08/07/1991 II ( " ::~~ t:"J N N a... <i. _-1 ......... l.;. ~.lL .......- C '" ~ L!:) :::J c:C c..; l.J...'; u._ ....J,.-, 'r t;..)OC ::i :z: ...- 0 - P' ~ lL THIS J\GREEMENT, entered into this FIRST day of OCTOBER , 19 91 tiusin~ss lll~ns.e between F. JAMES CHAPLIN AND BETTYE B. CHAPLIN, 5190 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 , hereinafter caned the lessor, party of the first part, and MONROE COUNTY of the C()lunty of MONROE and State of FLORIDA hereinafter called the lessee or tenant, party of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said lessor does this day lease unto said lessee, and said lessee does hereby hire and take as tenant under said lessor Room or Spaee 5170 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 (CHAPLIN BUILDING) AND HAVING APPROXIM~TELY 1500 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. No. situate in MARATHON COUNTY OFFICES State of FLORIDA , to be used and occupied by the lessee as and for no other purposes or uses whatsoever, for the term of ONE (1 ) YEAR , subject and conditioned on the provisions of clause ten. of this lease beginning the FIRST day of OCTOBER 19 91 ,and ending the THIRTIETH day of SEPTEMBER , 1992 at and fo]~ the agreed total rental of SIXTEEN THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT & 24/100 Dollars, payable as follows: ONE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE DOLLARS & 02/100 CENTS, P}.\YABLE WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF EACH DUE DATE, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1991, UNTIL THE THIRTIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1992. all payments to be made to the lessor on the first day of each and every month in advance without demand at the office of CHAPLIN REAL ESTATE, 5190 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY in the City of MARATHON l FLORIDA 33050 or at such other place and to such other person, as the lessor may from time to time designate in writing. The following express stipulations and conditions are made a part of this lease and are here- by assentE~d to by the lessee: FIRST: The lessee shall not assign this lease, nor sub-let the premises, or any part thereof nor use the same, or any part thereof, nor permit the same, or any part thereof, to be used for any other purpose than as above stipu- lated! nor make any alterations therein, and all additions thereto, withoqt the written consent of the lessor, and all additions, fixtures or improvements which may be made by lessee, except movable office furniture, shall be- come the property of the lessor and remain upon the premises as a part thereof, and be surrendered with the prem- ises at the t.erminatfon of this lease. . SECON~; All personal property placed or moved in the premises above described sha1l be at the risk of the lessee or owner thereof, and lessor sliall not be liable for any damage to said personal property, or to the lessee arising from the bursting or leaking of water pipes, or from any act of negligence of any co-tenant or occupants o:f the building or of any other person whomsoever. . THIRD: That the tenant shall proll!Ptly execute and comply with all statutes, ordinances rules, orders, reg'llJations and requirements of the Federal, State and City Government and of any and all their Depart- ments and Bureaus applicable to said premises, for the correction\ prevention, and abatement of nuisances or other grievances, in upon or connected with said premises during saia term; and shall also promptly comply with and execute all ruYes, orders and regulations of the. applicable fire prevention codes for the prevention of fires, at own cost and