07/21/1989 CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ~/$t day of July, 1989, by and between MONROE COUNTY, Florida, with offices at the Public Service Building. Junior College Road. Stock Island, Key West. Florida 33040, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY". and CODY & ASSOCIATES, INC., a corporation chartered in the State of Florida, with offices at P. O. Box 5176. Lake land , Florida and 305 Jack Drive, Cocoa Beach, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT." WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the County is desirous of having an outside firm conduct a Wage and Classification and Efficiency Study; and WHEREAS Consultant represents that they are experienced in this type of study and is able and willing to conduct such a study for the County. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth. the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Consultant agrees to provide the services set forth in attachment "A," which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this contract by reference. 2. The County agrees to provide: A. Information relating to the study as required by the Consultant. B. Access to such records and other related informa- tion that may be needed to enable the Consultant to carry out the project. C. Access to employees and employee work sites as necessary to enable the Consultant to complete his analysis and research. D. Upon receipt of the final de1iverab1es described in paragraph 0 of attachment "A" in form acceptable to the Assistant County Manager For Management Services, pay the Consultant the total sum of Twenty-six Thousand Five Hundred ($26,500.00) Dollars which sum includes all expenses and fees. 3. The execution of this agreement shall constitute notice to the Consultant to commence performance. All services and work products set forth in attachment "A" shall be completed no later than 120 days after the date and year first written above. 4. The agreement shall not be assignable in whole or in part without the written consent of the parties hereto, and it shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 5. The Consultant warrant that no person has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this agreement upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee and that no member of the County has any interest, financially or otherwise, in the Consultant. For breach or violation of this warranty, the County shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Contract price or consideration, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee. 6. The Consultant agree to hold harmless and indemnify the County against all claims of whatever nature arising out of the performance of work under this agreement whether in contract, tort or otherwise and whether claimed by third parties or the Consultant themselves. 7. The Consultant agrees that he will not discriminate against any of his employees or applicants for employment because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and to abide by all Federal and State laws regarding non-discrimination. 8. The parties agree that the proper venue for any dis- putes arising out of this contract shall be Monroe County, 2 Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these present to be executed in their proper names, by their duly authorized officers, and their respective signatures hereunto affixed. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By 1!~~ (SEAL) At te s t :DANNX L. KOL1;lAGE.t ~4g~ aLe. /j(;-f~./ CODY & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY~~~ Attest: n7J!/~ ..lIJl.J1JWq M TO IOIIM ANDLEGAL~NC~ .y~ /7< DIM'l. O/IIH 3 y GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY In accordance with the guidelines and instructions for consultants, the County of Monroe seeks to accomplish several objectives and goals as a result of the study and recommendations for improvement of the Classification and Compensation Plans and other aspects of the over all Operational Efficiency. The goals and objectives are: A. JOB ANALYSIS AND ANALYSIS OF CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Through individual completed job questionnaires, conduct a job evaluation of every position to determine proper allocat ion and internal relat ionsh i ps between class i f i- cations. 2. Determine whether the class and related series are rele- vant, current, needs. 3. Update qualification standards for recruitment, exami- nation, appointment, advancement, etc. for all positions. 4. Develop a system that encompasses the County's current and future goals, objectives and classification needs. 5. Combine similar job classifications where applicable and consider other cost savings and/or cost avoidance mea- follow and meet the County's present sures. 6. Develop new classifications and expand related series where required. 7. Ensure that all class i fica t ions compl i.men t the exist ing 21 organizational structure. 8. An analysis of the current staffing wi thin each depart- ment. 9. Review and analyze the organizational structure, chain of command, scope of authori ty and recommendat ions for im- provement. 10. Review and analyze the internal communications system within the organizational structure. B. