07/08/1998 Volume 2 of 2
A.I.P. NO. 3-12-0044-13
PFC Application No.4
FOOT WPI Project No. 6826792 & 6826793
URS Greiner Contract No. C502520.68
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
March 1998
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DIVISION " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CONTRACT
DIVISION'" ........................................ GENERAL PROVISIONS
DIVISION IV .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SPECIAL PROVISIONS
DIVISION V .................................. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
SP-1 - PROJECT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................... 2
PHASING AND WORK SEQUENCING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21
SP-3 - CONTRACT TIME AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27
AND WEATHER BUREAU FACILITIES ........................... 28
SP-5 - RESIDENT PROJECT INSPECTION ............................. 30
SP-6 - SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 31
SP-7 - LIST OF DRAWINGS ......................................... 36
SP-8 - RESIDENT ENGINEER'S (RPR) OFFICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37
SP-9 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES ..................................... 38
SP-10 - DEWATERING .............................................. 43
SP-11 - PRECEDENCE OF DOCUMENTS ............................... 44
AND FINAL PAY REQUESTS AND RELATED FORMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45
1. WORK LOCATION. The work consists of the resurfacing of Taxiway "A", the turn
around located at the west end of Runway 7, Taxiways "8" and "C" and the turn around
located at the east end of Runway 25 in addition to the 50-foot wide Taxiway "A"
re!surfacing, a 35-foot wide extension will be added, south of the 7-25 Runway to serve
the existing apron of the county mosquito control and a 25-foot wide taxi lane will be
constructed north of the 7-25 Runway to access the existing shade hangars located
at the northeast side of the airport. A new apron and access to the existing shade
hangar located at the west end of Taxiway "A" are also part of the proposed work.
2. .s..COPE OF WORK. The work will be performed at Marathon Airport, which is located
two miles northeast of the City of Marathon, Florida on US Highway No.1.
3. W'ORK PHASING AND SEQUENCING. Work phasing and sequencing requirements
are stipulated in Special Provision NO.2 included hereinafter.
contract shall be completed within sixty (60) calendar days as stipulated in Special
Provision Nos 2 and 3.
5. PLANS. The plans included in this contract are listed in Special Provision No.7.
existing cables, light fixtures, signs and related structures are to be protected by the
Contractor in accordance with the provisions contained in Special Provision No.4.
shall be responsible for methods, means, materials and procedures necessary to
protect all existing facilities, property, asphalt and concrete pavements, structures,
equipment, and finishes from any and all damage whatsoever arising from the
execution or non-execution of the work of this project.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect asphalt and concrete
pavement surfaces when steel threaded equipment or vehicles are used. Rubber tires
or treads shall be used wherever possible.
Alii conflicts discovered between existing underground utilities or structures and new
structures and other foundation work shall be immediately brought to the attention of
thl3 Engineer who will then issue directions regarding a solution to the conflict(s).
8. CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT AND STAKES. Contractor shall furnish all lines, grades
and measurements necessary for the proper prosecution and control of the work and
contracted for under these specifications.
The project layout surveying may be accomplished during daylight hours provided the
Contractor meets the following conditions:
A. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer and Airport Manager seventy-two (72)
hours in advance with dates and times surveying will be started so a NOT AM
can be issued. .
B. No vehicles or heavy equipment shall be within 200' of the centerline of Runway
7 -25 or within 65' of any active taxiway centerline during the time the survey
work is being accomplished.
C. Only men and "hand tools" will be allowed within 125' of Runway 7-25
centerline, at the turn arounds and T/W's connectors.
D" Survey party members shall be equipped with hand-held radios and shall
continuously monitor the UNICOM and airline radio frequencies and pull back
men and survey equipment to a point 125' from the runway centerline during
aircraft operations.
E. No survey men or equipment will be allowed on the runway (100' wide) or
taxiway (50' wide) pavement during survey work periods unless authorized by
the Engineer.
F. No survey work shall be accomplished without the presence of the Engineer or
his authorized representative.
9. VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS. Prior to bidding and commencing with
construction, the Contractor shall familiarize himself as to the existing conditions.
Should the Contractor discover any inaccuracies, errors or omissions between the
actual existing conditions and the Contract Documents, he shall within seven (7)
calendar days prior to Bid Opening, notify the Engineer in writing. Submission of Bid
by the Contractor shall be held as an acceptance of the existing conditions by the
A. Safety:' Inasmuch as each work area will be accessible to and used by the
public, the Owner and other companies doing business at the Airport during the
construction period, it is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain each work
area in a safe, hazard free condition at all times. Should the Owner find the
area unsafe at any time, they will notify the Contractor, and the Contractor shall
take whatever steps necessary to remedy the unsafe condition. Should the
Contractor not be immediately available for corrective action, the Owner will
remedy the problem and the Contractor shall reimburse the Owner for the
expense of such correction.
B. Protection of Property: Fixed structures, equipment, paving, landscaping and
vehicles (automobiles, trucks, etc.) shall be protected with drop cloths, shielding
and other appropriate measures to ensure maximum protection of all property
and vehicles.
11. PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE. Before beginning work at the site, the
Contractor shall attend a pre-construction conference and bring with him the
superintendent employed for this project. In the event the Contractor is unable to
attend, he shall send a letter of introduction with the superintendent in which he
advises the superintendent's full name and states that he is assigned to the project
and will be in full responsible charge. This conference will be called by the Engineer
or Resident Project Representative (RPR), who will arrange for the Owner's
representative and other interested parties to be present. At this time, all parties will
discuss the project under contract and prepare a program of procedure in keeping with
rE~quirements of the drawings and specifications. The superintendent will henceforth
make every effort to expeditiously coordinate all phases of the work, including the
rE~quired reporting procedure, to obtain the end result within the full purpose and intent
o'f the drawings and specifications for the project.
A. General: The Engineer or RPR will prepare a written memorandum on required
coordination activities. Included will be such items as required notices, reports,
and attendance at meetings. This memorandum will be distributed to each
entity performing work at the project site.
B. Weekly Coordination and Progress Meetings: The Engineer or RPR will hold
weekly general project coordination and progress meetings at regularly
scheduled times convenient for all parties involved. These meetings are in
addition to specific meetings held for other purposes, such as special project
meetings and special preinstallation meetings. The Engineer or RPR will
require representation at each meeting by every party currently involved in
coordination or planning for the work of the entire project. Meetings will be
conducted in a manner which will resolve coordination problems.
C. The Engineer or RPR will record results of the meeting and distribute copies to
everyone in attendance and to others affected by decisions or actions resulting
from each meeting.
13. ~~DMINISTRATIVElSUPERVISORY PERSONNEL. The Contractor shall provide a full-
time Project Management Team consisting of a Project Superintendent and other
supervisory personnel for the duration of the Project. The names and qualifications
of this team for this work shall be submitted to the Owner as part of the Bidder
()ualification Form. They shall have a minimum of five (5) years of experience on
suitable projects of equal difficulty. The Project Superintendent shall be at the
construction site at all periods when work is in progress. This person shall have full
authority to act in the Contractor's behalf. It is agreed and understood that, if
nequested in writing by the Owner, the Contractor shall replace any member of the
tlsam with another meeting the required qualifications within three (3) days of the
neceipt of the request.
jjl. Reporting Unusual Events: When an event of an unusual and significant
nature occurs at the site, Contractor shall prepare and submit a special report
to the Engineer. List chain of events, persons participating, response by the
Contractor's personnel, an evaluation of the results or effects and similar
pertinent information. Advise the Owner and Engineer as soon as possible
when such events are known.
B. Submit special reports directly to the Owner within one day of occurrence.
Submit a copy of the report to the Engineer and other entities that are affected
by the occurrence within one day of the occurrence.
A. Prepare and submit, in triplicate, for the Engineer's information, progress
schedules for the work.
B. Progress schedules shall relate to the entire project to the extent required by
the Contract Documents and shall provide for expeditious and practicable
execution of the work.
C. Progress schedules shall be updated monthly.
D. Percent complete shall be based on actual construction in place or dollar
volume of the work. If dollar volume of the work reflects the greater percent
complete, the maximum percent complete shall in no case exceed 5 percent of
the value of the in-place construction.
A. Preliminary Schedule: Within 15 days after date of Notice of Award and
Acceptance, the Contractor shall submit his preliminary network phasing
diagram (Preliminary Schedule) indicating a comprehensive overview of the
Project including an activity line for each of the work segments to be perfor<med
at the site.
1) Arrange the schedule to indicate required sequencing of work and to
show time allowances for submittals, inspections, and similar time
2) The submitted schedule shall be reviewed by the Engineer and Owner
for conformance to Critical Dates and overall project completion time
criteria. Lack of this information will be cause for rejection of the
3) Following initial submittal of schedule to and response by the Engineer,
print and distribute the Progress Schedule to entities with a need-to-
know responsibility, including three (3) copies to the Engineer. Post in
temporary office space. Revise at intervals matching payment requests,
and redistribute and repost. Provide copies required with payment
17. MAINTENANCE OF SCHEDULE. The Contractor's Progress Schedule must be
updated on a monthly basis, and a copy thereof submitted with each of the
Contractors Applications for Payment. The updated Progress Schedule shall not only
indicate revisions to the Schedule for upcoming work but show "as-built" schedule
progress data. The Engineer will not recommend for payment, by the Owner, an
Application for Payment without the Contractor's submission of a Monthly Schedule
A. If the Contractor's Monthly Schedule Update reflects, or the Engineer
determines, that the Contractor is at least ten percent (10%) behind the
original Progress Schedule or fourteen (14) or more calendar days
behind the original Progress Schedule for:
1) the work as a whole;
2) a major Contract item;
3) an item of work which is on the critical path; or
4) an item of work not on the original critical path that, because of
the delay or anticipated delay became a critical path item;
then the Contractor must submit with the Monthly Schedule Update his
proposed plan for bringing the work back on schedule and completing
tf1e Work within the Contract time.
B. The Progress Schedule shall be coordinated by the Owner's Project
Administrator with the overall schedule for the Airport Projects. The
Contractor is required to revise the Progress Schedule promptly in
accordance with the conditions of the work, subject to approval by the
Owner's Project Coordinator and the Engineer.
C. The Contractor shall comply fully with all time and other requirements of
the Contract Documents. Recommendation of an Application of
Payment of the Engineer and payment thereon by the Owner, without
the submission of a Monthly Schedule Update, shall not constitute a
waiver of the requirements of such updates, nor shall it relieve the
Contractor from the obligation to complete the Work within the Contract
D. Should a review of work indicate a critical path (milestone) item has
fallen behind the approved schedule; at the option of the Engineer; funds
equal to the established liquidated damages for the number of calendar
days behind schedule will be withheld until that critical path item is
brought back on schedule.
A. Minor Changes: Each week, prior to the weekly coordination meeting,
during the time of the contract, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer
of any minor changes that are anticipated in the schedule for the
following week.
B. Major Changes: If for any reason, a major change in the approved
schedule is anticipated, the Contractor shall make the necessary
changes to the schedule and resubmit the revised schedule for approval.
Copies of the approved schedule shall be posted in the Contractor's field
office with completed work identified in colored pencil.
A. The Contractor shall not obstruct nor create a hazard to any traffic during
the prosecution of the work and shall be responsible for repair of all
damage to existing pavement or facilities caused by his operations.
B. Beginning date of Contractor's Responsibility: the Contractor's
responsibility for maintenance of traffic shall begin on the day he starts
the work and continue until Final Completion and Acceptance of the
C. Sections Not Requiring Traffic Maintenance: the Contractor will not be
required to maintain traffic over those portions of the Project where no
work is to be accomplished or where construction operations will not
affect aircraft operations. The Contractor, however, shall not obstruct
nor create a hazard to any traffic during the prosecution of the work and
shall be responsible for repair of any damage to existing pavement or
facilities caused by his operations.
D. Traffic During Construction: All construction vehicles are required to use
existing traffic routes. Normal traffic lanes are not to be used as staging
areas for arriving delivery vehicles. The Contractor's employees shall
utilize the designated Contractor employee parking area.
E. Contractor Signing: The Contractor may furnish and install construction
traffic directional signs along the existing traffic route. The signs shall
depict Contractor's logo or name, directional arrows and "deliveries".
Signs shall be of sufficient size to have 6" high message and shall be
located at each decision point. All signs and their locations shall be
approved by the Engineer and Owner. NO OTHER SIGNS ARE
F. Material Deliveries: The Contractor shall make his own material and
equipment deliveries. No deliveries shall be made by vendors or
suppliers without escort by a representative of the Contractor.
G. Notification: On days when construction traffic is expected to be extra
heavy or when oversized pieces of equipment are to be delivered, give
minimum forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Engineer.
H. All Contractor's material orders for delivery to the work site will use as a
delivery address, the street name and number assigned to the access
point onto the airport. The name "MARATHON AIRPORT" shall not be
used in the delivery address at any time. This will preclude delivery
trucks from entering into aircraft operations areas inadvertently. All
Contractor material orders for the work site shall be delivered to the
areas designated as the Contractor's receiving area. All deliveries shall
be made only during the Contractor's working hours.
I. Interference Request:
1) The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the Owner in
writing and securing approval for any and all interruptions or
interference with traffic (pedes-trian, automobile, or other
necessary function of the Airport or any of the Airlines).
2) The request shall include a traffic control plan indicating
barricades, lighting and flagmen where required.
3) Such notification shall be made as soon as possible but in no
case less than 48 hours prior to interference.
4) It is suggested that the Contractor utilize a standard form
addressed to the Owner with a blank space for a description of
the interference, the exact area affected, the exact times and
dates the interference will take place and blanks for the Owner's
approval. The forms shall be submitted in duplicate. No
interference will be allowed until the Contractor has received back
a copy of the approved interference request form.
J. Personnel Traffic:
1) General: All construction personnel shall be restricted to
construction areas. They shall wear shirts with sleeves and long
pants at all times.
2) Use of Public Areas: The Contractor's workmen shall not utilize
public areas for taking their "work breaks" or "lunch breaks".
Areas for this purpose can be designated by the Owner upon
request. No Public Toilets shall be used by any workmen at any
A. Debris from this work shall be promptly removed from the site at least
daily. It shall not be allowed to become a hazard to the safety of the
B. The Contractor shall be responsible for clean-up and trash removal.
Accumulation of trash and debris will not be allowed and the Engineer
or RPR may at any time direct the Contractor to immediately remove his
trash and debris from the site of the work when in the opinion of the
Owner such trash constitutes a nuisance or in any way hinders the work
or the Airports operations. If the Contractor should fail to remove his
trash and debris from the site of the work in a timely manner, the Owner
may have this work performed and deduct the cost of such from
Contractor's payment.
A. General: During handling and installation of work at the project site, clean and
protect work in progress and adjoining work on the basis of continuous daily
maintenance. Apply protective covering on installed work to ensure freedom
from damage or deterioration.
B. Clean and perform maintenance on installed work as frequently as necessary
through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable
components to ensure operability without damaging effects.
C. Limiting Exposure of Work: To the extent possible through appropriate control
and protection methods, supervise performance of the work in such a manner
and by such means which will ensure that none of the work, whether completed
or in progress, will be subjected to harmful, dangerous, damaging or otherwise
deleterious exposure during the construction period. Such exposures include,
where applicable, but not by way of limitation the following:
1) Excessive static or dynamic loading
2) Excessive internal or external pressures
3) Solvents
4) Chemicals
5) Light
6) Puncture
7) Abrasion
8) Heavy Traffic
9) Soiling
10) Combustion
11 ) Improper shipping or handling
12) Theft
13) Vandalism
D. Protection at Openings: Contractor shall provide protection at all openings in
structures and finishes to maintain the building weather and dust tight. All
protection shall be of solid material and substantial so that it will not be
disturbed by wind and weather normal to the area and season, and also tight
fitting to prevent noise infiltration.
E.. Protection of Improvements:
1) C>amage to Existing Facilities: Existing surfaces and materials of the
Owner's property not requiring work by the Contract Documents that is
damaged by the Contractor's operations shall be immediately repaired.
Repaired surfaces and materials shall match existing adjacent
undamaged surfaces and materials. Repair work shall be coordinated
with the Engineer and Owner with regard to time and method.
2) Accidental Demolition: All structures or parts thereof that may become
damaged due to accident or Contractor's error shall be restored to their
original condition at no cost to the Owner. Materials and equipment
being used in the repair or replacement resulting from damage shall be
new and shall perform at the manufacturer's published capacities. If the
existing equipment or materials cannot be identified, or if unavailable,
the selection of the replacement will be subject to approval by the
Engineer in writing.
F. Overhead Protection
1) No cranes or other construction equipment shall cross over non-
construction personnel, their travel ways or ride systems.
2) The plan of operation of cranes and other hoisting equipment shall be
established in writing by the Contractor. This plan of operation shall be
subject to approval by the Engineer.
A. General: It is a requirement for supervision and administration of the Work that
construction operations be carried out with the maximum possible consideration
given to conservation of energy, water and materials. In addition, maximum
consideration shall be given to salvaging materials and equipment involved in
performance of the work but not incorporated therein. Refer to other sections
for required disposition of salvaged materials which are the Owner's property.
23. TIESTING COST BORNE BY OWNER. Unless otherwise specified herein, all initial
construction "acceptance" testing costs shall be borne by the Owner. An independent
teisting laboratory selected and responsible to the Engineer shall perform all
"acceptance" testing required by the technical specifications or as directed by the
Owner and/or the Engineer.
24. TESTING COST BORNE BY CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall bear the cost of
testing under the following conditions:
A. If substitute materials or equipment are proposed by the Contractor, he shall
pay the cost of all tests which may be necessary to satisfy the Engineer that
specification requirements are satisfied. The Contractor shall pay for the
Engineer's time spent in review and administrating such proposed substitution.
B. If materials or workmanship are used which fail to meet specification
requirements, the Contractor shall pay the cost of all testing deemed necessary
by the Engineer to determine the safety or suitability of the material or element.
C. The Contractor shall pay for all testing costs including, but not limited to, power,
fuel, and equipment cost which may be required for complete testing of all
equipment and systems for proper operation.
D. The Contractor shall pay for all testing required for materials, job mix designs,
equipment, structures and related items included in all shop drawings and other
submittals as required by the Technical Specifications to be submitted and
approved by the Engineer prior to construction.
A. Project Drawings: The successful Contractor will be furnished, at no charge,
four (4) copies of drawings and specifications. Additional copies may be
purchased at actual cost of reproduction.
A field set of drawings and specifications shall remain on the job site at all times
and shall be available at all times to the Engineer. The field set shall be
continuously updated to reflect the "as-built" condition of all work included in
this Contract.
The Contractor shall immediately include plainly and conspicuously on the field
set of drawings, and at appropriate paragraphs in the specifications, all changes
or corrections made by addenda and change orders as they are issued.
Approved copies of all shop drawings and other submittals are to be kept on the
job site at all times and shall be available at all times to the Engineer.
Changes and deviations from the existing conditions shall be submitted in
writing for approval prior to installation. In no case shall any unspecified equip-
ment or materials be installed without prior approval by the Engineer.
B. Record Documents:
1) Definition: Record copies are defined to include those documents or
copies relating directly to performance of the work, which the Contractor
is required to prepare or maintain for the Owner's records, recording the
work as actually performed. In particular, record copies show changes
in the work in relation to the way in which shown and specified by the
original contract documents; and show additional information of value to
the Owner's records, but not indicated by the original Contract
Documents. Record copies include newly-prepared drawings (if any are
specified), marked-up copies of contract drawings, shop drawings,
specifications, addenda and change orders, marked-up product data
submittals, record samples, field records for variable and concealed
c'onditions such as excavations and foundations, and miscellaneous
record information on work which is otherwise recorded only
schematically or not at all.
2) Record Drawings: The Contractor shall maintain a set of Record
Drawings at the job site. These shall be kept legible and current and
shall be available for inspection at all times by the Engineer. Show all
changes or work added on these Record Drawings in a contrasting color.
a) Mark-up Procedure: During progress of the work, maintain a
white-print set (blue-line or black-line) of contract drawings and
shop drawings, with mark-up of actual installations which vary
substantially from the work as originally shown. Mark whatever
drawing is most capable of showing actual physical condition,
fully and accurately. Where shop drawings are marked up, mark
cross-reference on contract drawings at corresponding location.
Mark with erasable colored pencil, using separate colors where
feasible to distinguish between changes for different categories
of work at the same general location. Mark-up important
additional information which was either shown schematically or
omitted from original drawings. Give particular attention to
informa-tion on work concealed, which would be difficult to
identify or measure and record at a later date. Note alternate
numbers, change order numbers and similar identification.
Require each person preparing the mark-up to initial and date the
mark-up and indicate the name of the firm. Label each sheet
"PROJECT RECORD" in 1-1/2 inch high letters.
In showing changes in the work use the same legends as used on
the original drawings. Indicate exact locations by dimensions and
exact elevations by job datum. Give dimensions from a
permanent point.
b) Preparation of Transparencies: In preparation for certification of
substantial completion on the last major portion of the work,
review the completed mark-up of record drawings and shop
drawings with the Engineer. The Engineer will then proceed with
preparation of a full set of corrected transparencies for contract
drawings. The Engineer will date each updated drawing and label
each sheet "PROJECT RECORD" in 1-1/2 inch high letters.
Printing as required herein is the responsibility of the Engineer.
c) Copies, Distribution: Upon completion of transparency record
drawings, the Engineer shall prepare three blue-line or black-line
prints of each drawing, regardless of whether changes and
additional information were recorded thereon. The Engineer shall
then organize each of three copies into manageable sets, bind
with durable paper cover sheets, and print suitable titles and
dates. The mark-up set of prints maintained during the
construction period shall be bound in the same manner. The
Engineer will retain one copy set. At the completion of the
project, the Engineer shall submit one set of mylars and one set
of prints, with changes noted thereon, to the Owner.
3) Record Drawings shall contain the names, addresses and phone
numbers of the General Contractor and the major sub-contractors.
4) The Engineer shall be the sole judge of the accept-ability of the Record
Drawings. Receipt and acceptance of the As-Built drawings is a pre-
requisite for Final Payment.
C. Record Specifications
1) During progress of the work, maintain one copy of specifications,
including addenda, change orders and similar modifications issued in
printed form during construction, mark-up variations (of substance) in
actual work in comparison with text of specifications and modifications
as issued. Give particular attention to substitutions, selection of options,
and similar information on work where it is concealed or cannot
otherwise be readily discerned at a later date by direct observation.
Note related record drawing information and product data where
applicable. Upon completion of the mark-up, submit to the Engineer for
the Owner's records. Label the front cover "PROJECT RECORD" in 1-
1/2 inch high letters.
2) Where the manual is printed on one side of the page only, mark
variations on blank left-hand pages of the Project Manual, facing printed
right-hand pages containing original text affected by variation.
D. Record Product Data
During progress of the work, maintain one copy of each product data submittal,
and mark-up significant variations in the actual work in comparison with
submitted information. Include both variations in product as delivered to site,
and variations from manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for
installation. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the
work which cannot otherwise be readily discerned at a later date by direct
observation. Note related change orders and mark-up of record drawings and
specifications. Upon completion of the mark-up, submit the complete set of
product data submittals to Engineer for the Owner's records. Label each data
submittal "PROJECT RECORD" in 1-1/2 inch high letters.
E. Record Sample Submittal
Immediately prior to the date(s) of substantial completion, the Engineer and
Owner's personnel will meet with the Contractor on site, and will determine if
any of the submitted samples maintained by the Contractor during progress of
the work are to be transmitted to the Owner for record purposes. Comply with
the Engineer's instructions for packaging, identification marking, and delivery
to the Owner's sample storage space. Dispose of other samples in the manner
specified for disposal of surplus and waste materials, unless otherwise
indicated by the Engineer.
F. Miscellaneous Record Submittals
Refer to other sections of these specifications for requirements of
miscellaneous record-keeping and submittals in connection with actual
performance of the work. Immediately prior to the date(s) of substantial
completion, complete miscellaneous records and place in good order, properly
identified and bound or filed, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to
the Engineer for the Owner's records. Categories of requirements resulting in
miscellaneous work records are recognized to include, but are not limited to, the
1) Required field records on excavations, foundations underground
construction, wells and similar work.
2) Surveys by a Registered Land Surveyor establishing lines and elevations
of finished construction.
3) Inspection and Test Reports: Where not processed as shop drawings
or product data.
4) Asphalt or PCC concrete pavement or backfill mix design record and/or
5) Concrete mix certifications.
G. Project Close-out
Close-out is hereby defined to include general requirements near end of
Contract Time, in preparation for final acceptance, final payment, normal
termination of contract, occupancy by the Owner and similar actions evidencing
completion of the work. Specific requirements for individual units of work are
specified in other sections. Time of close-out is directly related to substantial
completion, and therefore may be a single time period for the entire work or a
series of time periods for individual parts of the work which have been certified
as substantially complete at different dates. The time variation, if any, shall be
applicable to other provisions of this section.
H. Prerequisites to Substantial Completion
1) Prior to requesting the Engineer's inspection for certification of
substantial completion, for either entire work or portions thereof,
complete the following and list known exceptions in request:
a) In progress payment request coincident with, or first following the
date claimed, show 100% completion for the portion of work
claimed as "substantially completed", or list incomplete items,
value of incompleteness, and reasons for being incomplete.
b) Include supporting documentation for completion as indicated in
the Contract Documents.
c) Submit statement showing accounting of changes to the Contract
d) Advise the Owner of pending insurance change-over
e) Obtain and submit releases enabling the Owner's full and
unrestricted use of the work and access to services and utilities,
including, where required, occupancy permits, operating certifi-
cates, and similar releases.
f) Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stocks of materials, removed light
fixtures, transformers and similar physical items to the Owner.
g) Make final change-over of locks and transmit keys to the Owner,
and advise Owner's personnel of change-over in security
h) Complete start-up testing of systems, and instructions of Owner's
operating-maintenance personnel. Dis-continue, or change over
and remove from project site, temporary facilities and services,
along with construction tools and facilities, mock-ups, barricades
and similar elements.
2) Inspection Procedures: Upon receipt of the Con-tractor's request, the
Engineer will proceed with inspection or advise the Contractor of
prerequisites not fulfilled. Following initial inspection, the Engineer will
prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion or advise the Contractor
of work which must be performed prior to issuance of the Certificate and
will perform a repeat inspection when requested and assured by the
Contractor that the work has been substantially completed. Results of
the completed inspection will form an initial "punchlist" for final
I. Prerequisites to Final Acceptance
1) Prior to requesting the Engineer's final inspection for certification of final
acceptance as required by the General Provisions, the Contractor shall
complete the following and list known exceptions in the request:
a. Submit certified copy of the Engineer's final punch list of itemized
work to be completed or corrected, stating that each item has
been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance, endorsed
and dated by the Engineer.
b. Complete final cleaning up requirements, including touch-up of
marred surfaces.
c. Touch-up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed
2) Re-inspection Procedures: Following Substantial Completion, the
Contractor shall correct or remedy all Punchlist items to the satisfaction
of the Engineer and Owner within a two (2) week period after the Date
of Substantial Completion. If subsequent inspections are necessary
after the two week period in order to eliminate all deficiencies, the cost
of all subsequent inspections with respect to the Owner and Engineer's
time shall be paid by the Contractor. When ready, the Contractor shall
request in writing a final inspection of the work. Upon completion of
reinspection, the Engineer will prepare a Certificate of Final Acceptance
or advise the Contractor of work not completed or obligations not fulfilled
as required for Final Acceptance. If necessary, the procedures will be
J. Prerequisites to Final Payment
1) Final Payment: Final Payment will be made after final acceptance of
the project by the Engineer and Owner upon request by the Contractor
on condition that the Contractor:
a) Furnish properly executed complete releases of lien from all
materialmen and subcontractors who have furnished materials or
labor for the Work and submit supporting documentation not
previously submitted and accepted. Include certificates of
insurance for products and completed operations where required.
b) Furnish the Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens (2 copies)
that all materialmen and subcontractors have been paid in full.
In the event they have not been paid in full, the Owner shall retain
a sufficient sum to pay them in full and at his option may make
direct payment as provided in Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, as
amended, to obtain complete releases of lien. This authorization
to make a direct payment is not an acknowledgement or waiver
by the Owner that an unpaid Subcontractor Material man may
seek payment from the Owner rather than from the Public
Construction Bond Surety as required by Sect. 255.05, F.S.
c) Fumish Contractor's Affidavit of Debts and Claims (2 copies).
d) Furnish required sets of record drawings and maintenance and
operating instructions of new mechanical equipment.
e) Fumish guarantees signed by subcontractors, material suppliers,
and countersigned by the Contractor for operating equipment.
f) Submit specific warranties, workmanship-maintenance bonds,
maintenance agreements, final certifications and similar
g) Fumish a signed guarantee, in form acceptable to Engineer and
Owner agreeing to repair or replace as decided by the Engineer,
all work and materials that prove defective within one (1) year (or
more) from the date of final acceptance, including restoration of
all other work damaged in making such repairs or replacements.
h) Fumish consent of Surety to final payment.
i) Submit updated final statement, accounting for final changes to
Contract Sum.
j) Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage
complying with insurance requirements.
k) Certify that all Social Security, Unemployment and all other taxes
(City, State, Federal Government) have been paid.
