04/13/1993 AGREEMENT FOR CREDIT TO THE TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE THIS AGREEMENT between Chesapeake Motel and Vi,llas, Ine., ( the "Developer") and the Monroe County Board of County Conunissioners (the "County") to provide a transportation impact fee credit is hereby made and entered into on this 13th day of Apri 1 1993. ---- , WHEREAS, section 9.5-491(g) et seq. of the Monroe Cou~y Lanqs Development Regulations (LDR) sets forth the requiremEi.ts... under r~ which the County shall grant credits to the transport~i.$ i~ct",j fee; ,,,,~ ;;0 -q N -=' -.J WHEREAS, in accordance with the LDR, the Developer has'~mitted a.:', plan of specific roadway improvements prepared and cert~fied ~ an:' engineer licensed in Florid,a; (~ 0'" WHEREAS, in accordance with the LDR, the Director of Planning has determined that the roadway improvement is consistent with th,e capital improvements in the Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan; WHEREAS, in accordance with the LDR, the Developer has constructed a roadway improvement which expands the major road network; WHEREAS, the Florida, Department of Transportation has issued a Notice of Compliance indicating the improvement constructed by the Developer meets all pertinent FDOT specifi,cations and design standards; WHEREAS, in accordance with the LDR, the Director of Planning, in consul ta tioD wi,th the County Engineer, has determined that the dollar amount of the credit is professionally acceptable and fairly assesses the cost of the roadway improvement; WHEREAS, in accordance with the LDR, the credit granted by this agreement is equal to the value of the roadway improvement and does not exceed the transporta,tion impact fee impose,d on the land development activity; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the LDR, this agreement has been prepared by qualified professionals in the fields of transportation planning and engineering, impact analysis, and economi.cs. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: Section 1. Roadway Improvement to be Constructed The Developer has constructed a northbound right turn lane on US-l in accordance with the plans approved by the Monroe County P~anning Department and the Florida Department of Transportation. 1 Section 2. Timetable for Completion The Developer has completed construction qf the turn lane. The Florida Department of Transportation issue~ a Notice of Compliance for the improvement on December 10, 1992. Section 3. Conditions and Amount of Credit On February 15, 1991, the Developer paid $69,776.00 in total impact fees to Monroe County, which included a transportation impact fee of $55,808.00. The County will refund $43,861.53 to the Developer, which amount is the dollar amount that is professionally acceptable and fairly assesses the cost of the turn. lane. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed on the 13th day of April , 1993. Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey ~ ~ ~ Commissioner Reich Mayor Lon,d,on ~ ~ ATTEST: f).AlfNl' 1.. lCOLHAGE, Clerk By ~c. flv~ / By COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OUNTY, FLORIDA CHESAPEAKE MOTEL AND VILLAS, INC. Wi~~4:~ ~eJ; By ~c~ Wi ess 2 .