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS 1. Review, update, and/or wr i te detai led class speci fica- tions for the County I s posi tions included in the study using the format approved by the County. 2. Establish descriptive titles for all positions. 3. Clearly define by specific language and examples in the class specification the differences between similar posi- tions in a job series. 4. Ensure position descriptions adhere to all State, local and Federal standards, guidelines, laws, and are Equal Employment Opportunity defensible. 5. Ensure classification specifications are job related. 6. Ensure revised specifications are reviewed by department representatives. C. COMPENSATION STUDY 1. Establish a compensation plan and minimum salary levels that will assist in reducing turnover costs and promote 22 D. REVIEW OF CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION POLICY PROCEDURES 1. Review the County's current policies, practices, and procedures which impact classification and compensation practices and make appropriate recommendations. 2. Review the current merit increase philosophy, policy, procedure, and objectives and make appropriate recom- mendations. E. FRINGE BENEFIT ANALYSIS Employee benefits are considered part of total compensation and will be addressed in the overall package in recruitment and retention of employees. Cody & Associates, Inc. will review County employee benefits to determine if they are com- 23 peti ti ve in the labor market surveyed. During the salary survey the Consultant will compile employee benefits data from the participating employers. Recommendations will be made relating to changes in employee benefits should the changes be beneficial to the County, the employee and the taxpayer. The findings will be documented to show their relationship in the competitive labor market. F. EFFICIENCY STUDY 1. Organizational Analysis a. Design an organizational structure and process tailored to the needs of the County which is capable of delivering the required services to the public. b. Establish the structure so that the decision mak- ing process within the department will be clearly defined. c. Achieve better communication and coordination between and within the departments. d. Assure that every necessary function required for the efficient operation of each department will be assigned to a specific unit of the department. e. The number of management personnel reporting to the unit heads will be limited to those that can be effecti vely coordinated and directed (Span of Control). 24 f. lines of structure communication within the to clarify line and staff Establish management channels. g. Assign management authori ty and responsibili ty as near as practical to the "point of action". h. Recommend procedures whereby each member of the unit knows to whom they report and what the other lines of authority are. i. Insure that the manager who delegates respon- sibil i ties and authori ty still retains the overall accountability for the functions delegated. 2. Operations ~ Staffing Analysis a. Eliminate over-lapping management functions, procedures and duties. b. Reduce or consolidate unnecessary functions and operations. c. Equalize work loads where feasible. d. Improve coordination of work efforts. e. Insure the proper staffing levels are present to deliver services to the public. f. Provide more efficient services to the public. g. Study manual operations which can suitably be converted to a computerized system. h. Analyze other time saving applications. 25 G. IMPLEMENTATION METHODS 1. Recommend alternative methods of implementing consultants findings which may include multi-year arrangements. 2. Provide cost and other budgetary information related to the study results. 26 VI CONSULTANT'S APPROACH TO THE STUDY A. INITIAL MEETINGS 1. Initial meetings will be held between specified County Administrators and other designated personnel and the con- sultant to provide information regarding the County's cur- rent classification and compensation plans, the County's philosophy of compensation and pay administration and other specific areas of concern. 2. Our staff will conduct a meeting of the key managers and supervisors to explain the goals, objectives and approach to the study. The consultant will also hold group orien- tation meetings with all employees included in the study (if desired) to explain the goals and approach to this study. B. PREPARATION OF POSITION QUESTIONNAIRES' 1. Cody & Associates, Inc. will provide a Position Classi- fication Questionnaire (PCQ) to be used in the job analy- sis phase of the project. This questionnaire is designed to complement our Point Factor Evaluation System. 2. The Position Classification Questionnaice will be sub- mitted to and completed by all employees included in the study. 3. The PCQ will request employees to ex~lain their position, duties, responsibilities and celated Job data. 27 4. Questionnaires will also be completed for all proposed and vacant positions. 5. The employee-originated Position Classification Ques- tionnaires will be routed to the supervisor of the em- ployee for comments relating to the assigned job content of the position. 