02/16/1994 lL~]~EMEN" 'ltl1 s l\gre~~Inent is mnde Of;; of lh~~ 16th day of }i1f!bl"unry 19Y4.. bet weell tlle &)ard (>f County Commissioners of Monroe County, jo']orida, her(-!inafter .referre~d to as the uBoard" ohd Clean jt']()l'"ldr.s K~ys, Inc. WHEREAS,. Monroe Count y has millions of v isi tors eac.h yr!F.fr and the E;mall permanent popu.lation :is fae(~d w:i th m~naging and controllin9 or pl.cvnntinq the Ii tter, both Innd und water borne, from Lhe~c vir,'; tors; and WHEREAS,. the County faces ~evvre liltc.>r problems throughout all ClrecS ("If t he Key S ; and WHEH.t:AS, water borne ljt.ter caURCS; degradation of water resources Rnd J.>()~~t~t) c.i severe lhr(.'\ai. t.o w.i Idl if 0 J mnny of whj ch are endangercd :-ippf:.i es; dnd WHEH~~AS, CJ oan Je1lorida Keys.. Inc. provide~; be}li:tv.ior based syst ems approfJch tc') chanqing att i tude8 and praet..ic€.:'~ l'"'cl at..; nC;f to wastf:~ hnndlih<;J; and WHEHEAS, Cl~all ~"loridc.l Kcy!~, 'Inc. provides services :in t.hQ fDrm of pro9ram mana9~mcnt including educat ional programs and ('7omm1Jnit.y net ion programs; and WHEREAS, Clean ....) or.i da Kcyn lIne. provides such ser.v ic(~n in Monroe Count.y; ftnd WHEREAS, .1n FY 93 th~ FlorIda l)(;,pf.tr.t.nJ(~nt. of Rnv.ironmental Prot.eclion awurded Monroe County $9,582.00 t.o coord.i nnt.e I~loridil' s mandal~d goal to reduce lit.ter by 50% lhrou9h n 10cal Keep Amercia BeAutiful affiJ:iiit.fL Clean F'J.or ida }'lorida KC'y~;, ] nc. .1 n Monroe County. s local Keep Am~.l"j Cf) Beautiful affiliate. I N CON~~JDRRA'rTON of such ~ervices rendered, Cl(~cn ~') orj d~ Keys, Inc. ~nd t.hn Board ngree as follows: .l . 1'he Board ~ihQll ~l.l()cai.o tho tot.a) grant to Clean }c'lor ida Kr:ys I J nc. towitrd payment of lldrninistrnt ive lHUl operatin~~ expenditures shown on the Clean Florida Keys monthly budget and tit; specifi.ed in Option 1 of t.he grant. /.. The Board will. comp~nsute Clean flurida KCYRJ Inc. on a reimbursement basiF., for providing t.he meClsurable ohj(~ctjve8 as specified in th(~ scope of work 'iu Llll' Li lll.'r and Mari net Debris Preventioll Grant L\pplication prugra.m bud~)el. 3 . H<.'cords I chcc:ks ftnd r~cf!.ipt.s of the use of these funclr; s:;hn] J. b(~ kept by lhe :r:XCCllt. i vn n.i rector of Clean Flc)rida Keys, J nc. Records, t:het:k~ and receipt:::; shRl1 ba kept in accordance with Monroe County Pol.lcief" i:lnd t.ne GonArctl Cond.itions of the Grant, und(,"r th~ d:ir€!ction of Dc'pnrt.ment: of Env:i .ronmental Prot ect ion. ^ copy of t.}lC ~ppl i.cahle County pi.')] ic.d es, th8 grunt and the appl.icablt~ Department of Env irOHtnent..aJ Protect~iotl p{)l i(~ics arc at.tached hereto and incorporated by ref~:~rence. Rf~\.ords and receipts will be available for lutipection during rE~qular business hours. 4. cl'tH: t.{~rm of 1.h i R ngrf.!E=.!ment. j s l;'ebrunry 11, .1994 through ~~eptember 30, 1 q9<1. S t C.l enn Flor idn Keys, Inc. shall ind~lntlify Mon.r00 County for all claims of any sort that ari~;(.~ from t.he \H'jC of t.h.i s funding. III t.hj t; reE;pect, Clean l'''lorida l<eys, lnc. ~~}llill hol d Monroe County harmle~s and ut~f~ume all re~ponsibilily for allY clE:d.m:.; or dama~GS:; resulting from the u~c of this funding dllrin~~ thE:" 1.inl() wherein tJ-Jc funding continues. \C5 -q Z w ~ Z :-Tl ::D ""'" C.:J C c-; :::c p-- :::r:=- .-r, ;cJ .=') I --'0 ,....-/ 'D C .."....) Z ,.A... ~ '11 -0 -< ... ... N (j .-...... 0 Il (,j :T.J i ~ :-.:J ........... iN WJ.'l'NJ::SS WHJo:RF:Ol''', t.hc parti O~ hereto have executed lhis agr('~ement dS of the di:::lY and yr-..ar f.i ,..~t llbove wr i.tten. Mayor Loudun Mnyor Pre> T~m Chf~al Commission€~r Harvey Conlltlj. H:;j oner l"rcoC?man Con~issioner Reich ~ .._Y_~2- ...'t.~-$^- .~e.s.... -~es... . ... C~)rJ i 1"rr I ~oc1.rd of U.1 rect()rf; .' can F) or; dB Kny~ nl I , 1'1. (\~. AUef:f.: ~ ~ ~. (imAL) Danny L. Kolhnge Clerk of the Court !trow.... 1 . C ~~,-.: lrpXTTrRRr.