09/29/1993 FUNDING AGREEMENT THIS AG REEMENT is entered into this J11 ~ day of 4~<< , 1993, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Monroe Cbunty, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the BOCe and Cheeca Lodge hereinafter referred to as "Event Sponsor"; WHEREAS, the BOCC, upon recommendation of the Monroe County Tourist Development Council, hereinafter referred to as the TOC, has budgeted a portion of tourist development revenues for promotion and support of certain fishing events; and WHEREAS, the umbrella organization under contract to the BaCe has recommended that certain monies be allocated to Event Sponsor; now THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. BOCC shall pay to Event Sponsor a sum not to exceed four thousand, five hundred dollars ($4,500.00) for promotion and related expenditures in producing Presidential Sailfish Tournament, pursuant to the terms of the Funding Application, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (Exhibit A). Should a breach occur after the expenditure of funds by BOCe for an event, and the event does not occur as a result of said breach, Event Sponsor shall reimburse BOCC for the amount of .funds expended by the BOCC in connection with said event.?' ~. '''1 - .. \C, - - 2. Event Sponsor shall provide promotion and related servicet6ilSdescfibed' ~ detail in :::tJ ,..' the Funding Application (Exhibit A). '. ~ 3. Indemnification and Hold Harmless: Event Sponsor agre~ to ind~nify:and hold Monroe County harmless for any and all claims, liability, losses and caUies of a~n Which may arise out of the fulfillment of the agreement. ~ - f'.....' It agrees to pay all claims and losses and shall defend all suits fffed due to the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Event Sponsofs employees and/or agents, including related court costs. 4. Insurance Requirements: Event Sponsor shall carry during the term of this agreement public liability insurance, including bodily injury and property loss .damage to cover all claims, demands or actions by any person or entity in anyway arising from the operation, of this event(s). Such liability insurance shall be in an amount not less than $500,000. Monroe County and the Monroe County Tourist Development Council shall be named as additional insured under the insurance policy and such insurance shall be primary and non contributing with any insurance carried by the County. Event Sponsor shall furnish the County with a certificate evidencing the insurance required by this paragraph not later than twenty (20) days prior to the event. 5. Event Sponsor shall maintain records to be kept pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, for three years after the event, and shall permit BOCC and its agents and employees access to said records at reasonable times. 1 6. For any breach of the covenants contained herein or in Exhibit A, BOCC may terminate this agreement immediately upon service of notice of termination. BOCC may terminate this agreement without cause upon providing 120 days notice of termination. 7. Event sponsor is an independent contractor and shall disclose any and all potential conflicts of interest as defined by Florida Statute, Chapter 112 and Monroe County Code, Article XXI. 8. Force Majeure: Event Sponsor shall not be liable for delay in performance or failure to perform, in whole or in part, the services due to the occurrence of any contingency beyond its control or the control of any of its subcontractors or suppliers, including labor dispute, strike, labor shortage, war or act of war whether an actual declaration thereof jf made or not insurrection, sabotage, riot or civil commotion, act of public enemy, epidemic, quarantine restriction, accident, fire, explosion, storm, flood, drought or other act of God, act of any governmenta' authority, jurisdictional action, or insufficient supply of fuel, electricity, or materials or supplies, or technical failure where Event Sponsor has exercised reasonable care in the prevention thereof, and any such delay or failure shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement. 