Clerk's Memo BBANCH OftPICB 1117 OVB_AS HIOHW A Y MARATHON, FLORIDA _ TEL. ~105) 7...... ".ap I.. ...,.., CY_ OP ftI8 CIRCUIT COURT _COUIWY ... _.....T gV ...._.A... tIlL. _......1 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KSY. FLORIDA 31070 TEL. (III) 862-1263 ll&II.A..!1 To: Lucien Proby, C08.ftt.y Attor.ey Pro.: R08a1ie L. CODnolly, Deputy Clerk Subject: Resolution Ito. 309-1'87 Date: August 11, 1987 As you are aware, OD Augu8t 4, 1987, the Board of County C~i88ioDer8 adopted Resolution No. 309-1987 approving and authorizing t~ Mayor to ...cute a Co.sent to Lease concerning the State of Plorida Depart.ent of Hatural Resources le.siDg to City Pish, Inc. a portion of bay bottom which constitutes part of ita boat basin which is adjacent to and encroaches upon land owned by the County. For your handling, we are attaching three certified copies of the au.bject R..olution aa4 the ori,iaal and two copies of the Con..at to Lea.., ... ..ecuted aD4 sealed on behalf of the C01I.t.y. Attacbaenta cc: C~i..ioDer Lytton County Aa.ini8trator "lIe