11/14/1990 .. , " ;1 'I ~ tM it 9 i It e s s '1.11IS AGnEEMENrr. t!hleted Inlo lht!t .1'l-H1 1'1 e it 5 e (Iny ot #0 lie-1ft 1,..,..- , t990 between F. James Chaplin and Bet:t:ye B. Cllaplin, 5190 OVerseas Itighway, Marat:llon, Florida, 33050 , tl(!rclnnrl@t cnll~(1 lhe '~~~ot, flnrly of lhe tlt8~ flntt, fthd MONROE COUNTY of lhe t~ouhly ot MoNROE "tift Slnle of FLORIDA 114!relntltlt!t en'led lhti t4!88@d ot tenhht, tlhtly ot lll@ "f!COhtt flfttl ~ lVI1.t-IESSE1'Jt, thnlthtt tUlld te880t doe.. Ut'ft dny tenRe ..nto RRM leofte(', n"(1 Rnltt 1r.!l!1ee (toed here.., tattf! fthd lblu! ftd 14!ttlthl Undei' Rnld te8ftOr Room or SpRce 5170 OVERSEAS IIIGIIWAY, MARATIION, f'LORIDA 33050 (CII1\PLIN BUILDING) AND IIAVING APPROXIMATELY 1500 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. No. .dbtnle In MARATHON SI.nle ot _FJ;p!II!~-,...___ ,lo 1m tI!'led And occnpie(t I.y Ulr.le!l~e('"~ COUNTY OFFICES ttn(1 tot no oiher flt1tJlO~@8 or u!Je!1 wllRlnoever, fot lhe tetni ot ONE (1) YEAR , ..ut.Jecl hntl eomllUoned on the ptovlAlolI" or c'ftu~e len of lhld leftn@ begll1nlnlr tile FIRST (tny of OCTOBER 1990 , Ilh~ ending th8 THIRTIEl'1I dllY ot SEPTEMBER , 1991 nl nnd fot ltu! ftgtef!d lolnl tel1lnl ot FIFTEEN THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR & 80/100 lJol1nt8, flnYIMe ft!t lotlow!! ONE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED TEN AND 40/100- n , 310.40) IDOI,.~A~~r P1\YABLE WITIIIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF E1\Clt DUE DATE, COMMENCING ON TilE FIRST OAt OF OCTOBER, 199(i, UNTIL THE TIIIRTIETII DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1991. ?: .. to C> ::z: <:::) c:::: r'\.) ~ .1' (.J :;0 :0 rT1 C") o ;0 o <:) t:J l~"to ..,., r- f" C::J -~... .' "- :;J:J ("") =:.,= (:) r- :;:.: r.41 >':;: --: g:~'?;- c;u:' ""::.1"'. (,) ~ ("") ,...:... -< . -i :.:..: :..". ~. en ~ fTJ ::0 :3 f-& C':) C4) C,..) nil pnymehbt to be tnnde lo Ute tt!8~ot 0" the ttrnl dny nt eneh .u,,1 (!vcty hlolllh In ndvnllcc wllhonl delnnnd III the bUlce or cllAPLtk REAL E~TATP:, 5190 OVERSEAS IlIGIIW1\Y III the enl' or MARA~~Ni FLORIDA 33050 or hl Rtlch oUter Iltnce nnd lo .Anelt oUler lJetnoll, n8 UU! Il'A!;Or Itlny from time let llhte c1e81Rhrtle lit wrllll1t.f. The following eXlJtet'tt RUp,ttnUomt bud eoiutiUot1R tlte mn,t... n pntl of lltl" lenne nll,1 nte hetfJ- by R8sented lo by llle let'set!: tt n~t! 1'1.. lessp.e 111111 It nol .. 8sl, it litis lell!lr.. hot 8U L.'!'!l UII! jI t ean t'le!l, 0 t nIl' pn t l UIC!t I'fJ r II n r lI!1e t.h l! CRill t' I C't nn, "8rt th~teC)l. '10r jtt!t.nlt U,@ IRnl". or "hI .,etl thert-ol, to b@ ufte.I lot Itn, oU.fr ,nltilosn t.hnlt ft!1 nlu)vc r.1.IJ'n- l"t.!.1 not ."nlce lI'" "Iletftllolui 1I14!ft'I.., ""d "II nd-Jlllonl lltel et..,; wlU.out lltt! ,v,.ltt.." ef)"~~Jlt of UU! '~"!1"I' ,,",1 ttll ".'dlUn,"" fldUtO!l Ot III'l'tove..umla ",hie" 1It1'f 1'0 1110.10 1'1 1p.!l8l!el e~cf.J,l 'tlovnblf! o[llce fut"ll..r~, IJlu,{1 IJ(!