9. Ethics Clause: Event Sponsor warrants that he/she/it has not employed retained or otherwise had act on his/its behalf any former COUNTY office or employee in violation of Section 2 or Ordinance No. 10-1990 or any COUNTY officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation of the provision the COUNTY may, at its discretion terminate this contract without liability and may also, at its discretion, deduct from the contract or purChase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former or present COUNTY officer or employee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. (SEAL) Attest: Cheeca LOdge ~ BY_~~ ~ _._n. NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: DEC. 23. '991. .D&D THRU NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRIT5Ra. (SEAL) Attest: Monroe County Board of County Com miss. ~ c. r::v~ Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Date: f/I-~3 2 SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECI10N 287.133(3)(a), FLORIDA STATIITF...~ ON PUBUC ENTITY CRIMES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBUC OR OTHER OmcIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. . by for ( 1. nus sworn statement is submitted to Whose b11liness address is P{). f3~~ S~}-- ~~(~-*-0!J(~- -- and (if applicable) its Federal Employer ldentiftcation Number (FEIN) is (It the _lity bas DO FEIN, include the.SodaI Security Number of the iDdividual siiaiq tbis sworn statement: ~ ~LI- 6 L -'j 011-- .) 2. I UDderstand that a "public entity crime- as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), I10rtdt S...-., IDe8.DS a violation of any state or federal law by a penon with rapect to and direct1y reJated to the ....DIKdon of b1IIiJaas with aay public eatity or with an agency or political subdMsion of any other State or of ibe United States, indudin& but DOt limited to, any bid or contract for JOOds or seivices to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and inwMq antitrust, fraud, theft, bribely, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 3. I uaclenWKl that -COnvictecl- or -COnviction- as defined in Paragraph 287.l33(I)(b), 1'IanIf~ ... a tincIiq of guilt or a conViction of a public entity aime, with or without an acljudicadon of pfIt, fa any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jwy verdict, nonjwy trial, or enuy of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 4. I understand that an -a1JiIiate-as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida StatateL means: 1. . A precteceaor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or 2. An entity under the control of any natural penon who is active in the management of the entity and who has been COIIYicted of a public entity crime. The term -aftIUate- includes thole oftlcen, ctirecton, exec:utiYes, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the numaaemeat of an aft'Iliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another penon, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be . prima facie case that ODe penon controls another penon. A penon who kDowingly enten into . joint \'allure with a person who bas been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida durinl the preceding 36 months shall be considered an afIIliate. S. I understand that a -person- as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida StatuteL means any natural penon or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applia to bid on contracU for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person- includes those omeen, directors, eacutha. partners, shareholders, emp&o,ea. memben, aad agents who are active in management of an entity. 6. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. [indicate which .ta..ent applleL] .x Neither the entity submitting this swam statemeat, DOt any of its omeen, directors, executives, partnen, shareholders. employeea, members, or apts who are active in the management of the entity, nor any afftliate of the entity has been charged with and oonvicted of . pubUc entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. " The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its omeen, directors, eaJCUdva, partners, shareholclcn, employees, members, or apts who are active in the management of the entity, or an afIlliate of the entity has been chafFd with and oonvicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. _ The entity submitting this sworn statemont, or ODe or aore of ita otllcera, directors, ezecutivel, pannell, sbarehoklen, employees, memben, or apntl who are 8Cdve in the JIWUlpment of the endty, or an aflWate of the eatity bas 'been cbarpcl with aDd" COIWk:ted of a pIIbUc entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. However, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a HeariDZ OffIcer of the State of Florida, Division of Admint'ltrative Hearings and the Fmal Order entered by the Hearing Otricer determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list. [attKb. CGp1 of the IIDaI order] - I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACI1NG OFFICER FOR THE PUBUC ENTITY IDDt 1.11fllW IN PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE) ABOVE IS :rOil THAT PUBUC ENTITY ONLY AND, THAT THIS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED. I ALSO UNDERStAND THAT I AM REQUIRED TO DOORM THE PUBUC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRAcr IN EXC13S OF THE THRESHOLD AMO~ PROVIDED IN SECTION 211.117, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INJ'ORMATlON CONTAINED IN THIS FORM. Ou /AiJfj/7/l~ ~ [sIpature) Swona to aDd subIcrfbecl before me this 1> day of ~ ~UV\'ruA . 19 q3 . .~ .. PeIIOIUllly Jmown ~ OR Produced identification lie - State ot.....B..or', del. (Type of identification) NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLOR10,(. .....'..; MY COMMISSION EXP.~ES: DEC. 23, 199-' ~ My CIC)IIlIlll..... ex1ftft!ID THRU NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRITER!II j ~jJl.An L. Yni \It.( (PriIl1ed typed or stamped _ _ of notary public) Form PUR 7068 (Rev. 06111J92) FLORIDA KEYS FISHING TOURNAMENTS, INC. FISCAL YEAR 1993~94 CHEECA LODGE PRESIDENTAIL SAILFISH TOURNAMENT ~~--~~-------~~~~~~--------~~~~~~----------~- DIRECT HAIL & POSTAGE BROCHURES, POSTERS, PROGRAMS, PATCHES TROPHIES PHOTO PROGRAM GENERAL - NON~ALLOCATED BANNERS , OTHER MEDIA ADV. , FLYERS OPERATING START....UP FUNDS FUNDS ---.._--_...~~ ---_._------ $ 500 $ $ 1,000 $ $ 3,000 $ $ $ $ $ .. ----.........~- $ ---_..~..~.... $ 4,500 ~ L~~~[~9q~ J4J:Iv . ~~_ ~~~1~ SClllDU1I 0. BVBNTS 1:~ ~r' n....,ay. JaaAlf 20. Ite4 4:00 p.m. . Pre*reglstratfon b~gIns In the UghtTacldtLounge 5:30 p.m. Cocktails on the Beach 6:00 p.m. Captalnls Meeting Western Roundup Buffet on the Btach Immediately loDowlng the Captain IS M eet1ng JIIt.y, Jao.a" aI, 18~C 8:30 a.m. Una Inl 4:30 p.m. Una Outl Sat"'y. J..allT 22. 1184 8:30 a.m. Unes Inl 3:00 p.m. LInes Outl 6:30 p.m. Cocktails Beside the Pool 7:00 p.m. Presidential Banquet In the Pcnnekatnp ROOM 8:30 p.m. PresenlaUon of AW8:lds ~or hII Scntc. M.... Bud n' Marrs Marina Plantation Yacht Harbor P.O. Box 628 87000 Overseas Highway Js1amorada, fL 33036 IsJamoradar 'fL 33035 (305)664-2461 (305)852.2381 Hawk's Cay M8dna Milt Marker 61 Duck Key. FL 33050 (305)743-9000 Whale Harbor MatIna U.S. Hwy. 1 Islamorada. FL 33036 (305)664-4511 HoBday I.. Nadna P.O. Box S88 tsJamorada. FL 33036 (305)664-2321 ravtmltr Creek Malina U.S. Hwy. lit Tavernier Creek Tavernier. fL 33070 (305)852-5854 Richmond'. Landtnt u.s. Hwy. 1 at Snakt Creek IsJmxnda, FL 3303S (305)664..5561 Ca100Ia Cove Wldna P.O. Box 446 Is1amorada. fL 33036 (305)664-4455 -----------------------------.---------------- - Q~~~WJe Apri128, 1993 Capt.Jim Sharpe President Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments, Inc. 110 Ships Way Big Pine Key, FL 33043 Dear Capt. Sharpe, Greetings from Cheeca Lodge! Enclosed please fmd six copies of an application for event funding for the Fifth Annual Cheeca Lodge Presidential Sailfish Tournament, set forjanuary 20-22, 1994. I have completed an the forms and answered the criteria for evaluation to the best of my knowl- edge. If I have left anything out, please do not hesitate to can me and let me know. This tournament has doubled in size in each successive year . We antidpate that the 1994 tournament wfl be the biggest, most successful yet! Sincerely, ..~ JuBe Perrin Tournament Director Enclosure I'.<J. ho). ))7. !"..llll\)r&.h.~;':. t.1. ~ ~..:2h. r(~:: t ~n)l (lfw-~hC:;1 . '.'II:Il~;i I.inc: .!.1).17S~ FilX: lin:h hh-~<'~~}.