6. Supervisory and administrative personnel will be asked to make comments concerning the duties of the position with- out discussing the abilities of the incumbent or changing any of the employees input on the PCQ. C. COLLECTION OF OTHER INFORMATION 1. While the Questionnaires are being completed our staff will compile information such as: a. Current classification and compensation plans. b. Current organization and/or staffing charts. c. Mission statements of various departments. d. Personnel pOlicies, rules and cegulations, budgets, etc. e. Employee fringe benefit data. g. Turnover and other employment data. h. Other related procedures or inioC/llation. D. JOB ANALYSIS 1. The objective of the job analysis dnd evaluation will be to gather information about County'.:.; positions to pro- vide a factual and quantltative basi3 fur allocating the 28 positions to the proper classifications. 2. Selected on":'the- job in terv i ews wi 1 1 be made of general and specific identified classifications to: a. Determine the relationships of each position to others in the service of the County. b. Determine the features of each pos i t ion which dis- tinquish the level of difficulty and responsibility between it and other positions in the County. c. Supplemen t information not ',: i '''''cU' in the Posi t ion Classification Questionnaire. d. Gain a more detailed understanding of the levels of responsibility in each department. e. Receive input from employees regdcding the type of work and scope of duties assigned. f. Receive additional information fcom the supervisors about the jobs under their supervision. g. Explain to supervisor and management people the Position Evaluation approach dnd concept. 3. On-the-jOb interviews for job analysi::; pucposes will be conducted of a cross section of positions. We will in- clude specific identified classifications with particular attention to the review of the classiLications and struc- ture of all departments. 4. Because of the similarity of duties ot some positionsl the job interviews will vacy 1n length of time requiced to perform each job audit. 5. We estimate that twenty-five Lv thiLty-five percent 29 (25-35%) of the County's positions will be audited on-the-job. E. POINT FACTOR JOB EVALUATION SYSTEM 1. Basic Concepts a. The Cody & Associates, Inc. Point (o'actor Job Eval- uation System is a logical, systematic and orderly method of gathering facts about a job. It requires the appl ica t ion of va 1 ue j Udglllcll ts in a oS tandard i zed and understandable way. The ob ject i ve is to insure consistency and equity of results in evaluating jobs. This system is used primarily to validate our position evaluation results. b. One purpose of this quantitative job evaluation system is to set the value of a po~ition by deter- mining a numerical score fo~ each job based on jOb-related tasks, duties and conditions of work performed. c. Positions are evaluated by a trained technician based on the content of the wo~k performed without regard to the sex or raCQ of the worker. concentrates on the content of work The system rather than characteristics of the incumbent such pecsonal quali- fication. 30 2. Advantages of Ou~ System a. Ou~ system assu~es the objectivity of the app~oach, because all positions a~e compared against the same facto~s. b. The system eliminates sexual and cuI tu~al bias and addresses issues of job equity. c. The point facto~ system is less subJect to manipu- lation from within the organL.:ation and it is de- signed to be f~ee of bias. d. The system assures that a 11 lOa j or jOb-related fac- tors contributing to job value ace considered in the relative g~ading of positions. e. This point facto~ system makes it much easie~ to compa~e dissimilar types of positions because each is b~oken down into elements or factot:'s that a~e common to all positions. f. This Point Facto~ Job EvaluatLon System facilitates effective pe~sonnel administr-ation 1n that it re- quires job ~elated facts and proof of required job ~esponsibilities and chat:'acter-istics befo~e a change in the classification can be m~de. g. The po in t facto~ sys tem is u;3erl to eVd I ua te indi- vidual positions when ther-e ~re questions as to whethe~ the position belongs 111 one class o~ an- othe~. The pos it i on ~val ua t ion Cdn then be studied to dete~mine the class in which the position belongs o~ whethe~ a new class is required. 31 h. The system can be used for va L idat iug requests for changes in relative grading of classes or for crea- tion of new or revised classes. 'rhe Point Factor System, as evaluation used by our company, is for posi t ion and classification purposes and deter- mines internal equity within class series, and other positions in the County. i. The recommendations of appropriate pay levels and ranges are determined primarily by the market place salacy survey resul ts and an~ not based solely on the point system. j. If the County decides during the study, that they wish to incorporate this point factor system into their personnel administrative program, Cody & Asso- ciates, Inc. will furnish the necessary training and materials to the County Personne 1 staff to accom- plish this. F. DESIGN OF CLASSIFICATION PLAN The objective of this aspect of the study will be to develop the structure of the Position Classification PLan. 1. Occupational categories will be maintained, updated or expanded based on the needs of the County I s organiza- tional structure. 