- eQ.ne the Jltfl)lert, olllle If!MOr ."ad tt!htnln UP"" tilt! flrf!htb.es n8 It Jlnt t'.@rf!of, nn,I be 8"trr."dt't~d wll.11 1I1f~ '11 rl"- '"4!tt At ..,,,! It!tmhu'tlnH tJf lhl!t 1~"8". s~cot-flJ; AU IJetlonil pto"etly. ttlar.e<<t nr 'U"'ttd In UI~ "r'!n1tr.~s ntJo,e. de!'erU)".t ~hnll hI.! nl U1C I i~lc or tI'l! tl!f1!ll!e t'r ntf'lt't lhf'tf!or, ll..d less.ot IIft"U htJl be"'l'Ibt.. lor "")' ,llllUnr,c .10 Rl)ld. pear-ollnl flr"l'l!ttr, fJt lo u..~ Il!\l"t!e II' '!lhl~ Itn'" Ihe bUtllUa~ ot .....klnk. ot, ,,"~lct ..Ipc!!, nt Irom "n~' h~l nt ""glll!t!!U'r. "r nny rn-t"n"nt fit ntenl'lIub, of lh.. b,"tfll"~ ot 01 h'I' olh~t ",t!lon wl1n.n~n(l\f('r. . . .. 'I'U litH: T'lRl UjP. 'lenant -. ,- ,,"'n It ... n..l.,tl, eXt!c"le ,md ~o.U1 .', y . .\'11 III .11 ..lnl U '('8. nut ItJP nl:" 1. H. 'es I O. Jf't ~, · rgU'nUnltll d lid tt!quh.....eu III or lhe r e,le. "I, 51 ole ll..d eny G o\'et It ,,"m I. n ",I "r " It" n".1 nil l.Im h' 1J"1':l1 I.. lilfll'.1I nlld Odtelltu. n""llenb'e td f,dd "re'lJl"es, rof lI." cnt t ~t,.lo.', IJI <<!Yf'IIllun. ."d nholr.nf!ul Itf 'HII!lO ItC~C~ nt nl.I".t ,tll!vn 1)r."R, In. u rmh, ot to,,"edec w It" (laid ". e ",lites ,Iut IIIIJ 80lu 1.. till; n'lI) ~h,," n I,m I't. flU"'" Y c.,'" ,.1 y \'Ill', "',,' txer.ul" "" t U'~R. Oldet" htld t'-R,tlnlln..n or lit" nt'I,lIcnl,Ir nt~ t"f!"~l1t 1011 f:-"I~!1 fut lln~ fltf!v,."llnil "I fltf'A, "1..__.... _ ... own. eont. nlul ~")~hRe. t'otnnll: tn UI., bV4!lJl U'f! IIteen's.., ..IIRII l,e dl'!!'t. 0)' r.el or !II) ,llIm\1~{!,1 fir I"J.nl!.t'I" f ho fJt ollto:!r r"!lUIlII y (1ut 111rr U.e IU' e or u.t" "ttC!t!'"CIl~, '91,t't~b, tile "'UIU! 1:'",11 be t<"ulf!I eel ....l. ~'. "u.ln h'r, ",.... '.h~ 1(!!J~ot "11f'" IU1 v r lI.~ rlllhl to te,"ler ,..Id ptf!\III\Ilp.!I lenntltnLle by tellllt. within nhlet, ".u I.ht'tl!from, Jlltn'" I" em'!!!'!! nte ""t t(',"le,r.,1 ll!".."'nLle wllMn ,nld UI"e It ,ltnll I,e o)JtffJllnt ",It.. t!IUI~r 1'111 h- helr.lo In u"cr.1 IhI!! le."r., "nd III lhe ev('"t of IU r h enneell,U1nn tlte ten t ,~." be .,.Id Oil I, to the d" le 0 r ..ndl fir e fJt r n!lll n" y, The ~""~t! IIn U"" Itt' r {! I" '" NI II "" r.1 R"nll b8 f!.ld~he~d In wtlllnR. ttt...lt: 'tIle tr'Ohl". bll,,"enl nr tile relll lor 101.1 "re",llle!l uflo" II.e .'"It'1I ".",e.I, ..n" the rnllhl'll ot)!l'ltv. nqr.e of llu! tute" nl.a r~R,,",1'oh8 "th.t.,.1 UI'OI1 ll.ls le.....C!, Ilnd which n... "~t~bl' ."nde Il "01 t flf thl~ ~O'f!"n..t.. blHI o ( IIflt' h ntlte r II ",I fur thr.r t. les ot rl',..llIllonll '" m 1" he Ilet en rter hi" .1" by tIP. les!lfJt, '" e lhr. ~"" d IUn 1I!t "1"'" "....elI Ihe lell!le II mnde "hd "~ee..tl'd Ih" a.., failure on Ule "Drt fJf U'e le!!!!I!" to eOhlpl, ",IU, 't.e tt!r"'!I nf "..M le"!'