~. Rl:~~r\':l[I'.'II:\: !SOOl ",27.2S~X Qee::~~~e llppHcatlon tor Event Pun ding Through Horida Keys Pls11lng Tournaments, Inc. , The Monroe County Tourist Development Coundl's . PlslUng Umbre11a Cheeca Lodge P.O. Box 527, Islamorada, FL 33036 (305)664-4651 Fifth Annual Cheeca Lodge Presidential Sailfish T ownament EVENT DATE: January 20-22, 1994 TOtmNAMENTDIRECTOR: Julie Perrin YEARS INEXISTENCE: Four AMOUNT Of FUNDING ItEQUESTED: $10,000 NAME Of ORGANIZATION: ADDltESS: PRONE: EVENT NAlYLE: 1. COMMITMENT TO TBE EXPANSION OF TOUlUSMIN MONltOE COUNTY. The Fifth Annual Cheeca Lodge Presidential Is dedicated to the expansion of touris~ in Monroe County in a number of ways. First, an examination of the list of last year's parUdpants shows that 25 out of32 anglers came from outside of the Florida Keys and did generate hotel and motel room nights. We also received over 100 written responses from ads placed in national publications, all of which were from out of the state. The Presidential townament attracts the same kind of clientele that makes up Cheeca Lodge's market segment -- high calibre, amuent fishermen and women, and their families -- just the type of tourist that the Tourist Development Council is looking to bring to the Keys. Second, Cheeca Lodge is in the tourism business and is dedicated to providing a top quality event in an effort to bring high calibre tourists and anglers to the Florida Keys. Cheeca Lodge will ensure that the Fifth Annual Presidential Sailfish T oumament reflects this commitment by meeting the same high standards of quality for which Cheeca Is known. As in previous years, anglers who fish this tournament will be giv~ a top notch event which will leave them with a fabulous impression of the Florida Keys -- a place they will want to retwn to again and again. Several of the Presidential anglers have fished this townament all four years. Although the Presidential is not scheduled dwing the non-peak period as dermed in the Criteria for Evaluation, it is scheduled during one of the slowest periods in the year -- mid-]anuary, fonowing the ChristmaslNew Year holidays. It is also scheduled dwing peak sa1lfishing season, and is not in conflict with any other tournaments. The purpose of this townament is to fin the area's hotels and other accommodations with anglers and their families. who will come to experi- ence some of the best sai1flShing the country has to offer. -1- p (). Bo.\ .')~7. hldi.;h)r~.da. i:l. ~\.HIJ(). l"\.'I: (.,l)~) h()~-..H)5! . \1Ial~11 LltlL': ~..t5-3755 r~l\. : ~()" (lfi-l ~~4J.1 . I~l';\.'j" ~!i;~)::"': ,Still; ;:?7 ~xs~ The number of entries in the 1993 tournament was double that of the 1992 tournament, which was double that oCthe 1991 tournament. The funding from Florida Keys Fishing Tourna- ments, Inc., and Cheeca Lodge's dedication to this event are the two main factors for this direct evidence of great growth potential. With the help of funding and publldty from FKFT, the Presi- dential tournament will continue it's spiraling growth rate, and we are committed to reasonable and orderly expansion. Our goal is to make this tournament the most popular and successful fIShing tournaments of the year. The 1993 Cheeca Lodge Presidential Tournament was chosen by FKFT to provide the backdrop for entertaining its main sponsors (Holsom Bakers, Sport Fishing Magazine and Coca Cola) and demonstrating to these sponsors the benefits of becoming involved with the Florida Keys and Key West. This decision to make the Presidential the 1993 "signature" event shows FKFT's confidence in Cheeca Lodge and the Presidential. Organizers for the Presidential clearly demonstrated its willingness to work with FKFT by providing complimentary accommodations for these sponsors as well as a number of additional amenities and WIP treatment. We are very willing to work with FKFT as we1l as the private sector in cooperative promotional efforts. and have secured additional funding from the private sector as explained below. The Cheeca Lodge Presidential Sallf1Sh Tournament will include logos in advertising and other promotional media, provide complimentary accommodations for sponsors when necessary, and generally cooperate In whatever way necessary to mutually benefit the Presidential, FKFT and private sponsors. 