11/01/1989 ~ 1t Silt .e S S 1fi.enst day of ~1Ie..Wl.D""" , 19 89 TIllS A.GREEMENT, entered into this First between E'. James Chaplin and Bettye B. Chaplin, 5190 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida, 33050 , hereinafter called the lessor, party of the first part, and MONROE COUNTY of the County of MONROE and State of FLORIDA hereinafter called the lessee or tenant, party of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said lessor does this day lease unto said lessee, and said lessee does hereby hire and take as tenant under said lessor Room or Space 51 70 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 (CHAPLIN BUILDING) AND HAVING APPROXIMATELY 1500 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. No. situate in MARATHON State of FLORIDA , to be used and occupied by the lessee aq COUNTY OFFICES Rnd for no other purposes or uses whatsoever, for the term of ONE (1) YEAR , subject and conditioned on the provisions of clause ten of this lease beginning the FIRST day of OCTOBER 19 89 ,and ending the THIRTIETH day of SEPTEMBER , 19 90 at and for the agreed total rental of FOURTEEI~ THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX DOLLARS Dollars, payable as follows: ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1,248) PAYABLE WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF EACH DUE DATE, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1989 UNTIL THE THIRTIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1990. all payments to be made to the lessor on the first day of each and every month in advance without demand at the office of CHAPLIN REAL ESTATE, 5190 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY in the City of MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 or at such other place and to such other person, as the lessor may from time to time designate in writing. The following express stipulations and conditions are made a part of this lease and are here- by assented to by the lessee: FIRST: The lessee shall not assigtt this lease, nor suh-Jet the premises, or nny part thereof nor use the same, or nny part thereof, nor permit the same, or any part thereof, to be used for any other purpose than as nbove stipu- lated, nor rnake any Alterations therein, and nil additions thereto, witho~t the ,vritten consent of the Je~sor, aUf) all additions, fixtures or improvements which nlay be made by lessee, except movnble office furniture, shnll be- come the property of the lessor and remain upon the premises ns a part thereof, nnd be surrendered with the prem- ises at the termination of this lease. SECOND: AU personal property placed or moved in the prenlises above described 8hall be at the risk of t,he Jessee or owner thereof, and lessor shall not be )iabJe for any damage to said personal property, or to the le~see arishlR from the burstin~ or leaking of water pipes, or from any act of negligence of nny co-tenant or OCCl1pBnt~ of the bundin~ or of any other person whom~oever. . 'fIIIRD: 'fhat the tenant Rhalt pro"!ptly execute and cornply with aU statut,cs, ordinances, rules, orders, regulations and requirements of the Federal, Sf,ate and City GoverUlnent nnd of any and aJl their IJepart- ntents and Bureaus applicable to said prelnh;es, for the correction, prevention, and ahalclllcnt of nuisance~ or other grievancPR, in, upon or connected with said premises duriuR saia terln; and shall also promptly cOlnply with and execute nil rules, orders and rc~ttJntions of the npplicnhle fire prevent.ion c()dc~ for the prevention of firc~, nt ____h____ own cost fl nd expense. FOtJRTII: In the event the premises shall be destroyed or so c1arl1aged or injured by fire or other cnsunlt,y during the life of this agreement, whereby the snme shaH be rendered untcnant~blp., then the ]es~or ~hnll have the right to render said preJniscs tenantable by repairs within ninety da~.s therefrom. If said prernises nre not rendered tenantable within s~ud time, it shall he optional with either party hereto to cancel this lease, and in the event of such cancellation the rent shall be paid only to the date of snch fire or castlnlty. The cancellation herein mentionerJ shnll be evidenced in writing. FIFTII: The prompt payment of the rent for said premise!=; upon tJle dates natne(l, and the fnithful ob~erv- nnce of the rules nnd regulations printed upon this lease, and which nre hereb;r made n part of this covenant, and of such other and further rules or regulations RS may be hereafter nlnde by the lessor, are the conditions upon 'which the lease is made and accepted and any failure on the part of the lc!