I) Provide receipt, as applicable, of affidavits certifying all labor
standards of local, State, or Federal requirements have been
complied with by the Contractor.
m) Submit actual DBE participation percentages.
K. Record Document Submittals
Specific requirements for record documents are shown in the section,
PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS. Other requirements are indicated in the
General Provisions. General submittal requirements are indicated in
"Submittals" sections. Do not use record documents for construction purposes;
protect from deterioration and loss in a secure, fire-resistive location; provide
access to record documents for the Engineer's reference during normal working
1) Record Drawings: The Engineer shall organize record drawing sheets
into manageable sets, bind with durable paper cover sheets, and print
suitable titles, dates and other identification on cover of each set.
2) Record Specifications: Upon completion of mark-up, submit to the
Engineer for the Owner's records.
3) Record Product Data: Upon completion of mark-up, submit a complete
set to the Engineer for the Owner's records.
4) Record Sample Submittal: Comply with the Engineer's instructions for
packaging, identification, marking, and delivery to the Owner's sample
storage space.
5) Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Complete miscellaneous records and
place in good order, properly identified and bound or filed, ready for
continued use and reference. Submit to the Engineer for the Owner's
6) Maintenance Manuals: Complete, place in order, properly identify and
submit to the Engineer for the Owner's records.
L Close-out Procedures
General Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Arrange for each installer of
work requiring continuing maintenance or operation, to meet with the Owner's
personnel at the project site to provide basic instructions needed for proper
operation and maintenance of the entire work. Include instructions by
manufacturer's representatives where installers are not expert in the required
procedures. Review maintenance manuals, record documentation and
materials, lubricants, fuel, identification system, control sequences, hazards,
cleaning and similar procedures and facilities. For operational equipment,
demonstrate start-up, shut-down, emergency operations, safety, economy,
efficiency adjustments, and similar operations. Review maintenance and
operations in relation with applicable warranties, agreements to maintain bonds,
and similar continuing commitments. Permit owner employees to video tape
operationing and maintenance instructions.
A Provide final cleaning of the work, at the time indicated, consisting of cleaning
each surface or unit of work to normal"clean" condition.
B. Removal of Protection: Remove temporary protection devices and facilities
which were installed during the course of the work to protect previous
completed work during the remainder of the construction period.
Co. Compliances: Comply with safety standards and governing regulations for
cleaning operations. Do not bum waste materials at site, bury debris or excess
materials on Owner's property. Do not discharge volatile or other harmful or
dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials from site
and dispose of in a lawful manner.
Where extra materials of value remaining after the completion of the associated
work have become the Owner's property, dispose of these as directed by
To avoid the Contractor from being held responsible for delays in obtaining the necessary
permits, and having these delays deducted from the total calendar days provided in the
contract to complete construction, two (2) Notice to Proceeds will be issued as follows:
1. Notice to Proceed (Permits)
A Notice to Proceed will be issued ten (10) days after award of contract, for the
Contractor to pursue obtaining the necessary permits.
2. Notice to Proceed (Construction)
Only after the Contractor has obtained all the necessary permits, will the Notice to
Proceed be issued, which shall state the date on which it is expected the Contractor
wiill begin the construction and from which date contract time will be charged.
In order to minimize the time the Airport will be required to be closed during the performance
of the work included in this contract, the work shall be accomplished in two (2) phases as
Phase I:
This phase shall allow the Contractor to obtain any necessary
construction permits which will be required to accomplish the work. Also,
during this phase, the Contractor shall order and deliver materials,
equipment and supplies needed to complete the work. No on-site
construction activities shall be accomplished and the Airport shall remain
open to aircraft operations during the phase.
Phase II:
This phase shall include all the construction activities necessary to
c,omplete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Sixty
(60) calendar days will be allowed to complete the work included in this
The work included in this Contract shall be accomplished in accordance with, but not limited
to, the following work sequencing:
Phase I:
1. Obtain permits as required for construction.
2. Prepare and transmit all required shop drawings, submittals and certifications as
re.quired by the Contract Documents to the Engineer for review and approval.
3. Place orders for the purchase and delivery of equipment, materials and supplies
required to complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
4. Mobilize equipment, materials and supplies in Contractor's staging area. No men,
equipment, materials or supplies will be allowed outside the staging area during Phase
I unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer.
Phase II:
1 . Construction Sequence
Phase "A"
A. Work to be Completed
1) The Contractor shall prepare his staging area and establish haul routes,
as well as prepare, submit, and receive approval of shop drawings and
job mix formulas.
2) The Contractor shall give the Engineer 48 hours advanced written notice
prior to starting work in any area so the appropriate NOT AMS may be
issued by the airport.
3) Only the portion of taxiway in which the Contractor is to mill or overlay on
that day shall be closed (barricaded) off. Location of barricades shall be
adjusted daily to match work area, as directed by the Resident Project
R.epresentative (RPR), minimizing the disruption of aircraft operations.
4) Construct Connector "H" and apron to access existing west shade
hangars. Remove existing asphalt pavement and regrade as per
grading plan.
5) Overlay taxiway from 8ta. :1:10+00 to 8ta. :1:31+50 as per plans. This
work shall be performed during daytime hours (7:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
Contractor shall stop paving in time to pave transition end wedge for
aircraft operations, (see temporary feathering detail).
6) The Contractor shall have available at all times appropriate sweeping
and vacuum equipment to remove any dust or debris. An inspection
shall be performed by the Owner's Representative to insure the TIW is
clear of any debris prior to opening for operations.
7) At the completion of each day's work the Contractor shall provide
temporary marking on TlW's for areas which are overlayed, at 50% of
the specified application rate with no reflectorized media, as work
B. Operational Constraints (for Informational Purposes)
1) Taxiway "A" shall be closed from 8ta. 10+00 to 8ta. 31 +50 for 15
calendar days. The Contractor shall schedule construction to allow
aircraft to taxiing during the closed periods to the general aviation apron
(1) and the west shade hangars at all times. Coordination to be made
with the Airport Manager or Resident Project Representative (RPR).
2) NOT AM8 shall be issued stating that Connector B shall be used for
taxing to end of Runway 7 during Contractor working hours.
3) Overlay of Connector "A-1" shall be coordinated with Airport Manager
and Resident Project Representative (RPR) in order to minimize
disruption of airport operation.
Phase "B"
A. Work to be Completed
1 ) Contractor shall place barricades as shown on the plans.
2) Overlay taxiway from 8ta. :1:31 +50 to 8ta. :1:53+75 as per plans. This
work shall be performed during daytime hours (7:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
Contractor shall stop paving in time to pave transition end wedge for
aircraft operations (see temporary feathering detail).
3) The Contractor shall have available at all times appropriate sweeping
and vacuum equipment to remove any dust or debris. An inspection
shall be performed by the Owner Representative to insure the TIW is
clear of any debris prior to opening for operations.
4) At the completion of each day's work the Contractor shall provide
temporary marking on TIW's for areas which are overlayed, at 50% of
the specified application rate with no reflectorized media, as work
5) Only the portion of taxiway in which the Contractor is to mill or overlay on
that day shall be closed (barricaded) off. Location of barricades shall be
adjusted daily to match work area, as directed by the Resident Project
Representative (RPR), minimizing the disruption of aircraft operations.
B. Operational Constraints (for Informational Purposes)
1) Taxiway "A" shall be closed from 8ta. 31 +50 to 8ta. 53+00 for 10
calendar days. The Contractor shall schedule construction to allow
aircraft taxiing during the closed periods from and to the terminal apron
at all times. Coordination to be made with the Airport Manager or
Resident Project Representative (RPR).
2) Appropriate NOTAM8 shall be issued stating which connector to be used
during the construction period, as directed by the Resident Project
Representative (RPR).
3) Overlay of Taxiway "8" shall be coordinated with Airport Manager and
Resident Project Representative (RPR) in order to minimize disruption
of airport operation.
Phase "e"
A. Work to be Performed
1) Contractor shall place barricades as shown on the plans.
2) Overlay taxiway from 8ta. :t53+00 to 8ta. :t59+50 as per plans. This
work shall be performed during daytime hours (7:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
Contractor shall stop paving in time to pave transition end wedge for
aircraft operations.
3) The Contractor shall have available at all times appropriate sweeping
and vacuum equipment to remove any dust or debris. An inspection
shall be performed by the Owner Representative to insure the TIW is
clear of any debris prior to opening for operations.
4) At the completion of each day's work the Contractor shall provide
temporary marking on TIW's for areas which are overlayed, at 50% of
the specified application rate with no reflectorized media, as work
5) Only the portion of taxiway in which the Contractor is to mill or overlay on
that day shall be closed (barricaded) off. Location of barricades shall be
adjusted daily to match work area, as directed by the Resident Project
Representative (RPR), minimizing the disruption of aircraft operations.
B. Operational Constraints (for Informational Purposes)
1) Taxiway "A" shall be closed from Sta. 53+00 to Sta. 59+50 for 5 calendar
days. The Contractor shall schedule construction to allow aircraft
taxiing during the closed periods to the General Aviation Apron (II) and
east shade hangars at all times. Coordination to be made with the
Airport Manager or Resident Project Representative (RPR).
2) Appropriate NOTAMS shall be issued stating which connector to be used
during the construction period, as directed by the Resident Project
Representative (RPR).
3) Overlay of Taxiway "C" and Connector "A-2" shall be coordinated with
Airport Manager and Resident Project Representative (RPR) in order to
minimize disruption of airport operation.
Phase "0"
A. Work to be Performed
1) The Contractor shall place barricades and establish relocated temporary
threshold as shown on the plans.
2) Construct taxiway "D" from Sta. :t200+00 to Sta. :t214+19.70 and
Taxilane "E" from Sta. :t100+00 to Sta. :t116+05.48 as per plans. This
work shall be performed during daytime hours (7:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
3) Regrade infield areas and construct drainage trench as shown on the
grading plans.
4) The Contractor shall have available at all times appropriate sweeping
and vacuum equipment to remove any dust or debris. An inspection
shall be performed by the Owner Representative to insure the TIW is
~Iear of any debris prior to opening for operations.
5) Final marking will be applied for the entire length of Taxiways "A", "D",
Taxilane "E" and connectors upon completion of all overlay on Taxiway
"A" and Construction of new Taxiways "0" and Taxilane "E".
6) Only the portion of taxiway in which the Contractor is to mill or overlay on
that day shall be closed (barricaded) off. Location of barricades shall be
adjusted daily to match work area, as directed by the Resident Project
Representative (RPR), minimizing the disruption of aircraft operations.
B. Operational Constraints (for Informational Purposes)
1) Taxiway "0" shall be closed from Sta 200+00 to Sta. 214+19.70 for 20
calendar days. The Contractor shall allow aircraft taxiing during the
closed periods to the runway end 25 at all times. Coordination to be
made with the Airport Manager or Resident Project Representative
2) Contractor shall cover the east end runway lights and papis behind the
temporary threshold during Contractor's working hours (7:00 AM to 5:00
PM). This shall be done at no additional cost to the Owner.
No separate payment shall be made for the work included in this Special Provision. The costs
of all labor, equipment, materials and supplies associated with the work stipulated in this
section shall be included in the lump sum price quoted for Item "M-1 00-1, Mobilization" in the
bid proposal submitted for this project.
I This phase shall allow the Contractor to obtain any necessary A.S.A.P.
construction permits which will be required to accomplish the work.
Also, during this phase, the Contractor shall order and deliver
materials, equipment and supplies needed to complete the work. No
on-site construction activities shall be accomplished and the Airport
shall remain open to aircraft operations during the phase.
IIA This phase shall include all the construction activities necessary to 15 Calendar Days
complete the work in accordance with the contract documents and as
shown on the plans.
liB This phase shall include all the construction activities necessary to 10 Calendar Days
complete the work in accordance with the contract documents and as
shown on the plans.
IIC This phase shall include all the construction activities necessary to 5 Calendar Days
I complete the work in accordance with the contract documents and as
shown on the plans.
liD This phase shall include all the construction activities necessary to 60 Calendar Days
complete the work in accordance with the contract documents and as
shown on the plans.
Calendar Days*
Schematic construction scheduling and staging drawings are included in the plans with the work
and operational constraints for informational purposes only. They are intended to represent a
viable construction sequence which the Contractor may elect to implement. The Contractor shall
ultimately be responsible for submitting a detailed construction schedule to the AlE for review
and approval.
If the work in Phases IIA, liB, IIC, and 110 is not completed within 60 Calendar Days, the
Contractor will be assessed liquidated damages listed below for each calendar day the work
overruns the allotted contract time.
None (no on-site construction activity IS being
accomplished during this Phase.
IIA, liB, IIC, and 110
$500.00 per day.
A. The Contractor is hereby informed that there may be installed on the Airport FAA
f\lA V AIDS including, without limitation, airfield lighting systems, electric cables and
controls relating to such NA V AIDS and facilities. Such NA V AIDS and other facilities
and electric cables must be fully protected during the entire construction time. Work
under this contract can be accomplished in the vicinity of these facilities and cables
only at approved periods of time.
Approval is subject to withdrawal at any time because of change in the weather,
emergency conditions on the existing airfield areas, anticipation of emergency
conditions, and for any other reason determined by the Resident Project
Representative (RPR) acting under the orders and instructions of the airport
management and the designated FAA representative. Any instructions to this
contractor to clear any given area at any time by the RPR or the Airport Management
shall be immediately executed. Construction work will be commenced in the cleared
area only when additional instructions are issued by the Engineer.
B. Power and control cables leading to and from any FAA NAVAIDS and other facilities
have been located and shown from best available information and are approximate.
The Contractor shall verify actual locations. Through the entire time of this
construction, the Contractor shall not allow any construction equipment to cross power
and control cables leading to and from any FAA NAVAIDS or other facilities without
first protecting the cable with steel boiler plate, or similar structural devices, on three
(::1') feet either side of the marked cable route. All excavation within three (3') feet of
existing cables shall be accomplished by hand digging only.
C. This Special Provision intends to make perfectly clear the need for protection of FAA
NAVAIDS and other facilities and cables by this contractor at all times.
D. The Contractor shall immediately repair, at his own expense, with identical material by
skilled workmen, any underground cables serving FAA NA V AIDS and other airport
facilities, which are damaged by his workmen, equipment, or work. Prior approval of
the FAA must be obtained for the materials, workmen, time of day or night, method of
repairs, and for any temporary or permanent repairs the Contractor proposed to make
to any FAA NAVAIDS and facilities damaged by the Contractor. Prior approval of the
Engineer must be obtained for the materials, workmen, time of day or night, and for the
method of repairs for any temporary or permanent repairs the Contractor proposes to
make to any other airport facilities and cables damaged by this Contractor. Should the
repair require splicing, it shall be spliced at the direction of the Engineer. No work shall
bE~ backfilled or covered prior to approval by the Engineer.
E. The Contractor shall have a sufficient supply of extra cable, connectors, splice kits and
lilght fixtures on site to temporarily "jump" around damaged or cut cables and fixtures
if necessary to make the existing runway/taxiway/NA V AIDS systems operational during
scheduled aircraft operation periods.
1. QN-SITE OBSERVATION. The Resident Project Observation for this contract shall
bl9 performed by the Engineer or his duly authorized representative.
Inspector's duties and responsibilities are to:
a. Monitor performance of the Contractor; require correction of work that does not
meet plans and specifications; and report serious problems to the Engineer and
b. Determine test sites/locations, coordinate and supervise testing.
c. Interpret plans and specification details.
d. Resolve minor construction problems.
e. Maintain project records.
f. Review and approve requests for payment to the Contractor.
g. Conduct day-to-day construction observations.
h. Maintain a project diary on a daily basis.
I. Maintain up-to-date records on quantities of work performed and quantities of
materials in place.
J. Contact Engineer for advice and assistance when needed and when major
problems arise.
k. Recommend to the Engineer when a Change Order or Supplemental
Agreement is required.
3. OFFICE. See .Special Provision No.8 for Resident Engineer's (RPR) Office.
A. Construction Sequencing. All construction being accomplished under this
contract shall be in accordance with the sequencing indicated on the drawings.
B., Radio Communications. When working in an Air Operations Area (AOA),
whether closed or not, the Contractor shall maintain communications by two-
way radio with the Airport Radio Frequency during all hours of Radio Frequency
operations. The Contractor's radios shall be capable of operating on the
ground control frequency assigned to the Radio Frequency. The radio operator
shall be trained on the use of the radio, including the terminology normally used
on airports for ground control communications. If the Contractor is operating
in more than one general area on the airport at the same time, additional radios
shall be provided to allow coordination of work activities with the Airport
In addition to the above requirements for radios for use by Contractor's
personnel, the Contractor shall provide a similar two-way radio for exclusive use
by the Resident Inspector during normal working hours throughout the contract
time period.
C. Construction Activity and Aircraft Movements. During the time that the
Contractor is performing the work under this project, the Airport will remain in
use by aircraft except as provided herein. To the extent feasible and
convenient, in the opinion of the Engineer, the use by aircraft of runways and
taxiways adjacent to areas where the Contractor is working will be so scheduled
as to reduce disturbance to the Contractor's operations. Aircraft operations,
unless otherwise specified in the contract specifications, shall always have
priority over any and all of the Contractor's operations and the Contractor shall
not allow his employees, sub-contractors, materialmen or any other persons
over whom he has control, to enter or remain upon or allow any plant or
materials to be brought or remain upon any part of the airport which, in the
opinion of the Engineer, would be a hazardous location.
Should aprons, runways or taxiways be required for use of aircraft and should
the Engineer or Resident Inspector deem the Contractor to be too close to the
portion used by aircraft for safety, he may in his sole discretion order the
Contractor to suspend his operations, remove his personnel, plant, equipment
and materials to a safe distance and stand by until the runway and taxiways are
no longer required for use by aircraft.
D. Limitations of Construction
1) All Contractor vehicles that are authorized to operate on the Airport
outside of the designated construction area limits or haul routes as
specified on the plans and in the active Aircraft Operations Area (AOA)
shall display in full view above the vehicle a 3' x 3' or larger orange and
white checkerboard flag, each checkerboard color being l' square. Any
vehicle operating in the active AOA during the hours of darkness shall
be equipped with a flashing amber (yellow) dome-type light mounted on
top of the vehicle and of such intensity to conform to local codes for
maintenance and emergency vehicles.
2) All Contractor vehicles that are required to cross active runways,
taxiways and approach clear zones shall do so under direct control of a
flagman. The flagman shall be trained and instructed by Airport
Operations in the regulations goveming operations on the AOA and the
Airport. The flagman shall remain with his vehicle at all times. All
aircraft traffic on runways, taxiways and aprons shall have priority over
Contractor's traffic.
3) No runway, taxiway apron or aircraft roadway shall be closed without
written approval of the Airport Director to enable necessary "Notices to
Airman" (NOT AM) or advisories to airport service or tenants. A minimum
of 48 hours' notice of requested closing shall be directed to the Engineer
who will coordinate the request with the Airport Director.
4) Any construction activity within 200' of an active runway centerline or 94'
from an active taxiway centerline or open excavations in excess of three
inches (3") deep within the above areas will require closure of the
affected runway or taxiway unless otherwise approved by the Airport
Director. Closure requires the same provisions as Paragraph 3) above.
5) Open flames, welding or torch-cutting operations are prohibited unless
adequate fire and safety precautions have been taken and the procedure
approved by the Airport Director.
6) Stockpiled material shall be constrained in a manner to prevent
movement resulting from aircraft blast or wind conditions in excess of 10
7) Open trenches, excavation and stockpiled material located in the AOA
shall be prominently marked with flags and lighted by approved light
units during hours of visibility and darkness.
8) The Contractor must provide his authorized personnel with radios
operating on the local Air Traffic Control Tower's ground control
frequency of 121.4 for clearance when crossing active runways or
11 )
Contractor to provide barricades across pavement to isolate construction
activities from aircraft operating areas at locations as determined by the
Resident Inspector. Barricades to be orange and white striped 8" x 8"
timber, "low-silhouette" type barricades with battery operated yellow
flashing lights or approved equal. Each barricade shall have a minimum
of two flashing lights with the intensity of the lights being of such
brightness so as to be readily identified during darkness periods.
Barricades to be spaced approximately 20' on centers. Barricades to be
sandbagged as necessary to prevent being blown over. Barricades shall
be removed at individual locations as paving in the area is completed.
Cost of barricades shall be incidental and included in the mobilization
During runway closures, the Contractor shall provide temporary runway
closure markers on each runway end (over runway numerals) in
accordance with the special provisions of these specifications unless s
otherwise approved by the Engineer.
Equipment and materials shall not be left on or within 500' from active
runway centerlines after work operations are ceased each work shift.
The Contractor shall keep all active airfield pavement clear of all debris,
stones and other materials during construction. All active pavement
shall be cleaned and inspected by the Contractor's superintendent prior
to release of work crews after each shift of work.
All construction barricades shall be inspected by the Contractor's
superintendent prior to release of work crews after each work shift to
ensure barricades are properly placed and lighted for non-work hours.
Open trenches, excavation and stockpiled material will not be allowed
within 200' of centerline of active runways or within 94' of active
taxiways. Coverings for open trenches must be of such strength as to
support the weight of a 60,000 pound gross weight aircraft on an FAA
dual-gear type undercarriage.
All existing facilities, equipment (runway/taxiway lights, visual aids,
NA V AIDS, etc.) and underground utilities shall be carefully protected by
the Contractor. Any damage to these items caused by the Contractor or
Sub-Contractors shall be immediately repaired and restored to a
condition similar or equal to the original condition.
E. Payment. No separate payment shall be made for the safety requirements
stated above. All costs necessary to provide these items or services shall be
included in other bid items quoted in the Bid Proposal.
A. General Intent. The Contractor shall comply with all security requirements
specified herein. The Contractor shall designate in writing the name of his
"Contractor Security Officer" (CSO). The CSO shall represent the Contractor
on the security requirements of the contract.
8. Construction Security Committee. The committee shall be established by the
Manager or Director concurrent with the life of this contract to monitor,
coordinate and adopt new security procedures relating to this contract. Meeting
shall be scheduled by the Manager or Director. Committee membership shall
include the CSO, the Manager or Director and such other personnel as the
Manager or Director may designate.
C Contractor Personnel Security Orientation. The CSO shall be responsible for
briefing all contractor personnel on these requirements and, from time to time,
other security provisions adopted by the Construction Security Committee. All
new contractor employees shall be briefed on these requirements prior to
working in the construction area.
D. Access to the Site. Contractor's access to the site shall be as shown on the
plans. No other access points shall be allowed unless approved by the
Manager or Director. All contractor traffic authorized to enter the site shall be
operated by personnel experienced in the route or guided by contractor
personnel. The Contractor shall be responsible for traffic control to and from
the various construction areas on airport property. The Contractor shall be
responsible for immediate clean-up of any debris deposited along any route
resulting from his construction traffic. Directional signing at the access point
and along the delivery route to the storage area or work sites shall be as
directed by the Resident Project Engineer or Representative.
E. Materials Delivery to the Site. All Contractor's material deliveries to the site
shall enter the airport only at designated gates and such deliveries shall be
escorted to the construction site by experienced contractor personnel.
F. Identification - Vehicles. The Contractor shall establish and maintain a list of
contractor and sub-contractor vehicles authorized to operate on the site.
Vehicle permits shall be assigned in a manner to assure positive control of all
vehicles at all times. Each vehicle shall display a large company sign on both
sides of vehicles. The CSO shall maintain a current list of companies
authorized to enter and conduct work on the airport. Employee personal
vehicles shall be parked in designated areas. These vehicles shall not enter
the airfield at any time. All vehicles and equipment entering the job site shall
display the company's logo and/or name.
G. Identification - Personnel. The Contractor's onsite personnel shall be badged
with ID badges provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide to the
manager or Director a five-year employee history verification on all supervisors.
All supervisors shall be required to attend an orientation training seminar
presented by Airport Management personnel. All other non-supervisory
personnel of the Contractor and his subcontractors shall be issued construction
work security badges supplied by the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain
a master list of personnel issued badges and it shall be available for
examination during construction hours. All personnel shall wear the badges on
their outermost garment at all times while in the air operations area.
Responsibility for supply issuance, and control of identification badges shall be
that of the Contractor.
H. Manager or Director. The work on the Marathon Airport shall be under the
direction of the Airport Manager or his authorized agent(s).
All work on the Marathon Airport shall be under the direction of the Aviation
Director or his authorized agent(s).
I. Contractor shall maintain security at all times during construction.
J. Payment. No separate payment for the above security requirements shall be
made. All costs necessary to cover these items and services shall be included
as part of other bid items quoted in the Bid Proposal.
The drawings which show the location, character, dimensions and details of the work to be
done and which are to be considered as a part of the contract supplementary to the
specifications are as follows:
Cover Sheet
Summary of Quantities and Safety and Security Notes.
Project Layout Plan
Construction Phasing and Sequencing Plan
Typical Sections
Geometry and Lighting Layout Plan
Grading and Drainage Plan
Taxiway and Taxilane Profiles
Marking Layout Plan and Details
Miscellaneous Details
21- 43
Cross Section
1. The Contractor shall furnish office space (300 square foot minimum) for the exclusive
use of the Resident Engineer(s) (RPR) as a field office. The space shall be furnished
and maintained by the Contractor and shall be erected and ready for full occupancy
not later than ten (10) days after the Notice-to-Proceed of Construction is issued.
A. Office Equipment and Utilities. Provide all necessary power for lighting, for
power outlets, for heating and cooling; provide adequate heating, cooling and
ventilating equipment, drinking fountain, water, lavatory, toilet facilities,
telephone and OSHA approved fire extinguisher.
B. Office Furniture. Provide two desks with chairs, two drafting tables with stools,
plan racks, shelves, a fire-resistant three-drawer legal size filing cabinet with
locks (U.L. approved), FAX machine and a telephone answering machine.
C. Services. Provide and pay all costs for private telephone service for project-
related calls, water, electricity, janitorial service and all janitorial and sanitary
2. BASIS OF PAYMENT. The cost of the field office, the equipment, furniture and
slervices shall be incidental and included in the overall cost of the pay items in the
3. OWNERSHIP. The equipment and furniture shall remain the property of the
Contractor, shall be maintained by the Contractor and removed by the Contractor after
the final acceptance of the project.
A. This section specifies certain minimum temporary facilities to be provided
regardless of methods and means selected for performance of the work but not
by way of limitation and not assured for compliance with goveming regulations.
Use of altemate temporary facilities may be permitted subject to the Engineer's
and Owner's approval and acceptance.
B. Energy Considerations: Administer the use of temporary facilities in a manner
which conserves energy but without delaying work or endangering persons or
property; comply with reasonable requests by the Engineer and Owner.
C. Costs: Except as otherwise indicated, costs associated with temporary facilities
are the Contractor's. Temporary facilities remain the property and responsibility
of the Contractor.
D. Dust Control: Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent the transfer of dust
to other areas of the airport complex.
E. Noise Control: Where work is being conducted in or adjacent to occupied
areas, the Contractor shall make every effort to keep construction noise to a
F. Fire Protection: In addition to temporary water service for construction and the
placing of permanent fire protection facilities in operating condition at earliest
feasible date, provide fire extinguishers of types and sizes recommended by
NFPA or any other governing authority or agency.
Provide Type A extinguishers in field offices and for similar exposures, Type
ABC in construction areas. Locate extinguishers near each entrance. Prohibit
smoking except in marked, non-hazardous areas. Smoking in existing premises
is prohibited.
G., Environmental Protection: Review exposure to possible environmental
problems with the Engineer and Owner. Establish procedures and discipline
among tradesmen and provide needed facilities which will protect against
environmental problems (pollution of air, water and soil, excessive noise and
similar problems).
Provide facilities and services as necessary to effectively protect project from losses
and persons from injury during the course of construction.
The existing utilities shall not be modified for use by the Contractor. Do not interrupt
€ixisting services serving occupied or used facilities except when authorized in writing
by the Owner. Provide temporary services during interruptions to existing utilities as
a.cceptable to the Owner.
The Contractor shall fumish electrical and water utilities as required and provide
temporary power, telephone and system connections where required by the Owner to
continue operation of existing equipment or systems during construction.
A The Contractor may provide a trailer or prototype building field office for his
own use. The location of the field office or building must be approved by the
Engineer and Owner. All costs for connection to utilities shall be paid for by the
Contractor. Water, electric and telephone will be available on site.
Equipment not in use during construction, nights and/or holidays shall be
parked in areas designated by the Engineer and Owner. Construction workers'
private vehicles shall be parked within the areas.
B. During construction, the Contractor shall maintain these areas in a neat
The Contractor's vehicles, equipment and materials shall be stored in the areas
designated by the Engineer. Upon completion of the work, the staging and
storage areas shall be cleaned up and retumed to their original condition to the
satisfaction of the Owner. Remove all construction fencing and barricades from
the project site. No special payment will be made for clean-up and restoration
of the storage area.
Personal vehicles will not be permitted beyond the Contractor's parking area.
Drivers of vehicles being operated beyond this area shall be subject to loss of
permission to enter the construction site.
C. If additional storage areas are needed, the Contractor may request it from the
Engineer. The request will be reviewed on the basis of what is to be stored and
the area needed. The Contractor shall provide any necessary fencing and/or
secu rity.
A.. De-watering: Maintain construction work free of water accumulation. Do not
endanger the work or adjacent properties.