\; , . "~' . "~."'..... · ~ :........, -' · 'W ..; ..... . .' :T~: . I , '.::: ';.:::'./. ...:.'<:'.~ .....;.:: ..;~~~~.~~~;=:~~~~~..~~ ...:~ ... :... : ~~ ~~'''.;.\ ,,~, .' ., CHESAPEAKE MOTEL & VILLAS, INC. PHONE (80S) 684-4862 BOX 909 MILE MA.RKER 83 1/2 ISLAMORADA, FL 33036 'I 1547 TOTAL 2..(, J 19 9'1 ~ I $: fD'I11 & · 01> ~:..<t.~' .?~'fr~i..~ ~~ LESS_ % DISCOUNT ft'f.te -MoltllloE.. <!.CLlJJ 7'y -ORDER OF i-kt'vHiS.: 69776_ 1 ~a C:)67 J~.J TOT At OEOUCTIONS AIIOUNT 011 CItECIC . ,:J 0 III. '. . 014 ... o..n.. ~ T......., FIorIde Q()'-.3-S?r &PS()S?j IliaD . sa. ?1I1 ':01; 100?? 58-: DOLLARS ,-ESS FREIGHT '.ESS ..- ~ ..,- -, r--,--. r- '--'-" ,.- I." , . R'~'CE- "'-V",'I=D ..._t7t"'A,.J,~:. '-..... ~J iJ L Ii 5 1992 PLANNING DEPT. LAND USE DIVISION BY \. '-,,, .. _ ...... . ~~. I IMPACT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET Fee Schedule as of Jan. 15, 1987 proj ect Name: C h 1:- '$ c:....f e.Q.. ~ c::.- ('5 ....."" 01.... c..~ \ Fee District: ~ Uppe __ Middle __ L wer IMPACT FEE SUMMARY Number of Units Date: Page 1 of 3 ~ h / '0 I I -------------------------------~-------------- Transportation Fee Community Park Fee Library Fee Police Fee Solid Waste Fee $55,808.00 $3,424.00 $6,080.00 $2,730.24 $1,733.76 TOTAL FEES ------------------~--------------~------------ ----~----------------------~---------~-------- TRANSPORTATION FEE RESIDENTIAL USES Use $69,776.00 Rate/Unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fee Permanent Residential Single Family Multi-family Mobile Home Transient Residential 32 Hotel or Motel RV Space Campground Space Marina Berth $1,610.00 $1,415.00 $638.00 $1,744.00 $1,732.00 $1,699.00 $715.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $55,808.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Size in Sq.Ft. 32 Subtotal Rate/Sq.Ft. $55,808.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fee NON-RESIDENTIAL USES Use Medical Office Other Office Banking Warehouse/Wholesale General Industrial Restaurant (incl. Fast Food) Supermarket/Convenience Store Retail under 50,000 s.f. Retail 50-90,000 s.f. Retail 100 - 249,999 s.f. Retail over 250,000 s.f. $2.315 $1.822 $3.716 $0.568 $0.594 $1.235 $1.235 $1.235 $0.974 $1.874 $1.357 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o Subtotal TOTAL TRANSPORTATION FEE $0.00 $55,808.00 COMMUNITY PARK IMPACT FEE Page 2 of 3 Number of Units Use Rate/Unit Fee ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o Permanent Residential 32 Transient Residential Non-Residential $128.40 $107.00 N/A $0.00 $3,424.00 none --------------------------------------------------------------------~--~ ------------~--~-----------------~---------------------~--------~~--~~-- TOTAL PARK FEE $3,424.00 LIBRARY IMPACT FEE Number of Units Use Rate/Unit Fee ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o Permanent Residential 32 Transient Residential Non-Residential $190.00 $190.00 N/A $0.00 $6,080.00 none -------------~---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL LIBRARY FEE $6,080.00 POLICE IMPACT FEE Number of Units Use Rate/Unit Fee ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o Permanent Residential 32 Transient Residential $102.38 $85.32 $0.00 $2,730.24 