2. Reasonably similar positions will b8 gCGuped into classes of work and assigned descriptive class titles. 3. Similar job classifications will be combined where ap- 32 propriate. 4. New classifications will be developed where required. 5. Classes will be arranged into series of classes to pro- vide lines of promotion and career ladders. G. ALLOCATION OF POSITIONS All positions will be tentatively allocated (assigned) by our staff to specific classes based on the job analysis phase. The tentative lists will be reviewed with the County's staff. If another review of certain jobs or categories are requested by the County at this time, the consultant will accomplish this. H. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS The objectives of this aspect of the study is to write and/or update Class Specifications. Our staff will revise existing specifications based on the results of the job analysis and audits. We will also develop Class Specifications for new or proposed classes. The format for the class descriptions will be determined through discussions with the County. The class specifications will comply with all State and Fed- eral guidel ines, the Department of Labor, Heal th and Human Services and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Guide- lines. The descriptions will be job related, without false barriers for employment or promotion and pertain specifically to the tasks of the job. The minimum qualifications will be 33 realistic and defensible. Draft copies of the updated speci- fications will be routed through the appropriate Department Head for input and approval. I. COMPENSATION PLAN REVIEW 1. Salary Survey The objective of this salary survey will be to determine what must be provided in terms of wages and salaries in order to recruit and retain employees; in other words, to be competi tive wi th other employers served by th~ same labor market. 2. Selection of Survey Classes We will select "benchmark" classes which are to be uti- lized in the salary survey. The "benchmark" jobs will reflect selected representative classifications, with titles typically found in the labor market, and will include occupations which can be compared with similar jobs in use by survey participants. 3. Survey Participants Our staff will compile a list of survey participants to include governmental and private sector employers within the County's vicini ty for general employee classifica- tions. Lists wi 11 also be compiled for survey parti- cipants used in the regional and State wide comparisons. 4. Collection of Salary Data The survey data may be collected by mail for out of area employers and by personal contact for local participants. 34 We will organize the mailing including the initial con- tact with participants and mailing of any survey instru- ment needed. Our survey methods include a description of the job being surveyed and does not rely primarily on job titles. 5. Analysis of Survey Data This is a most important step in the compensation plan and salary schedule design. Since we work with employers in all regions of the State and have conducted many sim- ilar studies for regional governmental agencies, we under- stand what jobs are comparable, regardless of titles assigned. 6. Compensation Plan Structure We will make recommendations for updating the following aspects of the Compensation Plan structure: a. Salary Schedules Review current composi tion and rationale of the existing salary schedules and make recommendations regarding updating and changes that may be deemed appropriate and/or necessary in the spread between minimum and maximum, the intervals between ranges, the number of ranges, the number of steps, etc. J. MERIT/SALARY INCREASE PROCEDURE We will review the existing County's merit/salary increase policy, procedures and procedure to determine the need/method of refinement and make recommendations for changes, as needed. 35 At this time we will also assess the performance evaluation program and make appropriate comments and recommendations. K. COMPENSATION POLICY We will recommend a policy for consideration and adoption by the County setting forth: 1. The minimum level at which the competitive position (per- centile position) should be maintained in order to com- pete favorably in the market place with surrounding agen- cies. 2. The maximum level which the County should be compensating employees for various job. L. FRINGE BENEFITS In conjunction with the salary survey we will compile data in the labor market relating to employee benefits. We will re- view the fringe benefit package currently being provided by the County to determine the adequacy of its component parts in the 1 ight of current pract ices and make recommendat ions for any necessary or desirable update and changes. M. REVIEW OF CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1. We will review all the current County's policies, pro- cedures, and practices which have an affect on the classi- fication or compensation systems. 