNf..... ... rei.'
the premiHs with or Wltb.., .., f1lmlta" that .., .. "'......, _ the ....t .1 the I..... at .... ...... ... .poII
luch terms and for luCIa chanU.. of U.. .. the I_r aa, .....in.t ... ....... the rat tMref.. ....... "'.
same to the payment ., the hnt ... ., "- ........... .DeI it the '.11 rental .er::.~l~ ..... H& lie -.....
by 1.8IOr oy.r and ....y. 11M ..,.... to '-r" ..cia h-Iet".. the .i4 ...... " par -, ..tIeIocr, ... It
more than the full rental is realiHcl .....r wW ,., oyer to _Id I..... the .x~_ of .......
SEVENTH: x.....e ....... te ,.7 the net .1 eoU.etioD and ten per eent attorn.,'. t.. oa any part of _lei
rental that .ay be collectM b)' ault or _, at.to~. after the .me J. ,..t ....
EIGHTH: The 1_.. acreu th.t he .Ot ~, aU chazpa for rent. ! electricl. or other IIl..lutleD.
and tor all water asH on _I. .Pr...... an. ..uY ..i. c:har<<.. for rent. I . 'or water hen. pI'Oy.... tor a'
any time remain due aDeI u.,.1d for di. .,ae. .f fly. ..,. after the sam. II have ....... du, the 1_,. ...y
at its option conaider tile -lei J-. tenant at .fferane. and immediatel7 re-nter ur:. .... ~.... aU the
entire rent for the rental perloel tlten ..xt en...i.. .haJl at onee be due and payable aD .., forillwitla .. conect-
ed by diatrell or otherwtse.
NINTH: The _icl l-e hereby pINe.. and ....cn. to the leDOr all the furniture, fixtures. ..... and
cbatteb of ..id l_e, whieh .all or may .. br~' or ,ut on said pr.~~ .1 s~eurit, fer the pa~Dt of the
rent herein reMned, aDC! the 1.... qrM8 tllet the _I. lien IDa)' be ent.reed ." dtatre. forecl..are or otherwise
at the electioa of the aaJd I_r. anel cI... "ereby acr.. to pay attorae,'. Ie. of tea pereeD' .f the aID01lat 8.
collected or found to b. d.e. toeether with aU coats and cbarres therefore Incurred or ,.14 ., the I_r.
TENTH: It Is hereb7 -.reed anel understood hetween lessor and leasee that In the ....t the I_r deed...
to remodel. alter or demoJisb all or a., part of the premi_ leased hereunder, or In the eyea' of tile .... or lone
term lease of all or am, part of tJla ; requ1rinC thll apaee. the I.... h.-It,. acre- to neate
aame upon receipt of aixty (80) da)'l' written Dotlce and the return .f any .d"ance natal paid OIl aceoant of thl.
It beinl' further undentod aDd alTe.eI that the le_ will Dot be required to vacate ..I. prem... durlne
the winter Huon: nameJy, Noye.ber tint to .a, firat, b, reason of tb. .bo~. .p.racra,h.
ELEVENTH: Thel_r.o, aD)' of hIs...-. ablll bay. the rlPt to enter salel ,....... 411riD<< all reun-
able hour., to examine the _. to .... lacla n"'n. ".Stiona or alterati... .. lila, b. ...... .~17 tor the
safety, comfort, or p....rntJea tlMNet or.f.... ltuU...., or to aWh. .... pre..... ... to "" or II... .C
tbe door. or wilwlo.. thereof a De,," LroaJmNT" at any tbn. within ""tV (I') ..,. M'ON taM -~...
of this lea... The richt 0' ..t17 .... Uk..... .... ter tile ..~ of "Mo.I.. placaftl8, .... ftA~ altera-
tions, or additions, whleh do Dot co.fona to this acree.-t. or to tIte rul.. aDd replatl... oJ ... b.l....
TWELFTH: Le_ _e., aeeepta the prea_ Ia the eondltl.. the, are I. at dM ........ .f .. I....
and acre.. to .a.tala .... ~ Ia ... ... eM.".n, .....r aD. ...palr.. the'.... at.... .___ee.e.'.1
.aid term, exc.,U.. ..IF reMOn_ie weal' uuI \ear ..w. tre. tit. ... tlaenol ..der ... E.' aM te
make a'" to .... l_r ........17 -Jt!'Il ......, .., ....... to water ....ratUl, or ......... . .. or .., fts.
tur., appll..e.. or aP............ ., laid ,~ or .f... ..lIdlnc. eaaM41 ., an, act or.. . .f 1--. or of
an, persoa or penon. III t1ae ..pI., or aDdft the eon..! of the 1.....
THIRTEENTH: It Is expr_l, aped .ael uadentoecl 1>>7 anel It.twee. the parti. to .... -.ree...t. that
the landlor" .all not .. liable tor ..y dantap or tnJ., It, water, which ..y .. ......... br .. .... .....t .r
other penon or tor aD, .tIler "......1' laJ-.., ........,1'0. the carel.san... n........ ... ..~ .....ct
on the ,an of an)' other .....t or ~.... or ea,lo,... or It, ....... .f tb. hr..bp, I....... .1' 0........... .f
the ..ater, .wer or soU pi,., or. .tMr l..b.. ift or .HlIt the ..Id ..Uctln..
FOURTEENTH: U the J-. sllaJl beco.. insolnnt or If bankrupte, proceedl... .hall be ...... ., or
apinat the 1..... b.fore the eacl .f .... term the leaor I. hereb)' Irrevoeabl, .atbori'" at .. o,tieIl, to forth-
with canee. W. I..... as tor a .eI..Jt. t.e.or ma, elect to accept rent frO'. Mlch reee'.er, tnJ8&M, or oth. j.cH-
fila! officer dvlaC the una of tlselr oecapanq ill their fiduciar, capaclt7 wltJae.t .tteetJq '-r'. rIP" . ....
talned ill this co.tract. but DO reee!ver, truat.. or other Judlelal officer .h.n eYer hay. a., n.Ilt, title or Intend.m
or to the abo"e d.cribed propertr .7 ylrtue of this contract.
