01/20/1994 I . I' ... ~ullin.ellll ~.ease THIS AGREEMENT, entered Into this 20th day of JANUARY t l' 9# ~weeD Carol A. Cianciolo, lee G. Ganim, Don E. Ganim , henlnafter called .. l-.or, pa~ ot the tint part, and The Board of County Connlss loners of the County of Monroe and State of Flor Ida hereiDafter called the leuee or tenaDt, party of the HcoDd part: WITNESSETH, That the uld Ieuor __ this day I... unto .... ...... and MId 1_ does hereby hire and take .. tenant uDder said leaor Room 01' ..... lot 5, Block 2, KEY HEIGHTS, Section 1, the former Pell Real Estate Building No. Iltuate In Hon'roe County, space for the Public Defender the term of one year elauae ten of this I.... beclnnin.. the 19 94 , and eDdlnf the 31 st.. at and for the a&TMd total rental of Dollars, PAyable .. follows: One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200.00) per month~ pay~ble within thrity (30) daYG of each .due dat.a, commencIng on March 1, 1994 and the 1st day of each month thereafter until tarmination of lease Florida, to be UHd and oceapled by tile a-.. off I ce and for no other pu....... or ... wtaa......., for . , lubject and condltlOMCl' 011 the PI'OYa..tvn. of 1st. day of February day of January , 1,95 Fourteen Thous~d Four Hundred and 00/100 \C) .t::;;. -.,., f-r'l C) J --....,.~ ""'T1 ':~~-:) ":0 ~,::-J "T1 ""- " J . =:J , ) ~-ry at the offlee of lee G. Gan 1m. 99696 Overseas Hlghw.y Inrthe Citi of Key largo, Fl 33037 or at such other place and to such oUIer penon, u the 1eIaor may from time to time designate In wrltin... The fonowlng exPIl'81 stipulations and coDditions are made a part of this Ieue and are here- by aaaented to by the leuee: I'IR9T: Th. 1.... ....U not ....... thla 1..... nor '.b-let the ,............ u, ..rt .......,..1'... eM ..... or an,. part th....of, Dor pennlt the ....e, or an, ~t ther,of, to b. ..... I... ~ ... ....... .... .. .... ....._ late.. nor make an,. al....tlo... th....ln, an. all ...ltI.... u.....to, wi..... .t eM......... ....... of. ..... -t:1r ud all aadltlon.. flxtu.... Or l..pro"....nta wide" ..., .. 1Utl. ..,. I..... ~ ....... .... ~ ... eOIll. the propert,. of eM I...r and ....... ..... tile ,na- .. a part tIaeNef. ... .. .......... .... ....._ 1- at the ten.lnatlo8 .f title 1_. ..., IBCOHD; All peno...,ropeli7 '1.... or ..... 'ft the pr...... ...... ._.... ........ lie .t eM rl8k .f the I.... Or owner th.....f, an a-r..n .ot ...... for an, ....... Ie ... ....,.... ~,.., ... to tII. 1__ ......,. lro. the ......... or I...... of water pi.... or frea _, ... of ........ 0' My .......t or oecupanta. tII. bulldl.. or of UF other ........ .....1O...r. TRIRD: That the te...~ ....11 pro.ptl, 'XHale a..d e..pI, willa .11......... enI"~ ....... ord.n. replatlon. and requlr...nta of the ,..d..... Stale and elt, Go'.ernt....t .... ., _, ... all u..... Depart... menq and Bureau. applleabl. to ..ld p...ml.... for the conedlon. pr.v.ntlon. ... ........, ., n....... or other crJevane.., In, u,on, or eonneeted with .ald ,reml... durlnC aald tel1lll; and .... .... ...... eomply with and execute aU ....1... ord.re .nd reCulatlone 0 the .90ulh........ Un.erwrtten A......... for tIai ,ruen- tlon of fir.., at own eOlt and ezpen... FOURTH: In tIa. .yent the ,nml... n.1I b. d..tro,... or eo d....... ... ...,..... .. ..... or 0...... ....altr durln.r the Ill. of thla ........nt. whereb, the .... .....1 be rander... u.tea_taw.; .... tile a-.. ..... ...,. tb. rlcht to r.nder ..Id '...m.... ten.ntabl. by rap.ln within nlnet, cia" th....,,... If ....,........ an .... '-eI.red ten.nt.ble .Ithln ..Id tlm.. It nail b. optional with .Ither party h.r.to to ...eel ... ~ .... tn tM .....t of .uch cancellation the r.nt .han .. paid only to the d.te of e.ch fl... or c..al",. n. ............ ..... -lion... .han be e.idenced In wrltln.. r, -:.....~ SIXTH: If the I..... Ih.1I .bandon or ".cat. nld premise. before th. end of the term of thl. le..e. or .hall .uffer the rent to be In .rr...... the lessor ma,. .t hi. option. forthwith uncel this I.... or h. may enter nld premises .. the .cent of the I....e. by forc. or otherwise. without beln.. liable In an, w., therefor. .nd rel.t the premi'.1 with or without .ny furniture th.t m.y be therein. .. the ...ent of the I..e.. .t .uch prlc. .nd. upon .ucll term. .nd for .uch duration of tlm. .. the lesaor may determin.. and r.c.lv. the r.nt th.refor. .pplylng the .am. to th. payment of th. rent due b, these pre..nt.. and If the full rental her.ln rrovlded .han not tie realized by le..or over .nd above the .xpen.e. to le.or In luch r.-Iettln... the ..id Ie.... .hal p.y .n, d.'lrlency. .nd if more than the full rental I. re.lb.d lesaor will p.y over to .aid Iflr.\t'H'ar.'JII of d.m.nd. of Lessor SEVENTH: Le... al11le. to paf the co.t of eolleetion and ..~* .ttorney'. f.e _.Ktc..~ ~Jibat-...c.......~tclllClQC~_~~~~~ I!~_~~e e,e~t Lessor Inst '-"~~~:l.:3.c:&':JU~~=Ak=:"'~.= MMk"'k"_XIIJdc..="~""""""kk IacXDQ_~JtMXJI== XIIItJC Il"'x* 1lllIK.........1I..1UIIc. JfIllC~Idc..**~....... as JQlX IlbcJta,.M..~ ....*KDtxIlDCIUtlt_K_Kllk......Jablx....~ I" ==-~..........JUI....~.~....JD . Mtc ..............~JtJl'Dx..*~-...".,...._II...._JtIC>dI.....JdxMJoc.,......._..__.. ...~--~-ItUIIIIdl.lC~~oacll*llIK_Il)tXJall_KkX~Jf-*'*.~JOf. B6*I.~~"-~...,...)fl..IlDCtbil_ktclttnclllQ>bt,.._...JlIt~fDaI~)OX..... Me _1UXJf)da..dtitiiiiIC~~.--It___tuc...._=__It_*.JDUlPtllt=......_ - -*...JtIC_KlaXJilJll'lIbex>Mlbcd_*_JhC.....JtkM ............. .If. ZBJGI'IIt*.=~XflUI~..IWaUJI,..._..,.IUtll.U...I&)da.ut_1IddBI ~~JUCJI ...u-.........,...tl-J8CIDJI_*,..61C...~>aIectIx_1 ....~l.1t..,VVVVVX1(VVJfVXV1('C>GDeJIIdldqXllldec....K,..,.~JQU...*,.,.. .....~...k.*Jlld,cl(I~CJtJQJlk>>Xlt....ItJI*Ul>dlkX_JCD(...JQtX__kX Il_~_".. huec It belnA' further underatod and arreed that the lesse. will not b. required to v.e.te ..Id preml... durin.. the winter .e.son: n.mely, Novemb.r ffr.t to M.y first. by re..on of the .bov. p.raer.ph. ELEVENTH: The I...or, or .ny of hi. ....nts. .han have the rl..ht to enter .ald pr.mlae. durinA' all reason- able hours. to .x.mlne the ..me to mak. .uch repairs. .ddltlonl or .Iter.tlon. .. m.y b. d..m.d n.c....ry for the .af.ty. comfort, or pr...rv.tlon th.r.ofZ or of ..Id bulldin... or to .xhlbl$ ..Id pr.m....., .nd to put or k..p upon the doors or window. th.r.of . notlc. 'FOR RENT" .t any tim, within thirty (80) aaya b.fore the expiration of this I..... The rI..ht of entry .hallllk,wI.. exist for the purpo.. of r.movlnA' plac.rd., Ilenl. fixture.. altera- tion.. or .dditions. which do not conform to thl. ...reement, or to the rul.. and re....l.tlon. of the bulldln... TWELFTH: Le.e. hereby accepts the premise. In the condition they .re In .t the b...lnnln.. of this le.s. land .IT'" to main lain ..Id premise. In th. ..m. eondltlon. order and repair .s th.y are at the commencement of ..id term. excepting onl, r.a.onable wear .nd te.r arising from the us. thereof und.r thl. ....e.m.nt. and to make ..ood to ..Id lellOr Immediately upon d.m.nd. any d.ma..e to water .pp.r.tu.. or .Iectrlc lI..hts or .ny fix- ture. .ppllances or .ppurtenances of IIld pr.mi.... or of the building. cau.ed by .n, aet or ne..l.ct of Ie.... or of any per.on or penonl In the emplor or under the control of the lesaee. THIRTEENTH: It Is expre.ly agr"d .nd under.tood by .nd between the p.rtie. to thl. .lTe.ment, that th. I.ndlord .h.1I not b. lI.ble for .ny dama... or Injury by wat.r. which m.y b. .u.taln.d by th. .ald tenant or oth.r person