Clerk's Memo J)annp 1.. Itolbagr BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 M E M 0 RAN DUM From: Barry Boldissar, Director Division of Environmental Management Isabel C. Desantis, Deputy Clerk J). c. B. To: Date: March 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------~------- ---------~-----~----------~--~--------------------------------~-- At the February 16, 1994 meeting, the Board granted authorization to execute an Agreement between Monroe County and Clean Florida Keys, Inc., to provide disbursement of funds from the Litter & Marine Prevention Center. Attached hereto for return to "CFK" is a duplicate original of the subject Agreement. cc: County Attorney County Administrator wlo document Finance Director File llannA' I. .olbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHW A Y PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 MEMORANDUM TO: Barry M. Boldissar Director of Environmental Management FROM: Ruth Ann Jantzen, Deputy Clerk DATE: December 16, 1994 At the November 23, 1994 County Commission Meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution oC an Agreement between Monroe County and Clean Florida Keys, Inc., to provide disbursement oC Cunds from the Litter and Marine Debris Prevention Grant. Attached please rmd a Cully executed duplicate original of the above Agreement for your handling. If you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Enclosure cc: County Attorney Fmance County Administrator, w/o document 4ile Dann!, 1.. Itolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Mike Lawn, Acting Director Division of Environmental Management From: Attn: Terry Linderman Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk ~.~.f1' Date: Nov~mber 8, 1995 .p' -~~-~----------------------~---~-----~~----~----------~----~--~~- ----~-----------------~---~-~--~---------~-~------------------~-- As you know, at the September 21, 1995 County Commission Meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement between Monroe County and Clean Florida Keys, Inc., to provide disbursement of funds from the Litter and Marine Debris Prevention Grant. Enclosed is a duplicate original of the Agreement for your use in this matter. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: County Attorn~y County Administrator w/o document Finance ~ile- �couNr� of • • '•..... { d� f court+• Mannp Rotbagt BRANCH OFFICE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MONROE COUNTY 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 500 WHITEHEAD STREET PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL ( 305) 289 -6027 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL (305) 852 -7145 FAX (305) 289 -1745 TEL. (305) 292 -3550 FAX (305) 852 -7146 FAX (305) 295 -3660 M E M O R A N D U M To: Clark Lake, Director Division of Solid Waste Management From: Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk .9.4.9. Date: October 3, 1996 As you know, at the September 19, 1996 County Commission Meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement between Monroe County and Clean Florida Keys, Inc., to provide disbursement of funds from the Litter & Marine Debris Prevention Grant. Attached hereto is a fully executed duplicate original of the subject document for return to Clean Florida Keys. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: County Attorney County Administrator w/o document Finance lFile