expense. FOURTH: In the event the premises shaII be destroyed or so damaged or injured by fire or other casualty during the life of this agreement, whereby the same shall be rendered untenantable, then the lessor shall have the right to render said premises tenantable by repairs within ninety days therefrom. If said premises are not rendered tenantable within saId time, it shall be optional with either partr hereto to cancel this lease, and in the event of such cancellation the rent shall be paid only to the date of such fIre or casualty. The cancellation herein mentioned shall be evidenced in writing. FIFTH: The prompt payment of the rent for said premises upon the dates named, and the faithful observ- ance of the rules and regulations printed upon this lease, and which are hereby made a part of this covenant, and of such other and further rules or regulations as may be hereafter made by the lessor, are the conditions upon which the lease is made and accepted and any failure on the part of the lessee to comply with the terms of said lease, or any of said rules and regulations now in existence, or which may be hereafter prescribed by the lessor shall at the option of the lessor, work a forfeiture of this contract, and all of the rights of the lessee hereunder: SIX'..RI: If the les8ee IIhoJlnbollclon or vecale snld prelnlses br.forc tJ-o fud of the lerln of lhls lenAp., or 8\'RII " ..,utTer the relit to be In arrenre the lelsor may, at hili option, rorlhwlth cancrl this lense or he mny enter "aid ~rem seB lI8 the egellt or the lel'see, wit lout helhl liable In eny way therefor, nnd rclet lhe prenllRc8 with or hWdllloutl nnIr fUI nlture lhftt n..y be therein, 81 the "lent or the lessee at lueh price Gild upon Rueh terms and for '''Ie urnt on 0 thtle nil the le880r mey determine, Rnd receive the rent tl,erefor, epplylJlllhe IUlttle to lhe pnytnenl of lhe renl due by I hcee presentl and If tho full rentall_ereta provided "hnll not be realized by ICRRor over olul nhove the expellses to tCAsor III 8uch ;e-Ieltln,. the laid le81ee ehell pay eny deRclency, Rnd If more thAn the fun rentnl I" realized leRRor will pny over to IRld lessee lhe excels of demnnd. SEVENTII: Lessee 8Rrees to I'Rt the cost of ~ollerUon nnel ten Jlcr cellt nttorney's fr.e on any Jlort of tlnl.I rr.ntnl tllllt mRJ be colleeted by suIt or , attorney, after the snme Is pn9t ,Iue. EIOlrl"I: "ho lessee 8Brees thAt he will J!QV .n chargcs for reu.'. gna, cicci rir.it.y or olher ilhlluinoUon. ond for nil wnt.er \lRcd nn snld Ilrenll8cB, oncl should 80ld chargcs for relit, "thl or waler herein provided for et OilY thne I clunl" due nud unpold for the R)luce or nve day" .ner tile 80111t! 8hnll love brc()ln~ due, lhe If~R90r Inny nt Ill' oplinn consider lhe Bold les8ce tenont at Bufferance Ind the entire tent for tbe rent.nl pr.tlnd then lIext cl1Rulng 8hnll at oncc he due ond pAyable and mny forthwith be eollecled by dlBtres8 or otherwlRc, . essee herehy IJled,clI and asslftl'8 to the lessor 0 II lhe Inrullu rr. d chnttelA of sR1t1 Jessee, wit CillO r ,. . CClIl' Y or tho pay.nent of the rent llerl!ln 'reserved an Ie In ( e . 18trt'~~ foreclosure or otherwlso . e 8" d le!l~or, ftnd does hereby ..ree to pay allolurY'8 fe(,9 0 f!n _ ount 110 rollecle(J or found to be due, together with all eosts and charle! thetl'forc Incurred or rnl,l It, the lessor. 