Clerk's Memo lIannp I.. ~olbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGffiVAY MARA rnON, FLORIDA 33050 lEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNlY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 lEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGH\\' A Y PLANT A nON KEY, FLORIDA 33070 lEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 MEMORANDUM TO: Peter Horton, Director Division of Community Services FROM: Attention: Bevette Moore, Airport Finance Ruth Ann Jantzen, Deputy Clerk ./iLl}. August 17, 1998 DATE: --------------'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On .July 8, 1998, the Board of County Commissioners granted Award of Bid and authorized execution of a contract, pending approval of the County Attorney, between Monroe County and Community Asphalt, Inc., for the Marathon Airport Taxiway project. Enclosed please find three fully executed duplicate originals of the 'above Contract for your distribution. me. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact Enclosure(s) 3 cc: County Attorney Finance Counlty Administrator, w/o document File MEMORANDUM TO: To File Ruth Ann Jantzen, Deputy Clerk Mf FROM: DATE: August 18, 1998 On August 17,1998, I returned this document to the County Attorney's Office to have Rob wom~ sign page ll-6 Certificate of Owner's Attorney where indicated by tab. Mr. Wolle will not sign this Certificate. Per Mr. KoIhage's instructions, I executed this contract this date. MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: August 11, 1998 Belle/Ruth Ann, Deputy Clerks Bevette Moore, Airports 8 fjfJ Community Asphalt Contracts +++++++++ Enclosed are six original contracts for the Mayor's signature. ('stamped' signature is fine) Approved at July BOCC: award of bid, and for Mayor to lexecute pending approval of County Attorney. Rob has OK'ed. Copy of appropriate pages from minutes are attached. Also included is an original certificate of insurance, approved by Risk Management. Each contract has a copy of the insurance certificate (not approved) attached to inside cover. After the contracts are signed, please send the extras to Peter Horton's office. As I will be on vacation, Sandy Molina will distribute as needed. Thank you lbev enclosures