This Agreement is made as of the 18th day ofOc~ob'er, 1995, between the Board of County Commissioners
of Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter reterred to as the "Board" and Clean t.'orida Keys, Inc.
WHEREAS. Monroe County has million~ of visitors each year and the sman permanent population is faced
with managing and controlling or preventing the Jitter, both land and water borne from these visitors; and
WHEREAS, the County faces severe litter problems throughout all areas of the keys~ and
WHEREAS, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. provides behavior based systems approach to changing attitudes and
practices relating to waste handling~ and
WHEREAS, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. provides services in the forDl of program nlanagement, including
educat.ional programs and community action programs; and
WHEREAS, in FY 96 the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has awarded Monroe County
$20,909.00 to coordinate Florida's mandated goal to reduce litter by 50% through a local Keep America
Beautifulaffiliat.e. Clean Florida Keys, Inc. is Monroe County's local Keep America Beautiful affiliate.
IN CON-SID ERA TION ()f such services rendered, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. and the Board agree 8S follows:
1. The Board shall allocate the total grant to Clean Florida Keys, Inc. toward payment of administrative and
operating expenditures shown on the Clean Florida. Keys monthly budget and specified in Option 1 of the
2. The Board will compensate Clean Florida Keys, Inc. on a reimbursement basis, fOf providing the measurable
objectives as specified n the scope of work in the Litter and Marine Debris Prevention Grant application
program budget. The Marine Debris Prevention Grant application program budget is attached and made a
part of this agreement.
3. Records. checks and receipts of the use of"these funds shall be kept by the Executive l)irector'ofClean
Florida Keys, Inc.. Records, checks and receipts shall be kept in accordance with Monroe County Policies,
and the general conditions of the Grant, under the direction of the Department of Environmental Protection.
A copy of the applicable County policies, the grant and the applicable Department ofEnvironmentaJ
Protection Policies are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Records and receipts wiU be available
for inspection during regular business hours.
4. ThetermofthisagreementisOct.oberlt 1995throughScptember30, 1996. ~ '_" · -"
5.. CI.ean Fl?rida Key~. Inc. shall indemnifY Monroe County for all claims of any sort that~~~om ~ us~f
thiS funding. In thiS respect, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. shall hold Monroe County harmf'~cd as@P8 aItJ
responsibility for any claims or damage resulting from the use of this funding during tbj ti.me wheein the'
funding continues. . cb ::t
IN WITNESS THEREOF~ the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as OCtile day-tlld yAr first
above written I ' N ;~'; .
Mayor Shirley Freeman .y..es-
Mayor Pro Tern lJOndon ~~_
Commissioner Harvey absent
Commissioner Douglass yes
Commissioner Reich ."l~
da'-~ ~
Ch. an, oard ofDircctors
Clean Florida Keys: Inc.
Attest: -.0. ..~C. ~
Danny Kolhage, ClerIC of the Court
~~~-r:~~~:~,',~~r .
:,'; ~~;. ~~::..,. .
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CLEAN 1lIr:.
................. .... .-.............-,........... . ...~._______.. .I,.. ....' . ...... ............. . .., ........... .,. ,..
P.O. Jinx 527, T~VJ!RNUW. FL 3~i(170 · (305) 852-2299 · (AOO) B70":,()2:~!) . FAX: (a05) 852.32a7
S@ptember 11, 1995
Mr I Jam~.. Robel't", J\dmi.1111ttl~'atO!'
ft4.oI11::0e County
5100 W.st College Road
Key West, FL 33040.
n.ar Mr. Roberts:
cl...,n Flo:t'ida K.~"I ir; u.c..t1v.ly in\'olved in "erv.:i.ng X.YG t".fi1.de11tQ' solid
"A'a.to 1Nnagement and rc:~c::ycliri9 Ilf...d6& t.hrough v,,::'ious pt'ogr.ms .nd
educat:.ional iiotiviti."" Sin~c its irloepticftJ CPK hae pGrf~rmed o.~.vice!i
.ff.~t;vely and .ffici.ntly, off~r1ng expanded pr'og~.~. in tandem ~ith
it. ~1.'OWLl\9 1nI1-.atru.cture. '
Our goal. parallel, at the county level, tho80 of Florid.'. Solid Kaatc
~~naf."Dt Act of 1"', wbi~h wa. c~.at.4 .. follow.~
-to' enhance the beauty ~nd q\laHty of our tmvironl'Del1t;. COS18erve
~1~ recyc.le our natural ~b.o~rc..; prevent the .pread of di.....
aJld tl~. cz'..tion of n~:L..nc..'tIs 1 protect tbe public h..l th, Nfety #
and' 'welfaret and provide a cool'd1nat..tf .tat.wide lolid ....ast.