\p, or (In, of "Did utlell ttnd tP.lul.Uon, no", In flxl'll"lt'e, ot whlrll Inn, 1,0 "e'f'''.ftu I""!terlhed t" tt.1! Il!~,,,t, ..lInn fit thf! nllUon of the le"Rot, 1r"rlt .. forleU'lte or I"'" eotltr"rt, n.,,' "n nr lltf! rip-lit" nr U,r. lell!!"1! I.", 1'",,,I"r, . ~ ~ ~ 0 .,...; :> <J) ~ ~ ~ .fJ 4--l 0 M t-r) ~ <J) ~ <J) U <J) 0 ..c: ~ 0 A. rS .fJ M stX'fll:: If tb. lelsee ....11 abandolt or Y8cale laid prelnllee beforo tl'8 end of lbe terln or lhll lenR", or sltoll ItlfTer the relit tn be I" .rrear'"It. le..or ma,. .t hi. optlO'I, rorllawltla eDuce tl.l. 10"le or be n,ay enler ".Id nrelnlsC8 .. tl.e -sellt or the lel.ee, w t lout belh' 'I.ble In a'll wn, therefor, alld relet tla, pren,lee, willa or wlh..,tJl Dnl ru. nlture tl,,,t n'.J be therein, .. Ille{lenl or tile lel.ee, .1 But" p' lee and upon ."cla lerloe end Iftr. .nlcl. durntloll or tlnle .. lito le..or .81 del.rmlne,.tJ reeely. tl.. relit' aereror, .pplylnllhe ..nlo to lhe pnymcllt of lhe rent tluo .,)' 'Iaeec prelente, And I tl.., full rentDI lereln provided a anll nol b. to.U~ed bJ 10RRor over anel ollove the eXlu!neel tf) 1~I.nr In BUC" ro-Jellln., llle ..Id le'lee ....n pa, any denclency, bllellr nlore .,..in I.he fun rental I. reollzed Icssnr will poy over to ...Id le..ee the exee.. or donlond. SEVENTII: I,elsee agrees to IU" tl.. c:ost or ~ollertlt)1l nlul len rer eel1t .tlorlle,', Ic. on nllY rorl of snlel tenlalll.at may b. eolleeted by lult or by eltorne" .Iler llle ."n10 II p"lt due. EI()II'rll: TlaeJe81ee ..reel ttant he wlll1!9 .n ctlnrte. for ren_. IPI, electricIty or ..tlaer IIlulnlnotlon, aud 'or 811 waler tilled on 101 ~ren"le., end .laoultl laid claarlee or rent, lI.hl or welcr aereh, provlde(1 for pt 811Y thne reanaln duo and unpeld for tile apace or Dve do)'.. .ner tile eon.o .11.11 have b.colne due, the leR80r Ion)' nl 'la optioll conelder the laid le'lee tenant at .urrer."ce .nd the entlr. rent for tl.o rental porlod tl.en next ens..1nll"nll ot once be du. .nd pny.bl. end me, rorthwllh IJe folleeled by dr.treell or otlterwl8e. NINTIJ: TI.. 1.ld lelsee laere", '1Ied,e. .nd assll"s 10 the lessor all II.. 1..,..llure, fixtures, 100el, And c:lllittel!1 of Inld leslee. wl'lc.h el'811 or h'.' b. brOulht or I!ut 011 enlcl Ilr.I"lscI .. loeua.ll, lor tlI' p.'luent of lho rent I.ereln rel.tved, and the le..e. elree. tl.at tl.e ..lel lien tn., bo e..lortecl I., dlltress foreclosure or ollacr\vlso nt Ilae elecllon 01 the .ald 1..lor,anfl does hereL, .,ree to p., .ltor.le,'. lee. 01 tel. per~ent of the ...a""nt 10 ~oneeted or found to be due, toaelher with .11 eOltt .nd char,el therefor. Ineurred or paid I), tl,. lell!tor. 1'ENTII: It ,. I.ereb, -sreed nnd und.r.tood belween lellsor .lId lessee ll.nl I.. the eye..t th. lessor dec:lt'c!I to remodel, alter or delnoll.tl an or an, r.rt of ttae pten,lles lease.1 hereulader, or In the e'ellt of tl.e .ale or long term lePle of all or an, pr.rt 01 tho _~. requlrh'l ll.l, Ip.ce, tl.. 