or for .ny other d.m.... or Injury resultin.. from the c.relessness, ne..lI..enc., or Improper conduct on tb. p.rt of any oth.r ten.nt or ....nts. or employees. or by r.a.on of the br..k..... I..tra..e. or ob.truction of the w.ter. ..w.r or .011 plpea, or other I.akace In or. .bout the nld bulldln... FOURTEENTH: If the I.... .h.1I b.com. In.olvent or It b.nkrapley proc..dlnp eh.1I b, b.lUn by or ....In.t the le.ee. before the end of uid t.rm the lessor Is hereby irrevorabty .uthorlaed .t its option. to forth- with cancel this le.se. .. for . delault. Le.or m.y elect to .rcept rent from .uch recelYer. tru.tee. or other judi. cial officer durin.. the term of th.ir oCcup.ncy In their fiduciary c.paclty without effectln.. le.or's ri..hts as eon- lalned in thl. contract. but no receiver, tru.te. or oth.r judicial officer .h.1I ev.r have .n, rl..ht. title or inter..t In or to the above de.crlbed property b, virtue of thla eon tract. FIFTEENTH: Le... her.by w.ives .nd renounce. for himself .nd famll, .ny .nd all homestead and ex- emption rI..hts he m.y h.ve now. or here.fter. und.r or by virtu. of the constitution and l.ws of the Stat. of Florid.. or of any other State. or of the United Stat.s. as .pln.t the p.yment of nld r.ntal or any portion h.r.of. or an, oth.r obll...tlon or d.m.... th.t m.y .ccru. und.r the t.rm. of thl. al11l.ment. SIXTEENTH: Thl. contract shall bind the le.or and Its. .ssip. or ,ucceuore, and the helre. ..i...... .d- mlnlstrators. 1....1 r.pre..ntatlv... .x.cuto... or .ucc...o... .. the ca.. m.y be. of the I...... SEVENTEENTH: It .. anderetood .nd .Irf'.d betw..n the p.rt'ee h.r.to th.t time I. of the eIMnr. of this contr.ct .nd lb.. appll.. to all terms and condition. contain.d h.rein. EIGHTEENTH: It Is and.retood .nd .er.ed betw.en the p.rtl.. h.r.to th.t written notice m.lled or deliv- ered to the premise. I....d hereund... .hall con.tltute lufflclent notice to the le..e .nd written notlc. m.lI.d or d.Uvered to the office of the lessor .h.n con.tltute lufflcl.nt notice to the Le..or. to co_pI, with th. t.rma of thl. contract. . NINETEENTH: Th. rI....ts of the 1.lIOr ander the foreco'nA' lIulI b. eumul.t've. and f.llure on tile p.rt of th. le.or to ex.rcl.. promptJ, .ny rI..hts ctv.n her.und.r .h.n not operate to forf.lt .ny of the ..Id rlChts. TWENTIETH: It I. further und.rstood .nd .....eed between the p.rtl... hereto th.t .n, ch....... ....Inlt tbe Je.I.. by the le.lor for lervlcel or for work don. on the rremfaea b, order of th. J..... or otherwl.. accruing under thl. eontract .hall be eonald.r.d as r.nt due and .haI b. Includ.d In .n, lI.n lor rent due .nd unpaid. TWENTY-FIRST: It I, hereby anderetood and .creed tll.t .n, .1..... or adyertllln.. to b. al.d. Ineludln.. .wnlnp. In conn.ctlon with th. preml.e. I,.s'd hereunder sh.1I be flr.t lubmltted to th. I...or for .pprov.1 be- for. IDltallatloD of ...... il ...-a' '-' ' itj(T t1 (a) CO t1 : < a PJ (J) ..... ..... 0 I .....~ =:s tacT ~ '0 ..... PJ (J) 11 CTI-' ~CD · PJ (J) CD 1-'. I'll . ("t" ;>.. (0 c-4 (1) Ul Ul o ., 1-'- Ul c1" P' ro TWENTV-SECOND: Lessee agrees to cooperate In every respect In providing estoppel letters to subsequent owners and/or mortgagees In the event of resale or reflnan~lng. The Addendum and Exhibit "A" attached hereto are Incorporated herein and made a part of this Business Lease and shall have the same force and effect as If appearing within the body of same. 