-;see to comply with the terms of said lease, or any of said rules and regulations now in existence, or which may be hereafter prescrihed by the lessor shnIJ at the option of the lessor, work 8 forfeiture of this contract, and all of the rjght~ of the lessee hereunder: SIXTII: If the lessee shall abandon or vacate said prelnises before the end of the term of this leaRe, or shall ~uffer the rent to be in arrears, the lessor may, at his option, forthwith cancel this lease or he may enter said nretniscs 8S the agent of the lessee, without being liable in any way therefor, and relet the prenlises with or Wita.'1Ut any furniture that may be therein, a8 the pgent of the less(~el ot such price and upon such lerlns and for Btlch durntion of time 8B the lessor may determine, Rnd receive the rent therefor, applying the sanle to the payment of the rent due by these {'resente, and if the full rental herein provided shall not be real ized by lessor over and above the expenses to lessor 1n such re-letting, the said lessee shall pay any deficiency, and if nlore than t,he full rental is realized lessor will pny over to soid Jessce the excess of demnnd. SEVENTII: Lessee agrees to JUlY the cost of collection nnd ten per cent attorney's fee on nny )13rt of sni(1 rentnl that may be collected by suit or by attorney, after the snme Is pnst due. EIGIITII: The lessee agrees that he will ~ay all churges for rent., gos, electricity or other ilhlDlination, and for all water used on said premises, and should said charges for rent, light or water herein provided for at any tinle rernoin due and unpaid for the space of five day" after tIle sanle shan have become due, the lessor moy at its option consider the said le9see tenant at Bufferance and the enUre rent for the rental period then next ensuing shall at once be due ond payable and may forthwith be conected by distress or otherwise. NINTH: TIle said lessee hereby pledges and assigns to the lessor all the furniture, fixtures, goods nnd cluittels of said Jessee, which shall or may be brought or J!ut on snld prenlises 89 security for the paytnent of the rent herein reserved, and the Jessee agrees that the said lien moy be enforced hy distress foreclosure or other\vise at the election of the said lessor,Rnd does hereby agree to pay attorney's fees of ten percent of the amount 80 collected or found to be due, together with all costg and charges therefore incurred or paid by the les~or. TENTII: It Is hereby agreed und understood bet\vecn lessor nnd lessee that in the event the lessor decides to remodel, alter or demolish all or any port of the prenlises lensed hereunder, or In the event of the sale or long term lense of all or any prirt of the_ ; requiring this space, the lessee hereby agrees to vacate same upon receipt of sixty (60) darB' written notice and the return of any advance rental paid on account of this lease. ELEVENTII: The lessor, or any of Ills agents, ehnJl have the right to enter Baid premises during all reason.. able hours, to examine the same to make such repairs, additions or alterations 8S may be deemed necessary for the safety, comfort, 'or preservation thereof, or of said bundlng, or to exhlbl~ said premises} and to put or keep upon the doors or windows thereof a notice 'FOR RENT" at any time within thirty (80) daya before the expiration of this lease. The right of entry shall IIkewf8e exist for the purpose of removlnR plncards, BighS, fixtures, altera- tions, or additions, which do not conform to tIlls agreement, or to the rules and regulations of the building. TWELF'TII: I~essee hereby accepts the I)remlses In the condition they ore in at the beginning of this lease nnd agrees to maintain saId premises In the same condltlon, order and repair as they are at the eommencetnent of enid term, excepting only reasonable wear and tear arising from the use thereof under this agreement, and to hlske good to said lessor Immediately upon demand, any damage to WAter apparatus, or electric lights or any fix.. ture, Appliances or appurtenances of Bald premises, or of the building, caused by any oct or neglect of lessee, or of any person or persons In the employ or under the control of the lessee. TIIIRTEENTII: It Is expressly agreed and understood by and b~tween the parties to this agreement, tha t the landlord 8hall not be liable for any damage or Injury by water, which nlay be 8ustnine~ by the said tenant or other person or for any other damage or hlJUry resulting from the carelessness, negligence, or Improper conduct on the part of any other tenant or agents, or employees, or by reason of the breakage, leakage, or obstruction of the water, Hewer or 80n pipes, or other leaknge In or about the Bald building. FOtJR1~EEN'rll: If the lessee 8hall becolne insolvent or if bankruptcy proceedings sholl be begun by or agninst the lessee before the end of said term the lessor is hereby irrevocably authorized at its option, to forthwith cancel this lease, 88 ?or 8 default. Lessor may eJect to accept rent from 8uch receiver, trustee, or other judicial officer durinR the term of their occupancy in their fiduciary capacity without affecting lessor's rights 08 