2. Recommendations for changes or strengthing of these, if necessary, will be made. 36 N. EFFICIENCY OPERATIONS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS 1. Organizational Analysis a. Our staff will conduct an assembled meeting of de- partment heads, supervisors and key personnel to explain the objectives, goals and approach to the study. b. Department heads and supervisors will be requested to submit an outline of their position duties, pro- gram responsibilities, services, and functions of their unit. c. Our staff will review the existing programs and services of the County. d. Our staff will also review County growth projec- tions, proposed programs and serv ices for the next fiscal year. e. We will study existing administrative procedures, policies, organizational structures and functions. f. We will review available progress reports and other departmental records. g. On-the-job analysis in each of the divisions, de- partments, or units will be undertaken. h. Our staff will study functions, operations and pro- cedures of each of the units. Organizational lines of authority and communications of each unit in the County structure will be analyzed. Spans of author- 37 ity will also be analyzed. i. We will study statistical data that encompasses regional and national norms for agencies providing similar services, when appropriate. j. Consultant will identify initial organizational areas which could be improved through consolidation, homogenized groupings, clear reporting lines, centralization (or decentralization), etc. k. Recommendations and/or organizational alternatives will be discussed with management. 1. During this phase of the study we will talk with every department head and other key organizational people. 2. Staffing Analysis a. Management and supervisory personnel will be con- tacted and their operational responsibilities dis- cussed along with their staffing and manpower situa- tions. b. All employees will complete job questionnaires, which detail their duties, responsibilities and tasks performed. c. Consultant will analyze the staffing patterns which presently exist and evaluate their adequacy for the short and long term. Some of the factors which will be studied are: ratio of supervisor and managers to job responsibilities, work load, and subordinates supervised. 38 d. Consultant will analyze management and supervisory manpower needs for the present and the future period. e. During this phase of the study we will interview many employees and management personnel. O. PREPARATION OF FINAL DELIVERABLES Cody & Associates, Inc. will prepare and present final de- liverables which will include all the details of the project. The final products will include: 1. Detailed discussion of the methodology used in the study and resulting findings. 2. Recommendations including the classification plan and salary schedule(s), including tables assigning each class to a pay grade. 3. Statistical data, wage surveys, research materials and other data used in formulating recommendations. 4. All supporting employee related documentation including questionnaires and interview forms. S. Job analysis manual to document and maintain the point factor evaluation system. 6. Tables showing each job classification and their assigned point factor evaluation. 7. Allocation lists showing individual classifications and pay grades. 8. Classification specification manual which will include all revised specifications. 39 9. Assessment of employee benefits and recommendations for improvements, where changes are found to be needed. ~ 10. Impact statements for the various components of the pro- ject. 11. Revised Organizational Charts. 12. Report of Staffing Analysis. P. METHODS OF IMPLEMENTING RECOMMENDATIONS 1. We will develop alternatives/multi-year methods or tech- niques to implement the compensation and other recom- mendations of the study. 2. We will develop cost estimates of implementing the recom- mendations. Cody & Associates, Inc. will provide follow up consulting service, at no additional cost, for a six (6) month period following completion of the Study on any matters pertaining to classification and compensation. 40 VII COMMUNICATION OF THE STUDY 1. Our staff will conduct a meeting of key personnel to explain the objectives and approach to the study. 2. All employees will be notified of the study requesting coopera- tion and explaining its scope. 3. We will meet in large groups with all employees to explain the scope of the study. (If desired by the County.) 4. At critical points in the study, we will brief the County Staff on the progress of the project. 5. Our company will personally present and explain a final report to the County to assist in communicating the findings and recommendations. 6. At the completion of the project our staff wi 11 conduct an orientation meeting with all management staff to explain the approved study in the manner and at the times mutually agreed upon. 41 VIII TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE A. INITIATION DATE This study would be ini tiated wi thin two (2) weeks from your notification to proceed. B. COMPLETION DATE This study will be completed prior to September 30, 1989. We can, however, modify our time period to fit the needs of the County if requested. 42