'X~''-, ~. "",-/ ADDENDtJM TWENTY-TBI~: The Lessee covenants to deliver up and surrender to the Lessor possession of said demised premises at the expiration of this Lease by lapse of time or otherwise in as good repair as the Lessee ,obtained same at the commencement of this lease, excepting only natural wear, decay or damage by tbe elements occurring without the fault of tbe premises, or by act of God or by insurrection, riot, invasion or by military or usurped power. In the event the Lessee shall remain in possession of the said premises after the expiration or termination of the lease for any cause whatsoever, the Lessee shall then be considered a tenant at will and by SUfferance, and no sucb bolding over or retention of possession or occupancy shall operate as an extension or renewal of this lease in any manner whatsoever. TWENTY-POUR: The Lessee covenants that no nuisance or hazardous trade or occupation shall be permitted or carried on, in or upon said premises, no act or thing shall be done or permitted and nothing shall be kept in or about said premises which will increase the risk or hazard 'of fire, and no waste shall be permitted or committed upon or any damage done to said premises. The Lessee covenants to pay to the Lessor upon demand for injury to said premises or to the building of which said premises are a part, which injury shall be caused or suffered by the Lessee or the Lessee's agents, servants or employees. The Lessee further covenants noq to conduct any business or permit any business to be conducted or to do or permit any act or thing contrary to or in violation of the laws of the United States of America or of the State of Florida or of the Ordinances of the County of Monroe, in or about said premises or the building of which said premises are a part. Lessee further covenants that the leased premises will not be used for any purpose that will cause any person or persons to congregate in the halls of the building of which the leased premisesj are a part, or which would cause noise to emanate from the leased premises which does or might reasonably disturb any adjoining tenants or persons using the halls of the said building, and the Lessee further covenants that Lessee will conduct its business within the leased premises in a quiet, proper and orderly manner, and that any failure on the part of the Lessee to so use the premises in the conduct of its business shall be considered as a violation of a material covenant of this lease. ' TWENTY-FIFTH: It is mutually agreed that this lease cannot be changed, altered, modified or extended, except in writing and only signed by Lessor and Lessee. No oral change, modification or amendment shall be valid. TWElrrY-SIX'l'II: Lessee agrees to be liable for all losses, damages, liabilities and expenses which may arise from the use or OCcupancy of said premises by lesse~ or which may arise from any acts, omissions, neglect or fault of Lessee (including Lessee's agents, servants and employees or invitees) or arising from Lessee's failure to comply with any law, rule or regulation under the terms, provisions and limits of Florida Statute 718.28. TWEN'l'Y-SBVBNTH:. Lessee shall have the right to assign this lease, provided the Lessor gives its written consent, which written consent shall be withheld unreasonably, al other provisions to the contrary notwithstanding. TlfEN'l'T-BIG8'1'H: It is expressly agreed and understood by and, between the parties to this Agreement that the landlord shall not be liable for any damage or injury which may be sustained by said tenant or any other person or for any property damage unless due to sole negligence, acts or omissions of Lessor. TWENTY-NINTH: This lease may be terminated by the Lessee upon written confirmation to the Lessor that the Lessee has obtained adequate office space in a governmental building. A thrity (30) day written notice to the Lessor will be provided by the Lessee. . .' THIRTIETH.: The Lessee agrees to make no alterations or chanRes to the physical structure of the ~remises.without obtaining the prior written consent of the Lessor. THIRTY-FIRST: In the event that the landlord constructs, pursuant to previously agreed upon terms and conditions, new rental structures on the subject property, within the specified terms of this lease, then the parties may, by mutual agreement, enter into a new lease and render this lease null and void, regardless of any other terms and conditions in this lease. - . f : . . , .. . '> I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto executed this Instrument for the purpose herein expressed, the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered In the presenee of: /:::?/~ l~ aL/a/~ (Seal /f ~ .I As to. Lessor (Seal ATTESt: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. CLERK .,.fl-.-. .-. -- i~ B '<\-~e ..a.,A(~ . ..~.: I "~'j As to ~s8ee '. J.., cI ~.; Deputy C 1 e rk (Seal STATE op"nORIDA, f"'. , ~O~~. ~F I County of Betore me, a Notary Public In and tor ..Id State and Count)'. perlonall)' cain. t w.1I knoWll an-:;-LnoWll to be the penolL--- n.med In the tor-.oln. I..... and .cknowledced that ex.cuted the ..m. for the purpo.. ther.ln .sprel.ed. to m. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto let my hand and affixed In)' official leal th. day of J 19__ My commission expire- -Notary Public. State of Florida at Larce. TI,,:r Imlnllllfll/ prtpartd hy: AtltlreJJ SWORN srrATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 287.133(3)(a), EL.ORJDA-.ST~-I.IITE-5.. ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES TIllS F'ORM MIJST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN TllErRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AtITHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHSol/(JlfJ1t /J.. 1. Thil sworn st.temen' illsubmitfed to ~ l W A1Tf r print n.me of U(e public entity) by Aft g* 6t#i it (print Individual', name and title) filii jiJ ft##tt~LIJ, ,it I. ul/ti ( {)I# E #~~~ (print name of entity lubmitting ,worn ,t.tement) for and (if applicab e) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is dq r.. 3 J-. - (,b S J (If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Securit.y Number of the individual signing this sworn ,ifF #, &#,,/;,4/ statement: .) 2. I underst.nd th.t . "public entity crime" al defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(1), fIoritIa StaaIta. _U8. a viol.fien of any st.te or rederalla" by a person with respect to anel directly relatM t. the tranned.. .'INsinen with any publi~ entity or with IIn .gency or politi~11 subdivision or Iny other state or .r the United StMes, iMI..i.., but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to .ny public entity er .. ..ency or politica' subdivision ~f any nther sf.te or of the United St.tes Ind involving Intifru", fr..I, tlteft, bribery, collusien, r.cketeerint, conspirlcy, or m.teri.1 misrepresentation. 3. I understand that"convicted" or "conviction" IS defined in raragr.ph 187.JJ3(J)(h), Fieri" Stat_tel, means a finding of guilt or I conviction of.. public entity crime, with or without an adjudication ., I_ilt, ill ..y feelera' or state tri.1 court of record relating tn charges brought by indictment or inform.tion .lter July I, .'", as a result 01. jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of. plel of guilt.y or nolo contendere. 