2. SOUNDNESS OF PltOPOSEDTOURNAMENT J1.s noted above, FKFf's decision to use the Presidential as its signature event for sponsors clearly demonstrates the soundness of this tournament. In 1993, Cheeca Lodge obtained $3,000 from Mercury OutboardsIMariner Outboards, who have joined on as major sponsors of this event. A verbal commitment for a higher sum has been negotiated for 1994. In addition, the local community has donated prizes and gift bag materials. Cheeca Lodge has been able to double the number of anglers and the amount of money raised for conservation-oriented chari- ties over the past two years ($500 in 1991, $1,000 in 1992, $3,000 in 1993). We will continue to contact the private sector for donations of cash and prizes. In addition, we are solidting spon- sorships from a few major businesses that stand to benefit from partidpation in this type of tournament. However, this tournament does need the support of Florida Keys Fishing Tourna- ments, Inc., in order to be properly publicized. We understand that aU funds from Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments, Inc.. will be spent solely for promotion and advertising. We also understand that we Will be required to submit detaJIed reports of expenditures and will be held completely accountable for an expenditures. The Cheeca Lodge Presidential SaiIftSh Tournament is committed to fonowing an the rules and regulations required to obtain funding from FKFT. We will include all required logos on aU pro- motional materials. J1.s stated in section 1 of this proposal, an examination of the list orIast year's partidpants shows that 25 out or32 anglers came from outside of the Florida Keys and did generate hotel and motel room nights. We also received over 100 written responses from ads placed in na- tional publications, an ofwhlch were from out of the state. The Presidential tournament attracts the same kind of clientele that makes up Cheeca Lodge's market segment: high calibre, affluent flShermen and women, and their families. -2- Cheeca Lodge is in the towism business and is dedicated to providing a top quality event in an effort to bring high calibre tourists and anglers to the Florida Keys. Cheeca Lodge will ensure that the Fifth Annual Presidential SailfISh T ownament reflects this commitment by meeting the same high standards of quality for which Cheeca is known. As in previous years, anglers who fISh this tournament will be given a top notch event which will leave them with a fabulous impres- sion of the Florida Keys -- a place they will want to return to again and again. Several of the Presidential anglers have fIShed this tournament aU four years. The objective of this townament is to fill the area's hotels and other acconunodatlons with anglers and their families, who will come to experience some of the best saillishJng the country has to offer. T ownament Director isJUIie Perrin, who has organized and implemented this townament from start to fmish for an four years. Ms. Perrin has coordinated a number of other fund-raisers at Cheeca Lodge, where she is employed as director of public relations. She has raised over $40,000 for The Cousteau Sodetythrough a benefit held each year, and she coordinated an event in November 1991 which raised over $30,000 for the Dolphin Research Center. Ms. Perrin is fUlllIy dedicated to ensuring the success of the Fourth Annual Cheeca Lodge Presidential SailfISh Townament. She also has the capadty to create and produce the brochures, posters and advertising in-house, thus reducing production costs and agency commission fees. As the host hotel, Cheeca Lodge is renowned for its unsurpassed service and quality banquets and events. The Presidential will be no exception. Cheeca Lodge takes great pride ill" its reputation as one of the fmest locations for prestigious events In the Florida Keys. . All proceeds from this event will benefit the Blllfish Foundation, which Is dedicated to preserving and protecting all spedes ofbi11flSh. Director ofDeve1opment]ohn Spence has indi- cated his full support and commitment to making the Presidential the biggest and best ever. Please find enclosed a timetable for implementation, as well as actual financial budget from 1992 and 1993 and proposed budget for 1994. 3. APPUCAnONPROCESS Please find enclosed a completed N oUce of Intent to Affiliate, Affiliate Questionnaire, Tour- nament History Questionnaire, Statement of Income and Expense signed by treasurer and notarized, and Budget Dispersal. Also enclosed is pubIJdty generated by last year's townament, and a photograph. 