B. Miscellaneous Facilities: Provide miscellaneous facilities as needed including
ladders, runways, shoring, scaffolding, railing, bracing, barriers, closures,
platforms, temporary partitions and similar items.
A. General: Provide facilities and services as may be needed to properly support
the primary construction process and meet governing regulations.
B. Drinking Water: Provide either pipe-connected potable water fountains or
electric cooled bottled water fountains or insulated potable water containers in
work areas spaced so that personnel at the site will travel no more than 300
C. Toilets: Furnish adequate temporary sanitary facilities within the Contractor's
staging and storage areas located on the drawings for the use of workmen
during the entire period of construction. Temporary facilities shall be furnished
at a minimum ratio of one toilet for each 25 workmen or as required by local
governing code, whichever is greater. The toilets shall be portable, chemical
type or water-borne type connected to an approved existing sanitary sewer.
Toilets shall be placed or installed in conformity with local governing code
requirements and shall be enclosed in a weather-tight, fly-proof building with a
self-closing door. The building shall be tied down to prevent overturning by
wind. Provide standard, roll-type toilet paper holder and a supply of standard,
roll-type toilet tissue.
The premises shall be thoroughly disinfected at least twice each week. Provide
means for locking the door from the outside and keep locked at all times except
during hours that workmen are at the project site.
A.. The Contractor shall coordinate the requirements for temporary utilities with the
Owner and shall install at the Contractor's expense all necessary utilities in a
safe, acceptable manner. Should leaks, breaks, etc. occur during installation
or use, the Contractor shall immediately notify the appropriate utility personnel
and promptly repair the utility so as to keep disruption of service to a minimum.
B. The Contractor shall provide temporary wiring if required. All wiring shall meet
all safety requirements of the National Electrical Code, Florida Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Workmens' Compensation or local requirements. In
addition, all wire shall be so sized that it is not overloaded according to the
National Electrical Code and all wire used shall be fused to adequately protect
that wire according to the Code referred to.
C. The Contractor shall provide all temporary lines and connections from existing
sources of water as required for the work. The Contractor is responsible for
proper drainage of water used.
D. The Contractor shall fumish all temporary wiring, piping connections and other
apparatus that is needed to operate the utilities and shall remove all evidence
of same when work is complete.
E. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining and paying for all utilities that he
requires at the project site.
The staging area(s) depicted on the plans shall be used to house the Contractor's and
Resident Project Representative's Inspector's offices and to store all idle equipment,
supplies and construction materials (other than bulk materials such as aggregate, sand
and soil).
The Contractor may erect and maintain throughout the life of this contract, at his
expense, a six-foot high fence of chain link fabric around the perimeter of each staging
area used. He may also install vehicle and pedestrian gates as necessary to provide
adequate ingress/egress.
Additionally, the perimeter of any staging area which abuts an active operation
pavement shall be marked with yellow flashing barricades no more than 50 feet apart.
Upon completion of all work, remove all construction fencing and barricades from the
project site.
The Contractor's vehicles, equipment and materials shall be stored in the area
dE~signated on the plans. Upon completion of the work, the storage area shall be
cllsaned up and returned to its original condition to the satisfaction of the Owner.
PE~rsonal services will not be permitted beyond the Contractor's parking area. Drivers
of vehicles being operated beyond this area shall be subject to loss of permission to
enter the construction site.
Equipment not in use during construction, nights and/or holidays will be parked in the
Contractor's staging area. Exceptions will only be approved by the Engineer when
absolutely necessary. Parking of construction workers' private vehicles shall also be
within the staging area construction fence.
Stockpile areas shall be used to store all bulk materials needed for the project and may
or may not be fenced at the Contractor's option. However, yellow flashing barricades
shall be installed where potential conflicts with air or ground vehicular traffic might
Separate stockpiles shall be created for the project construction. Separate stockpiles
shall be created for structural soil and topsoil. Stockpiles shall not penetrate the FAR
Part 77 imaginary surfaces.
A.II other waste material, including rubble and debris, shall be removed from the Airport
at the Contractor's expense.
No stockpile areas to store all bulk materials for the project are provided. All material
removed by excavation, such as concrete, asphalt or limerock, will be transported off
the Airport limits when it is taken up. It will not be stockpiled on Airport property.
The Contractor shall provide all necessary temporary environmental controls as
directed by the Engineer (including, but not limited to: hay bales, siltation fence, etc.)
to protect the environment from erosion of any stockpile areas.
The cost for these temporary environmental controls shall be considered incidental to
the project.
Dewatering operations and any permits necessary to complete any portion of this project,
including, but not limited to, trench excavation, backfill, installation of edge light fixtures,
junction boxes, conduit and the installation of new cables in existing ducts shall be considered
incidental to the bid item for which de-watering may be necessary.
No separate payment will be made for the cost of dewatering.
1 . GENERAL. The Bid Documents, Contract, Special Provisions, General Provisions,
Specifications, Plans and all referenced Standards cited in these documents are
essential parts of the contract requirements. A requirement occurring in one is as
binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be complementary to describe
and provide for a complete work.
2. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE. In case of conflicts within the above mentioned
documents, the order of precedence shall be as follows:
A. Bid Documents (Division I)(including any and all Addenda)
B. Contract (Division II)
C. Special Provisions (Division IV)
D. Technical Specifications (Division V)
E. General Provisions (Division III)
F. Plans (large scale detail drawings over smaller scale general drawings)
In addit~on to the requirements for payments (Partial and Final) stipulated in General
Provisions (Division III) Section 90 "MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT" and in Special
Provision No.1 "PROJECT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS" Section 25 (Division IV).
All pay rE~quests shall be prepared by the Contractor within the time frames stipulated in the
County Procedures unless otherwise approved by the Engineer and Owner.
Pay Requests shall be submitted in one (1) original and one (1) copy (to the Engineer) unless
otherwis,e instructed by the Engineer.
(name, address)
(name, address)
The Contract is changed as follows:
Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor.
The original (Contracl Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Nel change by previously aUlhorized Change Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior (0 lhis Change Order was. . . . . . . . . . S
The (Contracl Sum) (Guaranleed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased)
(unchanged) by lhis Change Order in lhe amount of . . . S
The new (Contracl Sum) (Guaranleed Maximum Price) including lhis Change Order will be S
The Contracl Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by
The dale of Subslamial Complelion as of lhe dale of lhis Change Order lherefore is
) UJ\.s
Th" SlIll1ll1df\ docs nm fetlce! ch:mge; 111 thc ContfdC[ Sum. CotHr;rC[ Timc Of (;lIdfdntCl"lJ ~IaXltl1l1m Priec \Yhiel1hd\.c heell Cllll!Hlf1/.ed 11\
ConSlfUction Ch;mgc Direc[l\e
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WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and Is &ubjectto legal prosecution.
()\\' ~ 1-:1 (
(Instructions on reverse side)
(.\"011I(' (Iud "delr"ss)
(.\"((111(' (utcladd,-('.'".,')
(,\"lIlIlI.' tllld ,It lei,.,........:;)
The \X'ork performed under this Comr.lct h:ls been re\'iewed :lnd found. to the Architect's best knowledge. inform:ltioll and belief.
to be subst:lnti:llly complete. Subsunti:ll Completion is the st:lge in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion
thereof is sufficiently complete in :lccord:lnce with the Comr:lct Documents so the Owner C:ln occupy or uti1i'ze the Work for its
intended use, The d:lte of'Subst:lmial Completion of the Project or portion thereof design:lted abo\"(: is hereby estahlished :IS
which is also the dal:e of commencement of :lpplic:lble warr:Inties required by the COntf'JCt Documents. except :IS st:ltC:u helow:
A list of items to he completed or corrected is attached hereto. The f:lilure to include :lny items on such list does not alter the rcspon-
sihilit\' of the ComractOr to complete :lll Work in accordance with the COntr:J.Ct Documents.
The COl1(r3CtOr will complete or correct the Work on the list of items 3H:1ched hereto "'ithin
the :lbo\'e date of SubSt3nti31 Completion.
d3Ys from
The O"'ner accepts the \'fork or design3ted portion thereof 3S substami:llly complete :lnd will assume full possession thereof :It
(time) on (d:lte).
The responsihilities of the Owner :lnd the Comr:J.Clor for security. m:linten3nce. he:lt. utilities. d3l11:1gc to the \X'ork and insurance
sh:lll he :IS follows:
(.\"ole-( )1t'lIer"s alld C(JlIlr{I(.UJr's 1L'.f!,al aud ill.'\lIrOIlCL' counsel ,,/JOIII" detenJ/iJ1e alld rel'it.u' ;IISIII"(III("(' 1"('(/lIir(#III{'JlIS lI11d ClJl'('rllge.)
.... ,'-" .....1.
....-..,1. ._'
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AlA DOCU.MENT G704 . UJ(T1F1(~\:rE or "1.Il,T\:->TIII. U ).\II'1.ETIO~ . I'N! 1:I1ITI()~ . \1\' 0 ')I')').! 0 TilE
\.\11:.1(1(..\:"\ 1\"',:nT('TF tlF .\R.CIIITECTS. I-~; ,I:". Yl)IU, .\\'F:"I"!:. \\\'.. \\'.\:-;IIL,t;Ttl',: Il.t: .!IMIOh.";.!').!
WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subiecllhe violator to legal prosecullon.
Contractor's Affidavit of
Payment of Debts
and Claims
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
AlA Document G706 -
Electronic Format
(Name and address)
(Name and address)
The undersigned he:reby certifies that, except as listed below, payment has been made in full and all obligations have otherwise been
satisfied for all materials and equipment furnished, for all work, labor, and services performed, and for all known indebtedness and
claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced
above for which th,e Owner or Owner's property might in any way be held responsible or encumbered. against any property of the
Owner arising in any manner out of the performance of the Contract referenced above:
Subcontractors and material and equipment suppliers, to
the extent required by the Owner, accompanied by a list
1. Consent of Surety to Final Payment. Whenever Surety is
involved, Consent of Surety is required. AlA Document
G707, Consent of Surety, may be used for this purpose.
3. Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens (AlA
Document G706A).
Indicate attachment: [ ] yes [ ] no
The following supporting documents should be attached
hereto if required by the Owner:
(Name and address)
1. Contractor's Release or Waiver of Liens, conditional
upon receipt of final payment.
(Signature of authorized representative)
2. Separate Relc~ases or Waivers of Liens from
(Printed name and title)
violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced
without violation until the date of expiration as noted below.
Electronic Format G706 - 1994
User Document G706.CON -- 11/13/1997. AlA License Number 68235, which expires on 10/31/1998 -- Page #1
Notary Public:
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this date:
My Commission Expires:
violates U.S. copyright I!aws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced
without violation until the date of expiration as noted below.
Electronic Format G706 - 1994
User Document: G706.CON - 11/13/1997. AlA License Number 68235, which expires on 10/31/1998 - Page #2
Contractor's Affidavit of
Release of Liens
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
AlA Document G706A -
Electronic Format
(Name and address)
(Name and address)
The undersigned he:reby certifies that to the best of the undersigned's knowledge, information and belief, except as listed below, the
Releases or Waiver::; of Lien attached hereto include the Contractor, all Subcontractors, all suppliers of materials and equipment, and
all performers of Work, labor or services who have or may have liens or encumbrances or the right to assert liens or encumbrances
against any property of the Owner arising in any manner out of the performance of the Contract referenced above:
(Name and address)
1. Contractor's Release or Waiver of Liens, conditional
upon receipt of fmal payment.
2. Separate Relc:ases or Waivers of Liens from
Subcontractors and material and equipment suppliers, to
the extent required by the Owner, accompanied by a list
(Signature of authorized representative)
(Printed name and title)
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this date:
Notary Public:
My Commission Expires:
INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE N.W., WASHINGTON D.C 20006-5292.. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.
copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced without violation
until the date of expiration as noted below.
Electronic Format G706A - 1994
User Document: G706A.CON -11/13/1997. AlA License Number 68235, which expires on 10/31/1998 -- Page #1
Consent of Surety
to Final Payment
AlA Document G707 -
Electronic Format
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
(Name and address)
(Name and address)
In accordance With the provIsions ot the Contract between the Uwner and the Contractor as indicated above, the
(Insert name and address of Surety)
on bond of
(Insert name and address of Contractor)
hereby approves of the fmal payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of
any of its obligations to
(Insert name and address of Owner)
as set forth in said Surety's bond.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunto set its hand on this date:
(Insert in writing the month followed by the numeric date and year.)
(Signature of authorized representative)
(Printed name and tit/e)
INSTITUTE OF ARCHlITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE N.W., WASHINGTON D.C 20006-5292.. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.
copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with pennission of the AlA and can be reproduced without violation
until the date of expiration as noted below.
Electronic Format G707 - 1994
User Document: G707.CON - 11/13/1997. AlA License Number 68235, which expires on 10/31/1998 -- Page #1
Technical Specifications
P-101 Mobilization P-101-1 thru P-101-1
P-150 Asphalt and Concrete Pavement Milling P-150-1 thru P-150-2
P-151 Clearing and Grubbing P-151-1 thru P-151-3
P-152 Excavation & Embankment P-152-1 thru P-152-8
P-156 Temporary Air and Water Pollution, P-156-1 thru P-156-3
Soil Erosion, and Siltation Control
P-211 Limerock Base Course P-211-1 thruP-211-5
P -40 I Plant Mix and Bituminous Pavements P-40 1-1 thru P-40 1-25
P-602 Bituminous Prime Coat P-602-1 thru P-602-4
P-603 Bituminous Tack Coat P-603-1 thru P-603-3
P-620 Runway and Taxiway Painting P-620-1 thru P-620-7
0-750 Trench Drains 0-750-1 thru 0-750-1
L-I08 Installation of Underground Cable for Airports L-108-1 thru L-I08-7
L-I1 0 Installation of Airport Underground Electrical Duct L-llO-1 thru L-I10-5
L-125 Installation of Airport Lighting Systems L-125-1 thru L-125-4
L-853 Taxiway Retroreflective Marker L-853-1 thru L-853-8
S-580 Landscaping S-580-1 thru S-580-5
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
101-1.1 The work specified in this item shall consist of the preparatory work and operations in
mobilizing for beginning work on the Project, including, but not limited to, those operations necessary
for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to the Project Site, and for the
establishment of temporary offices, building facilities, utilities, safety equipment and first aid supplies,
sanitary and other facilities, as required by these Specifications, and State and local laws and
regulations. The costs of bonds and any required insurance and other preconstruction expense
necessary for the start of the work, excluding the cost of construction materials, shall also be included
in this Section. .
101-2.1 The work and incidental costs covered under this item will be paid for at the Contract lump
sum priC{: for the item of Mobilization.
Payment shall be made under:
It,em P-I01-2.1
Mobilization -- per lump sum
Partial payments will be made therefore in accordance with the following:
1< Partial payments for any project will be limited to ten percent (10%) of the original Contract
amount tor that project. Any remaining amount will be paid upon completion of all work on the
The standard retainage, as herein specified will be applied to these allowances. Partial payments made
on this itc~m shall in nO' way act to preclude or limit any of the provisions for partial payments
otherwise provided for by the Contract.
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
150-1.1 The work specified in this Section shall consist of the milling of the surfaces of existing
asphalt or Portland cement concrete pavements to provide a rough textured surface for bonding of
proposed asphalt overlays, and the removal of existing asphalt and concrete pavement to a measured
depth, as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Architect/Engineer. Additional over-cutting may
be directed by the Architect/Engineer in areas of pavement damage.
150-2.1 GENERAL. The existing pavement shall be milled and removed to the depths and
dimensions shown on the Plans. The resulting surface shall maintain the proposed grade and cross
slope as shown on the Plans, and it shall be textured so as to provide a sound mechanical bonding
surface for the new asphalt overlays. The milling operation shall be performed so as to minimize the
amount of dust emitted by the machine. Pre-wetting of the pavement immediately ahead of the
operation shall be provided, using a separate, self-propelled, watering vehicle. All dust and debris
shall be removed immediately following the milling operation, using self-contained sweepers.
All materials removed by this operation shall be promptly loaded and transported by the Contractor
to designated disposal areas. Equipment operations will be confined to areas as shown on the Staging
Plans and/or as directed by the Architect/Engineer.
150-2.2 GRADE CONTROL. Grade control within the pavement areas shall be referenced from
the existing pavement or from grade lines and elevations shown on the Plans or as directed by the
Architect/Engineer in the field. Tolerance for over-cutting shall be within 1/4" (6mm) of the specified
150-2.3 EQUIPMENT. The milling equipment shall be self-propelled heavy duty units capable of
maintaining depth of cut and cross slope to achieve the results specified herein and as depicted on the
Plans without the application of heat to the pavement surfaces. The equipment used shall be capable
of milling a constant one inch (25mm) depth of cut at the rate of2,000 square yards (1675 sq. m) per
hour at normal operating speed. The milling equipment shall be equipped with an effective waste pick
up and removal device integral with the unit and it shall be equipped with positive means to limit the
amount of dust escaping from the removal operation.
The milling equipment used for this project shall be equipped with automatic grade control devices
capable of maintaining depth of cut. The control system shall be automatically actuated from either
a reference line or surface through a system of mechanical sensors or sensor-directed mechanisms
which wiH maintain the depth of cut and maintain a predetermined transverse slope.
The controls shall be capable of working in conjunction with any of the following attachments:
a. Adjustable length ski-type device of up to thirty (30) feet (9 m) in length.
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
b. Taut string line (wire) pre-set to grade.
c. Short ski or shoe.
The control systems or devices shall be capable of being operated on both sides of the equipment
The pre-wetting equipment provided shall be self-propelled tank units with sufficient capability to
provide continuous full coverage watering immediately ahead of the milling operation at all times.
The final dean-up sweepers shall be large, highway type, self-propelled units with integral self-
contained storage tanks capable of effectively and rapidly cleaning and containing and transporting
waste from the expanse of pavements milled or otherwise covered with debris from milling
150-2.4 PROTECTION OF MILLED PAVEMENT SERVICES. The milling operations shall
progress immediately ahead of the asphalt paving operation such that a minimum of over-cut area will
be exposed to aircraft and vehicular traffic until the new asphalt surface course has been applied.
150-2.5 HAUL AND CLEANUP. Hauling and cleanup will be a necessary and incidental part of the
work and its cost shall be included in the Contract Unit Price Bid for the pay items of work involved.
150-3.1 The measurement of pavement milling for payment shall be the number of square yards
(meters) of existing asphalt or concrete pavement milled to the various depths completed and
accepted as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Architect/Engineer.
150-4.1 Payment shall be made at the Contract Unit Prices Bid, per square yard (meters), for asphalt
or P.C. concrete Pavement Milling, of the various depths, which prices and payments shall be full
compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, processes, tools and any incidentals
necessary to complete the work under this Section.
Payment shall be made under:
Item P-150-4.1
Asphalt Pavement Milling (0" to 2") -- per square yard.
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
151-1.1 The work specified in this section consists of the clearing, grubbing, demolition,
removal (md disposal of all material and debris, for the areas designated on the Plans or as directed
by the Architect/Engineer.
151-2.1 The areas shown on the Plans to be cleared, grubbed and demolished under this
Section shall be staked by the Contractor and approved by the Architect/Engineer before work
begins. The clearing, grubbing and demolition shall be done well in advance of grading, stripping
or other operations as approved by the ArchitectlEngineer.
All materials and debris, except for material to be salvaged for the airport's use as specified below,
obtained from the clearing, grubbing and demolition operations shall be removed and legally
disposed of by the Contractor in commercial disposal areas. The Contractor shall not burn, or
otherwise dispose of any unsalvageable materials or debris anywhere within the Airport property.
All removed limerock and soil, including organic soil materials, shall be salvaged for the airport's
future use and shall be stockpiled in areas shown on the Plans or as directed by the
The Contractor shall provide disposal areas outside of the airport property limits for the disposal of
materials not intended for salvage for the airport's use. If the Contractor intends to use a private
disposal area, he shall obtain and file with the Architect/Engineer, the property owner's written
permission, for the use of such property.
Whenever any above or below ground communications facility, pipeline, conduit, sewer, drain, or
any other utility not depicted on the Plans is encountered which must be either removed or relocated,
the Contractor shall promptly advise the Architect/Engineer of this condition, who will then either
order the Contractor to proceed with the necessary Extra Work, and payment therefore will be made
under a Change Order in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions, or he will
notify the proper local authority or owner to secure remedial action.
All trees tagged by the Airport Manager or his representative (County Biologist) shall be preserved
in place during clearing,and grubbing operations. Plant specimens so preserved shall be relocated
within the hammock area as directed by the Airport Manager.
151-2.2 CLEARING AND GRUBBING. Clearing and grubbing shall consist of clearing
the surface of the ground, canal banks and bottom of canals of all trees, stumps, roots, matted roots,
down timber or wood, logs, snags, boulders, unsuitable soil, silt, brush, undergrowth, underwater
growth, hedges, and heavy growth of grass or weeds and the proper disposal of such materials.
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The Contractor may dispose of the trees and foliage by chipping, mulching and spreading the chips
and mulch uniformly over the clearing and grubbing area; or by removal and disposal of at a legal
dump site.
The contractor shall conduct his clearing and grubbing operation to prevent damage to marked trees
within the clearing and grubbing area. The marked trees existing within the site shall be relocated
and maintained following the completion of the relocation work. Tree relocation shall be in
accordance with the requirements of Specification Section S-580 - Landscaping. Any existing trees
destroyed or severely damaged by the clearing, grubbing and relocation operations, shall be replaced
by new trees furnished and planted in the relocation area by the Contractor. All such replacement
trees shall be of like size, species and health as the destroyed or damaged tree. Exotic tree specimen
removed shall be disposed of by the Contractor. The Contractor charges for marked tree relocation
and maintenance shall be included in the unit price bid for tree relocation.
151-2.3 DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES. Demolition shall consist of the removal and
disposal from the site of fences, gates, buildings, abandoned materials, construction debris, curbs,
gutters, sidewalks, headers, retaining walls, asphalt and concrete pavements, above and below
ground structures and utilities, foundations, foundation cut off, drainage or utility structures and
pipes or other appurtenances, utility poles, general debris, clean-up, and rubbish of any nature. The
work shall also include utility modifications, utility disconnects, cut and patch walls and slabs in
structures to remain as required, all in conduction with the removal of buildings and structures under
this Section.
151-2.4 BACKFILLING. Any holes or openings remaining in the sub grade or existing
pavement shall be backfilled with acceptable materials and properly compacted, as specified in these
Technical Specifications.
All holes remaining after the grubbing and demolition operation within embankment areas is
completed, shall have the sides broken down to flatten out the slopes, backfilled with suitable
backfill material, and compacted as required in these Technical Specifications. The same
construction procedure shall be applied to all holes located within excavation areas and remaining
after grubbing and demolition is completed, where the depth of holes exceeds the depth of the
proposed excavation.
151-2.5 DEMOLITION OF PAVEMENT. In paved areas to be demolished the bituminous
or concrete pavement materials shall be scarified and/or broken into pieces, using approved
equipment and shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with legal and proper disposal
To avoid damaging existing underground utilities, the use of drop hammers or wrecker balls to break
Portland Cement (P.c.) concrete pavement slabs will not be permitted.
For the removal of Portland Cement concrete pavement slab(s), the Contractor shall saw cut the slab,
to its full depth, along the peripheral lines ofthe proposed removal limits using approved mechanical
saws, prior to breaking or lifting the portions(s) of the pavement slab to be removed.
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All existing dowels and deformed bars shall be sawed off at the interface of the removal limits.
Concrete shall be sawed for full depth of concrete slab at joints.
Oversawing into the adjacent concrete pavement is not permitted. Oversawing is permitted only into
the existing joints of the adjacent slabs for the absolute minimum distance required to saw full depth
of the concrete slab to be removed.
The Contractor shall take extreme caution to avoid any damage to the adjacent existing concrete
panels which are to remain. Edges and comers are of particular importance. Damage which occurs
due to the removal of the adjacent slab may result in the complete replacement of the damaged panel
at the sole discretion of the Engineer. All costs associated with repairs as a result of damage shall
be incurred by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner.
The use of a dowel bar installation device (wire cage or basket) and the method of anchoring into
position shall be approve by the Engineer.
The thickness of pavement shown in the plans is the thickness found which was determined by
project related geotechnical investigation and is the best information available. The thickness may
deviate from the conditions actually found in the field and the Contractor shall take this information
into consideration when removing the pavement.
The Contractor shall submit a detailed plan and description of his proposed concrete panel removal
methods for review by the Engineer. Should the removal methods result in damage to adjacent
concrete panels as noted above the Contractor shall make adjustments to his operations or develop
an alternate method of removal which shall be reviewed the Engineer. No additional removal shall
be allowed until the Contractor has developed a plan which is found to be acceptable and results in
no damage to the adjacent concrete panels.
151-3.1 Measurement of demolition of pavements for payment shall be the number of square
yards (meters) of asphalt and concrete pavement actually demolished and accepted by the AlE.
Thickened concrete pavement edges shall not be measured separately.
The quantities of clearing and grubbing as shown on the plans or as ordered by the
151-4.1 Payment for the quantities of demolition of pavements measured as described above
shall be made at the Contract Unit Prices Bid for Removal of Asphalt or Concrete Pavement which
prices and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment,
processes, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work under this Section.
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151-4.2 Payment shall be made per lump sum for clearing and grubbing. This price shall be
full compensation for furnishing all material and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals
necessary to complete the item.
Payment shall be made under:
Item No. P-151-4.1 Removal of Existing Pavement -- per square yard
Item No. P-151-4.2 Clearing and Grubbing -- per lump sum
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152-1.1 This item covers excavation, disposal, placement, and compaction of all materials within the
limits of the work required to construct safety areas, runways, taxiways, aprons, and intermediate as
well as other areas for drainage, building construction, parking, or other purposes in accordance with
these specifications and in conformity to the dimensions and typical section(s) shown on the plans.
152-1.2 CLASSIFICATION. All material excavated shall be classified as defined below:
a. Unclassified Excavation. Unclassified excavation shall consist of the excavation and disposal
of all material, regardless of its nature, which is not otherwise classified and paid for under the
following items.
152-1.3 Unsuitable Excavation. Any material containing vegetable or organic matter, such as
muck, peat, organic silt, or sod shall be considered unsuitable for use in embankment construction.
Material, when approved by the Engineer as suitable to support vegetation, may be used on the
embankment slope.
152-2.1 General. Before beginning excavation, grading, and embankment operations in any area,
the area shall be completely cleared and grubbed, if necessary, in accordance with Item P-151.
The suitability of material to be placed in embankments shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.
All unsuitable material shall be disposed of in waste areas shown on the plans. All waste areas shall
be graded to allow positive drainage of the area and of adjacent areas. The surface elevation of waste
areas shall not extend above the surface elevation of adjacent usable areas of the airport, unless
specified on the plans or approved by the Engineer.
When the Contractor's excavating operations encounter artifacts of historical or archaeological
significance, the operations shall be temporarily discontinued. At the direction of the Engineer, the
Contractor shall excavate the site in such a manner as to preserve the artifacts encountered and allow
for their removal. Such excavation will be paid for as extra work.
Those areas outside of the pavement areas in which the top layer of soil material has become
compacted, by hauling or other activities of the Contractor shall be scarified and disked to a depth
of 4 inches (100 mm), in order to loosen and pulverize the soil.
Ifit is necessary to interrupt existing surface drainage, sewers or under-drainage, conduits, utilities,
or similar underground structures, the Contractor shall be responsible for and shall take all necessary
precautions to preserve them or provide temporary services. When such facilities are encountered,
the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, who shall arrange for their removal if necessary. The
Contractor shall, at his/her own expense, satisfactorily repair or pay the cost of all damage to such
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facilities or structures which may result from any of the Contractor's operations during the period of
the contract.
152-2.2 EXCA VA TION. No excavation shall be started until the work has been staked out by the
Contractor and the Engineer has obtained elevations and measurements of the ground surface. All
suitable excavated material shall be used in the formation of embankment, subgrade, or for other
purposes shown on the plans. All unsuitable material shall be disposed of as shown on the plans.
When the volume of the excavation exceeds that required to construct the embankments to the grades
indicated, the excess shall be used to grade the areas of ultimate development or disposed of as
directed. When the volume of excavation is not sufficient for constructing the fill to the grades
indicated, the deficiency shall be obtained from borrow areas.
The grade shall be maintained so that the surface is well drained at all times. When necessary,
temporary drains and drainage ditches shall be installed to intercept or divert surface water which may
affect the work.
a. Selective Grading. When selective grading is indicated on the plans, the more suitable
material as designated by the Engineer shall be used in constructing the embankment or in capping
the pavement subgrade. If, at the time of excavation, it is not possible to place this material in its final
location, it shall be stockpiled in approved areas so that it can be measured for payment for rehandling
as specified in paragraph 3.3.
b. Undercutting. Rock, shale, hardpan, loose rock, boulders, or other material unsatisfactory
for safety areas, subgrades, roads, shoulders, or any areas intended for turfing shall be excavated to
a minimum depth of 12 inches (300 mm), or to the depth specified by the Engineer, below the
sub grade. Muck, peat, matted roots, or other yielding material, unsatisfactory for subgrade
foundation, shall be removed to the depth specified. Unsuitable materials shall be disposed of at
locations shown on the plans. This excavated material shall be paid for at the contract unit price per
cubic yard (per cubic meter) for unclassified excavation. The excavated area shall be refilled with
suitable material obtained from the grading operations or borrow areas and compacted to specified
densities. The necessary refilling will constitute a part of the embankment. Where rock cuts are made
and refilled with selected material, any pockets created in the rock surface shall be drained in
accordance with the details shown on the plans.
c. Overbreak. Overbreak, including slides, is that portion of any material displaced or loosened
beyond the finished work as planned or authorized by the Engineer. The Engineer shall determine
if the displacement of such material was unavoidable and his/her decision shall be final. Alloverbreak
shall be graded or removeo by the Contractor and disposed of as directed; however, payment will not
be made for the removal and disposal of overbreak which the Engineer determines as avoidable.