Size in Sq.Ft. Use Rate/Sq.Ft. Fee ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o Non-Residential $0.1365 $0.00 --------~---------------------~----------------------------------------- ------------------------~----------------~--------------------------~--- TOTAL POLICE FEE $2,730.24 Number , of Units SOLID WASTE IMPACT FEE RESIDENTIAL USES Use Ra te/Uni t Page 3 of 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fee o Permanent Residential 32 Transient Residential o Marina, per berth $65.04 $54.18 $25.80 $0.00 $1,733.76 $0.00 ------------------------------------------------~-----~--------~-------- ~------------------------------------------------~---------------------- Size in Sq.Ft. 32 Subtotal Rate/Sq.Ft. $1,733.76 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fee NON-RESIDENTIAL USES Use o o o o o o o o Medical Office Other Office Banking Warehouse/Wholesale Restaurant (incl. Fast Food) Supermarket/Convenience Store Retail under 100,000 s.f. Retail over 100,000 s.f. $0.0645 $0.0645 $0.0645 $0.1290 $0.2258 $0.5805 $0.3225 $0.2580 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------~------- -------------~---------------------------------------------------------- o Subtotal TOTAL SOLID WASTE FEE $0.00 $1,733.76 / I I I I !('\G'Rl~(-;~]S CDNSTR1.JCr.rlON OORl:'>()J~ATI()N \ (I . DESIGNERS AND CONTRACTORS \( .' P.o. BOX 1]40 \(~) t"AVERN)N'~. )1~L{-)R]))A a3070 305-852-7801 305,,852.7632 FAX -- July 29, 1992 Mi. Christ.iarl Flgiaher (;hc~Ei;apl?ake Motl?l. and Villas Ino. P.O. Box 909 lslamorada, FL 33036 ~I~: CH~SAPEAKE JF WHALE HARBOR, RIGHT HAND TURN LANE g ). 3~' ~,~\"~Y Ill'!. ~Q.I.Q.~.. C:ontract Amount........ I I . . I. . I . I I " . . I . . . . I 1$ (;hBrlge (Ir dE.~l'. 111 - Addi ti onal "1den i ng of turn Jarle Be :1"equ1l~ed by DOTCth1s will L~ added to the cost for r~imburB~ment fro mea pit B 1 Imp r" 0 v e men t ), . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . " $ 39,595.53 1,066.00 Change Order '2 - Additional asphalt pJ. aced at "l.l-Ie ow ners request (Chris F 1&p1sh@r ) 12 tons at ~100. ~0 pfi'T ton............. .. .. .. ~..__.... ....uJ.,l._.~_~~~_~.~ TOTAL A MCJU N T Dl.Jl~.. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . $ PL}t~ASE REMI'" "J'HE TOTA14 AMOUNT DUE. "HANK YOU. 41,861.53 BLUE WATER ENGINEERING & DESIGN, INC. 171 Hood Ave., Suite 21 P.O. Box 109 TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 33070 f"" lJ (305) 852-4245 2548 TO ,C tu01( le 1..1 y ~Y' I'" DATE ;) /1 '"B /1 ;;. CUSTOMER ORDER NO. ""\ SALESPERSON VIA \.. ~ TERMS: ~~~~~:~:~~,[~rr~.:): PRICE AMOUNT D~\ (? ~t t~ () t> () ORIGINAL ~cy&11l ! KlDUCT ll1-3(~InC.. Groton...... 01411. To 0rdIt' PHONe TOLL fREE 1"225-631) li-~=~~~~~~~~~~~--~~-----l ,I · f") , BOX 909 MILE MARKER 83 1/2 3061 '. i~~ t 305-664-4662 t '. ISLA MORADA. FL 33031~. '-~ ':.. "} S '.i. ~7 ;::. '2. -2 '';', ~ 7/:7 c./~ "1 0.:61"9 '7 ~~ 63.7151670 I .~ . ~, . ,<-. / I 7 ..::. 1 ~ if TOTAL PAY I I 6~ . LEIS_ % DI8COUNT b~J~ OF -15 / v C_ ___ .' ~ J L - _ _ ct n ~..: ~,.. ~C;)~ - . r:n lESS FREIGHT , , ~ ~!, LESS 1; ", .. '. DOLLARS I ~i,:~ :=:::: III 014-001 n,~ I 92200 Overse.s Highway ~ T....mier. Florid. 33070 n )>I:~ _.-.----...-'- '-I .