4. I understand th.t an ".mli.te" .s defined in P....graph 217.133(1)(.), Florida Statuta, IIINIII: 1. A predece!lsor or successor of I person convicted of . public entity crime; or 2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active In the mln.gement of the entity Ind who h.s been convicted of. public entity crime. The term ".mliate" includes those omcers, dir~t.rs, eIK.tiftl, ,.rtners, sh.reholders, employees, member~, .nd agents who Ire active in the mantgelllent .r In .mll.te. TIle ownership by one person of shires constituting. controlling interest in Inother person, ftr pooling 8f eq81ptnftlt or income Imong persons when not for r.ir m.rket value under In arm's length agreement, .h.1I be a pri.. facie else thlt one persnn controls Inother person. A person who knowingly enters into I Joint venture with a persen who hiS been convicted of I public entity crime in Florida during the prereding 36 monthslh.1I be con.idered In.mli.te. 5. I underst.nd th.t I "person" IS denned in Plr.gr.ph 287.IJ3(1)(e), florida Statllta, munl Iny ..tar.1 person or entity organized under the 11"5 of any st.te or of the United St.tes with the legl. power to enter into I binding contrlct Ind which bids or .pplies to hid on contracts for the provision of goods or servicellet by. public entity, or which otherwise trlns.cts or applies to trlnslct busines! with I public entity. The term "person" 11Ic:I.des those officers, directors, executives, plrtners, shareholders, employees, members, and Igents who Ire .ctive in mlnagement or In entity. t "'.. (. · O.sed on inform.tion and ~Iier, the If.fement ,,~ich I have marked belo" is true in rel.tiGn tG the entity submitting this sworn st.fement. (Indicate which ~t.tement applies.) ~ Neither the entity suhmitting this sworn st.fement, nor .ny of its officers, directors, eJ:Kutives, pntners, shareholder!, employees, members, Dr IIgenfs who Ire Rctive in the mlnagement of the entity, nor Iny .mli.te of the entity hi! been ch.rRed with and convicted of I public entity crime subsequent to July It 19119. ,~ . - The entity submifting this sworn st.tement, nor .ny of its officers, directors, eXKtutlvfl, p.rtners, shareholders, employees, members, or Rtzents who .re Rctive in the m.n.Re~ent of the entity, nor I" .ffililte of the entity hi, been charged with and convicted of I public entity crime subsequent to July It I'". - The entity submitting this sworn st.fement, or one or more of its officer., dir<<tors, e)(~.tivel, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or .gents who .re Ictive in the m.nage.ent of the entity, er .. .mll.te .1 the entity has been charged with and convicted or _ Pllblic entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1919. H."ever, there has been - subsequent proceeding before I Ile.rlng Officer of the St.te of Florid., Division of A...I.llfr.tive Rearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer determined th.t it ".s not in the ptlbll~ interest to pl.~e the entity submitting this sworn sfafement on the ronvicted vendor list. (Itt.ch. copy of the fi..1 order) I UNDER.~T AND TI-IA TTHE SUBMISSION OF TillS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTITY IDENTIFIED ON P A RAGRAPII J (ONE) ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLIC ENTITY ONL V AND, THAT THIS FORM IS VALID TIIROUGH DtCEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WIIICR IT IS FILED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND TRA T I AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRA<..T IN EXCESS OF THE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 217.017, FLORIDA ST A TUJ'L~ FOR CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CO ED THI~ ORM. .~ , ,Jd/.LULl ry - ,19 9'-1 . ~/U<~~~ Not.ry Public - Stlfe of F / CJ" a~ My Commission esL;.es OFFICiAL NOPi":"RY SEAL "r DOf~!~L\ L H:OLE1.2.I<r Nar ARY PUBLIC ST'A,TE tJF FLORIDA CO ./1:;: "'n1\f J., ir..... 1 .. i (Printed typed or s OMMrssiON EXP. M6. Y 7,1995 J commissioned Dime of notlry public) Sworn to .nd subscribed before me thi~ {)tA day of Person.lly known '" OR Produced iden,incation (Type of identificlltion) Form PUR 7068 (Rev. 06/11/92)