Unavoidable overbreak will be classified as "Unclassified Excavation."
d. Removal of Utilities. The removal of existing structures and utilities required to permit the
orderly progress of work will be accomplished by someone other than the Contractor, e.g., the utility
unless otherwise shown on the plans. All existing foundations shall be excavated for at least 2 feet
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(60 cm) below the top of subgrade or as indicated on the plans, and the material disposed of as
directed. All foundations thus excavated shall be backfilled with suitable material and compacted as
specified herein.
e. Compaction Requirements. The subgrade under areas to be paved shall be compacted to a
depth of 6" and to a density of not less than 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by
ASTM D 1557.
The in-place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167.
Stones or rock fragments larger than 4 inches (l00 mm) in their greatest dimension will not be
permitted in top 6 inches (150 mm) of the subgrade. The finished grading operations, conforming
to the typical cross section, shall be completed and maintained at least 1,000 feet (300 m) ahead of
the paving operations or as directed by the Engineer.
In cuts, all loose or protruding rocks on the back slopes shall be barred loose or otherwise removed
to line of finished grade of slope. All cut-and-fill slopes shall be uniformly dressed to the slope, cross
section, and alignment shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
Blasting will not be permitted.
152-2.3 BORROW EXCA VA TION. Borrow area(s), when required, within the airport property
are indicated on the plans. If not indicated on the plans, then borrow sources shall be outside the
boundaries of the airport property. Borrow excavation shall be made only at these designated
locations and within the horizontal and vertical limits as staked or as directed.
When borrow sources are outside the boundaries of the airport property, it shall be the Contractor's
responsibility to locate and obtain the supply, subject to the approval of the Engineer. The
Contractor shall notify. the Engineer, at least IS days prior to beginning the excavation, so necessary
measurements and tests can be made. All unsuitable material shall be disposed of by the Contractor.
All borrow pits shall be opened up to expose the vertical face of various strata of acceptable material
to enable obtaining a uniform product. Borrow pits shall be excavated to regular lines to permit
accurate measurements, and they shall be drained and left in a neat, presentable condition with all
slopes dressed uniformly.
152-2.4 DRAINAGE EXCAVATION. Drainage excavation shall consist of excavating for
drainage ditches such as intercepting; inlet or outlet, for temporary levee construction; or for any
other type as designed or as shown on the plans. The work shall be performed in the proper sequence
with the other construction. All satisfactory material shall be placed in fills; unsuitable material shall
be placed in waste areaS or as directed. Intercepting ditches shall be constructed prior to starting
adjacent excavation operations. All necessary work shall be performed to secure a finish true to line,
elevation, and cross section.
The Contractor shall maintain ditches constructed on the project to the required cross section and
shall keep them free of debris or obstructions until the project is accepted.
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152-2.5 PREPARATION OF EMBANKMENT AREA. Where an embankment is to be
constructed to a height of 4 feet (120 cm) or less, all sod and vegetable matter shall be removed from
the surface upon which the embankment is to be placed, and the cleared surface shall be completely
broken up by plowing or scarifying to a minimum depth of 6 inches (150 mm). This area shall then
be compacted as indicated in paragraph 2.6. When the height offill is greater than 4 feet (120 cm),
sod not required to be removed shall be thoroughly disked and recompacted to the density of the
surrounding ground before construction of embankment.
Where embankments are to be placed on natural slopes steeper than 3 to I, horizontal benches shall
be constructed as shown on the plans.
No direct payment shall be made for the work performed under this section. The necessary clearing
and grubbing and the quantity of excavation removed will be paid for under the respective items of
152-2.6 FORMATION OF EMBANKMENTS. Embankments shall be formed in successive
horizontal layers of not more than 8 inches (200 mm) in loose depth for the full width of the cross
section, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
The grading operations shall be conducted, and the various soil strata shall be placed, to produce a
soil structure as shown on the typical cross section or as directed. Materials such as brush, hedge,
roots, stumps, grass and other organic matter, shall not be incorporated or buried in the embankment.
Operations on earthwork shall be suspended at any time when satisfactory results cannot be obtained
because ofrain., freezing, or other unsatisfactory conditions of the field. The Contractor shall drag,
blade, or slope the embankment to provide proper surface drainage.
The material in the layer shall be within +/-2 percent of optimum moisture content before rolling to
obtain the prescribed compaction. In order to achieve a uniform moisture content throughout the
layer, wetting or drying of the material and manipulation shall be required when necessary. Should
the material be too wet to permit proper compaction or rolling, all work on all of the affected portions
of the embankment shall be delayed until the material has dried to the required moisture content.
Sprinkling of dry material to obtain the proper moisture content shall be done with approved
equipment that will sufficiently distribute the water. Sufficient equipment to furnish the required
water shall be available at all times. Samples of all embankment materials for testing, both before and
after placement and compaction, will be taken for each 1000 cubic yards. Based on these tests, the
Contractor shall make the necessary corrections and adjustments in methods, materials or moisture
content in order to achieve the correct embankment density.
Rolling operations shall be continued until the embankment is compacted to not less than 95 percent
of maximum density for noncohesive soils, and 90 percent of maximum density for cohesive soils as
determined by ASTM D 1557. Under all areas to be paved, the embankments shall be compacted to
a depth of6" and to a density of not less than 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by
ASTM D 1557.
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On all areas outside of the pavement areas, no compaction will be required on the top 4 inches (100
The in-place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167.
Compaction areas shall be kept separate, and no layer shall be covered by another until the proper
density is obtained.
During construction of the embankment, the Contractor shall route his/her equipment at all times,
both when loaded and when empty, over the layers as they are placed and shall distribute the travel
evenly over the entire width of the embankment. The equipment shall be operated in such a manner
that hardpan, cemented gravel, clay, or other chunky soil material will be broken up into small
particles and become incorporated with the other material in the layer.
In the construction of embankments, layer placement shall begin in the deepest portion of the fill; as
placement progresses, layers shall be constructed approximately parallel to the finished pavement
grade line.
When rock and other embankment material are excavated at approximately the same time, the rock
shall be incorporated into the outer portion of the embankment and the other material shall be
incorporated under the future paved areas. Stones or fragmentary rock larger than 4 inches (100
mm) in their greatest dimensions will not be allowed in the top 6 inches (150 mm) of the subgrade.
Rockfill shall be brought up in layers as specified or as directed and every effort shall be exerted to
fill the voids with the finer material forming a dense, compact mass. Rock or boulders shall not be
disposed of outside the excavation or embankment areas, except at places and in the manner
designated by the Engineer.
When the excavated material consists predominantly of rock fragments of such size that the material
cannot be placed in layers of the prescribed thickness without crushing, pulverizing or further
breaking down the pieces, such material may be placed in the embankment as directed in layers not
exceeding 2 feet (60 cm) in thickness. Each layer shall be leveled and smoothed with suitable leveling
equipment and by distribution of spalls and finer fragments of rock. These type lifts shall not be
constructed above an elevation 4 feet (120 cm) below the finished subgrade. Density requirements
will not apply to portions of embankments constructed of materials which cannot be tested in
accordance with specified methods.
Frozen material shall not be placed in the embankment nor shall embankment be placed upon frozen
There will be no separate measurement of payment for compacted embankment, and all costs
incidental to placing in layers, compacting, disking, watering, mixing, sloping, and other necessary
operations for construction of embankments will be included in the contract price for excavation,
borrow, or other items.
152-2.7 FINISHING AND PROTECTION OF SUBGRADE. After the subgrade has been
substantially completed the full width shall be conditioned by removing any soft or other unstable
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material which will not compact properly. The resulting areas and all other low areas, holes or
depressions shall be brought to grade with suitable select material. Scarifying, blading, rolling and
other methods shall be performed to provide a thorougWy compacted subgrade shaped to the lines
and grades shown on the plans.
Grading of the subgrade shall be performed so that it will drain readily. The Contractor shall take all
precautions necessary to protect the subgrade from damage. He/she shall limit hauling over the
finished subgrade to that which is essential for construction purposes.
All ruts or rough places that develop in a completed sub grade shall be smoothed and recompacted.
No subbase, base, or surface course shall be placed on the subgrade until the subgrade has been
approved by the Engineer.
152-2.8 HAUL. All hauling will be considered a necessary and incidental part of the work. Its cost
shall be considered by the Contractor and included in the contract unit price for the pay of items of
work involved. No payment will be made separately or directly for hauling on any part of the work.
152-2.9 TOLERANCES. In those areas upon which a subbase or base course is to be placed, the
top of the subgrade shall be of such smoothness that, when tested with a 16-foot (4.8 m) straightedge
applied parallel and at right angles to the centerline, it shall not show any deviation in excess of
II2-inch (12 mm), or shall not be more than 0.05-foot (.015 m) from true grade as established by
grade hubs or pins. Any deviation in excess of these amounts shall be corrected by loosening, adding,
or removing materials; reshaping; and recompacting by sprinkling and rolling.
On safety areas, intermediate and other designated areas, the surface shall be of such smoothness that
it will not vary more than 0.10 foot (0.03 m) from true grade as established by grade hubs. Any
deviation in excess of this amount shall be corrected by loosening, adding or removing materials, and
152-2.10 TOPSOIL. When topsoil is specified or required as shown on the plans or under Item
T-905, it may be salvaged from stripping or other grading operations, if available. Otherwise it shall
be obtained from off-site. The topsoil shall meet the requirements ofItem T -905. If, at the time of
excavation or stripping, the topsoil cannot be placed in its proper and final section of finished
construction, the material shall be stockpiled at approved locations. Stockpiles shall not be placed
within 125 feet of runway pavement or 75 feet of taxiway pavement and shall not be placed on areas
which subsequently will require any excavation or embankment. If, in the judgment of the Engineer,
it is practical to place the salvaged topsoil at the time of excavation or stripping, the material shall be
placed in its final positidn without stockpiling or further rehandling.
Upon completion of grading operations, stockpiled topsoil shall be handled and placed as directed,
or as required in Item T -905.
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152-3.1 The quantity of excavation to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards (cubic meters)
measured in its original position.
Measurement shall not include the quantity of materials excavated without authorization beyond
normal slope lines, or the quantity of material used for purposes other than those directed.
152-3.2 For payment specified by the cubic yard (cubic meter), measurement for all excavation shall
be computed by the average end area method. The end area is that bound by the original ground line
established by field cross sections and the final theoretical pay line established by excavation cross
sections shown on the plans, subject to verification by the Engineer. After completion of all
excavation operations and prior to the placing of base or subbase material, the final excavation shall
be verified by the Engineer by means offield cross sections taken randomly at intervals not exceeding
500 linear feet (150 meters).
Existing material below the existing asphalt or concrete pavement (ie. Granular base, clay, sand, etc.)
shall be removed to a depth as necessary to construct the new pavement section as indicated on the
plans. Payment for excavation of this material shall be quantified and made per the pay item for
unclassified excavation.
Final field cross sections shall be employed if the following changes have been made:
a. Plan width of embankments or excavations are changed by more than plus or minus 1.0 foot
(0.3 meter); or
b. Plan elevations of embankments or excavations are changed by more than plus or minus 0.5
foot (0.15 meter).
152-4.1 For "unclassified excavation" payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard
(cubic meter). This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment,
tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item.
Payment will be made under:
Item P-152-4.1
Unclassified Excavation -- per cubic yard
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ASTM D 698
ASTM D 1556
ASTM D 1557
ASTM D 2167
Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures,
Using 5.5-pound (2.49 kg) Rammer and 12-inch (305 mm) Drop
Test for Density of Soil In Place by the Sand-Cone Method
Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures,
Using 10-pound (4.5 kg) Rammer and 18-inch (45 cm) Drop
Test for Density and Unit Weight of Soil In Place by the Rubber BaHan
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156-1.1 This item shall consist of temporary control measures as shown on the plans or as ordered
by the Engineer during the life of a contract to control water pollution, soil erosion, and siltation
through the use of berms, dikes, dams, sediment basins, fiber mats, gravel, mulches, grasses, slope
drains, and other erosion control devices or methods.
The temporary erosion control measures contained herein shall be coordinated with the permanent
erosion control measures specified as part of this contract to the extent practical to assure
economical, effective, and continuous erosion control throughout the construction period.
Temporary control may include work outside the construction limits such as borrow pit operations,
equipment and material storage sites, waste areas, and temporary plant sites.
156-2.1 GRASS. Grass which will not compete with the grasses sown later for permanent cover
shall be a quick-growing species (such as ryegrass, Italian ryegrass, or cereal grasses) suitable to the
area providing a temporary cover.
156-2.2 MULCHES. Mulches may be hay, straw, fiber mats, netting, bark, wood chips, or other
suitable material reasonably clean and free of noxious weeds and deleterious materials.
156-2.3 FERTILIZER. Fertilizer shall be a standard commercial grade and shall conform to all
Federal and state regulations and to the standards of the Association of Official Agricultural
156-2.4 SLOPE DRAINS. Slope drains may be constructed of pipe, fiber mats, rubble, portland
cement concrete, bituminous concrete, or other materials that will adequately control erosion.
156-2.5 OTHER. All other materials shall meet commercial grade standards and shall be approved
by the Engineer before being incorporated into the project.
156-3.1 GENERAL. In the event of conflict between these requirements and pollution control
laws, rules, or regulations of other Federal, state, or local agencies, the more restrictive laws, rules,
or regulations shall apply.
The Engineer shall be responsible for assuring compliance to the extent that construction practices,
construction operations, and construction work are involved.
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156-3.2 SCHEDULE. Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall submit schedules for
accomplishment of temporary and permanent erosion control work, as are applicable for clearing and
grubbing; grading; construction; paving; and structures at watercourses. The Contractor shall also
submit a proposed method of erosion and dust control on haul roads and borrow pits and a plan for
disposal of waste materials. Work shall not be started until the erosion control schedules and
methods of operation for the applicable construction have been accepted by the Engineer.
156-3.3 AUTHORITY OF ENGINEER. The Engineer has the authority to limit the surface area
of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, to limit the surface area of erodible
earth material exposed by excavation, borrow and fill operations, and to direct the Contractor to
provide immediate permanent or temporary pollution control measures to minimize contamination
of adjacent streams or other watercourses, lakes, ponds, or other areas of water impoundment.
156-3.4 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. The Contractor will be required to incorporate all
permanent erosion control features into the project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in the
accepted schedule. Except where future construction operations will damage slopes, the Contractor
shall perform the permanent seeding and mulching and other specified slope protection work in
stages, as soon as substantial areas of exposed slopes can be made available. Temporary erosion and
pollution control measures will be used to correct conditions that develop during construction that
were not foreseen during the design stage; that are needed prior to installation of permanent control
features; or that are needed temporarily to control erosion that develops during normal construction
practices, but are not associated with permanent control features on the project.
Where erosion is likely to be a problem, clearing and grubbing operations should be scheduled and
performed so that grading operations and permanent erosion control features can follow immediately
thereafter if the project conditions permit; otherwise, temporary erosion control measures may be
required between successive construction stages.
The Engineer will limit the area of clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow, and embankment
operations in progress, commensurate with the Contractor's capability and progress in keeping the
finish grading, mulching, seeding, and other such permanent control measures current in accordance
with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal limitations make such coordination unrealistic,
temporary erosion control measures shall be taken immediately to the extent feasible and justified.
In the event that temporary erosion and pollution control measures are required due to the
Contractor's negligence, carelessness, or failure to install permanent controls as a part of the work
as scheduled or are ordered by the Engineer, such work shall be performed by the Contractor at
his/her own expense.
The Engineer may incre'ase or decrease the area of erodible earth material to be exposed at one time
as determined by analysis of project conditions.
The erosion control features installed by the Contractor shall be acceptably maintained by the
Contractor during the construction period.
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Whenever construction equipment must cross watercourses at frequent intervals, and such crossings
will adversely affect the sediment levels, temporary structures should be provided.
Pollutants such as fuels, lubricants, bitumen, raw sewage, wash water from concrete mixing
operations, and other harmful materials shall not be discharged into or near rivers, streams, and
impoundments or into natural or manmade channels leading thereto.
156-4.1 There will be no separate measurement of the quantity of any temporary erosion or pollution
control work performed for protection of construction areas including outside limits of construction
such as borrow and waste areas, haul roads, equipment and material storage sites, and temporary
plant sites, will not be measured and paid for directly but shall be considered as a subsidiary
obligation of the Contract.
156-5.1 There will be no separate payment for the quantity of any temporary erosion or pollution
control work performed for protection of construction areas including outside limits of construction
such as borrow and waste areas, haul roads, equipment and material storage sites, and temporary
plant sites. The cost shall be included in the contract unit prices bid for the items to which they
Where other directed work falls within the specifications for a work item that has a contract price,
the units of work shall be measured and paid for at the contract unit price bid for the various items.
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211-1.1 This item shall consist ofa base course composed oflime rock constructed on the prepared
underlying course in accordance with these specifications and shall conform to the dimensions and
typical cross section shown on the plans.
211-2.1 MATERIALS. The lime rock base course material shall consist of fossiliferous limestone
of uniform quality, and shall not contain hard or flinty pieces which will cause a rough surface
containing pits and pockets. The rock shall show no tendency to "air slake" or undergo chemical
change when exposed to the weather. The material when watered and rolled shall be capable of being
compacted into a dense and well-bonded base.
The oolitic type of lime rock shall meet the following requirements:
Carbonates of calcium and magnesium - not less than 70%.
Oxides of iron and aluminum - not more than 2%.
The combined amount of carbonates, oxides, and silica shall be at least 97%. The material shall
be non-plastic.
All other types oflime rock shall contain not less than 95% of carbonates of calcium and magnesium.
Liquid limit shall not exceed 35, plasticity index shall not exceed 6, as determined in accordance with
ASTM D 4318.
The chemical analysis of lime rock shall consist of determining the insoluble silica, iron oxide, and
alumina by solution of the sample in hydrochloric (HCl) acid, evaporating, dehydrating, redissolving
the residue, and neutralizing with ammonium hydroxide, filtering, washing, and igniting the residue
lime rock. The difference between the percentage of insoluble matter and 100% is reported as
carbonates of calcium and magnesium.
The lime rock shall not contain more than 0.5% of roots, leaf mold, organic, or foreign matter and
shall be obtained from pits from which all overburden has been removed previous to blasting and
The gradation of the lime rock shall meet the following requirements:
Sieve Designation
(square openings)
3-1/2 inch (90.mm)
3/4 inch (19.0 mm)
Percentage by Weight
Passing Sieves
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All fine material shall consist entirely of dust of fracture.
211-3.1 SOURCES OF SUPPLY. All work involved in cleaning and stripping pits, including the
handling of unsuitable material shall be performed by the Contractor at his/her own expense. The
lime rock shall be obtained from approved sources. The pits shall be operated in such a manner that
a clean and uniform material will be secured.
211-3.2 EQUIPMENT. All equipment necessary for the proper construction of this work shall be
on the project, in first-class working condition, and approved by the Engineer before construction is
permitted to start.
211-3.3 PREPARING UNDERLYING COURSE. The underlying course shall be checked and
accepted by the Engineer before placing and spreading operations are started. Any ruts or soft
yielding places caused by improper drainage conditions, hauling, or any other cause shall be corrected
at the Contractor's expense before the base course is placed thereon. Material shall not be placed on
frozen subgrade.
211-3.4 PLACING AND SPREADING. All base course material shall be placed on the prepared
underlying course and compacted in layers to the thickness shown on the plans. The depositing and
spreading of the material on the prepared course or on a completed layer shall commence where
designated and shall progress without breaks. The material shall be deposited and spread in lanes in
a uniform layer and without segregation of size to such loose depth that, when compacted, the layer
shall have the required thickness. When more than one layer is required, the construction procedure
described herein shall apply similarly to each layer, excepting the scarifying and rerolling of the
surface which shall apply to only the top layer.
The rock shall be transported to locations where it is to be used over rock previously placed and
dumped at the end of the preceding spread. It shall then be spread uniformly with shovels, forks, or
approved mechanical spreaders especially constructed for this purpose. In no case shall rock be
dumped directly onto the underlying course. Transporting over the underlying course will not be
permitted, except as directed, in which case it must be protected by planking if rutting occurs. During
the dumping and spreading operations, the rock shall be brought to the proper moisture content to
obtain maximum density. Ifwater is added, it shall be uniformly mixed to the full depth of the course
by discing. All segregated areas of fine or coarse rock shall be removed and replaced with well-
graded rock, and approved by the Engineer. Lime rock shall not be spread when the sub grade is in
an unsuitable condition.
The lime rock base course shall be constructed in a layer not less than 4 inches (100 mm) nor more
than 6 inches (150 mm) of compacted thickness. The base course shall be constructed in lanes or
strips parallel with the centerline of the paved area.
During the placing operation, sufficient caution shall be exercised to prevent the incorporation of
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subgrade, subbase, or shoulder material in the lime rock.
211-3.5 ROLLING. Immediately after completion of the spreading operations, the base material
shall be thoroughly compacted. The number, type, and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact
the mixture to the required density.
The field density of the compacted material shall be at least 100 percent of the maximum density of
laboratory specimens prepared from samples of the base material delivered to the jobsite. The
laboratory specimens shall be compacted and tested in accordance withASTM D1557. The in-place
field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167. The moisture
content of the material at the start of compaction shall not be below nor more than 1-1/2 percentage
points above the optimum moisture content.
211-3.6 FINISHING BASE COURSE. After the watering and rolling of the base course, the entire
surface shall be scarified to a depth of at least 3 inches (75 mm) and shaped to the exact crown and
cross section with a blade grader. The scarified material shall be rewatered and thoroughly rolled.
Rolling shall continue until the base is bonded and compacted into a dense, unyielding mass, true to
grade and cross section. The scarifying and rolling of the surface of the base shall follow the initial
rolling of the lime rock by not more than 4 days. When the lime rock base is constructed in two
layers, the scarifying of the surface shall be to a depth of2 inches (50 mm).
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the surface of the base is glazed or cemented to the extent that the
prime coat could not penetrate properly, and after determining that the condition of the base meets
all requirements, he will direct that the surface of the base be hard-planed with a blade grader and
broomed immediately prior to the application of the prime coat. This hard-planing shall be done in
such a manner that only the glazed or cemented surface is removed, leaving a granular or porous
condition that will allow free penetration of the prime material. The material planed from the base
shall be removed from the base area.
If at any time the underlying material becomes churned up and mixed with the base course material,
the Contractor shall, without additional compensation, dig out and remove the mixture, reshape and
compact the underlying course, replace the materials removed with clean rock which shall be watered
and rolled until satisfactorily compacted.
Where cracks, checks, or failures appear in the base, either before or after priming and before the
surface course is laid, the Contractor shall remove such cracks, checks, or failures by rescarifying,
reshaping, watering, rolling, and adding lime rock where necessary.
211-3.7 SURFACE TOLERANCE. After the course has been completely compacted, the surface
shall be tested for smoothness and accuracy of grade and crown. Any portion lacking the required
smoothness or failing in accuracy of grade or crown shall be scarified, reshaped, recompacted, and
otherwise manipulated as the Engineer may direct until the required smoothness and accuracy are
obtained. The finished surface shall not vary more than 3/8 inch (9 mm) from a 16-foot (4.8 mm)
straightedge when applied to the surface parallel with, and at right angles to, the centerline. In testing
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surface of the harder lime rocks, measurement of clearances from the straightedge shall not include
small holes caused by individual pieces being pulled out by the grader.
211-3.8 THICKNESS. The thickness of the base course shall be determined by depth tests or
elevations taken at intervals in such a manner that each test shall represent 300 square yards (250
square meters), or it shall be as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The depth tests shall be made
by test holes through the base at least 3 inches (75 mm) in diameter. Where the base deficiency is
more than 1/2 inch (12 mm), the Contractor shall correct such areas by scarifying and adding rock.
The base shall be scarified, rock added, and tapered a distance of 100 feet (30 m) in each direction
from the edge of the deficient area for each inch of rock added. The affected area shall then be
watered, bladed, rolled, and brought to a satisfactory state of compaction, required thickness, and
cross section. The thickness of the base in the affected area shall be remeasured by depth tests or
elevations. The operations of scarifying, adding rock, and rerolling shall continue until the base
thickness is within the 1/2-inch (12 mm) tolerance of base thickness. The final base thickness of the
reconditioned area shall be used to determine the average job thickness.
The average job thickness shall be the average of the depth measurement as above outlined and shall
be within 1/4 inch (6 mm) of the thickness shown on the typical cross section. On individual depth
measurements, thicknesses more than 1/2 inch (12 mm) in excess of that shown on the plans shall be
considered as specified thickness plus 1/2 inch (12 mm) in computing the average job thickness. The
Contractor shall replace, at his/her expense, the lime rock removed from test holes.
211-3.9 PROTECTION. Work on the base course shall not be accomplished during freezing
temperatures nor when the subgrade is wet. When the aggregate contains frozen materials or the
underlying course is frozen, the construction shall be stopped.
Hauling equipment may be routed over completed portions of the base course, provided no damage
results and provided that such equipment is routed over the full width of the base course to avoid
rutting or uneven compaction. However, the Engineer in charge shall have full and specific authority
to stop all hauling over completed or partially completed base course when, in his/her opinion, such
hauling is causing damage. Any damage resulting to the base course from routing equipment over
the base course shall be repaired by the Contractor at his/her own expense.
211-3.10 MAINTENANCE. Following the completion of the base course, the Contractor shall
perform all maintenance work necessary to keep the base course in a condition satisfactory for
priming. After priming, the surface shall be kept clean and free from foreign material. The base
course shall be properly drained at all times. If cleaning is necessary, or if the prime coat becomes
disturbed, any work or restitution necessary shall be performed at the expense of the Contractor.
211-4.1 The quantity oflime rock base course to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards
(cubic meters) of base material placed, bonded, and accepted in the completed base course. The
quantity of base course material shall be measured in final position, based upon depth tests taken as
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directed by the Engineer, at the rate of 1 depth test for each 300 square yards (250 square meters)
of base course, or by means of average end areas on the complete work computed from elevations
to the nearest 0.01 foot (3 mm). On individual depth measurements, thicknesses more than 1/2 inch
(12 mm) in excess of that shown on the plans shall be considered as the specified thickness plus 1/2
inch (12 mm) in computing the yardage for payment.
211-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for lime rock
base course. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation,
hauling, and placing of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary
to complete the item.
The cost of removing cracks and checks including the labor and material for repriming, and the
additional lime rock necessary for crack elimination, will not be paid for separately but shall be
included in the contract price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for lime rock base course.
Payment will be made under:
Item P-211-5.1 6" Lime rock base course per cubic yard (cubic meter)
ASTM C 136
Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate
ASTM D 698
Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using
5.5-lb (2.49-kg) Rammer and 12-in (305 mm) Drop
ASTM D 1556
Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method
ASTM D 1557
Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate
Mixtures Using 10-lb (4.5 kg) Rammer and 18-in (457 mm) Drop
ASTM D 2167
Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber
Bailon Method
ASTM 4318
Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index
of Soils
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401-1.1 This item shall consist of surface, leveling or base courses composed of mineral aggregate
and bituminous material mixed in a central mixing plant and placed on a prepared course in
accordance with these specifications and shall conform to the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical
cross sections shown on the plans. Each course shall be constructed to the depth, typical section, or
elevation required by the plans and shall be rolled, finished, and approved before the placement of the
next course.
401-2.1 AGGREGATE. Aggregates shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel, or crushed slag
with or without sand or other inert finely divided mineral aggregate. The portion of materials retained
on the No.8 sieve is coarse aggregate. The portion passing the No.8 (2.36 mm) sieve and retained
on the No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve is fine aggregate, and the portion passing the No. 200 (0.075 mm)
sieve is mineral filler.
a. Coarse Aggregate. Coarse aggregate shall consist of sound, tough, durable particles,
free from adherent films of matter that would prevent thorough coating and bonding
with the bituminous material and be free from organic matter and other deleterious
substances. The percentage of wear shall not be greater than 40 percent for surface
and intermediate courses and 50 percent for base course, when tested in accordance
with ASTM C 131. The sodium sulfate soundness loss shall not exceed 10 percent,
or the magnesium sulfate soundness loss shall not exceed 13 percent, after five cycles,
when tested in accordance with ASTM C 88.
Aggregate shall contain at least 70 percent by weight of individual pieces having two
or more fractured faces and 85 percent by weight having at least one fractured face.
The area of each face shall be equal to at least 75 percent of the smallest mid sectional
area of the piece. When two fractured faces are contiguous, the angle between the
planes of fractures shall be at least 30 degrees to count as two fractured faces.