~--~. " i~ // /. ,L' // t jli <. /'_'.AL_~; .~ , ~ /~ I ~~~ 11-00 :10 b ~II- 1:0 b 700 7 7 581: 1.80 20 7 ~O q 711- ' ,.'0000 ~OOOOO," 11_ ... - ..........., '" - . ..... ..... _ .~___....,.".,.,...... ..._____.__~__.. .' .....~__ _..". _.'" J ,ft:t.___.Ift.~ ,~_~"""''''~;''''~'.. 'HI' eHrek IS CfLlve"Ea fOR 'AYMENT Ofof THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT' DATE AMOUNT TOTAL ""'"....._~~.~~~~;;r.n: _......._~~~......~-~-__..._-,n-__ ft't ... ~ l' 3122 j n 63.775/670 I 1 ~ I n . n I U I n: ./-~--..-----) ~-- - -? I' ///_--- . . ~ · // / M ~- - ~.r~ ;/ ~./1... i 11-00 :I ~ 2 2"- 1:0 b 700 7 7 5B~~ .. ~~~~2l~~'!.::_.~ ,"0000 ~O_~~~I:,.: CHESAPEAKE MOTJ3;L & VILLAS, INC. BOX 909 MILE MARKER 83 1/2 305-664-4662 ISLAMORADA, FL 3303,;;__ ~ ..:. C~'~ 7 '~ '0 ::.. .~ 3 - 0 5 r:3,>4t~ 1 o.~9~ Z-. I' I~ ,., I"' II, 81~ ~if, i:~ w~ ~i. i., :rl; ii' I: ~,il' .... r ;~rn ~llj ~l~! B!~ ~ZC lESS_ % DISCOUNT PAY TO THE ORDER OF B I ,,~ ~\Ja..--h=~_ ~~~i ~ c:c::~i '; ~$ .,,_~) ;, . , '. ,'" ') let a ~ ""I'=' ~~ 4ff ~,a. ~ -. a :;1\ ~.~. r.:, ~ -~*. ~ - q ~ d\:':' ~.,' . '. .", I~'; i r"'] ,I ,;I f · 0 f'~"1'" ,p "1" ;, r' i.,~ it. r ~" ... ;~ ~.. . \. ! "".' '~Ilt. ~ Ii:~' :"".. .f~t, ia~tt 'LOI' ,_,,1 .t' l 'w' DOL LA R S lESS FREIGHT lESS TOTAL DEDUCTIONS AMOUNT OF CHECK III 014-001 92200 Ove'.eas HlghwJ1Y T.vernier, Florida 33070 ~ 'I 11 I J ;i.'.I," !l w: ~: : ...:;, ~i I ! ~'7 ~I !I I( '" fit ~J:f; 1 CHESAPEAKE MOTEL & VILLAS, INC. I 305-664-4662 " BOX 909 MILE MARKER 83 1/2 I ,.'SLAMORADA. FL 3~~6 ;) \y:.:, 1 ::.'6 r./t;, - (1 '3 {) b S '7;41? N 'B q:z.. 83-775/870 a l:~!~ OF 6-R. t=: G- ,~~ '3 ') ~A/~l Re61;t, M.. s J#~{}$A1~ ~ 3'1-A -2'" , s ~ I I U DOLL\I'S I n I u \;' ,. I L,80 20 7 ~Oq 7"- "'0001. ~ab ~ 5 :I," I - _.- --""."-"" ~!_"'~A~_.. .!',_1t~_____ .,,*!II"""""lI ....____::c:I['---.JC':IJ ~I ~.: / ~ ,)'~ ; ,~. , ;~ '''dt- .,.,..') ,r~I!H "" .'-. 'f ,i),.',r. L,r"'} ,I ..~/... '....J I,,~:,. 811_ I' f 'I ' : , '~lrt r~J' ~,,';:1' L.;,' ,.' r " t.. ~t '" ,'. ,,: ~;, t: f.'" ~,; lESS_% DISCOUNT lESS FREIGHT lESS TOTAL DEDUCTIONS AMOUNT M CHECK _ 014-001 12200 Ove,.e.. Highw.y Tav.mi., Florida 33070 III 0 0 3 a ~ a III I: 0 b 700 7 7 5 a I: L R~CErVED FEB 2 4 1993 PlANNING. DEPT. LAND USE DIVISION 'i't 12/15/1992 08:48 FLA. DOT, MARATHON 305 289 2356 P.02 lIOII JIMIl11JWa Mn. It. ........ GonlNloII ~r.urr DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3490 DYerseas Highw~ Maratholl,:. ~'lorjd8. 3:JO.i)O L~cembe~ 10. 1992 Mr. AlexaAder Sandry Chesapeake Motel & Villas, Inc_ P.O.. ,Bo~ 1909 Tsjamorad~f Florida 33036 I"~: Sect.ton flOO80~ "'.AI. ~.6 Tw-.' LIme at ~eB~eake AfoteJ Dear l\',... Sandry: This Jetter shall serve as a. Notice of C.tJq)lillnce Ivith the above referenced penmit requirements which involved cammP.rcial access to SR-5 (U.S. 1). All pertinent FIX1I' specifications and design standards have been met and we have CQIfJ.leted ::bur fj Je on tllis project. Please contact me at (305) 289-2350 if ,you need assistance with right-ot-way ;,tc~ess i'lthe future. JdSi~ n(!erel~1, . ,/ iF \ ~ · · 4).,,'/ 1.....;,1 , ))1qIP~ l Al red L. 'flaJe!,slt./ Pennits ~jneer .4lM/pdmlf cc: W.R. MacAllaster. 1. l.Jcuchtcrmueller.v. Rasold ',-1--..1 :::. :~1'-::1