4. AGItEDlENTTOfOUOWPRINCIPLES Cheeca Lodge agrees to follow the prindples of Florida Keys Fishing Townaments, Inc., as they relate to townament operations under the guidelines provided in the Criteria for Evaluation. -3- The plft1J llnnual Cheeea Lodle Presidential Sa11tlsb. Tournan2ent Statement of In eo me and &pense October 1, 1991 - October 1, 1992- October 1, 1993- September 30, September 30, September 30, 1994 1992 1993 Income: Actual Actual Projected roc $0 $0 $0 UmbreDa 5,814.95 6,500 10,000 Sponsors 1,350 3,000 5,000 Entries 7,125 13,125 26,250 T-Shirts 0 0 0 Banquet 0 375 1,000 Donated Services 0 0 0 Retained profIt 0 0 2,123.76 TOTAL INCOME $14,289.95 $23.000 $44.373.76 EXPENSES: Oflice/SecretariaI $0 $0 $0 Computer 200 0 0 Postage 350 687.64 1,400 T-Shirts 1,149.37 1.013.01 2.000 Director Fees 300 300.00 300 BrochureslPatches 789.70 ns.oo 2.000 atation ScroUs 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 Kick-offBanquet 1,800 4.028.57 8.000 Dues/Subscriptions 0 0 0 Media Advertising 2.656.67 . 1,390.00 3,000 Stationery 0 0 0 Photo program 200 200 400 Brochure Distnbution 0 0 0 Banquet 1.800 4.045.26 8.000 Trophies 978.60 2.272.76 5,000 SIgns 60 161.00 500 Donated Services 0 0 0 Cash Prizes 3,000 3,000 3,000 TOTAL EXPENSES $13,284.34 $17.876.24 $33,600 NETPROFITILOSS $1,005.61 $5,123.76** $10,773.76*** RETAINED PROFIT (BEGINNING) $1,005.61 $2,123.76 RETAINED PROFIT (END) O. $2.123.76 * A $1 ,000 donation was made to the Florida Conservation Association. * * A $3.{)()() donation was made to The BUlfish FO~at1jn. *** AdOnatiOnWiUbemadetOThe. BmpshFounda~n.. . /1 . ~. ~~~ (p11!z/I'}G[)b eofOfficer I NIPub~ ~ NOT ARY PUBLIC. ST ATE OF FlORIIS''' MY COM"USSION EXPIRES: JAN. I. t'" .OHD_ THau. ""TAIr{ puauc u...--..... My Commission Expires TIme Table tor tie PlftiJltuJual ClJeeca Lodle Presidential SaHlIsi Tourtlatllent May 1993 Begin to plan media and budget Apply for Florida Keys FIshing T oumaments Funding June Appproach various sponsors Design an advertisements Make phone calls to aU hnportant contacts Start production on newT-shirt design July Place ads in the monthly media for November issues Obtain an pertinent mailing lists develop media and 'celebrity" angler contacts Aapst Ensure that pubIc relations drorts from Newman & Assodates are in place Network with all media visiting Cheeca Lodge Complete printing of brochure, posters and flyers September Mall out brochures Order t-shirts Order outdoor banner October Order trophies Distribute posters to an marinas In South Miami and the Keys Do local (South Florida) press release Place local media advertisements Place local public relations efforts November Organize ditty bags and aD banquet functions Determine committee boat location Contact lie detector company December Review schedule AssIgn aU duties Ust sponsors -5- TDIIETABLE (CONT.) Jaauary 1994 Carry out the event Organize an reimbursement requests from Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments. Inc. Reviewresu1ts Send fonow up press release to an media . Coordinate pubUc relations efforts with Newman & Assodates Pebraary FUe for reimbursement from Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments, Inc. CUp and file all resulting media Meet with organizers to determine plan for next year March Review dates for next year Begin to plan media and budget File with Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments for 1994 ApdI Begin reauiting efforts Review schedule of events -6- Standard Uabl1lty DlsdaInJer The Fifth Annual Cheeca Lodge Presidential Sailllsh T o wnam ent agrees to indemnify and hold Florida Keys Fishing T ownaments, Inc. and T owist Development Council harmless for any and all claims, liability, losses and causes of actlon which may arise out of the fu1f1llment of the agree- ment. It agrees to pay aD claims and losses and shall defend an suits rued due to the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Fourth Annual Cheeca Lodge Presidential Sallfish Tournament employees and/or agents, including related cowt costs. Signed, {})h~ ~Perrin Townament Dlredor -7- NOTICE OF INTENT TO AFFILIATE WITH FLORIDA KEYS FISHING TOURNAMENTS, INC. We, the undersigned do hereby petition the Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments, Inc. to become a member Tournament un- der the guidelines set forth by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners and the Monroe County Tourist Develop- ment Council as set forth in the corporation by-laws. As a member Tournament it is understood that we may apply for Tournament funding under th provisions outlined in the Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments, Inc. CRITERIA FOR EVALUA- TION OF TOURNAMENT FUNDING PROPOSALS. It is further understood that the Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments, Inc. is an umbrella organization in contractu- al agreement with the