Fractured faces shall be obtained by crushing.
The aggregate shall not contain more than 8 percent, by weight, of flat or elongated
pieces, when tested in accordance with ASTM D 4791.
Slag shall'be air-cooled, blast furnace slag, and shall have a compacted weight of not
less than 70 pounds per cubic foot (1.12 mg/cubic meter) when tested in accordance
with ASTM C 29.
b. Fine Aggregate. Fine aggregate shall consist of clean, sound, durable, angular
shaped particles produced by crushing stone, slag, or gravel that meets the
requirements for wear and soundness specified for coarse aggregate. The aggregate
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particles shall be free from coatings of clay, silt, or other objectionable matter and
shall contain no clay balls. The fine aggregate, including any blended material for the
fine aggregate, shall have a plasticity index of not more than 6 and a liquid limit of not
more than 25 when tested in accordance with ASTM D 4318.
Natural (nonmanufactured) sand may be used to obtain the gradation of the aggregate
blend or to improve the workability of the mix. The amount of sand to be added will
be adjusted to produce mixtures conforming to requirements of this specification.
The fine aggregate shall not contain more than 20 percent natural sand by weight of
total aggregates.
The aggregate shall have sand equivalent values of 35 or greater when tested in
accordance with ASTM D 2419.
c. Sampling. ASTM D 75 shall be used in sampling coarse and fine aggregate, and
ASTM C 183 shall be used in sampling mineral filler.
401-2.2 MINERAL FILLER. If filler, in addition to that naturally present in the aggregate, is
necessary, it shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 242.
401-2.3 :BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. Bituminous material shall conform to the following
requirements: AC-20 in accordance with the requirements of ASTM D 242.
The Contractor shall furnish vendor's certified test reports for each lot of bituminous material shipped
to the project. The vendor's certified test report for the bituminous material can be used for
acceptance or tested independently by the Engineer.
401-2.4 PRELIMINARY MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE. Prior to delivery of materials to the job
site, the Contractor shall submit certified test reports to the Engineer for the following materials:
a. Coarse Aggregate.
(1) Percent of wear.
(2) Soundness.
(3) Unit weight of slag.
b. Fine Aggregate.
(1) Liquid limit.
(2) Plastic index.
(3) Sand equivalent.
c. Mineral Filler.
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P-40 1-2
d. Bituminous Material. The certification(s) shall show the appropriate ASTM testes)
for each material, the test results, and a statement that the material meets the
specification requirement.
The Engineer may request samples for testing, prior to and during production, to
verify the quality of the materials and to ensure conformance with the applicable
401-3.1 COMPOSITION OF MIXTURE. The bituminous plant mix shall be composed of a
mixture of well-graded aggregate, filler if required, and bituminous material. The several aggregate
fractions shall be sized, handled in separate size groups, and combined in such proportions that the
resulting mixture meets the grading requirements of the job mix formula (JMF).
401-3.2 JOB MIX FORMULA. No bituminous mixture for payment shall be produced until ajob
mix formula has been approved by the Engineer. The bituminous mixture shall be designed using
procedun~s contained in Chapter III, MARSHALL METHOD OF MIX DESIGN, of the Asphalt
Institute's Manual Series No.2 (MS-2), Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete, and shall meet
the requirements of Tables 1 and 2.
The design criteria in Table 1 are target values necessary to meet the acceptance requirements
contained in paragraph 401-5.2b. The criteria is based on a production process which has a material
variability with the following standard deviations:
Stability (lbs.)
Flow (0.01 inch)
Air Voids (%)
If material variability exceeds the standard deviations indicated, the job mix formula and subsequent
production targets should be based on a stability greater than shown in Table 1, and the flow and air
voids should be targeted close to the mid-range of the criteria in order meet the acceptance
If the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of the composite mixture, as determined by ASTM D 4867, is
less than 75, the aggregates shall be rejected or the asphalt treated with an approved anti-stripping
agent. The amount of anti-stripping agent added to the asphalt shall be sufficient to produce a TSR
of not less than 75. If an antistrip agent is required, it will be provided by the Contractor at no
additional cost.
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P-40 1-3
The job mix formula shall be submitted in writing by the Contractor to the Engineer at least 21 days
prior to th(~ start of paving operations and shall include as a minimum:
a. Percent passing each sieve size.
b. Percent of asphalt cement.
c. Asphalt viscosity or penetration grade.
d. Number of blows of hammer compaction per side of molded specimen.
e. Mixing temperature.
f. Compaction temperature.
g. Temperature of mix when discharged from the mixer.
h. Temperature-viscosity relationship of the asphalt cement.
I. Plot of the combined gradation on the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) 45
power gradation curve.
j. Graphical plots of stability, flow, air voids, voids in the mineral aggregate, and unit
weight verses asphalt content.
k. Percent natural sand.
I. Percent fractured faces.
m.. Percent elongated particles.
n. Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR).
o. Antistrip agent (if required).
The Contractor shall submit samples to the Engineer, upon request, for job mix formula verification
The job mix formula for each mixture shall be in effect until modified in writing by the Engineer.
Should a change in sources of materials be made, a new job mix formula must be approved by the
Engineer before the new material is used.
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P-40 1-4
Number of blows
Stability, pounds
(m:wtons) minimum
Flow, 0.01 in. (0.25 mm)
Air voids (percent)
Percent voids in
mineral aggregate,
See Table 2
Maximum Particle Size
Mimimum Voids in Mineral
Aggregate, percent
m. mm.
1/2 12.5
3/4 19.0
1 25.0
1-1/4 31.25
The mineral aggregate shall be of such size that the percentage composition by weight, as determined
by laboratory screens, will conform to the gradation or gradations specified in Table 3 when tested
in accordance with'ASTM Standard C 136 and C 117.
The gradations in Table 3 represent the limits which shall determine the suitability of aggregate for
use from the sources of supply. The aggregate, as selected (and used in the JMF), shall have a
gradation within the limits designated in Table 3 and shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve
to the high limit on the adjacent sieve, or vice versa, but shall be well graded from coarse to fine.
Deviations from the final approved mix design for bitumen content and gradation of aggregates shall
be within the action limits for individual measurements as specified in paragraph 401-6.5a. The limits
still will apply if they fall outside the master grading band in Table 3.
The maximum size aggregate used shall not be more than one-half of the thickness of the course being
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P-40 1-5
Sieve Size
Percentage by Weight
Passing Sieve
Surface (3/4" Max)
1-1/4 in. (31.25 mm)
1 in. (25.0 mm)
3/4 in. (19.0 mm)
1/2 in. (12.5 mm)
3/8 in. (9.5 mm)
No.4 (4.75 mm)
No.8 (2.36 mm)
No. 16 (1.18 mm)
No. 30 (0.60 mm)
No. 50 (0.30 mm)
No. 100 (0.15 mm)
No. 200 (0.075 mm)
Asphalt percent
Stone or gravel
The aggregate gradations shown are based on aggregates of uniform specific gravity. The
percentages passing the various sieves shall be corrected when aggregates of varying specific
gravities are used, as indicated in the Asphalt Institute Manual Series No.2 (MS-2), Appendix A.
401-3.3 RECYCLED ASPHALT CONCRETE. The use of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) will
not be permitted in the P-40 1 plant mix bituminus pavements.
401-3.4 TEST SECTION. Prior to full production, the Contractor shall prepare and place a
quantity of bituminous mixture according to the job mix formula. The amount of mixture should
be sufficient to construct a test section 300 long and 20 wide placed in two lanes, with a longitudinal
cold joint, and shall be of the same depth specified for the construction of the course which it
represents. The underlying grade or pavement structure upon which the test section is to be
constructed shall be the same as the remainder of the course represented by the test section. The
equipment used in construction of the test section shall be the same type and weight to be used on
the remainder of the course represented by the test section.
Three random samples shall be taken at the plant and tested for stability, flow, and air voids in
accordance with paragraph 401-S.1a(2). Two random samples of mixture shall be taken at the plant
and tested for aggregate gradation and asphalt content in accordance with paragraphs 40 1-6.3a and
3b and evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 401-6.5a and 5b. Three randomly selected cores
shall be taken from the finished pavement mat, and three from the longitudinal joint, and tested in
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P-40 1-6
accordance with paragraph 401-5.1b(4). Random sampling shall be in accordance with procedures
contained in ASTM D 3665.
Mat density and air voids shall be evaluated in accordance with paragraph 401-5.2f(1). Stability and
flow shall be evaluated in accordance with paragraph 401-5.2f(2). Joint density shall be evaluated in
accordance with paragraph 401-5.2f(3).
Voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA), for each plant sample, shall be computed in accordance with
procedure:s contained in Chapter III, MARSHALL METHOD OF MIX DESIGN, of the Asphalt
Institute's Manual Series No.2 (MS-2), Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete.
The test se:ction shall be considered acceptable if; 1) stability, flow, mat density, air voids, and joint
density are: 90 percent or more within limits, 2) gradation and asphalt content are within the action
limits specified in paragraphs 401-6.5a and 5b, and 3) the voids in the mineral aggregate is within
the limits of Table 2.
If the initial test section should prove to be unacceptable, the necessary adjustments to the job mix
formula, plant operation, placing procedures, and/or rolling procedures shall be made. A second test
section shall then be placed. If the second test section also does not meet specification requirements,
both sections shall be removed at the Contractor's expense. Additional test sections, as required, shall
be constmcted and evaluated for conformance to the specifications. Any additional sections that are
not acceptable shall be removed at the Contractor's expense. Full production shall not begin until an
acceptable section has been constructed and accepted by the Engineer. The initial test section,
whether a(;ceptable or unacceptable, and any subsequent section that meets specification requirements
shall be pa.id for in accordance with paragraph 401-8.1.
Job mix control testing shall be performed by the Contractor at the start of plant production and in
conjunction with the calibration of the plant for the job mix formula. It should be recognized that the
aggregates produced by the plant may not satisfy the gradation requirements or produce a mix that
exactly meets the JMF. In those instances, it will be necessary to reevaluate and redesign the mix
using plant-produced aggregates. Specimens should be prepared and the optimum bitumen content
determim~d in the same manner as for the original design tests.
401-3.5 TESTING LABORATORY. The laboratory used to develop the job mix formula shall
meet the requirements of ASTM D 3666. A certification signed by the manager of the laboratory
stating that it meets these requirements shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the start of
construction. The certification shall contain as a minimum:
a. Qualifications of personnel; laboratory manager, supervising technician, and
testing technicians.
boo A listing of equipment to be used in developing the job mix.
c. A copy of the laboratory's quality control system.
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P -40 1- 7
d. Evidence of participation in the AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL)
401-4.1 WEATHER LIMITATIONS. The bituminous mixture shall not be placed upon a wet
surface or when the surface temperature of the underlying course is less than specified in Table 4.
The temperature requirements may be waived by the Engineer, if requested; however, all other
requirements including compaction shall be met.
Mat Thickness
Deg. F
Base Temperature (Minimum)
Deg. C
3 in. (7.5 cm) or greater 40
Greater than 1 in. (2.5 cm)
but less than 3 in. (7.5 cm) 45
1 in. (2.5 cm) or less 50
401-4.2 lBITUMINOUS MIXING PLANT. Plants used for the preparation of bituminous mixtures
shall conJeorm to the requirements of ASTM D 995 with the following changes:
a" Requirements for All Plants.
Truck Scales. The bituminous mixture shall be weighed on approved scales
furnished by the Contractor, or on certified public scales at the Contractor's
expense. Scales shall be inspected and sealed as often as the Engineer deems
necessary to assure their accuracy. Scales shall conform to the requirements
of the General Provisions, Section 90-01.
Testing Facilities. The Contractor shall provide laboratory facilities at the
plant for the use of the Engineer's acceptance testing and the Contractor's
quality control testing, in accordance with paragraph 401-6.2d.
Inspection of Plant. The Engineer, or Engineer's authorized representative,
shall have access, at all times, to all areas of the plant for checking adequacy
of equipment; inspecting operation of the plant: verifying weights,
proportions, and material properties; and checking the temperatures
maintained in the preparation of the mixtures.
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P-40 1-8
(4) Storage Bins and Surge Bins. Paragraph 3.9 of ASTM D 995 is deleted.
Instead, the following applies. Use of surge bins or storage bins for
temporary storage of hot bituminous mixtures will be permitted as follows:
(a) The bituminous mixture may be stored in surge bins for period of time
not to exceed 3 hours.
(b) The bituminous mixture may be stored in insulated storage bins for a
period of time not to exceed 24 hours.
The bins shall be such that mix drawn from them meets the same requirements as mix loaded directly
into trucks.
If the Engineer determines that there is an excessive amount of heat loss, segregation or oxidation
of the mixture due to temporary storage, no overnight storage will be allowed.
401-4.3 HAULING EQUIPMENT. Trucks used for hauling bituminous mixtures shall have tight,
clean, and smooth metal beds. To prevent the mixture from adhering to them, the truck beds shall
be lightly coated with a minimum amount of paraffin oil, lime solution, or other approved material.
Each truck shall have a suitable cover to protect the mixture from adverse weather. When necessary,
to ensure that the mixture will be delivered to the site at the specified temperature, truck beds shall
be insulated or heated and covers shall be securely fastened.
401-4.4 lUTUMINOUS PAVERS. Bituminous pavers shall be self-propelled, with an activated
screed, heated as necessary, and shall be capable spreading and finishing courses of bituminous plant
mix material which will meet the specified thickness, smoothness, and grade. The paver shall have
sufficient power to propel itself and the hauling equipment without adversely affecting the finished
The paver shall have a receiving hopper of sufficient capacity to permit a uniform spreading
operation. The hopper shall be equipped with a distribution system to place the mixture uniformly
in front of the screed without segregation. The screed shall effectively produce a finished surface of
the required evenness and texture without tearing, shoving, or gouging the mixture.
If an automatic grade control device is used, the paver shall be equipped with a control system
capable of automatically maintaining the specified screed elevation. The control system shall be
automatically actuated from either a reference line and/or through a system of mechanical sensors or
sensor-directed mechanisms or devices which will maintain the paver screed at a predetermined
transversle slope and at the proper elevation to obtain the required surface. The transverse slope
controller shall be capable of maintaining the screed at the desired slope within plus or minus 0.1
The controls shall be capable of working in conjunction with any of the following attachments:
a. Ski-type device of not less than 30 feet (9.14 m) in length.
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b. Taut stringline (wire) set to grade.
c. Laser control.
401-4.5 ROLLERS. Rollers of the vibratory, steel wheel, and pneumatic-tired type shall be used.
They shall be in good condition, capable of operating at slow speeds to avoid displacement of the
bituminous mixture. The number, type, and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the
mixture to the required density while it is still in a workable condition.
The use of equipment which causes excessive crushing of the aggregate will not be permitted.
401-4.6 PREPARATION OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. The bituminous material shall be
heated in a manner that will avoid local overheating and provide a continuous supply of the
bituminous material to the mixer at a uniform temperature. The temperature of the bituminous
material delivered to the mixer shall be sufficient to provide a suitable viscosity for adequate coating
of the aggregate particles, but shall not exceed 325 degrees F (160 degrees C).
401-4.7 :PREPARATION OF MINERAL AGGREGATE. The aggregate for the mixture shall
be heated and dried prior to introduction into the mixer. The maximum temperature and rate of
heating shall be such that no damage occurs to the aggregates. The temperature of the aggregate and
mineral finer shall not exceed 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) when the asphalt is added. Particular
care shall be taken that aggregates high in calcium or magnesium content are not damaged by
overheating. The temperature shall not be lower than is required to obtain complete coating and
uniform distribution on the aggregate particles and to provide a mixture of satisfactory workability.
401-4.8 PREPARATION OF BITUMINOUS MIXTURE. The aggregates and the bituminous
material shall be weighed or metered and introduced into the mixer in the amount specified by the job
mix formula.
The combined materials shall be mixed until the aggregate obtains a uniform coating of bitumen and
is thoroughly distributed throughout the mixture. Wet mixing time shall be the shortest time that will
produce a satisfactory mixture, but not less than 25 seconds for batch plants. The wet mixing time
for all plants shall be established by the Contractor, based on the procedure for determining the
percentage of coated particles described in ASTM D 2489, for each individual plant and for each type
of aggregate used. The wet mixing time will be set to achieve 95 percent of coated particles. For
continuous mix plants, the minimum mixing time shall be determined by dividing the weight of its
contents at operating level by the weight of the mixture delivered per second by the mixer. The
moisture content of all bituminous mix upon discharge shall not exceed 0.5 percent.
401-4.9 JPREPARATION OF THE UNDERLYING SURFACE. Immediately before placing the
bituminous mixture, the underlying course shall be cleaned of all dust and debris. A prime coat or tack
coat shall be applied in accordance with Item P-602 or P-603, if required by the contract
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April, 1998
401-4.10 TRANSPORTING, PLACING, AND FINISHING. The bituminous mixture shall be
transported from the mixing plant to the site in vehicles conforming to the requirements of paragraph
401-3. Deliveries shall be scheduled so that placing and compacting of mixture is uniform with
minimum stopping and starting of the paver. Adequate artificial lighting shall be provided night
placements. Hauling over freshly placed material shall not be permitted until the material has been
compacted, as specified, and allowed to cool to atmospheric temperature.
The Contractor may elect to use a material transfer vehicle to deliver mix to the paver.
The mix shall be placed and compacted at a temperature suitable for obtaining density, surface
smoothness, and other specified requirements but not less than 250 degrees F (107 degrees C).
Upon arrival, the mixture shall be placed to the full width by a bituminous paver. It shall be struck
off in a uniform layer of such depth that, when the work is completed, it shall have the required
thickness and conform to the grade and contour indicated. The speed of the paver shall be regulated
to eliminate pulling and tearing of the bituminous mat. Unless otherwise permitted, placement of the
mixture shall begin along the centerline of a crowned section or on the high side of areas with a
one-way sllope. The mixture shall be placed in consecutive adjacent strips having a minimum width
of 12.5 feet except where edge lanes require less width to complete the area. The longitudinal joint
in one course shall offset the longitudinal joint in the course immediately below by at least 1 foot (30
cm); however, the joint in the surface top course shall be at the centerline of the pavement.
Transversle joints in one course shall be offset by at least 10 feet (3 m) from transverse joints in the
prevIous course.
Transverse joints in adjacent lanes shall be offset a minimum of 10 feet (3 m).
On areas where irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the use of mechanical spreading and
finishing c:::quipment impractical, the mixture may be spread and luted by hand tools.
The Contractor shall set grade stakes and string lines for both sides of each paving line. The string
lines shal!l be supported at a maximum of 25 foot center. Additional supports shall be installed to
prevent sag, if required. The horizontal alignment of the string lines shall be within:!: 1/4 inch per 10
feet. The Contractor shall provide a satisfactory method of securing the string line where vertical
curves are constructed to maintain the proper grade.
401-4.11 COMPACTION OF MIXTURE. After placing, the mixture shall be thoroughly and
uniformly compacted by rolling. The surface shall be compacted as soon as possible when the
mixture has attained sufficient stability so that the rolling does not cause undue displacement,
cracking or shoving. The sequence of rolling operations and the type of rollers used shall be at the
discretion of the Contractor.
The speed of the roller shall, at all times, be sufficiently slow to avoid displacement of the hot mixture
and be effiective in compaction. Any displacement occurring as a result of reversing the direction of
the roller, or from any other cause, shall be corrected at once.
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P -40 I-II
Sufficient rollers shall be furnished to handle the output of the plant. Rolling shall continue until the
surface is of uniform texture, true to grade and cross section, and the required field density is
To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the roller, the wheels shall be kept properly moistened (and
scrapers used), but excessive water will not be permitted.
In areas not accessible to the roller, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with hand tampers.
Any mixture that becomes loose and broken., mixed with dirt, contains check-cracking, or in any way
defective shall be removed and replaced with fresh hot mixture and immediately compacted to
conform to the surrounding area. This work shall be done at the Contractor's expense. Skin patching
shall not be allowed.
401-4.12 JOINTS. The formation of all joints shall be made in such a manner as to ensure a
continuous bond between the courses and obtain the required density. All joints shall have the same
texture as other sections of the course and meet the requirements for smoothness and grade.
The roller shall not pass over the unprotected end of the freshly laid mixture except when necessary
to form a transverse joint. When necessary to form a transverse joint, it shall be made by means of
placing a bulkhead or by tapering the course. The tapered edge shall be cut back to its full depth and
width on a. straight line to expose a vertical face prior to placing the adjacent lane. In both methods
all contact surfaces shall be given a tack coat of bituminous material before placing any fresh mixture
against the joint.
Longitudinal joints which are irregular, damaged, uncompacted, or otheIWise defective shall be cut
back to expose a clean, sound surface for the full depth of the course. All contact surfaces shall be
given a tack coat of bituminous material prior to placing any fresh mixture against the joint.
401-5.1 ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING. All acceptance sampling and testing
necessary to determine conformance with the requirements specified in this section will be performed
by the Engineer at no cost to the Contractor. Testing organizations performing these tests shall meet
the requirements of ASTM D 3666. All equipment in Contractor furnished laboratories shall be
calibrated by the testing organization prior to the start of operations.
a. Plant-Produced Material. Plant-produced material shall be tested for stability,
flow, and air voids on a lot basis. Sampling shall be from material deposited into
trucks at the plant or from trucks at the job site. A lot will consist of:
one day's production not to exceed 2,000 tons (1 814 000 kg), or
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a half day's production where a day's production is expected to consist of
between 2,000 and 4,000 tons (1 814000 and 3628000 kg), or
similar subdivisions for tonnages over 4,000 tons (3 628000 kg).
Where more than one plant is simultaneously producing material for the job, the lot
sizes shall apply separately for each plant.
(1) Sampling. Each lot will consist of four equal sublots. Sufficient material for
preparation of test specimens will be sampled by the Engineer on a random
basis, in accordance with the procedures contained in ASTM D 3665. One
set of laboratory compacted specimens will be prepared for each sub lot in
accordance with ASTM D 1559, paragraph 4.5, at the number of blows
required by paragraph 401-3.2, Table 1. Each set oflaboratory compacted
specimens will consist of three test portions prepared from the same sample
The sample of bituminous mixture may be put in a covered metal tin and
placed in an oven for not more than 30 minutes to maintain the heat. The
compaction temperature of the specimens should be as specified in the job mix
(2) Testing. Sample specimens shall be tested for stability and flow in
accordance with ASTM D 1559, paragraph 5. Air voids will be determined
by the Engineer in accordance with ASTM D 3203.
Prior to testing, the bulk specific gravity of each test specimen shall be
measured by the Engineer in accordance with ASTM D 2726 or D 1188,
whichever is applicable, for use in computing air voids and pavement density.
For air voids determination, the theoretical maximum specific gravity of the
mixture shall be measured twice for each lot in accordance with ASTM D
2041, Type C or D container. Samples shall be taken on a random basis in
accordance with ASTM D 3665. The value used in the voids computation for
each sublot shall be the average of the two maximum specific gravity
measurements for the lot.
The stability, flow, and air voids for each sub lot shall be computed by
ayeraging the results of the three test specimens representing that sublot.
Acceptance. Acceptance of plant produced material for stability, flow, and
air voids shall be determined by the Engineer in accordance with the
requirements of paragraph 401-5 .2b.
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b. Field Placed Material. Material placed in the field shall be tested for mat and joint
density on a lot basis.
(1) Mat Density. The lot size shall be the same as that indicated in paragraph
401-5.1.a and shall be divided into four equal sublots. One core of finished,
compacted materials shall be taken by the Contractor from each sublot. Core
locations will be detennined by the Engineer on a random basis in accordance
with procedures contained in ASTM D 3665. Cores shall not be taken closer
than one foot from a transverse or longitudinal joint.
(2) Joint Density. The lot size shall be the total length of longitudinal joints
constructed by a lot of material as defined in paragraph 401-5.1 a. The lot
shall be divided into four equal sublots.
One core of finished, compacted materials shall be taken by the Contractor
from each sub lot. Core locations will be determined by the Engineer on a
random basis in accordance with procedures contained in ASTM D 3665.
(3) Sampling. Samples shall be neatly cut with a core drill. The cutting edge of
the core drill bit shall be of hardened steel or other suitable material with
diamond chips embedded in the metal cutting edge. The minimum diameter
of the sample shall be three inches. Samples that are clearly defective, as a
result of sampling, shall be discarded and another sample taken. The
Contractor shall furnish all tools, labor, and materials for cutting samples and
filling the cored pavement. Cored holes shall be filled in a manner acceptable
to the Engineer and within one day after sampling. .
(4) Testing. The bulk specific gravity of each cored sample will be measured by
the Engineer in accordance with ASTM D 2726 or D 1188, whichever is
applicable. The percent compaction (density) of each sample will be
determined by dividing the bulk specific gravity of each sublot sample by the
average bulk specific gravity of all laboratory prepared specimens for the lot,
as determined in paragraph 401-5.la(2).
(5) Acceptance. Acceptance of field placed material for mat density will be
determined by the Engineer in accordance with the requirements of paragraph
401-5.2c. Acceptance for joint density will be determined in accordance with
the requirements of paragraph 401-5.2d.
c. Partial Lots - Plant-Produced Material. When operational conditions cause a lot
to be terminated before the specified number of tests have been made for the lot, the
following procedure will be used to adjust the lot size and the number of tests for the
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P -401-14
The last batch produced where production is unexpectedly halted will be sampled and
its properties shall be considered as representative of the particular sub lot from which
it was taken. Where three sub lots are produced, they shall constitute a lot. Where
one or two sublots are produced, they shall be incorporated into the next lot and the
total number of sub lots shall be used in the acceptance plan calculation, i.e., n = 5 or
n = 6, for example.
Partial Lots - Field Placed Material. The lot size for field placed material shall
correspond to that of the plant material, except that in no cases less than (3) cored
samples shall be obtained, i.e., n = 3.
General. Acceptance will be based on the following characteristics of the bituminous
mixture and completed pavement as well as the implementation of the Contractor's
Quality Control plan and test results:
(1) Stability
(2) Flow
(3) Air voids
(4) Mat density
(5) Joint density
(6) Thickness
(7) Smoothness
(8) Grade
Stability, flow, and air voids will be evaluated for acceptance in accordance with
paragraph 401-5.2b. Mat density will be evaluated for acceptance in accordance with
paragraph 401-5.2c. Joint density will be evaluated for acceptance in accordance with
paragraph 401-5.2d.
Acceptance for mat density and air voids will be based on the criteria contained in
paragraph 401-5.2f{1). Acceptance for stability and flow will be based on the criteria
contained in paragraph 401-5.2f{2). Acceptance for joint density will be based on the
criteria contained in paragraph 401-5f{3). Thickness will be evaluated by the Engineer
for compliance in accordance with paragraph 401-5.2.f(4). Acceptance for
smoothness will be based on the criteria contained in paragraph 401-5.2f(5).
Acceptance for grade will be based on the criteria contained in paragraph 401-5 .2f( 6).
The Engineer may at any time, not withstanding previous plant acceptance, reject and
require the Contractor to dispose of any batch of bituminous mixture which is
rendered unfit for use due to contamination, segregation, incomplete coating of
aggregate, or improper mix temperature. Such rejection may be based on only visual
inspection or temperature measurements. In the event of such rejection, the
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Contractor may take a representative sample of the rejected material in the presence
of the Engineer, and if he can demonstrate in the laboratory, in the presence of the
Engineer, that such material was erroneously rejected, payment will be made for the
material at the contract unit price.
b" Stability, Flow, Air Voids. Acceptance of each lot of plant produced material for
stability, flow, and air voids shall be based on the percentage of material within
specification limits (PWL). The PWL plan considers the variability (standard
deviation) of the material and the testing procedures, as well as the average (mean)
value of the test results. Ifa material with high variability is produced, the production
target must be adjusted as outlined in paragraph 401-3.2 to achieve a PWL of90 or
c. Mat Density. Acceptance of each lot of in-place pavement for mat density shall be
based on the percentage of material within specification limits (PWL). Ifa material
with high variability is produced, then a higher target density must be maintained in
order to achieve a PWL of 90 or more.
d" Joint Density. Acceptance of each lot of in-place pavement for joint density shall be
based on the percentage of material within specification limits (PWL). If a material
with high variability is produced, then a higher target density must be maintained in
order to achieve a PWL of 90 or more.
e. Percentage of Material Within Specification Limits (PWL). The percentage of
material within specification limits (PWL) shall be determined in accordance with
procedures specified in Section 110 of the General Provisions. The specification
tolerance limits(L) and (U) are contained in Table 5.
f. Acceptance Criteria.
Mat Density and Air Voids. If the PWL of the lot equals or exceeds 90
percent, the lot shall be acceptable. If the PWL is less than 90 percent,
payment shall be made in accordance with paragraph 401-8. 1 a.
Stability and Flow. If the PWL of the lot equals or exceeds 90 percent, the
lot shall be acceptable. If the PWL is less than 90 percent, the Contractor
shall determine the reason and take corrective action. If the PWL is below 80
percent, the Contractor must stop production and make adjustments to the
Joint Density. If the PWL of the lot equals or exceeds 90 percent, the lot
shall be acceptable. If the PWL is less than 90 percent, the Contractor shall
evaluate the method of compacting joints. If the PWL is below 80 percent,
the Contractor shall stop production until the reason for poor compaction can
be determined.