FIFTEENTH: Lessee hereb1 waly.. and renoaacea for hilDMJt and family aD, ... all ......... _d ex.
emption riehb he may ba.. now. or hereafter, under or b1 Yirtue of the COllldtuttoD an. Jawa of .. State of
Florida, or of aD)' other State, or of the United Stat_, .. aplast the pa,..at of _'4 rotal or all1 portion
hereof, or any other obUcaUon or damage that may acerue under the terma of lb. ........Dt.
SIXTEENTH: Thla contract .hall bind the lessor and Its a..lpl or auecesson, and the laeln, _ips, ad-
mlniatratora. lepl representAti"ea, executora or auccellOn .. the ca.. ma7 be, of the J.....
SEVENTEENTH: 1& Sa understood anel &Creed between &he parti.. hereto that tbH Sa of the _nc. of
this cODtract and thla applies to all tenu aDd conditions contained ber.ln.
EIGHTEENTH: It is understood and -.reed be"_. the ,ani.. hento that writIlea aotlce maU" er delly.
ered to the premi_ I_eel hereuDder ahaJl coDatltute lufficient notlee to the 1-. .... WIfMea ...... ..u.. er
deUvere. to the office of the leaor ,han con8tltute .ufflel., Dotlce to the LeIBer, to c..,a, with tIl. ..... .t
this contract.
NINETEENTH: The rlchta of the 1eaer UDder tit. t.....1ac shaD be eaaaalatiYe, ... talhare .. .. ,an .,
the leaor to aeRIse pro.ptI~ .., rlPtI ct.- hereunder _all aot 0,...18 to torf.' .., of .. .... .......
TWENTIETH: It .. tanh_ uDdenteocl anet acre" "tweeD the ~ b.... ... uq ...... ~
the Ie.... It" the I_or fo.. MrYIc- or tor work d... .. ... _,real'" ., ... .1 ... ..... or .~ ....1..
under tbla contract .ball b. ..asIdencl .. rent du. ... .1aaII .. lac..... ta D, 11_ t. nM ... .. .......
TWBNTY-J'IJlST: It Sa JlenIIr .DeI.ratoocland ..... ** .., ..... .r "~li6t1... .. .. .... ~
......... I. cenaectioa witIa the ~ ~ here..."'O .. first ....... to ... J-.. f.r ........ ....
ter. I......... ., _e.
TWENTY-SECOKD: Lessee shall, a:Ot"his expense, keep the preai...
in good order and repair during the term of the. 1e....., In,e1udina, but
not 11~ted to cracked and broken glas8, alr-condltlOftlDt door. lee
p~umbing and electrical, repairing or replacing with .t. i.r or betta ·
81ze ~~~iiliD: Lessee..grees"to carry g.neral liability insurance
in the amount of $100,000/$200,000 per person for bodily injury and
$100, 0\10 per oc.curence for property damage, as per .,. S , 768. 21 .
(1) y;~NTwi~hO~~T~~cr;:::e~a~:~ ~~ec~~t~~t~: ~:~~Wy~~~.lease for One
-- - .--
~WENTY-FIFTH: ~18 lea,se may be terminated "by the Lessee upon
· . :tn.e following condit;}~~lS: ~~::;~ij
.., 1. Written not!Ce of intention to terainat~- said lease shall be
given to the Lessor not, 1es8 than One 'Hundred Twenty (120) Day. prior
· to such te~inatlon. and
2. Written confirmation shall be liven to the Leasor that the
Lessee has obtained adequate office space 'in a love~nt.l building.
'lWfNlY-SIXTH: Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor $50.00 per DDnth for
water service.
nenY-SE.V!Nl'H: Lessee aqrees to pay for qarbage service.
IN WITNESS WHDEOJ'. t1ae parties heNte haft hennmte eacuted tIaIIIlB*...t fer the
purpoae herein expr....d, the tIq aa4l7eR ..... writteD.
Sip" sealed ami delivered III the pr8l8llC8 of:
.fI-t~ J{) ~~~
~d c;: ~~4-
/ Asto~
I .g.
DAN 1.. . ... ..... .~ eferk
~tt &~~ .DG.
to Le8a.
Count7 of.
a.tON Ill., . Notary PaWlo Sa ... tor .... ltate ..4 c.a.V. ........ ... r. J_. Chaplin
and Betty. B. Chaplin
well kao.. aDd tmowa to be .. ,....!..- n..... III .. .......... s-.... the,
ack.owJedeed tha~ they. ....... dI. .... lor the ....... ... _lij.lIU"
IN WITNESS WBEREOP. I have bereaato set ., "ad .... ...... ., offtda1 .... ...
d., of
f..I A ,Q (:. H
It-J. /-) , .~. ~.. ·
· / I Y../ ./1 " . . .., : ,-'
/1 / I "/ ;' h ....
-'.1: ,__.y' I. (
lOURY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA l' 0 I <. ~ .. l J t tl-u <l.. " ~~, ,I
II C081155101 EXP. FE8.14.1992 I
NotarJ PabUe, 8ta.. of "-I.. .t t.p. .
AP.f)r:(;~ '-!-"j.: /.:: ':-0 fO.1M
l'y '1:;-~~:.~~ .~ !.
II, eo18lD..OD nplr'"
1. N,:r IIISI",mmt ~ h:. Co..,. :' Attorney
310 "lemlng Sf
AJ,lms Key We st. F' 40