contained in this contract, but no receiver, trustee or other judicial officer shall ever have any right, title or interest in or 1,0 the above descrihed property by virtue of this controct. FIF~rEENTII: Ilessee hereby waives and renonnc~s for hhnself and family any and nll horne9tcad and ex- enlpUoh rlgl1t9 he may have now, or hereafter, under or by virtue of the constitution 'H,d laws ot the State of Floridn, or of any other State, or of the UnIted States, 8S against the payment of said rental or nny Ilortlon hereof, or any other obligation or damage that may accrue under the terms of this agreenlent. SIXTEENTII: This contract shall bind the lessor and its assigns or successors, and the heir8, Dssigns, perRonn1 representativeB, or succeS80rs 08 the CRse mny be, of the Jessee. SEV'ENTEENTII: It Is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that time Is 01 the essence of this eontract and this applies to all terms and conditions contained herein. EIG IITEENTII: It Is understood and agreed between the pnrties hereto that written notice mailed or deliv- ered to the premises leased tlereunder shan constitute 8ufficient notice to the lessee Slid written notice mailed or delivered. to the offlee of the lessor shan constitute Bufflclent notice to the Lessor, to comply with the ternlS of thIs contrat~t. NINETEENTH: The rights of the lessor under the foregoing shall be cumulative, and fnllure on the port of the lessor to exercise promptly any rights given hereunder shall not operate to forfeit any of the 80ld rights. TWENTIETII: It Is further understood Rnd ngreed between the Jlartles hereto that any charges against the Jessee by the lessor for eervlces or for work done on the premises by order ot the lessee or othcrwi~e accruing under thIs 'contract shall be considered as rent due Rnd shall l,e Included In any lien for rent due Rnd unpaid. TWENTY-FIRST; It Is hereby understood and ngreed tl1nt any signs or advertising to be used, Inclu.llng awnings, In connection with the~remlses leased Ilereunder shall be first 8ubmltted to the lessor for approval be- fore Installation ot Bame. TWE'NTY-SECOND: IJessee shall, at his expense, keep the premises in good order and repalr during the term of the lease, includi.ng, but not limited to cracked alHi broken glass, air-conditloning, doo:r;~, locks, plunlbinq and electrical, repairing or replacing with similar or better size or quality. TWENTY-TI1IRD: Lessee agrees to carry general li.abIlity insurance in the amount of $ 100,000/$200,000 per person for bodily in~jury and $ 100,000 per occurence for property damage, as per F.S. 768.28. TWENTY-FOURTH: Lessee has tIle option to renew the lease for One (1) Year wj th an increase based on CPI of the past year. trwENTY-FIFTlt: This lease may be terminated by the l,essee upon the following conditions: 1. Written notice of intention to terminate sald lease sllall be gi.ven to the l,essor not less than One Hundred Twenty (120) days prl~r to suell termination, and 2. Written confirmation shall be given to the IJessor that the IJessee has n}, t. ;l i n p,l rl (1 ~ -, 11 ~ t p n f fi c e spa eel n a qov (~l-n me n t a 1. b u i. ] din g . TWENTY-SIXTH! IJessee agrees to pay to IJessor $ 50.00 per month for water service .. TWENTY-SEVENTJ1: Lessee agrees to pay for garbage service. IN Wll'NESS \VIIEREOF, t.he JlortleR herelo hnve hereunto executed this fnstrUrtlent for th~ Jlt1tpo~e herein expreAsed, the dny nnd yenr nhove written. Signed, sente(l Rnd delivered In lhe pre!-1ence of: /J~ -- -----.-.-.-----.--- --.-----.--.. --- ~------_._~-- ----~---_._-------- As to JJessor /i f'L ~ ~-~. ~ - -'~~d_um_u(Senl lJessor -Jl~~.__ ----~~~----_--u- ___(Senl Dl\ttttY l,. ~Ol,n GE, As to l~essee J .Ie~see (Sent ~TATF] OF F'l,OnI01\ --"---~------- -_____ -___J MIIIOVED AS TO 1'0.1 AlVD IF: - './ SfJFFICfENCY. e~~ ~); AnO~ ---- -. ------~ A1: rt;.,. i .~ (j'firt- Cottht_y 01 _ MONROE Derore me, ft NotRry rllblle In RtHI for aRid std:e 8n(1 (lounl)., rer50nnlly cnme_~_Jame_~~~~,p_!l~_~_______u__ a'ld_._~gt_t:y~_ _J.J_!_ Cll~pJ_~J_1________ --------.---------------_-____________~..:_____________________.___________________ __ ___to In~ \\'ell known nnd known to be the "et9011_~__ nnmerJ In Ule for('gol"~ lens~, ftnd__~!~~_Y_________________ __________________ __ __ nckl1owledR'~d U.n" t.lley e:(~~lJted ~h~ Antn~ for Ulf~ rtJrJlo~e UH~r~ln @xpr~~!1Jed, IN WIl'NESS WJIEnEOF, t l'Ave Jlereunto "{l!t hlY 11ntH1 nlHl nrfl~e(' fUY orrlclnt A(!nl t1H!-->TWENTX":'.sJ~~~QNR SEPTEMBER 89 .Iny or_______________________________ ____________, t 9________. y cot"nll~~lon @xrlt~~ __ _ _ ~y PublIc, -STIYfe-or-FT5fia-au-at L, py ., 1t1~f 1".",.,,,,,(-,,, I"YI'1I1rd ''1: F. JAMES CHAPLIN 1\ (/(hr.t.f 5190 Overs.eas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050 C en: i ;':1 is::. 1 0 n Ex p ire s r.ri arc 11 S, ! ~ Bonded thru Agent's Notary Orcl(G:- (.