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April, 1998
Thickness. Thickness shall be evaluated for compliance by the Engineer to
the requirements shown on the plans. Measurements of thickness shall be
made by the Engineer using the cores extracted for each sublot for density
Smoothness. The finished surfaces of the pavement shall not vary more than
3/8 inch for the base course or 1/4 inch for the surface course. Each lot shall
be evaluated with a 12-foot (3.6 m) straightedge. The lot size shall be 2000
square yards (square meters). Measurements will be made perpendicular and
parallel to the centerline at distances not to exceed 50 feet (15.2 m). When
more than 15 percent of all measurements within a lot exceed the specified
tolerance, the Contractor shall remove the deficient area and replace with new
material. Sufficient material shall be removed to allow at least one inch of
asphalt concrete to be placed. Skin patching shall not be permitted. High
points may be ground off
Grade. The finished surface of the pavement shall not vary from the
gradeline elevations and cross sections shown on the plans by more than 1/2
inch (12.70 mm). The finished grade of each lot will be determined by
running levels at intervals of 50 feet (15.2 m) or less longitudinally and
transversely to determine the elevation of the completed pavement. The lot
size shall be 2000 square yards (square meters). When more than 15 percent
of all the measurements within a lot are outside the specified tolerance, the
Contractor shall remove the deficient area and replace with new material.
Sufficient material shall be removed to allow at least one inch of asphalt
concrete to be placed. Skin patching for correcting low areas shall not be
permitted. High points may be ground off
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Test Property
Pavements Designed for Aircraft Gross Weights of 60,000 Lbs. or More
or Tire Pressure Greater than 100 Psi
Number of Blows
Specification Tolerance
Stability, minimum
pounds 1800
Air voids total
mix (percent)
Density, percent 96.3
Joint density
(percent) 93.3
a. General. Resampling of a lot of pavement for mat density will be allowed if the
Contractor requests, in writing, within 48 hours after receiving the written test results
from the Engineer. A retest will consist of all the sampling and testing procedures
contained in paragraphs 401-5.1b and 401-5.2c. Only one resampling per lot will be
(1) A redefined PWL shall be calculated for the resampled lot. The number of
tests used to calculate the redefined PWL shall include the initial tests made
for that lot plus the retests.
(2) The cost for resampling and retesting shall be borne by the Contractor.
b. Payment for Resampled Lots. The redefined PWL for a resampled lot shall be used
to calculate the payment for that lot in accordance with Table 6.
c. Outliers. If the tests within a lot include a very large or a very small value which
appears to be outside the normal limits of variation., check for an outlier in accordance
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P -401-18
with ASTM E 178, at a significance level of 5 percent, to determine if this value
should be discarded when computing the PWL.
401-5.4 LEVELING COURSE. Any course used for truing and leveling shall meet the
requirements of paragraph 401-3.2 and 5.2b, but shall not be subject to the density requirements of
paragraph 401-5.2c and d. The leveling course shall be compacted with the same effort used to
achieve density of the test section. The truing and leveling course shall not exceed a nominal
thickness of 1-1/2 inches (37.5 mm).
401-6.1 GENERAL. The Contractor shall develop a Quality Control Program in accordance with
Section 100 of the General Provisions. The program shall address all elements which effect the
quality of the pavement including, but not limited to:
a. Mix Design
b. Aggregate Grading
c. Quality of Materials
d. Stockpile Management
e. Proportioning
f. Mixing and Transportation
g. Placing and Finishing
h. Joints
i. Compaction
j. Surface smoothness
401-6.2 TESTING LABORATORY. The Contractor shall provide a fully equipped asphalt
laboratory located at the plant or job site. It shall be available for joint use by the Contractor for
quality control testing and by the Engineer for acceptance testing and must have adequate equipment
for the performance of the tests required by these specifications. The Engineer shall have priority in
use of the equipment necessary for acceptance testing.
The effective working area of the laboratory shall be a minimum of 150 square feet (14 square
meters) with a ceiling height of not less than 7.5 feet (2.3 meters). Lighting shall be adequate to
illuminate all working areas. It shall be equipped with heating and air conditioning units to maintain
a temperature of 70 degrees F + 5 degrees (21 degrees C + 2.3 degrees C).
Laboratory facilities shall be kept clean and all equipment shall be maintained in proper working
condition. The Engineer"shall be permitted unrestricted access to inspect the Contractor's laboratory
facility and witness quality control activities. The Engineer will advise the Contractor in writing of
any notedi deficiencies concerning the laboratory facility, equipment, supplies, or testing personnel
and procedures. When the deficiencies are serious enough to be adversely affecting test results, the
incorporation of the materials into the work shall be suspended immediately and will not be permitted
to resumt;: until the deficiencies are satisfactorily corrected.
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April, 1998
401-6.3 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING. The Contractor shall perform all quality control tests
necessary to control the production and construction processes applicable to these specifications and
as set forth in the Quality Control Program. The testing program shall include, but not necessarily
limited to, tests for the control of asphalt content, aggregate gradation, temperatures, aggregate
moisture, field compaction, and surface smoothness. A Quality Control Testing Plan shall be
developed as part of the Quality Control Program.
a. Asphalt Content. A minimum of two extraction tests shall be performed per lot in
accordance with ASTM D 2172 for determination of asphalt content. The weight of
ash portion of the extraction test, as described in AS TM D 2172, shall be determined
as part of the first extraction test performed at the beginning of plant production; and
as part of every tenth extraction test performed thereafter, for the duration of plant
production. The last weight of ash value obtained shall be used in the calculation of
the asphalt content for the mixture.
The use of the nuclear method for determining asphalt content in accordance with
ASTM D 4125 is permitted, provided that it is calibrated for the specific mix being
b. Gradation. Aggregate gradations shall be determined a minimum of twice per lot
from mechanical analysis of extracted aggregate in accordance with AASHTO T 30
and ASTM C 136 (Dry Sieve). When asphalt content is determined by the nuclear
method, aggregate gradation shall be determined from hot bin samples on batch
plants, or from the cold feed on drum mix or continuous mix plants, and tested in
accordance with ASTM C 136 (dry sieve) using actual batch weights to determine the
combined aggregate gradation of the mixture.
c. Moisture Content of Aggregate. The moisture content of aggregate used for
production shall be determined a minimum of once per lot in accordance with ASTM
C 566.
dl. Moisture Content of Mixture. The moisture content of the mixture shall be
determined once per lot in accordance with ASTM D 1461.
e. Temperatures. Temperatures shall be checked, at least four times per lot, at
necessary locations to determine the temperatures of the dryer, the bitumen in the
storage tank, the mixture at the plant, and the mixture at the job site.
f. In-Place-Density Monitoring. The Contractor shall conduct any necessary testing
to ensure that the specified density is being achieved. A nuclear gauge may be used
to monitor the pavement density in accordance with ASTM D 2950.
g. Additional Testing. Any additional testing that the Contractor deems necessary to
control the process may be performed at the Contractor's option.
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P-40 1-20
h. Monitoring. The Engineer reserves the right to monitor any or all of the above
401-6.4 SAMPLING. When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall sample and test any
material which appears inconsistent with similar material being sampled, unless such material is
voluntarily removed and replaced or deficiencies corrected by the Contractor. All sampling shall be
in accordance with standard procedures specified.
401-6.5 CONTROL CHARTS. The Contractor shall maintain linear control charts both for
individual measurements and range (i.e., difference between highest and lowest measurements) for
aggregate gradation and asphalt content.
Control charts shall be posted in a location satisfactory to the Engineer and shall be kept current. As
a minimum, the control charts shall identify the project number, the contract item number, the test
number, each test parameter, the Action and Suspension Limits applicable to each test parameter, and
the Contra.ctor's test results. The Contractor shall use the control charts as part of a process control
system for identifying potential problems and assignable causes before they occur. If the Contractor's
projected data during production indicates a problem and the Contractor is not taking satisfactory
corrective action, the Engineer may suspend production or acceptance of the material.
a. Individual Measurements. Control charts for individual measurements shall be
established to maintain process control within tolerance for aggregate gradation and
asphalt content. The control charts shall use the job mix formula target values as
indicators of central tendency for the following test parameters with associated Action
and Suspension Limits:
1 or 1-1/4 inch
3/4 inch sieve
1/2 inch (12.5 mm)
3/8 inch (9.5 mm)
NO.4 (4.75 mm)
No. 16 (1.18 mm)
No. 50 (0.30 mm)
No. 200 (0.075 mm)
Asphalt Content.
Action Limit
Suspension Limit
b. Range. Control charts for range shall be established to control process variability for
the test parameters and Suspension Limits listed below. The range shall be computed
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for each lot as the difference between the two test results for each control parameter.
The Suspension Limits specified below are based on a sample size of n = 2. Should
the Contractor elect to perform more than two tests per lot, the Suspension Limits
shall be adjusted by multiplying the Suspension Limit by 1.18 for n = 3 and by 1.27
for n = 4.
(Based on n = 2)
Suspension Limit
1/2 inch (12.5 mm)
3/8 inch (9.5 mm)
No.4 (4.75 mm)
No. 16 (1.18 mm)
No. 50 (0.30 mm)
No. 200 (0.075 mm)
Asphalt Content
11 percent
11 percent
11 percent
9 percent
6 percent
3.5 percent
0.8 percent
c. Corrective Action. The Quality Control Plan shall indicate that appropriate action
shall be taken when the process is believed to be out of tolerance. The Plan shall
contain sets of rules to gauge when a process is out of control and detail what action
will be taken to bring the process into control. As a minimum, a process shall be
deemed out of control and production stopped and corrective action taken, if:
(1) One point falls outside the Suspension Limit line for individual measurements
or range; or
(2) Two points in a row fall outside the Action Limit line for individual
401-7.1 MEASUREMENT. Plant mix bituminous concrete pavement shall be measured by the
number of tons (kg) of bituminous mixture used in the accepted work. Recorded batch weights or
truck scale weights will be used to determine the basis for the tonnage.
401-8.1 :PAYMENT. Payment for an accepted lot of bituminous concrete pavement shall be made
at the contract unit price per ton (kg) for bituminous mixture adjusted according to paragraph
401-8.1a. The price shall be compensation for furnishing all materials, for all preparation, mixing,
and placing of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to
complete the item.
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April, 1998
a. Basis of Adjusted Payment. Each lot shall be accepted at the full contract price
when the percent within limits (PWL) for mat density and air voids equals or exceeds
90 percent. Each lot not meeting the 90 percent PWL requirement will be accepted
at an adjusted contract unit price in accordance with Table 6. Payment shall be
calculated for both mat density and air voids, and payment shall be based on the
lower of the two values.
Percentage of Material Within
the Specification Limit
Percent of Contract Unit Price
(PWL) to be Paid
Below 65
0.5 PWL + 55.0
2.0 PWL - 65.0
The lot shall be removed and replaced. However, the Engineer may decide to accept
the deficient lot. In that case, if the Engineer and Contractor agree in writing, that the lot
shall not be removed, and it will be paid for at 50 percent of the contract price.
b. Payment. Payment will be made under:
Item P-401-8.1
Bituminous Concrete Surface Course (112" Maximum
Aggregate )--per ton
Unit Weight of Aggregate
Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or
Magnesium Sulfate
ASTM C 117
Test Method for Materials Finer than 75-um (No.200) Sieve in
Mineral Aggregates by Washing
Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use
of the Los Angeles Machine
ASTM C 136
Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates
ASTM C 183
Sampling Hydraulic Cement
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ASTM C 566
Total Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying
Sampling Aggregates
ASTM D 995
Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed Hot-Laid
Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D 118
Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using
Paraffin-Coated Specimens
ASTM D 1461
Moisture or Volatile Distillates in Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D 1559
Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using
Marshall Apparatus
ASTM D 2041
Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of
Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D 2172
Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Paving
ASTM D 2419
Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate
ASTM D 2489
Degree of Particle Coating of Bituminous-Aggregate Mixtures
ASTM D 2726
Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using
Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens
ASTM D 3203
Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense and Open Bituminous
Paving Mixtures
ASTM D 2950
Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuclear Method
ASTM D 3665
Random Sampling of Paving Materials
ASTM D 3666
Inspection and Testing Agencies for Bituminous Paving Materials
ASTM D 4125
Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures by the Nuclear Method
ASTM D 4318
Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils
ASTM D 4791
Flat or Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate
ASTM D 4867
Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
ASTM E 178 Practice for Dealing With Outlying Observations
AASHTO T 30 Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate
The Asphalt Institute's Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete
Manual No.2 (MS-2)
The Asphalt Institute's Hot-Mix Recycling
Manual No. 20 (MS-20)
ASTM D 242
Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D 946
Asphalt Cement for Use in Pavement Construction
ASTM D 3381
Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cement for Use in Pavement
ASTM D 4552
Classifying Hot-Mix Recycling Agents
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
602-1.1 This item shall consist of an application of bituminous material on the prepared base course
in accord.mce with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity to the lines shown on the
602-2.1 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. The types, grades, controlling specifications, and
application temperatures for the bituminous materials are given in Table 1. The Engineer shall
designate the specific material to be used.
LTYPe and Grade Aoolication Temperatures \1\
Deg. F Deg. C
Emulsified Asphalt
SS-1, SS-lh ASTMD 977 70-160 20-70
MS-2, HFMS-l ASTM D 977 70-160 20-70
CSS-l, CSS-lh ASTM D 2397 70-160 20-70
CMS-2 ASTM D 2397 70-160 20-70
Cutback Asphalt
RC-30 ASTM D 2028 80+ 30+
RC-70 ASTM D 2028 120+ 50+
RC-250 ASTM D 2028 165+ 75+
\ 1 \ The maximum temperature for cutback asphalt shall be that at which fogging occurs.
602-3.1 WEATHER LIMITATIONS. The prime coat shall be applied only when the existing
surface is dry or contains sufficient moisture to get uniform distribution of the bituminous material,
when the atmospheric temperature is above 60 F (15 C), and when the weather is not foggy or rainy.
The temperature requirements may be waived, but only when so directed by the Engineer.
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April, 1998
602-3.2 EQUIPMENT. The equipment used by the Contractor shall include a self-powered
pressure bituminous material distributor and equipment for heating bituminous material.
The distributor shall be designed, equipped, maintained, and operated so that bituminous material at
even heat may be applied uniformly on variable widths of surface at the specified rate. The allowable
variation from the specified rate shall not exceed 10 percent. Distributor equipment shall include a
tachometer, pressure gages, volume-measuring devices or a calibrated tank, and a thermometer for
measuring temperatures of tank contents. The distributor shall be self-powered and shall be equipped
with a power unit for the pump and full circulation spray bars adjustable laterally and vertically.
A power broom and/or blower shall be provided for any required cleaning of the surface to be treated.
602-3.3 APPLICATION OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. Immediately before applying the
prime coa.t, the full width of the surface to be primed shall be swept with a power broom to remove
all loose dirt and other objectionable material.
The bituminous material including solvent shall be uniformly applied with a bituminous distributor
at the rate of 0.25 to 0.50 gallons per square yard (1.20 to 2.40 liters per square meter) depending
on the base course surface texture. The type of bituminous material and application rate shall be
approved by the Engineer prior to application.
Following the application, the primed surface shall be allowed to dry not less than 48 hours without
being disturbed or for such additional time as may be necessary to permit the drying out of the prime
until it will not be picked up by traffic or equipment. This period shall be determined by the
Engineer. The surface shall then be maintained by the Contractor until the surfacing has been placed.
Suitable precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to protect the primed surface against damage
during this interval, including supplying and spreading any sand necessary to blot up excess
bituminous material.
bituminous materials that the Contractor proposes to use, together with a statement as to their source
and character, must be submitted and approved before use of such material begins. The Contractor
shall require the manufacturer or producer of the bituminous materials to furnish material subject to
this and all other pertinent requirements of the contract. Only satisfactory materials, so demonstrated
by service tests, shall be acceptable.
The Contractor shall furnish vendor's certified test reports for each carload, or equivalent, of
bituminous material shipped to the project. The report shall be delivered to the Engineer before
permission is granted fOf-use of the material. The furnishing of the vendor's certified test report for
the bituminous material shall not be interpreted as basis for final acceptance. All such test reports
shall be subject to verification by testing samples of materials received for use on the project.
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
602-3.5 FREIGHT AND WEIGH BILLS. Before the final estimate is allowed, the Contractor
shall file with the Engineer receipted bills when railroad shipments are made, and certified weigh bills
when materials are received in any other manner, of the bituminous materials actually used in the
construction covered by the contract. The Contractor shall not remove bituminous material from
the tank car or storage tank until the initial outage and temperature measurements have been taken
by the Engineer, nor shall the car or tank be released until the final outage has been taken by the
Copies of freight bills and weigh bills shall be furnished to the Engineer during the progress of the
602-4.1 The bituminous material for prime coat shall be measured by the gallon. Volume shall be
corrected to the volume at 60 F (15 C) in accordance with ASTM D 1250 for cutback asphalt, and
Table IV-3 of The Asphalt Institute's Manual MS-6 for emulsified asphalt.
602-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per gallon for bituminous prime coat. This
price shal.1 be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, delivering, and
applying the materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this
Payment will be made under:
Item P-602-5.1
Bituminous Prime Coat--per gallon
ASTM D 977
Emulsified Asphalt
ASTM D 2028
Asphalt, Cutback (Rapid Curing Grade)
ASTM D 2397
Cationic Emulsified Asphalt
Marathon AIrport
April, I 998
ASTM D 1250
Petroleum Measurement Tables
Manual MS-6
Table IV-3
Temperature- Volume Corrections for Emulsified
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April, 1998
603-1.1 This item shall consist of preparing and treating a bituminous or concrete surface with
bituminous material in accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity to the
lines shown on the plans.
603- 2
603-2.1 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS. The bituminous material shall be either cutback
asphalt, emulsified asphalt, or tar and shall conform to the requirements of Table I. The type, grade,
controlling specification, and application temperature of bituminous material to be used shall be
specified by the Engineer.
c'ype and Grade Application Temperature
Specification Dee. F Dee. C
Emulsified Asphalt
SS-I, SS-Ih ASTM D 977 75-130 25-55
CSS-I, CSS-Ih ASTM D 2397 75-130 25-55
Cutback Asphalt
RC-70 ASTM D 2028 120-160 50-70
RTCB 5, RTCB 6 AASHTO M 52 60-120 15-50
603-3.1 WEA THER LIMITATIONS. The tack coat shall be applied only when the existing
surface is dry and the atmospheric temperature is above 60 F (15 C). The temperature requirements
may be waived, but only when so directed by the Engineer.
603-3.2 EQUIPMENT. The Contractor shall provide equipment for heating and applying the
bituminous material.
The distributor shall be designed, equipped, maintained, and operated so that bituminous material at
even heat may be applied uniformly on variable widths of surface at the specified rate. The allowable
Marathon Alq>ort
April, 1998
variation from the specified rate shall not exceed 10 percent. Distributor equipment shall include a
tachometer, pressure gages, volume-measuring devices or a calibrated tank, and a thermometer for
measuring temperatures of tank contents. The distributor shall be self-powered and shall be equipped
with a power unit for the pump and full circulation spray bars adjustable laterally and vertically.
A power broom and/or blower shall be provided for any required cleaning of the surface to be treated.
603-3.3 APPLICA nON OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. Immediately before applying
the tack coat, the full width of surface to be treated shall be swept with a power broom and/or airblast
to removle all loose dirt and other objectionable material.
Emulsified asphalt shall be diluted by the addition of water when directed by the Engineer and shall
be applied! a sufficient time in advance of the paver to ensure that all water has evaporated before any
of the ov(~rlying mixture is placed on the tacked surface.
The bituminous material including vehicle or solvent shall be uniformly applied with a bituminous
distributor at the rate of 0.05 to 0.15 gallons per square yard (0.24 to 0.72 liters per square meter)
depending on the condition of the existing surface. The type of bituminous material and application
rate shall be approved by the Engineer prior to application.
Following the application, the surface shall be allowed to cure without being disturbed for such period
of time as may be necessary to permit drying out and setting of the tack coat. This period shall be
determined by the Engineer. The surface shall then be maintained by the Contractor until the next
course has been placed. Suitable precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to protect the surface
against damage during this interval.
of the bituminous material that the Contractor proposes to use, together with a statement as to its
source and character, must be submitted and approved before use of such material begins. The
Contractor shall require the manufacturer or producer of the bituminous material to furnish material
subject to this and all other pertinent requirements of the contract. Only satisfactory materials so
demonstra.ted by service tests, shall be acceptable.
The Contractor shall furnish the vendor's certified test reports for each carload, or equivalent, of
bituminous material shipped to the project. The report shall be delivered to the Engineer before
permission is granted for use of the material. The furnishing of the vendor's certified test report for
the bituminous material shall not be interpreted as a basis for final acceptance. All such test reports
shall be subject to verification by testing samples of material received for use on the project.
603-3.5 FREIGHT AND WEIGH BILLS. Before the final estimate is allowed, the
Contractor shall file with the Engineer receipted bills when railroad shipments are made, and certified
weigh bills when materials are received in any other manner, of the bituminous materials actually used
in the construction covered by the contract. The Contractor shall not remove bituminous material
from the tank car or storage tank until the initial outage and temperature measurements have been
taken by the Engineer, nor shall the car or tank be released until the final outage has been taken by
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
the Engineer. Copies of freight bills and weigh bills shall be furnished to the Engineer during the
progress of the work.
603-4.1 The bituminous material for tack coat shall be measured by the gallon. Volume shall
be corrected to the volume at 60 F (15 C) in accordance with ASTM D 1250 for cutback asphalt,
ASTM D 633 for tar, and Table IV-3 of The Asphalt Institute's Manual MS-6 for emulsified asphalt.
Water added to emulsified asphalt will not be measured for payment.
603.5-1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per gallon of bituminous material.
This pric1e shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, for all preparation, delivery, and
application of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to
complete the item.
Payment will be made under:
Item P-603-5.1
Bituminous Tack Coat--per gallon
ASTM D 633
Volume Correction Table for Road Tar
ASTM D 977
Emulsified Asphalt
ASTM D 1250
Petroleum Measurement Tables
ASTM D 2028
Liquid Asphalt (Rapid-Curing Type)
ASTM D 2397
Cationic Emulsified Asphalt
Tar for Use in Road Construction
Manual MS-6
Table IV-3
Temperature-Volume Corrections for Emulsified
Marathon Airport
April, I 998
620-1.1 This item shall consist of the painting of numbers, markings, and stripes on the surface of
runways, taxiways, and aprons, in accordance with these specifications and at the locations shown
on the pl.ans, or as directed by the Engineer.
620-2.1 ]\1ATERIALS ACCEPTANCE. The Contractor shall furnish manufacturer's certified test
reports for materials shipped to the project. The certified test reports shall include a statement that
the materials meet the specification requirements. The reports can be used for material acceptance
or the Engineer may perform verification testing. The reports shall not be interpreted as a basis for
payment. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer upon arrival of a shipment of materials to the site.
620-2.2 PAINT. Paint shall be waterborne in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 620-
2.2a. Paint shall be furnished in White-37925, Yellow-33538 or 33655 and Red-31136 in accordance
with Federal Standard No 595. Paint shall be furnished inType II -- Fast drying time for no-pick-up
when tested in accordance with ASTM D 711.
a. WATERBORNE. Paint shall meet the requirements of Federal Specification IT -P-1952.
b.o EPOXY. Paint shall be a two component, minimum 99 percent solids type system
conforming to the following:
(1) Pigments. Component A. Percent by weight.
(a) White:
Titanium Dioxide, ASTM D 476, type II shall be 18 percent minimum
(16.5 percent minimum at 100 percent purity).
(b) Yellow and Colors:
Titanium Dioxide, ASTM D 476, type II shall be 14 to 17 percent.
Organic yellow, other colors, and tinting as required to meet
color standard.
Epoxy resin shall be 75 to 79 percent.
(2) Epoxy Content. Component A. The weight per epoxy equivalent, when tested
in accordance with ASTM D 1652 shall be the manufacturer's target plus or minus 50.
(3) Amine Number. Component B. When tested in accordance with ASTM 0 2074
shall be the manufacturer's target plus or minus 50.
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
(4) Prohibited Materials. The manufacturer shall certify that the product does not
contain mercury, lead, hexavalent chromium, halogenated solvents, nor any carcinogen, as defined
in 29 CFR 1910.1200.
(5) Daylight Directional Reflectance:
(a) White: The daylight directional reflectance of the white paint shall not
be less than 75 percent (relative to magnesium oxide), when tested in accordance with Federal Test
Method Standard No. 141, Method 6121.
(b ) Yellow: The daylight directional reflectance of the yellow paint shall not
be less than 38 percent (relative to magnesium oxide), when tested in accordance with Federal Test
Method Standard No. 141. The x and y values shall be consistent with the Federal Hegman yellow
color standard chart for traffic yellow standard 33538, or shall be consistent with the tolerance listed
x .462 x .470 x .479 x .501
Y .438 Y .455 Y .428 Y .452
(6) Accelerated weathering.
(a) Sample preparation. Apply the paint at a wet film thickness of 0.013
inch (0.33 mm) to four 3 by 6 inch (8 by 15 cm) aluminum panels prepared as described in Federal
Test Method Standard No. 141, Method 2013. Air dry the sample 48 hours under standard
(b) Testing conditions. Test in accordance with ASTM G 53 using both
Ultra Violet (UV-B) Light and condensate exposure, 72 hours total, alternating 4 hour UV exposure
at 60 degree C, and 4 hours condensate exposure at 40 degrees C.
(c) Evaluation. Remove the samples and condition for 24 hours under
standard conditions. Determine the directional reflectance and color match using the procedures in
paragraph 620-2.2b(5) above. Evaluate for conformance with the color requirements.
(7) Volatile Organic Content. Determine the volatile organic content in accordance
with 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix A, Method 24.
(8) Dry opacity. Use Procedure B, Method B of Method 4121 of Federal Test
Method Standard No. 141. The wet film thickness shall be 0.015 inch (0.12 mm). The minimum
opacity for white and c610rs shall be 0.92.
(9) Abrasion resistance. Subject the panels prepared in paragraph 620-2.2b(6) to
the abrasion test in accordance with ASTM D 968, Method A, except that the inside diameter of the
metal guide tube shall be from 0.747 to 0.750 inch (18.97 to 19.05 mm). Five liters of unused sand
shall be used for each test panel. The test shall be run on two test panels. [Note: five liters of sand
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
weighs 17.5 lb. (7.94 kg).] Both baked and weathered paint films shall require not less than 150
liters of sand for the removal of the paint films.
(10) Hardness, Shore. Hardness shall be at least 80 when tested in accordance with
ASTM D 2240.
c.. METHACRYLATE. Paint shall be a two component, minimum 99 percent solids
type system conforming to the following:
(1) Pigments. Component A. Percent by weight.
(a) White:
Titanium Dioxide, ASTM D 476, type II shall be 6 percent minimum.
Methacrylate resin shall be 18 percent minimum.
(b) Yellow and Colors:
Titanium Dioxide, ASTM D 476, type II shall be 6 percent minimum.
Organic yellow, other colors, and tinting as required to meet color
Methacrylate resin shall be 18 percent minimum.
(2) Prohibited Materials. The manufacturer shall certify that the product does not
contain mercury, lead, hexavalent chromium, halogenated solvents, nor any carcinogen, as defined
in 29 CFR 1910.1200.
(3) Daylight Directional Reflectance:
(a) White: The daylight directional reflectance of the white paint shall not
be less than 80 percent (relative to magnesium oxide), when tested in accordance with Federal Test
Method Standard No. 141, Method 6121.
(b) Yellow: The daylight directional reflectance of the yellow paint shall not
be less than 55 percent (relative to magnesium oxide), when tested in accordance with Federal Test
Method Standard No. 141. The x and y values shall be consistent with the Federal Hegman yellow
color standard chart for traffic yellow standard 33538, or shall be consistent with the tolerance listed
x .462 x .470 x .479
Y .438 Y .455 Y .428
x .501
Y .452
(4) Accelerated weathering.
(a) Sample preparation. Apply the paint at a wet film thickness of 0.013
inch (0.33 mm) to four 3 by 6 inch (8 by 15 em) aluminum panels prepared as described in Method
2013 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 141. Air dry the sample 48 hours under standard
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
(b) Testing conditions. Test in accordance with ASTM G 53 using both
Ultra Violet (UV-B) Light and condensate exposure, 72 hours total, alternating 4 hour UV exposure
at 60 degree C, and 4 hours condensate exposure at 40 degrees C.
(c) Evaluation. Remove the samples and condition for 24 hours under
standard conditions. Determine the directional reflectance and color match using the procedures in
paragraph 620-2.2c(3) above. Evaluate for conformance with the color requirements.
(5) Volatile Organic Content. Determine the volatile organic content in accordance
with 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix A, Method 24.
(6) Dry opacity. Use Procedure B, Method B of Method 4121 of Federal Test
Method Standard No. 141. The wet film thickness shall be 0.015 inch (0.12 mm). The minimum
opacity for white and colors shall be 0.92.