11~N'rJJ: It I!' llcreby ftRrced nnd understood bet\vecn leRsor nud ICRsce lhnt I" tho event the lessor decide! to rellln,Ir.I, alter or deluolfsll nil or In, pnrt of the premises lellscel herenllder, 01' In the event of the eale or long tcrtl1 1"nse of nil or nny pr.rt of tho_ J . requiring lhls spRce, lhe lessee hereby alreel to vacate ('nllle upon r'ecelpt of elxtJ (80) dnls' written hotlee en the return of allY nelvRnee rentnl rnld on account of tltl! I ense. ELE'VEN1.11: "he lessor, or an1 of "11..,ent.8, "haJlIUlve the right to cnter Bnl(1 prelulsclI during. all reft"on.. nl.lo Ilonr", to exlttnlne the I.,ne to make .u~h repAlre, additions or alterAUons ns IlIay be dcr.med neeellsar, for lhe Rnfety, conlfortl or preRervatlnn thereof, or of .ald bu"dlnr, or ,to exhlhl~ 1"ld prendses1 and to put or keep upon '.he doors or Window" lhereof ". Itollce 'FOn RENT" at an, time wltllln Ullrty (80) dRY" before tb. explratlon (,f thlt. le8!t:~. 'fh" r Igltt of entr y shall like wile exist for the purpose of rrl110VhlR plntpr.J!t, ftl~,u,. fixtures, altera.. UOI1!t, or .uldlllon~. ,.Illch do nnt conform to this 8Rreelnent, or to the rule! nnd regulation" of the building. 1~'V ELF'fll: ',f!!1!U~Q "~r cby aeeepb, the premIses In lhe condition tlley ore In at tile heglnnlnr 01 thIs lease nl,,1 n8're~s to maintain "nld prelnl!p.1 In the .ame eondltlon, or(ler nlul repnlr ft~ they Atc nt the eOlnmeneement of ..nl.J terln, exeeJlllnJr onl, reasonable weaf and lear ntlslnl' from the use thercof und~r this nrreement, and to Innke Rnnd to lAid lessor Immedlntel)' upon demand, an1 dlml,e to WAter npflnrntu8, or elt!ctrlc IIgllts or .n, fix.. f.tlte, ftprllances or nrpurtenaneel nf .ald premises, or of U1e bulldhlg, eRURe(J by nn)' net or 11eg1eet of leisee, or of nl1Y person or perlonl In the empto, or ut1der the eonlrol of lhe I(!~!ee. TIIIRTEENTII: It Is expressl, acreed and under.tood b, Dnd bet\vecn the parties to this Rl(teement, tflUt Ule landlord' "I.an not be liable fOf an, dame.1 or Injury b, water, which tuny tJO sufttnhle(1 by the IRld tennnt or olher persol' or for an, olher elnmftl. or InJut)' result1nl from the carclt'ssIH'S9, negllg(,lIr.e, or Improper eonduct on the pnrt of an)' other tenant or alents, or elnploJeos, or hI renl'on of tho breakage, lenknRe, or obstruction of the water, lewer or loll pipe", or other leakllle In or ..bout the Bnl(I bnll(IhIR. F()UI1'I'EEN'rll: If the leA8ee 1111811 become lnoblvenl or Ir blll1krUI'lcy prorct'dll1gB Rholl be begun by or ORnlnst Uu' 1('AflE~P~ bf!fnre the enc) of nnld ternl the leRRor IR hereby Irrevocably nuUu)t izc(1 ni IlA option, to rorthwlth concel t.hls . 1(\RAt' 0" lor n defAult. teRRor Inn} elect to accept rent from luell tccr.Jv(~r. '.,ustee, or olllcr jtullclnl officer durhlR the If'I"'11 'uf their OCCupAnCY in th(,lr fiduciary cApacity without ftffectlnlllcAfH)re ri~hlA 08 cont.nlned In this controct, but nu I('(elver, trusler. or' other Judlelnl officer 8holl ever have eny right, tlUe or JnfcrcRt In or to the above dC8crllJr.(1 l)roIH,.ly I.y vlrtur. nf 'hiA cOIl'rnr.l. F'1"l'~~tJ'l'lJ: I.e~!tee hf!rehy waive!! 81Ul rellOtlnef!1 lor hh,,~ell AtHI InJully ony nllfl nil Ilornestead and ex.. ernr,tI"1l rlRhl~ I." '''ny havo 1I0W, or 'Jetealter, under or by virtue 01 Ule COllsUtuUon nlHI Inws of lhe StRte of f'lolldn, or of .IIY (ltlter Slnlf', or of the Unltetl State!ll, as Illshu,t the ItnYllleut 01 8Rlel rental or ftnr Jlortlon hereof, or "uy ()t1H'r obURnt.lntl or damftRe thnt Inay aeerue uiHler Ule tr.rnu, or thl8 "~rcetnent. SIX:rF:ENTII: 'rhlBcouh urt ..hall bhul the lessor and It II o9BIgn8 or AUter-RAntA, nnd the heir.., oSRlgn8, perRonnl r('prr,u~nt.nU\'f'R. fir RurreR80Hl n" the CARe Inny be, or tho le8Ree. RRV F:~tl'F:I~frl"l: It. I., nnderstoo.1 nnd ogreecl betwecn the pnrUcR 11cI'eto thnt lhlle Is of the essellce of this contrnr~t "IHl Ihl.. "flIlIlP~ to all tel'ms and eOlullUol11 contnlnell J.ereln. EI(1II'I'~Er-I'I'lt: It Is uncJerstood and agreed bet\veen the pRttles hereto t.llnt