..ftafelnWlt progr.",..4 .
The .tatut:. acla1owli)cItes that local, go"'el'n,"nts hazldl.e ttl. br~nt of thf
sol id w..t~ :nanage.nt effol"t.'.. Consequ~ntly, th... art'icle!l of the act::
"Encoura_e counties and munic:ip.lities to utilize all meatlS
reaaanAbly aVa11.~1. to promote efficient and proper methods of
~.9'in9 .olid. WAste."
.ProtlK>te the cdu.cation of th. genor.l p\Jbl.ic ~ud the trainir'9 'l1
.plid ~..tc prote.eionala to reduoe ~ho pro~uction of eolid waste,
to enou~e proper di.po8al ot Golid w~ote, ~nd to encourage
.. .Cr.at. tcee-p Florida Be.tutiful to be the "grassl'oot.S arms'" of tIlt!
'atate's litter control. affort'and local volunteer l~tter control
An Alll/iult" ttj'X (~'I' Jiit,r rifee B~C/tl'~fl".1 1'1(:,
. Mr. Ja.... AoDext.
Pa,. -2-
~.t:ter only three and I haJ t y~ar8 of op.r.~.i~n, C,,]C prograrn& includ. the
org.nize two Coun~ywid. cleanup. ~r year
organi%e IlIld fu.nd an onqoir.q countywide Adopt .A..Sllol'e progtant
ptovide ct!cycling ed\..It:.ftt1on to bu8ineDses ar,rj r.>>id.r~t9 in
con~~nce10n w1Ch Monroo Co~cy Recycling U9p~rtment
gi.ve px'esentat.1.ons to civi.c and profe"dional gl:0UpS
perform an annual. ptl.otOtbetx.'ic litter indtJx t.~ determ1r.le litter
control naeda
· perform an annual cost benefit an.lysis to determine gcve:rnment'&
Teturn OJ, dollar. inv..ted in ttlean ,1ot'idif. 1('.)'8 progl"aln
" de.,elop and implement litter prevention programs with chambers of
commerce and b\18infl8sea
· M&i.ntain an ongoirlS Ant-i..litter public awa:r'.n.#. camp.ign in
c~onj\Jl1cticll with tho ot:atQ\tid~ Keop Florid. Beautiful catnpa1i1)
To f8cilitate the continuAti.on aTJd i'dfJr'oVfu"..nt. of" t.h.8e p=og1;'sme, as
well.. ..t a .t~t.wid. .,andate. ot ~o, r.dUCL1on ill 80lid w..t... by
l'i7, ". reQult8l t)le u.e of ,tate I1ttel' gt'Allt fundi. W. ill:e confidal\t
.... (!." continue to work with the eounty to aolve th.e "uncleanne.." i.sue
many of our vi.itor. e~nt ~bout in tb. ..4ia.
l' bav. enclosed a. copy of th'e lWep Aatelic.:a B'!tUltiful Alulual Report whi,'ll
det.a11. the '8uce... of C'l.,.n 'lor,idll key. ~ progr';j&ftttAOveT t-hft 1...t yeAr
~d . copy of OU1~ planned l'J~"11'5 fi.oal Y.Ar budget tor your
Prom the report: you can ..e Cl..n Plor~.d. Keys returned $3. 2~ in gncd...
and .ervic.. for .ach $1.00 of gcveX"nNnt f'unds invested in the prograll!.
There ".. 411.0 a doou.mented reduct:iOll in 11 tter' over the pAlt year.
Sill Oal~ou
I.xecut.iv'e D1z:ectol:
,.. r; :
Contlt18D10rt*% SAIl>' L.',ti Ii
C,~ ax.outiv. loard
~4cl~ CrK 1995-19" budget
t:.A5 Ann~al Report
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