(7) Abrasion resistance. Subject the panels prepared in paragraph 620-2.2c(4) to
the abrasion test in accordance with ASTM D 968, Method A, except that the inside diameter of the
metal guide tube shall be from 0.747 to 0.750 inch (18.97 to 19.05 mm). Five liters of unused sand
shall be Ulsed for each test panel. The test shall be run on two test panels. [Note: five liters of sand
weighs 17.5 lb. (7.94 kg).] Both baked and weathered paint films shall require not less than 150
liters of sand for the removal of the paint films.
(8) Hardness, Shore. Hardness shall be at least 80 when tested in accordance with
ASTM D 2240.
d" SOLVENT BASE. Paint shall meet the requirements of Federal Specification TT-P-85.
620-2.3 REFLECTIVE MEDIA. Glass beads shall meet the requirements of Fed. Spec.
TT -B-1325, Type I, Gradation A. Glass beads shall be treated with adhesion promoting and/or
flotation coatings as specified by the manufacturer of the paint.
620-3.1 'rVEA THER LIMITATIONS. The painting shall be performed only when the surface is
dry and when the surface temperature is at least 45 degrees F (7 degrees C) and rising.
620-3.2 EQUIPMENT. Equipment shall include the apparatus necessary to properly clean the
existing surface, a mechanical marking machine, a bead and/or silica sand dispensing machine, and
such auxiliary hand-painting equipment as may be necessary to satisfactorily complete the job.
The mechanical marker shall be an atomizing spray-type marking machine suitable for application
of traffic paint. It shall produce an even and uniform film thickness at the required coverage and
shall apply markings of uniform cross sections and clear-cut edges without running or spattering and
without over spray.
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
620-3.3 PREPARATION OF SURFACE. Immediately before application of the paint, the surface
shall be dry and free from dirt, grease, oil, laitance, or other foreign material which would reduce the
bond between the paint and the pavement. The area to be painted shall be cleaned by sweeping and
blowing or by other methods as required to remove all dirt, laitance, and loose materials.
Paint shall not be applied to Portland cement concrete pavement until the areas to be painted are
clean of curing material. Sandblasting or high pressure water shall be used to remove curing
620-3.4 LAYOUT OF MARKINGS. The proposed markings shall be laid out in advance of the
paint application.
620-3.5 APPLICATION. Paint shall be applied at the locations and to the dimensions and spacing
shown on the plans. Paint shall not be applied until the layout and condition of the surface have been
approved by the Engineer.
The paint shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and applied to the
pavement with a marking machine at the rate(s) shown in Table I. The addition of thinner will not
be permitted. The plans shall indicate the period of time which shall elapse between placement of
a bituminous surface course or seal coat and application of the paint.
Paint Glass Beads, Type I, Glass Beads, Silica Sand
Square feet per Gradation A Type ill Pounds per gallon
gallon, ft2/gal Pounds per gallon of Pounds per gallon of of paint--Ib./gal.
(Square meters paint--Ib./gal. paint--Ib./gal. (Kilograms per
Paint Type per liter, m2/1) (Kilograms per liter (Kilograms per liter liter of paint--kg/I
of paint--kg/I) of paint--kg/I
Waterborne 115 ft2/gal. 7 Ib./gal. minimum 12 Ib./gal. minimum 4 Ib./gal.
(0.85 kg/I) (1.45 kg/I) . .
maxImum mInImum
(2.8 m2/1) (0.5 kg/I)
Solvent Base liS ft2/gal. 7 Ib./gal. minimum 12 Ib./gal. minimum 4 Ib./gal.
maxImum (0.85 kg/I) (1.45 kg/I) mInImum
(2.8 m2/1) (0.5 kg/I)
Epoxy 90 ft2/gal. 15 Ib./gal. minimum 24 Ib./gal. minimum 8 Ib./gal.
maxImum (1.8 kg/I) (2.9 kg/I) mInImum
(2.2 m21I) (1.0 kglI)
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April, 1998
Methacrylate 45 ft2/gal.
(1.1 m2/1)
15 Ib.lgal. minimum
(1.8 kg/I)
24 Ib.lgal. minimum
(2.9 kg/I)
(1.0 kg/I)
The edges of the markings shall not vary from a straight line more than 1/2 inch (12 mm) in 50 feet
(15 m), and the dimensions shall be within a tolerance of plus or minus 5 percent.
Glass beads shall be distributed upon the marked areas at the locations shown on the plans to receive
glass beads immediately after application of the paint. A dispenser shall be furnished which is
properly designed for attachment to the marking machine and suitable for dispensing glass beads.
Glass beads shall be applied at the rate(s) shown in Table I. Glass beads shall not be applied to
black paint. Glass beads shall adhere to the cured paint or all marking operations shall cease until
corrections are made.
All emptied containers shall be returned to the paint storage area for checking by the Engineer. The
containers shall not be removed from the airport or destroyed until authorized by the Engineer.
620-3.6 PROTECTION. After application of the paint, all markings shall be protected from
damage until the paint is dry. All surfaces shall be protected from disfiguration by spatter, splashes,
spillage, or drippings of paint.
620-4.1 The quantity of pavement markings to be paid for shall be the number of square feet of
painting performed in accordance with the specifications and accepted by the Engineer.
620-5.1 Payment shall be made at the respective contract price per square foot. This price shall be
full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals
necessary to complete the item.
Payment will be made under:
Temporary or initial marking (yellow or white without reflective media at 50%
application rate)
Final marking - (waterborne) per square foot
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
ASTM C-146
ASTM C 371
ASTM D 711
ASTM D 968
ASTM D 1652
ASTM D 2074
ASTM D 2240
Chemical Analysis of Glass Sand
Wire-Cloth Sieve Analysis of Nonplastic Ceramic Powders
Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup
No-Pick-Up Time of Traffic Paint
Standard Test Methods for Abrasion Resistance of Organic
Coatings by Falling Abrasive
Test Method for Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins
Test Method for Total Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Amine
Values of Fatty Amines by Alternative Indicator Method
Test Method for Rubber Products-Durometer Hardness
Operating Light and Water-Exposure Apparatus (Florescent
UV-Condensation Type) for Exposure of Nonmetallic
Federal Test Method Paint, Vamish, Lacquer and Related Materials; Methods of Inspection,
Standard No. 141 Sampling and Testing
ASTM D 476
Specifications for Titanium Dioxide Pigments
Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A
29 CFR Part 1910.1200
Fed. Spec. TT-B-1325 Beads (Glass Spheres) Retroreflective
Fed. Spec. TT-P-85
Fed. Spec. TT-P-11O
Fed. Spec. TT-P-1952
Federal Standard 595
Paint, traffic and Airfield Marking, Solvent Base
Paint, Traffic Black (Nonreflectorized)
Paint, traffic and Airfield Marking, Waterborne
Colors used in Government Procurement
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
750-1 Description. In general, the work specified in this Section shaIl consist of the construction
of Trench Drains, utilizing coarse aggregate, or baIlast rock when specified, and filter fabric, in
accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, dimensions, notes and
details shown in the plans.
750-2 Materials.
750-2.1 Pipe. Unless a particular type is specified in the plans, the pipe furnished shaIl be
the foIl owing type:
(a) Concrete Pipe (BeIl & Spigot): At the option of the Contractor, slotted or
perforated concrete pipe may be used. Concrete pipe shaIl meet the minimum D-Ioad strength
requirements of ASTM C 76M Class III pipe. Gaskets shaIl not be used, but the spigot shaIl be fuIly
inserted in the beIl, and brought home. Slotted pipe shaIl conform to Roadway and Traffic Design
Standards, Index No. 285. Perforated pipe shaIl have performations equaIly located 360 degrees
around the pipe. There shaIl not be less than 320 10 mm round perforations per square meter of
inside pipe surface. Perforations shaIl extend to within 150 mm of the beIl or spigot area. Other
perforations not less than 8 mm nor more than 10 mm in the least dimension are permitted if they
provide an opening area not less than 23 000 mm2 per square meter of pipe surface.
750-2.2 Coarse Aggregate: The Coarse Aggregate or BaIlast Rock shaIl meet the
gradation requirements as specified for No.4 stone.
750-2.3 Select Fill: The select fiIl, unless otherwise caIled for shaIl consist of weIl-graded
limerock or limerock and sand fill. Sand, or fiIl having a high proportion of sand, wiIl not be
accepted as select fill. AIl select fiIl shaIl be approved by the Engineer prior to placing.
750-3 Excavating Trench. The trench shaIl be excavated carefuIly to such depths as required to
permit the filter fabric and the coarse aggregate to be placed in accordance with the details shown
on the plans.
750-4 Laying Pipe. AIl pipe shaIl be carefuIly laid in conformity with the lines and grades specified
in the plans and in accordance with these specifications. Unless otherwise specified in the plans, the
pipe shaIl be set with a.minimum cover of 0.9 m and a maximum cover of 1.7 m.
750-5 Placing Coarse Aggregate and Backfilling. After the pipe has been laid and the laying
approved, the coarse aggregate or baIlast rock shaIl be placed carefuIly, so as not to disturb the pipe,
around and over the pipe to a depth shown on the plans. The filter fabric shaIl then be folded over
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
the coarse aggregate or ballast rock as shown on the plans, and the portion of the trench above the
coarse aggregate filled with select fill material placed in layers not to exceed 150 mm compacted
thickness in conformance to the lines and grades as shown on the plans.
750-6 Method of Measurement. The quantity of Trench Drains to be paid for under this Section
shall be the length in feet measured in place, completed and accepted or paid for separately under
the pay item D-750-7.1 "Trench Drain" per linear feet.
750-7 Basis of Payment. The quantities determined as provided above shall be paid for under linear
feet of Trench Drains items as defined in 750-7.1. Such prices and payments shall be full
compensation for all the work specified in this Section and shall include all materials and all
excavation, and shall also include sheeting or shoring, if required, the disposal of surplus material,
pavement restoration, backfilling and tamping, but shall not include payment for items paid for
elsewhere in the specifications.
Payment shall be made under item:
Item No. D-750-7.1 Trench Drains - per linear feet.
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April, 1998
901-1.1 This item shall consist of soil preparation, seeding with or without fertilizer and/or lime the
areas shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer in accordance with these specifications.
901-2.1 SEED The species and application rates of grass, legume, and cover-crop seed furnished
shall be those stipulated herein. Seed shall conform to the requirements of Fed. Spec. JJJ-S-181.
Seed shall be furnished separately or in mixtures in standard containers with the seed name, lot
number, net weight, percentages of purity and of germination and hard seed, and percentage of
maximum weed seed content clearly marked for each kind of seed. The Contractor shall furnish the
Engineer duplicate signed copies of a statement by the vendor certifying that each lot of seed has
been tested by a recognized laboratory for seed testing within 6 months of date of delivery. This
statement shall include: name and address of laboratory, date of test, lot number for each kind of
seed, and the results of tests as to name, percentages of purity and of germination, and percentage
of weed content for each kind of seed furnished, and, in case of a mixture, the proportions of
each kind of seed.
Seeds shall be applied as follows:
Redtop Panicum (Panicum rigidulum)
@ 8 1 b/acre
Seashore Paspalum (Paspalum distichum)
@ 8 lb/acre
901-2.2 FERTILIZER Fertilizer shall be standard commercial fertilizers supplied separately or in
mixtures containing the percentages of total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and water-soluble
potash. They shall be applied at the rate and to the depth specified herein, and shall meet
the requirements of Fed. Spec. O-F-241 and applicable state laws. They shall be furnished in standard
containers with name, weight, and guaranteed analysis of contents clearly marked thereon. No
cyanamide compounds or hydrated lime shall be permitted in mixed fertilizers.
The fertilizers may be supplied in one of the following forms:
a. A dry, free-flowing fertilizer suitable for application by a common fertilizer spreader;
b. A finely-ground fertilizer soluble in water, suitable for application by power sprayers;
c. A granular or pellet form suitable for application by blower equipment.
Fertilizers shall be 10-10-10 commercial fertilizer and shall be spread at the rate of 500 lb/acre.
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April, 1998
901- 2.3 SOIL FO R REPAIRS. The soil for fill and topsoiling of areas to be repaired shall be at
least of equal quality to that which exists in areas adjacent to the area to be repaired. The soil shall
be relatively free from large stones, roots, stumps, or other materials that will interfere
with subsequent sowing of seed, compacting, and establishing turf, and shall be approved by the
Engineer before being placed.
901-3.1 ADVANCE PREPARATION AND CLEANUP. After grading of areas has
been completed and before applying fertilizer and ground limestone, areas to be seeded shall be raked
or otherwise cleared of stones larger than 2 inches (50 mm) in any diameter, sticks, stumps, and other
debris which might interfere with sowing of seed, growth of grasses, or subsequent maintenance
of grass-covered areas. If any damage by erosion or other causes has occurred after the completion
of grading and before beginning the application of fertilizer and ground limestone, the Contractor
shall repair such damage. This may include filling gullies, smoothing irregularities, and repairing
other incidental damage.
An area to be seeded shall be considered a satisfactory seedbed without additional treatment if it has
recently been thoroughly loosened and worked to a depth of not less than 5 inches (125 mm) as a
result of grading operations and, if immediately prior to seeding, the top 3 inches (75 mm) of soil
is loose, fiiable, reasonably free from large clods, rocks, large roots, or other undesirable matter, and
if shaped to the required grade.
However, when the area to be seeded is sparsely sodded, weedy, barren and unworked, or packed
and hard" any grass and weeds shall first be cut or otherwise satisfactorily disposed of, and the soil
then scarified or otherwise loosened to a depth not less than 5 inches (125 mm). Clods shall be
broken and the top 3 inches (75 mm) of soil shall be worked into a satisfactory seedbed by discing,
or by use of cultipackers, rollers, drags, harrows, or other appropriate means.
3. F'ertilizing. Following advance preparations and cleanup fertilizer shall be uniformly spread
at the rate which will provide not less than the minimum quantity stated in paragraph 901-2.3.
b. Seeding. Grass seed shall be sown at the rate specified in paragraph 901-2.1 immediately
after fertilizing, and the fertilizer and seed shall be raked within the depth range stated in the special
provisions. Seeds of legumes, either alone or in mixtures, shall be inoculated before mixing
or sowing, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the inoculant. When seeding
is required at other than the seasons shown on the plans or in the special provisions, a cover crop shall
be sown by the same methods required for grass and legume seeding.
c. Rolling. After the seed has been properly covered, the seedbed shall be immediately
compacted by means of an approved lawnroller, weighing 40 to 65 pounds per foot (60 to 97 kg per
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
meter) of width for clay soil (or any soil having a tendency to pack), and weighing 150 to 200 pounds
per foot (223 to 298 kg per meter) of width for sandy or light soils.
a. General. The Contractor may elect to apply seed and fertilizer (and lime, if required) by
spraying them on the previously prepared seedbed in the form of an aqueous mixture and by using
the methods and equipment described herein. The rates of application shall be as specified in the
special provisions.
b. Spraying Equipment. The spraying equipment shall have a container or water tank
equipped with a liquid level gauge calibrated to read in increments not larger than 50 gallons (190
liters) over the entire range of the tank capacity, mounted so as to be visible to the nozzle operator.
The container or tank shall also be equipped with a mechanical power-driven agitator capable of
keeping all the solids in the mixture in complete suspension at all times until used.
The unit shall also be equipped with a pressure pump capable of delivering 100 gallons (380 liters)
per minute at a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch (690 kPa). The pump shall be mounted in
a line which will recirculate the mixture through the tank whenever it is not being sprayed from the
nozzle. All pump passages and pipe lines shall be capable of providing clearance for 5/8 inch (15 mm)
solids. The power unit for the pump and agitator shall have controls mounted so as to be accessible
to the nozzle operator. There shall be an indicating pressure gauge connected and mounted
immediately at the back of the nozzle.
The nozzle pipe shall be mounted on an elevated supporting stand in such a manner that it can be
rotated through 360 degrees horizontally and inclined vertically from at least 20 degrees below to at
least 60 degrees above the horizontal. There shall be a quick-acting, three-way control valve
connecting the recirculating line to the nozzle pipe and mounted so that the nozzle operator can
control and regulate the amount of flow of mixture delivered to the nozzle. At least three different
types of nozzles shall be supplied so that mixtures may be properly sprayed over distance varying
from 20 to 100 feet (6 to 30 m). One shall be a close-range ribbon nozzle, one a
medium-range ribbon nozzle, and one a long-range jet nozzle. For case of removal and cleaning, all
nozzles shall be connected to the nozzle pipe by means of quick-release couplings.
In order to reach areas inaccessible to the regular equipment, an extension hose at least 50 feet (15
m) in length shall be provided to which the nozzles may be connected.
c. Mixtures. Lime, if required, shall be applied separately, in the quantity specified, prior to
the fertilil~ng and seeding operations. Not more than 220 pounds (100 kg) oflime shall be added to
and mixed with each 100 gallons (380 liters) of water. Seed and fertilizer shall be mixed together
in the relative proportions specified, but not more than a total of 220 pounds (100 kg) of these
combined solids shall be added to and mixed with each 100 gallons (380 liters) of water.
All water used shall be obtained from fresh water sources and shall be free from injurious chemicals
and other toxic substances harmful to plant life. Brackish water shall not be used at any time. The
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April, I 998
Contractor shall identify to the Engineer all sources of water at least 2 weeks prior to use. The
Engineer may take samples of the water at the source or from the tank at any time and have a
laboratory test the samples for chemical and saline content. The Contractor shall not use any water
from any source which is disapproved by the Engineer following such tests.
All mixtures shall be constantly agitated from the time they are mixed until
they are finally applied to the seedbed. All such mixtures shall be used within 2 hours from the time
they were mixed or they shall be wasted and disposed of at locations acceptable to the Engineer.
d. Spraying. Lime, if required, shall be sprayed only upon previously prepared seedbeds.
After the applied lime mixture has dried, the lime shall be worked into the top 3 inches (8 cm), after
which the seedbed shall again be properly graded and dressed to a smooth finish.
Mixtures of seed and fertilizer shall only be sprayed upon previously prepared seedbeds on which the
lime, if required, shall already have been worked in. The mixtures shall be applied by means of a
high-pressure spray which shall always be directed upward into the air so that the mixtures will fall
to the ground like rain in a uniform spray. Nozzles or sprays shall never be directed toward the
ground in such a manner as might produce erosion or runoff
Particular care shall be exercised to insure that the application is made uniformly and at the prescribed
rate and to guard against misses and overlapped areas. Proper predetermined quantities of the
mixture in accordance with specifications shall be used to cover specified sections of known area.
Checks on the rate and uniformity of application may be made by observing the degree of wetting of
the ground or by distributing test sheets of paper or pans over the area at intervals and observing the
quantity of material deposited thereon.
On surfaces which are to be mulched as indicated by the plans or designated by the Engineer, seed
and fertilizer applied by the spray method need not be raked into the soil or rolled. However, on
surfaces on which mulch is not to be used, the raking and rolling operations will be required after the
soil has dried.
901-3.4 MAINTENANCE OF SEEDED AREAS. The Contractor shall protect seeded areas
against traffic or other use by warning signs or barricades, as approved by the Engineer. Surfaces
gullied or otherwise damaged following seeding shall be repaired by regrading and reseeding as
directed. The Contractor shall mow, water as directed, and otherwise maintain seeded areas in a
satisfactory condition until final inspection and acceptance of the work.
When either the dry or wet application method outlined above is used for work done out of season,
it will be required that the Contractor establish a good stand of grass of uniform color and density to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. If at the time when the contract has been otherwise completed it
is not possible to make an adequate determination of the color, density, and uniformity of such stand
of grass, payment for the unaccepted portions of the areas seeded out of season will be withheld until
such time as these requirements have been met.
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April, 1 998
901-4.1 The quantity of seeding to be paid for shall be the number of acres measured on the ground
surface, completed and accepted.
901-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per acre or fraction thereof, which price and
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all material and for all labor, equipment,
tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this item.
Payment will be made under:
ItemT -901-5.1 Seeding--per acre
ASTM D 977
Emulsified Asphalt
Fed. Spec. JJJ-S-181B Agricultural Seeds
Fed. Spec. O-F-241D Commercial Mixed Fertilizer
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April, 1998
904-1.1 This item shall consist of furnishing, hauling, and placing approved live sod on prepared
areas in accordance with this specification at the locations shown on the plans or as directed by the
904-2.1 SOD. Sod furnished by the Contractor shall have a good cover of living or growing grass.
This shall be interpreted to include grass that is seasonally dormant during the cold or dry seasons
and capable of renewing growth after the dormant period. All sod shall be obtained from areas
where the soil is reasonably fertile and contains a high percentage of loamy topsoil. Sod shall be cut
or stripped from living, thickly matted turf relatively free of weeds or other undesirable foreign
plants, large stones, roots, or other materials which might be detrimental to the development of the
sod or to future maintenance. At least 70% of the plants in the cut sod shall be composed of the
species stated in the special provisions, and any vegetation more than 6 inches (ISO mm) in height
shall be mowed to a height of 3 inches (75 mm) or less before sod is lifted. Sod, including the soil
containing the roots and the plant growth showing above, shall be cut uniformly to a thickness not
less than that stated in the special provisions.
904-2.2 LIME. Lime shall conform to the requirements of 901-2.2.
904-2.3 FERTILIZER. Fertilizer shall conform to the requirements of 901-2.3.
904-2.4 WATER. The water shall be sufficiently free from oil, acid, alkali, salt, or other harmful
materials that would inhibit the growth of grass. It shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer
prior to use.
904-2.5 SOIL FOR REPAIRS. The soil for fill and topsoiling of areas to be repaired shall
conform to the requirements of 901-2.4.
904-3.1 GENERAL. Areas to be solid, strip, or spot sodded shall be shown on the plans. Areas
requiring special ground surface preparation such as tilling and those areas in a satisfactory condition
which are to remain undisturbed shall also be shown on the plans.
Suitable equipment necessary for proper preparation of the ground surface and for the handling and
placing of all required materials shall be on hand, in good condition, and shall be approved by the
Engineer before the various operations are started. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer
before starting the various operations that the application of required materials will be made at the
specified rates.
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April, 1998
904-3.2 PREPARING THE GROUND SURFACE. After grading of areas has been completed
and before applying fertilizer and limestone, areas to be sodded shall be raked or otherwise cleared
of stones larger than 2 inches (50 nun) in any diameter, sticks, stumps, and other debris which might
interfere with sodding, growth of grasses, or subsequent maintenance of grass-covered areas. If any
damage by erosion or other causes occurs after grading of areas and before beginning the application
of fertilizer and ground limestone, the Contractor shall repair such damage. This may include filling
gullies, smoothing irregularities, and repairing other incidental damage.
904-3.3 APPLYING FERTILIZER AND GROUND LIMESTONE. Following ground surface
preparation, fertilizer shall be uniformly spread at a rate which will provide not less than the
minimum quantity of each fertilizer ingredient, as stated in the special provisions. If use of ground
limestone is required, it shall then be spread at a rate which will provide not less than the minimum
quantity stated in the special provisions. These materials shall be incorporated into the soil to a
depth of not less than 2 inches (50 mm) by discing, raking, or other methods acceptable to the
Engineer. Any stones larger than 2 inches (50 mm) in any diameter, large clods, roots, and other
litter brought to the surface by this operation shall be removed.
904-3.4 OBTAINING AND DELIVERING SOD. After inspection and approval of the source
of sod by the Engineer, the sod shall be cut with approved sod cutters to such a thickness that after
it has been transported and placed on the prepared bed, but before it has been compacted, it shall
have a uniform thickness of not less than 2 inches (50 mm). Sod sections or strips shall be cut in
uniform widths, not less than 10 inches (250 mm), and in lengths of not less than 18 inches (45 cm),
but of such length as may be readily lifted without breaking, tearing, or loss of soil. Where strips
are required, the sod must be rolled without damage with the grass folded inside. The Contractor
may be required to mow high grass before cutting sod.
The sod shall be transplanted within 24 hours from the time it is stripped, unless circumstances
beyond t!he Contractor's control make storing necessary. In such cases, sod shall be stacked, kept
moist, and protected from exposure to the air and sun and shall be kept from freezing. Sod shall be
cut and moved only when the soil moisture conditions are such that favorable results can be
expected. Where the soil is too dry, permission to cut sod may be granted only after it has been
watered sufficiently to moisten the soil to the depth the sod is to be cut.
904-3.5 LAYING SOD. Sodding shall be performed only during the seasons when satisfactory
results can be expected. Frozen sod shall not be used and sod shall not be placed upon frozen soil.
Sod may be transplanted during periods of drought with the approval of the Engineer, provided the
sod bed is watered to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 4 inches (100 mm) immediately prior to
laying the sod.
The sod shall be moist'and shall be placed on a moist earth bed. pitch forks shall not be used to
handle sod, and dumping from vehicles shall not be permitted. The sod shall be carefully placed by
hand, edge to edge and with staggered joints, in rows at right angles to the slopes, commencing at
the base of the area to be sodded and working upward. The sod shall immediately be pressed firmly
into contact with the sod bed by tamping or rolling with approved equipment to provide a true and
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April, 1998
even surface, and insure knitting without displacement of the sod or deformation of the surfaces of
sodded areas. Where the sod may be displaced during sodding operations, the workmen when
replacing it shall work from ladders or treaded planks to prevent further displacement. Screened soil
of good quality shall be used to fill all cracks between sods. The quantity of the fill soil shall not
cause smothering of the grass. Where the grades are such that the flow of water will be from paved
surfaces across sodded areas, the surface of the soil in the sod after compaction shall be set
approximately 1 inch (25 mm) below the pavement edge. Where the flow will be over the sodded
areas and onto the paved surfaces around manholes and inlets, the surface of the soil in the sod after
compaction shall be placed flush with pavement edges.
On slopes steeper than 1 vertical to 2-1/2 horizontal and in v-shaped or flat-bottom ditches or gutters,
the sod shall be pegged with wooden pegs not less than 12 inches (300 mm) in length and have a
cross-sectional area of not less than 3/4 square inch (18 square millimeter). The pegs shall be driven
flush with the surface of the sod.
904-3.6 'WATERING. Adequate water and watering equipment must be on hand before sodding
begins, and sod shall be kept moist until it has become established and its continued growth assured.
In all cases, watering shall be done in a manner which will avoid erosion from the application of
excessiv{~ quantities and will avoid damage to the finished surface.
a. General. The Contractor shall provide general care for the sodded areas as soon as the sod
has been laid and shall continue until final inspection and acceptance of the work.
b. Protection. All sodded areas shall be protected against traffic or other use by warning signs
or barricades approved by the Engineer.
c. Mowing. The Contractor shall mow the sodded areas with approved mowing equipment,
depending upon climatic and growth conditions and the needs for mowing specific areas. In the
event that weeds or other undesirable vegetation are permitted to grow to such an extent that, either
cut or uncut, they threaten to smother the sodded species, they shall be mowed and the clippings
raked and removed from the area.
904-3.8 REPAIRING. When the surface has become bullied or otherwise damaged during the
period covered by this contract, the affected areas shall be repaired to re-establish the grade and the
condition of the soil, as directed by the Engineer, and shall then be sodded as specified in 904-3.5.
904-4.1 This item shall be measured on the basis of the area in square yards (square meters) of the
surface covered with sod and accepted.
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904-5.1 This item will be paid for on the basis of the contract unit price per square yard (square
meter) for sodding, which price shall be full compensation for all labor, equipment, material, staking,
and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complete the items as specified.
Payment will be made under:
Item T-904-5.1
Sodding--per square yard (square meter)
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T -904-4
April, 1998
908-1.1 This item shall consist of furnishing, hauling, placing, and securing mulch on surfaces
indicated on the plans or designated by the Engineer.
908-2.1 MULCH MATERIAL. Acceptable mulch shall be the materials listed below or any
approved locally available material that is similar to those specified. Low grade, musty, spoiled,
partially rotted hay, straw, or other materials unfit for animal consumption will be acceptable. Mulch
materials, which contain matured seed of species which would volunteer and be detrimental to
the proposed overseeding, or to surrounding farm land, will not be acceptable. Straw or other mulch
material which is fresh and/or excessively brittle, or which is in such an advanced stage of
decomposition as to smother or retard the planted grass, will not be acceptable.
a. Hay. Hay shall be native hay, sudan grass hay, broomsedge hay, legume hay, or similar hay
or grass dippings.
b. Straw. Straw shall be the threshed plant residue of oats, wheat, barley, rye, or rice from
which grain has been removed.
c. Hay Mulch Containing Seed. Hay mulch shall be mature hay containing viable seed of
native grasses or other desirable species stated in the special provisions or as approved by the
Engineer. The hay shall be cut and handled so as to preserve the maximum quantity of viable seed.
Hay mulch which cannot be hauled and spread immediately after cutting shall be placed
in weath~~r-resistant stacks or baled and stored in a dry location until used.
d. Manufactured Mulch. Cellulose-fiber or wood-pulp mulch shall be products commercially
available for use in spray applications.
e. Asphalt Binder. Asphalt binder material shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 977,
Type SS-l or RS-l.
908-2.2 lNSPECTION. Within 5 days after acceptance of the bid, the Engineer shall be notified
of sources and quantities of mulch materials available and the Contractor shall furnish him with
representative samples of the materials to be used. These samples may be used as standards with the
approval of the Engineer and any materials brought on the site which do not meet these standards
shall be rejected.