Monroe County Board of County Commis- sioners to function as primary agent for dispersal of allo- cated funds received form the Monroe County Tourist Devel- opment Council for the promotion and advertising of fishing tournaments in the Florida Keys (Monroe County). By this petition it is agreed that the undersigned will co- operate with the Florida Keys Fishing Tournaments, Inc., it's corporate sponsors (if applicable), and officers to increase the quality of fishing tournaments in the Florida Keys. (Tournament) -ELf r l~ Lcd Pres '- J sa' If) · h. Name of Applicant j Jh Annual I.....f1eeco. g.e. JdotJf1(u I S ~ AddressJ.O, 5o:x: 52/,:}) Is lctm ora.d a I:.L 3303t, TbwY'l Officers; (print name) ) Position; .fUll-€" P.errlYt S u so/) Is 1, rI\ oY'€-, Date: 0'-1 / 20 /~ rbUr-n~ ~W'€etor ~rvh-olleY iT 'reA S()~ AFFILIATE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. ~.ffthial ~~:amc;t Name Lbd R- rffSJckn1fJ 5ail&, 1burn~ 2. Name of Petitioning Orqaniza ion 3. M~f;qQ~d~~1~-f- o. 6D~ S 2 f lS'bYhOFodq R 30 t, 4. Person in Char e 5. Phone JG l ie l'1?r11 ~ (3D 5) "'-1- L( 65 I 6. Address (If different) S~ 7. Check One: For Profit X Non-Profit 8. Location of Tournament or Host Site Address 9. D~(~rC;} ~~;;nt 10. Next Year 11.~~~~e~~S:~~dif~d~Release, Weight Fish, etc.) ~eJeas~ 12. Target Species (If more than one, list separately) Sa~ Iflsh 13. Entry Fee 14. Angler or Boat ournament 15 .$~~~i~~~~~!3t~2:~:m~ ~n~~o~~tounty ~ (Use separate sheet if necessary) Florida Keys Fishing Tournament, Inc. can only authorize funds for promotion and advertising. f-~. Amount Requested: $ /01000 On a separate sheet list how money will be spent, listing specific vendors if possible. TOURNAMENT HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE 1. NAME OF TOURNAMENT theeca. Ln~ldsnriJ ~ Ini~ rlWr'h~ 2. AGE OF TOURNAMEN'l 4 j r5 3. AMOUNT OF ENTRY FEES COLLECTED IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR TOURNAMENT -D ~ 125 4. NUMBER OF FISHING DAYS ~ 32 5. TOTAL NUMBER OF REGISTERED ANGLERS 6. TOTAL NUMBER OF OUT OF COUNTY ANGLERS 25 7. WAS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF OUT OF COUNTY ANGLERS IN YOUR PREVIOUS TOURNAMENT, MORE OR LESS IN THE PRIOR YEAR. (Y) UBh lR5S /,t1 pr-1 Qy-: ~S - !)Jf ha,~ dwbl.ed +~__ V\~ \.,v'fi ot 00\' E')~ ~ t1.i\5beVS J J1 -e an-h SUrCES'i: ~ ~ FLORIDA KEYS FISHING TOURNAMENTS, INC. FISCAL YEAR 1993 11.~~~~j f (Name of Tournament) . - DIRECT MAIL & POSTAGE $ 1,400 BROCHURES, POSTERS, PROGRAMS & PATHCHES $4~ $ s;, ()1J-(F ~ TROPHIES PHOTO PROGRAM $ GENERAL - NON ALLOCATED, BANNERS, OTHER MEDIA ADV. & FLYERS $ ! .1-. 60 __U____ $ / q a1Jtr- TOTAL , TREASURER SIGNATURE <t /21/ 13 DATE SCENES . : .. I . ~identi~ Sailfish Touniament i r i ! " I ' : i ! Ii; : mCla.thrmJiJ'OII . . &I......,.,.... '~_"'i. tie~1 A.a8Ml~ LtHI"PrMUlJlltMJ 1 SaJlIWt TOIIT..-.,L I 1.F"*wr. To~t ~""JIllIe~ ! DIu. ~.alter, .IHlUJrry DO n.",-edtI.ottlM ~_t 11M. : ~ 1. s..er, .w1.2 ". t. III tile toaraUllCllt. J 3. n..Catch-22 crew. ' =;rn':=t~. 0.. (!7ar.te, BIll ~ SdJ1....otO~,.. COIp ;'M.erIJM SuPr, Klr:&&.ttStu~ dtl n.~~ Butters. 1 4. 0. . r"h1e~ lroM WI, Blltq,Jeff : AW.w. .., r.rm.t. I r 5. NUq alld JoIul i Morrill, do .... HJ,b PobJt A..., ceIe"" II!. 6. Owttu/cttpW. SId, NlebMtb rahe. relMsMl MI. JIeIUUIDtt,. tOp _tHow....tIL 1. Jolla S~ execlitJre IIhctorolTk BUItd Fou+atloe, wItII...1er , ~J:M":~ ~.adtoi11,. from IlNuUlIIHt $poIUOI'S Merew, O"tboard.od Mullter o.tlHMn&. F,...'Jd. MeratI7'I Gar I ,1VIeI.a, ,...., ^=1- lAMar. WI, lW.., K".."" _m ....... t . Motor Boating & Selhngl Apnl1993 c00d o;? . Dt i .;c\ : 00 , :J I i : rc/c1 FEBRUARY 4.1993 THE REPORTER PAGE 43 .,. NIELSON AND MORREll TAKE THIRD TOURNEY Islamorada chaI1erboal captain Skip Nielsen lead angler John ~1orrell to eight Sailfish catch-and- releases to win dIe Founh Annual Ch~~eca Lodge Presidential Sailfish toum:tment in the K~ys on January 21. It was the third consecutive year that Nielsen arid Morrell, a US Air pilot who lives in Islamoradat placed third or better in the Presidential event. The contest marked another success story for Nielsen during the J 992-93 Keys Sailfish tournament circuit. In November, he guided anglers aboard his How 'Bout It to victory at the Key Largo Sailfish Showdown. In Decenlber, he was lauded as high-point captain at the coveted Aorida Keys . Sailfish Gold Cup Competition, a series of three competitions that