'else. I.ereb, alrees to .,clte IRme "pon reeelpt 01 Ilxt, (80) daJ." written notlee en.1 the relnr.. of all' .dYllllce relttal p.ld on ac:eount of tills lea:l.. EI~EVENTII: Tit, le.lor. or .n, of 1,1, ..,..... II.nlll.a,. the r1lht to enler ..Iel premlle. durln<< .11 reaao.... .IJlo Ilours, to eX8.nlne ll.. ..,ne to hlak. IUfh repair.. addltlo"l or alter.tlo... ..I tn., b, deeMed neeellar1 for tllo a.fet)', con.forll 'or prelery,tlon thereof, or' of .ald bulldllll. or to ,xl.I'llt .ald prendlel, and lo put or keep upon lta. doors or ....do.. tl.er.of . nollc. 'FOIl amNT" .t an, t..... wltl,l,. tl.lrt, (80) d.'1 before lbe expiration of tl,'. lea.e. TI.. Illhi of entr, .h.llllk."I.e Ixlat for the purpoie of relno,lnlr plnepr.ls, .llnl. fixtures, altern... llolls, or addltloh', whleh do not eonform to tl.ls _,reelnent, or to tl,. rulee end teltll.tlo..1 of the bulldlne. TWEI"FTII: I.e.,.. I.ereb, aecepba the I.rendse. In tl.. condition ll.e, .r. In .t ll.e bellnlllne of this lens. nn.. .Irees lct maintain laid premises In tll. ..me eontlltloll, ortler ...el repnlr a. tl.e, .re at tile eOllln,eneelnel.t of IRld term, eXfepllnr on I, rel,oll.LI. wear and le.r .tlslna froln the "I' thereof ul.der this .,teen1ent, 81lfl to h,.k. lood to .ald le..or Immedlatel, upon demand, an, dlh..,. to water .p"nratul, or eleetrlc 11,111.8 or an, fix.. tUte, .ppn.nees or .ppartenaneee of ..Id prelnlses, or of U.e bulldll." ea'l.ed by In, ael or lIealeet of lei see, or or ..., perlon or perlons In the empl~, or under the eonlrol of tl.e lessee. TIIIR.rEENTII: It I, expre,.I, .,reed and .,.de..tood b, Itld b,t,.een tl.. parlle. to lhls Rlreen,out, lllul U.e I.n.llord 11..11 hot be n.ble for an, d.~l~I' or InJur, h, ",ater, ,,"I~h na., L. a"llalne4 by the .ltld tel1nnt or other perloll or for an, olller d8mlll. or I,.JII" relllltlnl frotn tl.. tarelellne." nel",ellcl. Ot 'Inproper con.)nct 011 1118 parl 01 an, oll.er lenlnt or 'lehl.8, or 11I1ploreel, or b, re.lon of tI.. brealeale, leake.e, or obstruction or lhe water, I.'wer or loll pi.... or other lea...e In or .bout ll.. .