10/24/1990 .'.... ,. ~ . ... .,. ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT (Plantation Key Janitor1al:Contract) TRIS ADDBHQUM TO AGRBBMI:ln is made an~ er!t~!d ~. ~i8 24th day of October, 1990, between the COUNTY OF M~NROB. a'z;1d CLBAH SWEBP JANITORIAL in order to amend ~hat certain a9reeme~t between t:he parties da'ted June 20, 1990, as fOllows: WI DBSCRIPi'ION The Contractor shall furnish jani torial serv1c!!s, inoludinq all necessary supplies and :equipment required in 'the perfor.mance of same, for (1) The Plantation Key Government Complex, includinq the Ellis Building, the Social Services and Code Enforoement Buildinq, t:he Senior Citi~en8' BUilding, Courtroom D, and Public Works Offices, located in Plantation Key, Monroe County Florida; and (2) On a three day a week basis for the Plantation Key Sheriff's Depar~ent, inClUding three trailers, located in Planta~ion Key, Monroe COunty Plorida.. .VI PAYMENT - The County shall pay to the Contractor for the performanoe of said service on a per month in, arrears basis on or before the 10th day of the following month in each of twelve (12) months. The Contractor shall invoice the County monthly for general cleaning services performed under the SpecifioatioDs con~ained herein. The Con~ract amount shall be as stated by the contractors prOPOsals herein atcached and as follows I $4,984.00 per month, beginning October 24f 1990.n In all other respects, the agreement between the part:ies dated June 20, 1990, remains in full force and effect. IN WIi'NESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set 'their hands and seal, the day and year first ~it~en above. OUNT! COMMISSIORzRS U ,FLORIDA By: (Seal) By: CLEAN SWEEP JANITORIAL J ?1 " By: ~l~A At "1 ~ Q. \" ~ . ~\ APPROVED AS TO FORM A,31D LEGAL sa CIENCY. BY If~;" ~..','.".'.. ;1 ~. 5,;' '(, .t~ '~ :;~ z1 1 ,.; ~.~ .:~ J\! i '~ :~~ ,~ '.~ ),~ -f ...~ "~ ';; ,":1 ,~ ',~ ._~'~ ~ , CLEAN SWEEP JANITORIAL 103 Pueblo St. Tavernier, Fl. 33070 305-852-9223 ~.. I)ATE: 9-17....-90 ~~O.: Monroe County Public Works Department, Board Of County Commissioners Key West, Fl. Bid For Janitorial Services Sheriff Dept. :E~E : .------------------------------------------------------------ 'J~o Whom This May Concern, We Clean Sweep Janitorial, inspected the Plantation Key ~;heriff Dept., including three trailers. We propose to c:lean these facilities (3) days per week for the sum of $984.00 per month. C:o-OWners ~~~ Sweep J.a~itorial ..(_\,,~~ ;1:c ,- -~~-~---- Dawn Miller " ~ : ,,), ; , l,..~-;S: .