included the Showdown. "We1ve learned. during the past five years, to be in the right place, at the right time, with certain bait combinations, If said the 40-year-old Nielsen. "But the real reason for our success is that we have a hookup average of around 80 percent. If Nielsen attributed the high percentage of catcb- and-releases to a "special type" of hook but wouldn't provide additional details. George and Brian Wilson, father-and-son senior managenlent team of Mianli-based Hol~um Bakers. scored six releases to take second place aboard Captain John ~1agursky's Tag 'E,n. Third place was awarded to SportfislJing lAagazine executive editor Dean Clarke, of W illtee 1-lark, Florida. Clarke and his wife, Mary, fished aboard Captain Scott Staczyk's Catch 22 and fini~hed \\.jih three releases. Proceeds from rhe t\vo.day tournament arc to benefit The BiUt1sh Foundation, a non-pn)fit organization that coordinrales billfi:,h conservation and specic~\ research. e.~ 0.'" ~ '8 CT Er C'. =a ts g-" ~ -I ~ 0' ~ -c:g n a. g .... -.3. g ~ 8 ts ~ pOri c: ,:: ~ :J.... ~ tJ'W t) w · 't.1 n, C CA ::1 a ...... . ~ ~ fA" ~ fr (\I. Ii: ~ III > "T1 a ~I Co t-); ~ t:T g .-- ~ n.,.. () M- td .. ~ t:s o::n In''' I>> n ~ Y #a I:!. ~ tr Q. "'0. ::-.; 0 ~. Q. c: ... .. a =' =s n '" -A go- Q. a ~.. .... ~ = ..... :3 tJ* ~ n < &: 0 :.ti' s-~ ti'ge-=;.!l.tTg ;.E a t-' ~B~'Ocnt7 oOtr. . . n=n"'_~Q ~. ~~ it ~ g [ =' t 5Erra ~ ()Q O~ F~ ~ ~ a[ m 0 ~ . g s::.... z e: 0'-'- Q. n ti' .... , 'Per tit = e = ~ = ~ C/) 5' ~ rD ~. o = ~ t:T' ~ :2. t-+ ~. rD Cf' . g.iO'~ g [2 o!..ca OS. ~ ~ a !! ~'S ~ ~ ~ cs s & :2 . ~ 9 fi CIt" sr. !! .B cdr c:r o &. ....'tJ ::: Q. ca ~ cr g g~ 'J1 St ~ ::S~~;J'< B~ ftC- gftOQ · ~ ::a~,., CTU) .... .... 4; .... tt 0 '< . ... ... . t:I Q." .. a !!. .... t' n ..... en n w::;.. <<Iti tJ e-c.ts g.cs 0 5 ~CII o Er n. ... "II c: ft n ~ en ~ tt B n ....::1. ... a r:s n I:r tr "" er ~ nO::.:l g r., ~.:;: ft E- o n a 0 i ...... B 9 n"l A1 ." c:: S. f.l ~ I- g- 9 8 n .1'0 0\ [... c.g -." ts ft n OC)'tJ'<O ~a.~~ fr ~ ..., Q. c:: r:r w-- .... ~. (It cr . r: g.~ ~ i ~2 G~ o. !.a. . Q.n " Q.. Q.~ft . ~ ='< ~ ~ c~ .~'8rll~.S- oB'~ ~_'~'oq a ~';'~~'e. eo t:r n " 0 ts ft t:r'.... n C. n ::!! 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R ~ ::s ~ 0 r.n a ~ n 0. 5 :1. en f' !" ~ u. n n :=:1 0 n,:; ~ at)' Q. ~ iJ ~ ~ tr =r __ ell a =' n ....< E~ 2 5 = C') o .. w .. o. n. ..... ~ 7" ( I UCl C. .., '" ::s ::~ ~ r~ R - . "'" n ._. au a ~. c:: t J ", ", c- :1 q :3 < =' 0 :J i\"" ~ r... - ; . e 0 .:,;~"(J :s <<D ~ ~ [) X c-. ~ g'" a ~~.' ri~.~_.~~g EruJ:fn ~~ E:~.'" U ... - V) "< - \n ,.."< (../ 0 -(JQ 0 ,.~ - . ~. fI , l~ ~ ~~. .. l~'-~tl. alar.... ... ~. ' , · ' . eJ1. · r " Pte~~d .,. . ,', '. - "Saillish _.... Touinament January 21-23, 1993 Featuring cash prizes. trophies. vacations andrnore1 $475 per angler. $350 each additional angler Oimit 4 anglers per boat) TARPO N For entry forms and TOURNAMENT Information. contactthe COSTA RICA , TotttnamentOffice.at ___, '" (305)664-4651orWIite: OVER $15,000 U.S, , in cosh & prizes I ._'-~~ ...... ___., .._._~~~t~ ~~_29 ~~he~e~ . .,~ ). Ple.~rl~~SaJllish.:r:~ent '.. ' , ,': '.-\ ,': :';::P~O~:B6xS.i7'~~~:'-7"':"'~'l' :;.: :'MAY 16, 17~ 18, 19, 1993~' IsIamora~ FL 33036 AIl procee4swDlbenel1t Tb.eBiTTRsh. Foundation S onsored by: ll: : OUTBOARDS SctThe tV"alt:rOrJ Fire. Q I.J eeca ~C;e;.. . Islamorada. lJ floIida,~ Presents the FourthAnnuaI .~ ., j' " ..:. ~~ .. ~KEYS" OW"...... -....... __....... '- ..__ PrOdua,I~r~ Zl2 Brochure, video and information avaj/~hle 1-800 VIP fiSH (847-3474) In Costo'Rica call (506) 88-14~03 T ef/Fax or 88"08-49 P:eu:.J.;t In:vr;r..;::=ivn '!:3i . _._~. ~.- . '.'.-'-A' , · Two Days Fishilg , · Rrst Cbss AW\1rds .C.npanies · Banqaet ~~l ~~~'---- , (!Ii Hull(f-d\' Isle Beach Resorts & Marlna una ~liVY.bbrcor.ll4Jr.R.~.~ (30S) 664-2321 ":'rr~aL...! J"fc.:n\G;o0fr ~...;5 flFCF.\, i :F.H (,~ An invitation to all anglers in the Islamorada Sailfish Tournament. You are cordially invited to participate in the action and excitement of the FOURTH ANNUAL Ueec:a e. SAILFISH TOURNAMENT January21-23,1993 $3,000 in cash prizes, plus stunning trophies, vacation packages and more! Entry fee: $475/first angler, $350/each additional angler (limit four anglers per boat) ALL PROCEEDS WILL BENEFIT THE BILLFISH FOUNDATION ContactJulie Perrin or CarolJacob at Cheeca Lodge, (305)664-4651 for information and entry forms