wrllt.en nollce mnlled or delly.. ctefl to the Jlrelnl!tr.a tenRed I.eteululer IIh.n eonstltule lIufflclent hoUce lo tllo lessee 1111(1 written notice malle.J or d~IIYeted, to the offlee of the lelsor Ihan eonsllttlte lufflelent nollee to the l,e~!lor, to com pI, with the terms of this eontraet. NINETEENTlt: The r'ghts 01 the lessor under the foregoing 8hall be eUlnulaUve, Dnd fnUure on tbe part of the lessor to exercise JlrompU, an, rl,h'" rtyen I.ereuhder Illall hot oru~rnte to forfeit It", 01 the laid rl,llts. TWENTIETIII It III further understood ftnd "sreed between UtO ..0' ties 11oreto that an, el.arlel 8lnhH,t the lessee b, the lessor for lervle~. or lor work done on tile rrendsell by or(lcr of the lessee or otherwise accruing under tills eontract Ihall be eonsldered 81 rent due alld ehal be luclude(1 In ony lien for rCllt due and unpaid. TWENTY-FIRST: It Is ht-reby understood .nd 8.r:eed Ulat an, ehtlls or advetUshlR to be ueed, Ine1uf1lng awnlnl", In connection wlU, lhetrremlses lensed J.ereunder s111111 be flr8t lIubr"lttecl to tho lessor for IPI'rovlll be- fore Inlln1JaUon of lame. "WEUTY-SECOND: l.essee sllall, at: Ills expense, keep the prelnlses in good orc1~r nnd repa:l,r durlu9 t:lle t!elim of the lease, lneluc1ing, but not: Ilmlted t:o cracked CllHl t)roken gl ass, a ir-condi I:lonln9, doorp, ] ocks, plllnlblnq nnd electr leal, repairing or '\ replacing wit:h similar or bet:ter size or quality. 1'WENTY-TIIIRO: T.lessee agrees to carry general IJnbf lit:y lllstlrance in the nnlouut: of $ ]OO,OOO/$~OO,OOO per person for .Jodlly injury and $ 100,000 per occurence for proper~y dnmage, as per F.S. 768.20. ,'wr::n'rY-FotJn'rll! T.essee 11as t:lle optlon to renew th~ 1 eflse for One (1.) Year w.f '~.h an increase based on (~rl for Wage! Earners. and Clerical Workers in the Miami, Florida, area index and shall be based upon the annual average CPI_ 'J'W~tt1'Y-FIF'rll: This lease ma~ be terminated hy l:he Lessee upon the followlng ~onc1ltio"gt 1 · Wr J. t: tpn tlot~ lee of intention t:o t:ermiUll t:e sa lei ] case shall be g1 ven t:o the T.f!RgOr not: less t:l1an One Ilundred Twenty (120) days prl'Jr to suet. t:ermination, and 2. Wr.i I:t:en conflrrnat:i.on shall be given 1:0 the Les!=;or t:hilt the Lessee has ,,1,' ;-,fnl",l flfln ttHl"~ rlf'fice spa~e In a f'JnV~rl1nlelltnl o1l11c1lllq. TWENTY-SIXTH: Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor $ 50.00 per month for water service. TWENTY-S~ENTH: Lessee agrees to pay for garbage service. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties hereto have Ilereunto executed this Instrument for the purpose herein expressed, the dny Rnd year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered In the presence of: .1-~~ As to Lessor ( Seal Lessor · ~ ~ _.. _ ._ '-..JI .. . ~~~~~~ "'~~\'~---y- " (Senl ( Seal DANNY L. K~, CLE.RK ~ .he · As to Lessee Dale DATE: J~ugust 7, 1991 STATE OF FLonIDA I County 01 MONROE Before Ine, a Notary Public In and for laId State and County, personally came F. James Cha,plin . ~Il~ Betty.!!. B. Chaplin well known and known to be the per8on-'L- named In the foregoing lease, and they acknowledged that they executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. to me IN WITI~ESS WIIEREOF, t Ilave hereunto !let my hand Rnd affixed nlY offlclnl senl the da, of-aivlr 19i.L. '/ /I Y. JI /2~ 4:9b / ~i ' ~-'" .' }~~ , ----~-- commission explrc~ Not 21.- y P ~ :J: ie, S t ::1 t e Co'\ : :J .. I d a ~:: '( La r g t '/7U:f I"JlnIlUrllll'J/~l'(l1r:d "v.~ .~;~ / f!L~,~ ~l:n~~~!tr;~~'~U:A "C~p ~'t'<;:irr:~~ tL',=.';;:,i'(-'B.il '::.!:..1992. ./ 0 ~~ I \0.- Ju o....r. S ',0 afy' rCKerage AddrcJJ -{rqo ~'~d..4./ ~ OJ /{I1At(~/ rA 3305'6