~It' bulldln.. F()Un:J"EEN'rll: ., ttae lelllee 11a.1I beeolno Insolvent or If b81lkrllptcJ proceed'"" _I..n be belt.., by or 08"h18l the lellte., before tl,e end or 1.ld term the le.lor 1.llereb,lrrevocebl'8utl.otlzed .t It I action, '0 rortlawllh conceltbls loele, ... lor. default. Lellflor 11181 ele~t to .cce~t relit from .uel. receiver, lltlstee, or ot aer JUtllclnl olRecr d"tlalR the terna or tl.elr occllpancy In tltelr nd"r.I~o cap.clty without ..ffectllll.lcflIOr" rlgbts .. cnntalned In lhl. conl.nct, but no reeelver, trll.te. or other Judleln omeer .1...11 ever '..,ve an, ,Ijt.l, title or IlIlerelt In or to lla. o')()ve tle8crilu~.1 property b, .Irt... 01 lhl. contract. Flf.'r..::ENTII: I,el.ee herel), .alvel and relaOUller.1 for "linse" a,ul lalnll, .n1 ..11.1 nil "on.eRtea,1 Bu<<1 ex. elnpllon r.,I.liI ,.. ma, h... now, or I..re.fter. undor or L, ,Irlue 01 tl.e eOllstltutlon n...1 lowI of the Sinle 01 f-Iarld", or or In, other 8tale, or of tl.e Unlteel Slate!, .. .,.b.sl the Jl8,,,.eut or 101.1 rc.,lal or ft"Y Il0I.tlnn h~reo', or 8'11' otller obll..llon or damnl. tll.t tn., ~eetn. ~Ihtlef tl.. terms 01 tl.11 8Rree,nenl. SIXTEEN'fll: Thle cOlllrec:t .1..11 bind the le..or ...d It. 8s811"8 or luccessor., .IId the heirs, nll11lnll, perRnnn' representatlvel, or lueeel.or. .. the enl. mny be, or the IOReee. 8EVENTEENTII: It I. understood and oaree,. bet"ee.. tllo parlles I.ereto II.at lime II 01 tlte essence of 11.1. contract and lhl, ...pllel to all terms and fOlulltlonl eonlnlnerl ,.ereln. EIOII'llIEEtITII: It I, underllood and .,reed bet"een the r"rtles laerelo lllnt wrllten bollee hlnlle.t or dellv- ere.1 to the Pirenals.. le.aed I.eteululer Ih.1I eon.tlt"te ...Iflelent notice to the lessee .nd wrltlell lIotlee Inallee' Of delivered. to tl.. offle. of lh. lellor .h.1I fon.Utute l"f'lelent nollee to II.. l,eslor, 10 eo,nl'" wllh ll.e tern.s of thlll eOftt,.et. NINETEENTII: Th. rla,.t, of tlao le'lor under the loteloll" .h.1I b. eumulntlve. an" ',,"ure on the part of tl.. lessor to exerelse promptl, an, r1lhtl .1.ell 'Iere'lIltler .1..11 "ot nperate to forfeit an, 01 ll.e laid r.,I.ls. TWBNTIETII: It I. further IIncler.lood Illld ",reed between tl.. ..ertlea I..rela tl.at In, cia. riel .,nhIAt lhe le'lee b, the lessor for ,er.lce. or for WOI"1e done on the rrehllsea b, ortler 01 tl.. lesse. or oUlorw'fle aecru'uI "~fle~ llll, eontract ,h.', 1>>. fonlld.red .. rent du. and IlulS lu! Ineh.ded h. 8'" lie.. 'or rent due ....1 unpalcl. T.WENTY.FIRST: It I, h.ert~J. Utid,'ltood ..~d Dlre~d t~..t an, ,11't. or .d,~rUlh., .~.o. tJe ule.dt..lllcJudlnl · wnl"*j, In leonnectlon with tbeallrflt.llel. fe.led '.erednd.,...... b.' flrllt ...Llftllied. to tb. lelllnr .., or arltrovill IH!- fbr. Inllall_t.lon or ..me. ,,,.. '. ,:. ',:' '".. , ',..' , ..... ','. "WEll'rY-SECOllDt t,esBee shall, at: 1,1s expense, keep tile premises In good or(l(~r and repaJ..r durJ."9 t:lle term of tile lease, Jnc)udJIICj, but: not: limll:ed to cracked illHl broken gJ4C1SS, ajr-conditlonJng, doo];p, locks, pluh.blng and elecl:rlcal, rel)(lJrJng or a replacJ 11C} wil:ll similar or bet:ter slze or qual J.t:y. 1'WEN'TY-TIIIRD: I.essee agrees 1:0 carry general 1 tall) lity insurance J n the antount: of $ ]00,000/$200,000 per person for bodily In.J'lry and $ 100,000 per occurence for property damage, DB per F.S. 760.28. "'iEf."rY-FOURTII, I,essee 118S l:lle optJ.on 1:0 renew tlae lease for One (l) Year wI':" .an increase based 011 (~t'I for Wage Earners and Clerical Workers' in the Miami, Florida, area index and shall be based upon the annual average CP1** 'JWEll1'Y-FIF'rna 'rllis lease may be t:ermJnal:ed by tl.e l.essee upon tlae followJng condJ. t: lOllS: 1. WrJttell hotl.ce of JI,tent.lon 1:0 t:errnJuate sald lease slaall lJe gJven l:() t.ho I,essor not: less ~Ilar' Olle ,Iundred Twenty (120) days prl-:>r to suel. l:erlnJnatlt)", and 2. Wri.l:ten c~o..fl,rmal:lon sl,all be given 1:0 tIle '.essor that: the I.essee has 'ilia. fl',"n'nr,1 rulo'luill:n rl("rlee, space In a q(lvnt"ulnental l>uIJdlng. .. .. · '} TWEtttY - S t xt.t t setvlce. t.less(!@ agtf!es ~o P"y ~o t.lessor $ 50.~O pet mon~.h for wf1t:~r .... · 1wEtitt-s~~tttt tefigee d<1~ee~ t:o Jlay tor <<;!ctrhnge servlce. . I H W t'J'W EftS Wit rnttp.utr, U.e t"tHlt''' '.etp.lo IUh" '.ete'tt.lo heeuh!(llItlA 'tlltltulllelll fot I:hf! I"tt.t.nno IIt!tt!ltt t!-ttt@nneft, ttt~ ttny hUfl ;~nt- hlJov@ ",tlll~tt. SIRltt!ft. tc@"I(!(t "lid dell v~t(!tt lu ttt(! tytf!nctlet! flt! /;~. ./1' ~./ \ r~ .... ../ _...~~~_~_.~t:4&~-.__~ ..._~_.O_~__ . _._.._ An t(f J..If!Rftot ...- I -- ......... .-.. .. ( Ren ... ..... ,- ---.. .-, . -- ---.. --- .-....-..-.-....-.....-- - ..~._-,._--_._-_._...._....-- -~.... ..---...-.--...--.-- ......... .._ (~rnt ~t~ __.~~_.. It l" l~eR8e. ..Af2~_... .. (fJrnl .. . ......- ...........-....... - -. ....... -.--.-.. ... .-...--. -- _. -- -. - ----..---- --. . ....... .. 1,~nA@e APPROVED AS TO FOR/V! AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. . . ... 8Y %~~~ o'ot.:::':; O~. ::::h ~~--~:-_.~.~-~~_.__~J Attorn '$ Office . ""tot" hli, A Noltltt t"Llle In A.ht lot ~ntd gWC! ftnt' tJo'h.ft, 'tC!tlttJhnht t!"m8_~~am~.~~hl:lp.H~.,-........ . 1I,~ct..I!QtJyj!. Jj J l1utl:t!.ltL___ --.--------.-- .------:.:----.-...---.._._h ___..___ _. .._ . ..I." '"~ ",,,II Itn,n," nltft ~ri(l"" ItJ Le ll'i ftet8oiLL- fUllned In It'e fot..ttol..~ '..n"n. ..ttft_~h!!.y__...______. ._ .,__. '._." _. . ftf:tut(n""ftlt~d lI,nl Ul~Y h~etttl!d lI,.. ""'"l! lot lI,.. *,UtttO!ltt UU~,..t'l uII''''''''',1. ! . # m \Vttt-tJlJ9r:t "U~tt~ot. t t,n.' "t"@Uht" ,,,~l nl, '"",,1 n...t ntfl'''~It III' ohlr.'..I lien' U"L~._.__..... ...._ ... tint h'-+-- ~------.-...______. '''fl?... '",,:. ,"-',,,,,,,, tll ;.,lji,tf.tJ ~ J : 1. i..-~ ",M,r.'.- '.J; 1 0 ~ Heo., , . :;;t:.';'"~:i;~--~~': -..... .. O,"ht'~~~~ r ~ it ~~, n~sF + c-.oTTT;-;:TTi-.:crc;.:~' ;;.. . . . ... . fl.';- .. ': 1: .f I -4(.