Clerk's Memo .; BRANOI OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARAnfON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6021 _ann!, I._"-. CLERK OF nm cacurr c:oc.-r MONROI COUNrr 500 WHI'l'IHbD'..... KEY WEST, ~.. TEL. <_) -...0 lUNCH 0I'JlICE _ ()\fB.IAS HIGHWAY PLAN'rAftON QY, fll.OD)A 33O'JO 'I'lL. <_, 852-7145 ..K..0.AN81111 '10: .~IIIJ LujaW' c..t, AttenIey / AttflltJ_: .... lAte noM: ..... ABa J...... LJ 4A- ~.,~ ~~~ . DATE: DeceIIIber I, 1994 At the Noyember 22, 1994 County C-~ ~, tile ...... araDted approYaI and authorized execution of a tJ _ L _~l L lIdS _ . _~.. - I .between Monroe County and &'jJ1.d'~.nl. -- -.V l'I.-.4l ...der Land TruIt No. 2O-t7I-01, fer the purchase of Lots 312 throulh 32!, 321 throuah 3~3, aacl 355 .......... 314, aU inclusive, Port Larao Subdlrision Fourth Addition, ia the amoullt of SI,'78I,.....;aad execution of a Contract for Sale and Purchase between MODrOe CouRty aod Marr Resort ~Properties, Inc., for the purchase of Lots 326, 327 and 354, Port Larao SubdivkioD Fourth Addition, in the amount of $225,00... Attached fer your IaandUna 8ft tw. duplkate ........... of eadl of the aboye Contracts - one for return Coeonut Grove Bank and Marr Resort Properties, Inc., and ODe for your files. If youhaye any quest.... OR the a....e,.... .. lilt IIIsIt.e to eORtad this office. tt: F1Dance County A........rater, wI. doeument Mark Itosdt, Land AtdherIt" w/o decur,Dt FUe t'.