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T -908-1
April, 1998
908-3.1 MULCHING. Before spreading mulch, all large clods, stumps, stones, brush, roots, and
other foreign material shall be removed from the area to be mulched. Mulch shall be applied
immediately after seeding. The spreading of the mulch may be by hand methods, blower, or other
mechanical methods, provided a uniform covering is obtained.
Mulch material shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied on the area shown on the plans or
designated by the Engineer. Straw or hay shall be spread over the surface to a uniform thickness at
the rate of 2 to 3 tons per acre (1800-2700 kg per acre) to provide a loose depth of not less than
1-1/2 inches (37 cm) nor more than 3 inches (75 mm). Other organic material shall be spread at the
rate directed by the Engineer. Mulch may be blown on the slopes and the use of cutters in the
equipment for this purpose will be permitted to the extent that at least 95% of the mulch in place on
the slope shall be 6 inches (150 mm) or more in length. When mulches applied by the blowing
method are cut, the loose depth in place shall be not less than I inch (25 mm) nor more than 2 inches
(50 mm).
908-3.2 SECURING MULCH. The mulch shall be held in place by light discing, a very thin
covering of topsoil, small brush, pins, stakes, wire mesh, asphalt binder, or other adhesive material
approved by the Engineer. Where mulches have been secured by either of the asphalt binder methods,
it will not be permissible to walk on the slopes after the binder has been applied. The Contractor is
warned that in the application of asphalt binder material he must take every precaution to guard
against damaging or disfiguring structures or property on or adjacent to the areas worked and that
he will be held responsible for any such damage resulting from his/her operations.
If the "peg and string" method is used, the mulch shall be secured by the use of stakes or wire pins
driven into the ground on 5-foot (150 m) centers or less. Binder twine shall be strung between
adjacent stakes in straight lines and crisscrossed diagonally over the mulch, after which the stakes
shall be firmly driven nearly flush to the ground to draw the twine down tight onto the mulch.
a. The Contractor shall care for the mulched areas until final acceptance of the project. Such
care shall consist of providing protection against traffic or other use by placing warning signs, as
approved by the Engineer, and erecting any barricades that may be shown on the plans before
or immediately after mulching has been completed on the designated areas.
b. The Contractor shall be required to repair or replace any mulching that is defective or
becomes damaged until the project is finally accepted.
When, in the judgment of the Engineer, such defects or damages are the result of poor workmanship
or failure to meet the requirements of the specifications, the cost of the necessary repairs or
replacement shall be borne by the Contractor. However, once the Contractor has completed the
mulching of any area in accordance with the provisions of the specifications and to the satisfaction
of the Engineer, no additional work at his/her expense will be required, but subsequent repairs and
Marathon Airport
T -908-2
April, 1998
replacements deemed necessary by the Engineer shall be made by the Contractor and will be paid for
as additional or extra work.
(~. If the "asphalt spray" method is used, all mulched surfaces shall be sprayed with asphalt
binder material so that the surface has a uniform appearance. The binder shall be uniformly applied
to the mulch at the rate of approximately 8.0 gallons (32 liters) per 1,000 square feet (100
square meters), or as directed by the Engineer, with a minimum of 6.0 gallons (24 liters) and a
maximum of 10 gallons (40 liters) per 1,000 square feet (100 square meters) depending on the type
of mulch and the effectiveness of the binder securing it. Bituminous binder material may be sprayed
on the mulched slope areas from either the top or the bottom of the slope. An approved spray nozzle
shall be used. The nozzle shall be operated at a distance of not less than 4 feet (120 cm) from the
surface of the mulch and uniform distribution of the bituminous material shall be required. A pump
or an air compressor of adequate capacity shall be used to insure uniform distribution of
the bituminous material.
d. lIthe "asphalt mix" method is used, the mulch shall be applied by blowing, and the asphalt
binder material shall be sprayed into the mulch as it leaves the blower. The binder shall be uniformly
applied to the mulch at the rate of approximately 8.0 gallons (32 liters) per 1,000 square feet
(100 square meters) or as directed by the Engineer, with a minimum of6.0 gallons (24 liters) and a
maximum of 10 gallons ( 40 liters) per 1,000 square feet (100 square meters) depending on the type
of mulch and the effectiveness of the binder securing it.
908-4.1 Mulching shall be measured in acres on the basis of the actual surface area acceptably
908-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price per acre for mulching. The price shall be
full compensation for furnishing all materials and for placing and anchoring the materials, and for all
labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item.
Payment will be made under:
Item T-908-5.1 Mulching--per acre
ASTM D 977 Emulsified Asphalt
Marathon Airport
T -908-3
April, 1998
108-1.1 This item shall consist of furnishing and installing underground cable in accordance with
these specifications at the locations shown in the plans. This item shall include the excavation and
backfill of the trench and the installation of cable and counterpoise wire in trench, duct or conduit.
It shall include splicing, cable marking, and testing of the installation and all incidentals necessary
to place the cable in operating condition as a completed unit to the satisfaction of the Engineer. This
item shall not include the installation of the duct or conduit.
108-2.1 GENERAL.
a. Airport lighting equipment and materials covered by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
specifications shall have the prior approval of the FAA, and are listed in Advisory Circular (AC)
150/5345-1, Approved Airport Equipment.
b. All other equipment and materials covered by other referenced specifications shall be subject
to acceptance through manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable specification,
when requested by the Engineer.
108-2.2 CABLE. Underground cable shall conform to the requirements of AC 150/5345-7,
Specification for L-824 Underground Electrical Cable for Airport Lighting Circuits.
If telephone control cable is specified, copper shielded, polyethylene insulated and jacketed, No. 19
A WG telephone cable conforming to the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural
Electrification Administration (REA) Bulletin 345-14, REA Specification for Fully Color-Coded.
Polyethylene Insulated, Double Polyethylene-Jacketed Telephone Cables for Direct Burial, shall be
Where counterpoise conductors are to be installed and where soil conditions would adversely affect
bare copper wire, thermoplastic wire conforming to Fed. Spec. J-C-30, Type TW, 600 volt, may be
Cable type, size, number of conductors, strand and service voltage shall be specified in the plans
and/or proposal.
108-2.3 BARE COPPER WIRE (COUNTERPOISE). Bare copper wire for counter-poise
installations shall be stranded wire conforming to ASTM Specifications B 3 and B 8. Counterpoise
wire embedded in trench concrete backfill material shall be No.6 stranded bare copper type THHN,
600 volt, nylon jacketed PYC insulated conforming to Federal Specification J-C-30.
Marathon Airport
April. 1998
108-2.4 CABLE CONNECTIONS. In-line connections of underground primary cables shall be
of the type called for in the plans or in the proposal, and shall be one of the types listed below. When
the plans or the proposal permit a choice of connection, the Contractor shall indicate in the bid the
type of connection he proposes to furnish.
a. The Vulcanized Splice. A vulcanized splice employing Joy Manufacturing Company's
Vulcanizing Kit No. X-1604-8 or equal is approved for field vulcanized splices. The proper molds
for various cable sizes shall be used.
b. The Field-attached Plug-in Splice. Figure 3 of AC 150/5345-26, Specification for L-823
Plug and Receptacle, Cable Connectors, employing connector kits, is approved for field attachment
to single conductor cable.
c. The Factory-Molded Plug-in Splice. Specification for L-823 Connectors, Factory-Molded
to Individual Conductors, are approved.
108-2.5 CONCRETE. Concrete shall conform to Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT)
"Specification for road and bridge Construction" Section 345 Class I, with a minimum 28-day
compressive strength of 3000 psi.
108-3.1 GENERAL. The Contractor shall install the specified cable at the approximate locations
indicated in the airport lighting layout plans. The Engineer shall indicate specific locations.
Cable connections between lights will be permitted only at the light locations for connecting the
underground cable to the primary leads of the individual insulating transformers. The Contractor
shall be responsible for providing cable in continuous lengths for home runs or other long cable runs
without connections, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Engineer or shown in the plans.
108-3.2 INSTALLATION IN DUCT OR CONDUIT. This item includes the installation of the
cable in duct or conduit as described below. The maximum number and voltage ratings of cables
installed in each single duct or conduit, and the current-carrying capacity of each cable shall be in
accordance with the latest National Electric Code, or the code of the local agency having jurisdiction.
The Contractor shall make no connections or joints of any kind in cables installed in conduits or
The duct or conduit shalt be installed as a separate item in accordance with Item L-II 0, "Installation
of Airport Underground Electrical Duct." The Contractor shall make sure that the duct is open,
continuous, and clear of debris before installing cable. The cable shall be installed in a manner to
prevent harmful stretching of the conductor, injury to the insulation, or damage to the outer
protective covering. The ends of all cables shall be sealed with moisture-seal tape before pulling into
the conduit and it shall be left sealed until connections are made. Where more than one cable is to
be installed in a duct under the same contract, all cable shall be pulled in the duct at the same time.
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The pulling of a cable through ducts or conduits may be accomplished by handwinch or power winch
with the use of cable grips or pulling eyes. Pulling tensions should be governed by recommended
standard practices for straight pulls or bends. A lubricant recommended for the type of cable being
installed shall be used where pulling lubricant is required. Duct or conduit markers temporarily
removed for excavations shall be replaced as required.
108-3.3 TRENCHING. Where turf is well established and the sod can be removed, it shall be
carefully stripped and properly stored. Trenches for cables may be excavated manually or with
mechanical trenching equipment. Walls of trenches shall be essentially vertical so that a minimum
of shoulder surface is disturbed. Road patrols or graders shall not be used to excavate the trench
with their blades. The bottom surface of trenches shall be essentially smooth and free from coarse
aggregate. Unless otherwise specified, cable trenches shall be excavated to a minimum depth of 18
inches (45 cm) below finished grade, except as follows:
a. When off the airport or crossing under a roadway or driveway, the minimum depth shall be
36 inches (90 cm) unless otherwise specified.
b. Minimum cable depth when crossing under a railroad track, shall be 42 inches ( 105 cm) unless
otherwise specified.
The Contractor shall excavate all cable trenches to a width not less than 6 inches (150 mm). The
trench shall be widened where more than two cables are to be installed parallel in the same trench.
Unless otherwise specified in the plans, all cables in the same location and running in the same
general direction shall be installed in the same trench.
When rock excavation is encountered, the rock shall be removed to a depth of at least 3 inches (75
mm) below the required cable depth and it shall be replaced with bedding material of earth or sand
containing no mineral aggregate particles that would be retained on a 1/4-inch (6 mm) sieve. The
Contractor shall ascertain the type of soil or rock to be excavated before bidding. All excavation
shall be unclassified.
108-3.4 INST ALLA TION IN TRENCHES. The Contractor shall not use a cable plow for
installing the cable. Mechanical cable-laying equipment may be used in conjunction with a trenching
machine if specified on project plans and specifications; and it should provide for physical inspection
of cable prior to backfilling. Sharp bends or kinks in the cable shall not be permitted.
Cables shall be unreeled in place alongside or in the trench and shall be carefully placed along the
bottom of the trench. The cable shall not be unreeled and pulled into the trench from one end.
Where two or more cables are laid parallel in the same trench, they shall be placed laterally a
minimum distance of 3 inches (75 mm) apart, and the trench shall be widened sufficiently to
accomplish this.
Cables crossing over each other shall have a minimum of 3-inch (75 mm) vertical displacement with
the topmost cable depth at or below the minimum required depth below finished grade.
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Not less than I foot (30 cm) of cable slack shall be left on each side of all connections, insulating
transfonners, light units, and at all other points where cable is connected to field equipment. The
slack cable shall be placed in the trench in a series of S curves. Additional slack cable shall be left
in runway light bases, handholes, manholes, etc., where it is required to bring the cable above ground
level to make connections. The amount of slack cable shall be stipulated by the Engineer, or as
shown in the plans and specifications.
108-3.5 BACKFILLING. After the cable has been installed, the trench shall be 3 inches (75 mm)
deep, loose measurement, and shall be either earth or sand containing no mineral aggregate particles
that would be retained on a 1/4-inch (6 m) sieve. This layer shall not be compacted. the second
layer shall be 5 inches (125 mm) deep, loose measurement, and shall contain no particles that would
be retained on a I-inch (25.0 mm) sieve. The remainder of the backfill shall be excavated or
imported mineral and shall not contain stone or aggregate larger than 4 inches (100 mm) maximum
diameter. The third and subsequent layers of the backfill shall not exceed 8 inches (200 mm) in
maximum depth, loose measurement.
Trenches shall not be excessively wet and shall not contain pools of water during backfilling
operations. The trench shall be completely backfilled and tamped level with the adjacent surface,
except that when sod is to be placed over the trench, the backfilling shall be stopped at a depth equal
to the thickness of the sod to be used, with proper allowance for settlement. Any excess excavated
material shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with instructions issued by the Engineer.
108-3.6 RESTORATION. Where sod has been removed, it shall be replaced as soon as possible
after the backfilling is completed. All areas disturbed by the trenching, storing of dirt, cable laying,
pad construction, and other work shall be restored to its original condition. The restoration shall
include any necessary topsoiling, fertilizing, liming, seeding, sodding, sprigging or mulching. All
such work shall be performed in accordance with the FAA standard turfing specifications. the
Contractor shall be held responsible for maintaining all disturbed surfaces and replacements until
final acceptance.
108-3.7 CABLE MARKERS. The location of runway light circuits shall be marked by a concrete
slab marker, 2 feet (60 cm) square and 4 inches (100 mm) thick, extending approximately I inch (25
mm) above the surface. Each cable run from the line of runway lights to the equipment vault shall
also be marked at approximately every 200 feet (60 m) along the cable run, with an additional marker
at each change of direction of cable run. All other cable buried directly in the earth shall be marked
in the same manner. The Contractor shall not install slab markers where cable lies in straight lines
between obstruction light poles which are spaced 300 feet (90 m) apart, or less. Cable markers shall
be installed immediately above the cable. The Contractor shall impress the word "cable" and
directional arrows on each cable marking slab. The letters shall be approximately 4 inches (100 mm)
high and 3 inches (75 mm) wide, with width of stroke II2 inch (12 mm) and 1/4 inch (6 mm) deep.
The location of each underground cable connection, except at lighting units or insulating
transformers, shall be marked by a concrete marker slab placed above the connection. The
Contractor shall impress the word "splice" on each slab. He also shall impress additional circuit
identification symbols on each slab if so desired by the Engineer.
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108-3.8 SPLICING. Connections of the type shown in the plans shall be made by experienced
personm~1 regularly engaged in this type of work and shall be made as follows:
a. Vulcanized Splices. These shall be made by using crimp connectors for joining conductors.
The splice shall be made, using compounds furnished by the manufacturer, in accordance with
hislher instructions and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
b. Field-attached Plug-in Splices. These shall be assembled in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions. These splices shall be made by plugging directly into mating connectors. In all cases
the joint where the connectors come together shall be wrapped with at least one layer of rubber or
synthetic rubber tape and one layer of plastic tape, one-half lapped, extending at least 1-1/2 inches
(37 mm) on each side of the joint.
c. Factory-Molded Plug-in Splices. These shall be made by plugging directly into mating
connectors. In all cases, the joint where the connectors come together shall be wrapped with at least
one layer of rubber or synthetic rubber tape and one layer of plastic tape, one-half lapped, extending
at least 1-1/2 inches (37 mm) on each side of the joint.
LIGHTNING PROTECTION. If shown in the plans or specified in job specifications, a stranded
bare copper wire, No.6 A WG minimum size, shall be installed for lightning protection of the
underground cables. The bare counterpoise wire shall be installed in the same trench for the entire
length of the insulated cables it is designed to protect, and shall be placed at a distance of
approximately 4 inches (100 mm) from the insulated cable. The counterpoise wire shall be securely
attached to each light fixture base, or mounting stake. The counterpoise wire shall also be securely
attached to copper or copper-clad ground rods installed not more than 500 feet (150 m) apart around
the entire circuit. The ground rods shall be of the length and diameter specified in the plans, but in
no case shall they be less than 8-feet (240 cm) long nor less than 5/8 inch (15 mm) in diameter.
The counterpoise system shall terminate at the transformer vault or at the power source. It shall be
securely attached to the vault or equipment grounding system. The connections shall be made as
shown in the project plans and specifications.
108-3.10 TESTING. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment and appliances for
testing the underground cable circuits after installation. The Contractor shall test and demonstrate
to the satisfaction of the Engineer the following:
a. That all lighting power and control circuits are continuous and free from short circuits.
b. That all circuits are free from unspecified grounds.
c. That the insulation resistance to ground of all nongrounded series circuits is not less than 50
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d. That the insulation resistance to ground of all non grounded conductors of multiple circuits is
not less than 50 megohms.
e. That all circuits are properly connected in accordance with applicable wiring diagrams.
f. That all circuits are operable. Tests shall be conducted that include operating each control not
less than 10 times and the continuous operation of each lighting and power circuit for not less than
1/2 hour.
108-4.1 Trenching shall be measured by the linear feet (meters) of trench, including the excavation,
backfill, and reconditioning, completed, measured as excavated, and accepted as satisfactory.
When specified in the proposal, separate measurement shall be made for trenches of various
specified widths.
108-4.2 Cable or counterpoise wire installed in trench, duct or conduit shall be measured by the
number of linear feet (meters) of cable or counterpoise wire installed in trenches, ready for operation,
and accepted as satisfactory. Separate measurement shall be made for each cable or counterpoise
wire installed in trench.
108-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price for trenching cable and bare counterpoise
wire installed in trench, duct or conduit in place by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer.
This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation and
installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to
complete this item.
Payment will be made under:
Item L-I 08-5.1
New 1/c No.8 Light Cable L-824, 5KV -- per linear foot
Item L-108-5.2
New No.6 Bare Copper Counterpoise Wire (Stranded) installed
in trench, including ground rods and ground connectors -- per
linear foot
AC 150/5345-7
Specification for L-824 Underground Electrical Cable for Airport
Lighting Circuits
AC 150/5345-26
Specification for L-823 Plug and Receptacle Cable Connectors
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Cable and Wire, Electrical Power, Fixed Installation
Insulation Tape, Electrical, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive, Plastic,
for Low-Temperature Application
AST;\1 B 3
Soft or Annealed Copper Wire
Concentric-lay-Stranded Cooper Conductor, Hard, Medium-Hard,
or Soft
Insulation Tape, Electrical, Self-Fusing, For Use in Electronics,
Communications, and Allied Equipment
Insulation Tape, Electrical, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive, Plastic
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110-1.1 This item shall consist of underground electrical ducts installed in accordance with this
specification at the locations and in accordance with the dimensions, designs, and details shown in
the plans. This item shall include the installation of all underground electrical ducts or underground
conduits. It shall also include all trenching, backfilling, removal, and restoration of any paved areas;
manholes, concrete encasement, mandreling installation of steel drag wires and duct markers,
capping, and the testing of the installation as a completed duct system ready for installation of cables,
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
110-2.1 GENERAL. All equipment and materials covered by referenced specifications shall be
subject to acceptance through manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable
specification when so requested by the Engineer.
110-2.2 STEEL CONDUIT. Rigid steel conduit and fittings shall conform to the requirements of
Underwriters Laboratories Standard 6, 514, and 1242.
110-2.3 CONCRETE. Concrete shall conform to Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT)
"Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" Section 345, Class I, with a minimum 28-day
compressive strength of 3000 psi.
The concrete supplier (ready-mix company) shall submit a certification to the Engineer prior to start
of work that all concrete delivered meets the requirements of Section 345 for Class I concrete with
a minimum 3000 psi compressive strength. Each truckload of ready-mix delivered must be
accompanied with the certification stipulated in Section 345-43. Failure to provide the certifications
shall result in the concrete being rejected.
110-2.4 PLASTIC CONDUIT. Plastic conduit and fittings shall conform to the requirements of
Fed. Spec.. W -C-1094 and shall be one of the following, as specified in the proposal:
a. Type I - suitable for underground use either directly in the earth or encased in concrete.
b. Type II - suitable for either above ground or underground use.
110-3.1 GENERAL. The Contractor shall install underground ducts at the approximate locations
indicated in the airport layout plans. The Engineer shall indicate specific locations as the work
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progresses. Ducts shall be of the size, material, and type indicated in the plans or specifications.
Where no size is indicated in the plans or specifications, the ducts shall be not less than 3 inches (75
mm) inside diameter. All duct lines shall be laid so as to grade toward handholes, manholes and
duct ends for drainage. Grades shall be at least 3 inches (75 mm) per 100 feet (30 m). On runs
where it is not practicable to maintain the grade all one way, the duct lines shall be graded from the
center in both directions toward manholes, handholes, or duct ends. Pockets or traps where moisture
may accumulate shall be avoided.
The Contractor shall mandrel each duct. An iron-shod mandrel, not more than 1/4-inch (6 mm)
smaller than the bore of the duct shall be pushed through each duct by means of jointed conduit
rods. The mandrel shall have a leather or rubber gasket slightly larger than the duct hole.
All ducts installed shall be provided with a No. 10 gauge galvanized iron or steel drag wire for
pulling the permanent wiring. Sufficient length shall be left in manholes or handholes to bend the
drag wire: back to prevent it from slipping back into the duct. Where spare ducts are installed, as
indicated on the plans, the open ends shall be plugged with removable tapered plugs, designed by
the duct manufacturers, or with hardwood plugs conforming accurately to the shape of the duct and
having the larger end of the plug at least 1/4-inch (6 mm) greater in diameter than the duct.
All ducts shall be securely fastened in place during construction and progress of the work and shall
be plugged to prevent seepage of grout, water, or dirt. Any duct section having a defective joint shall
not be ins.talled.
All ducts, except steel conduit, installed under runways, taxiways, aprons, and other paved areas
shall be encased in a concrete envelope.
Where turf is well established and the sod can be removed, it shall be carefully stripped and properly
Trenches for ducts may be excavated manually or with mechanical trenching equipment. Walls of
trenches shall be essentially vertical so that a minimum of shoulder surface is disturbed. Blades of
road patrols or graders shall not be used to excavate the trench. The Contractor shall ascertain the
type of soil or rock to be excavated before bidding. All excavation shall be unclassified.
110-3.2 DUCTS ENCASED IN CONCRETE. Unless otherwise shown in the plans,
concrete-encased ducts shall be installed so that the top of the concrete envelope is not less than 18
inches (4:5 em) below the finished subgrade where installed under runways, taxiways, aprons, or
other paved areas, and not less than 18 inches (45 em) below finished grade where installed in
unpaved areas. Ducts under paved areas shall extend at least 3 feet (90 em) beyond the edges of the
pavement or 3 feet (90 em) beyond any underdrains which may be installed alongside the paved
area. Trenches for concrete-encased ducts shall be opened the complete length before concrete is
laid so that if any obstructions are encountered, proper provisions can be made to avoid them. All
ducts for concrete encasements shall be placed on a layer of concrete not less than 3 inches (75 mm)
thick prior to its initial set. Where two or more ducts are encased in concrete, the Contractor shall
space them not less than 1-1/2 inches (37 mm) apart (measured from outside wall to outside wall)
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using spacers applicable to the type of duct. As the duct laying progresses, concrete not less than
3 inches (75 mm) thick shall be placed around the sides and top of the duct bank. End bells or
couplings shall be installed flush with the concrete encasement where required.
When specified, the Contractor shall reinforce the bottom side and top of encasements with steel
reinforcing mesh or fabric or other approved metal reinforcement. When directed, the Contractor
shall supply additional supports where the ground is soft and boggy, where ducts cross under
roadways, or where otherwise shown on the plans. under such conditions, the complete duct
structure shall be supported on reinforced concrete footings, piers, or piles located at approximately
5 foot (ISO cm) intervals.
When clay or soapstone ducts are specified, they shall be installed with concrete encasement as
described above. Clay conduit shall be of the single-bore type. Where the self-centering socket-joint
type of single clay duct is used, conduit shall be built up, tier by tier, and separated only by sufficient
mortar or fine aggregate concrete to bed the ducts evenly and fill all voIds between ducts. Single
ducts shall be jointed together and the joints grouted with portland cement mortar. A suitable gasket
(of rubber or other approved material) shall first be placed in the receptacle end of the duct, prior to
the joining operation, in order to exclude all mortar from the duct.
Where the square bore butt-joint type of clay duct, single or multicell, is used, sections shall be
aligned with at least four steel dowel pins and joints wrapped with duct tape 6 inches (ISO mm) wide
and lapped 6 inches (ISO mm). All joints in a bank of single-bore ducts shall be staggered,
beginning evenly from the manhole or handhole, by means of short lengths 6, 8, 9, 12, and 15 inches
(ISO, 200, 230, 300, 380 mm) long. Cement mortar shall be trow led around each and every joint.
V oids in the duct bank, caused by the external shape of the comers of the conduit, shall also be filled
with mortar. The joining and joints of soapstone duct shall be done in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
110-3.3 DUCTS WITHOUT CONCRETE ENCASEMENT. Trenches for single-duct lines shall
be not less than 6 inches (150 mm) nor more than 12 inches (300 mm) wide, and the trench for 2 or
more ducts installed at the same level shall be proportionately wider. Trench bottoms for ducts
without concrete encasement shall be made to conform accurately to grade so as to provide uniform
support for the duct along its entire length.
A layer of fine earth material, at least 4 inches (100 mm) thick (loose measurement) shall be placed
in the bottom of the trench as bedding for the duct. The bedding material shall consist of soft dirt,
sand or other fine fill, and it shall contain no particles that would be retained on a 1/4-inch (6 mm)
sieve. The bedding material shall be tamped until firm.
Unless otherwise shown in plans, ducts for direct burial shall be installed so that the tops of all ducts
are at least 18 inches (45 cm) below the finished grade.
When two or more ducts are installed in the same trench without concrete encasement, they shall
be spaced not less than 2 inches (50 mm) apart (measured from outside wall to outside wall) in a
horizontal direction and not less than 6 inches (ISO mm) apart in a vertical direction.
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Trenches shall be opened the complete length before duct is installed so that if any obstructions are
encountered, proper provisions can be made to avoid them.
110-3.4 DUCT MARKERS. The location of the ends of all ducts shall be marked by a concrete
slab marker 2 feet (60 cm) square and 4 inches (100 mm) thick extending approximately 1 inch (25
mm) above the surface. The markers shall be located above the ends of all ducts or duct banks,
except where ducts terminate in a handhole, manhole, or building.
The Contractor shall impress the word "duct" on each marker slab. He shall also impress on the
slab the number and size of ducts beneath the marker. The letters shall be 4 inches (100 mm) high
and 3 inches (75 mm) wide with width of stroke 1/2-inch (12 mm) and 1/4-inch (6 mm) deep or as
large as the available space permits.
110-3.5 BACKFILLING. After concrete-encased ducts have been properly installed and the
concrete has had time to set, the trench shall be backfilled in at least two layers with excavated
material not larger than 4 inches (100 mm) in diameter and thoroughly tamped and compacted to at
least the density of the surrounding undisturbed soil. If necessary to obtain the desired compaction,
the backfill material shall be moistened or aerated as required.
Trenches shall not be excessively wet and shall not contain pools of water during backfilling
The trench shall be completely backfilled and tamped level with the adjacent surface: except that,
when sod is to be placed over the trench, the backfilling shall be stopped at a depth equal to the
thickness of the sod to be used, with proper allowance for settlement.
Any excess excavated material shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with instructions
issued by the Engineer.
For ducts without concrete envelope, 8 inches (200 cm) of sand, soft earth, or other fine fill (loose
measurement) shall be placed around the ducts and carefully tamped around and over them with
hand tampers. The remaining trench may be filled with regular run of excavated material and
thoroughly tamped as specified above.
110-3.6 RESTORATION. Where sod has been removed, it shall be replaced as soon as possible
after the backfilling is completed. All areas disturbed by the trenching, storing of dirt, cable laying,
pad construction and other work shall be restored to its original condition. The restoration shall
include any necessary topsoiling, fertilizing, liming, seeding, sprigging, or mulching. All such work
shall be performed in accordance with the FAA Standard Turfing Specifications. The Contractor
shall be held responsible for maintaining all disturbed surfaces and replacements until final
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110-4.1 Underground duct shall be measured by the linear feet (meter) of duct installed, measured
in place, completed, and accepted. Separate measurement shall be made for the various types and
110-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each type and size of single-way or
multi-way duct completed and accepted. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all
materials and for all preparation, assembly, and installation of these materials, and for all labor,
equipment, tools, duct markers and incidentals necessary to complete this item.
Payment will be made under:
Item L-llO-5.1
New Concrete Encased 2W4 Duct, PVC Schedule 40 -- per linear foot
Fed.Spec.W-C-57I Conduit and Fittings, Nonmetal, Rigid; (Asbestos-Cement or Fire-Clay
Cement), (For Electrical Purposes)
Fed.Spec.W-C-1094 Conduit and Fittings; Nonmetallic, Rigid, (Plastic)
Standard 6
Standard 514
Standard 543
Standard 1242
Rigid Metal Conduit
Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes
Impregnated-Fiber Electrical Conduit
Intermediate Metal Conduit
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125-1.1 This item shall consist of airport lighting systems furnished or relocated and installed
including the installation of mandatory and information signs in accordance with this specification,
the referenced specification, and the applicable Advisory Circulars. The systems are installed at the
location and in accordance with the dimensions, design, and details shown in the plans. This item
shall include the furnishing of all equipment, materials, services, and incidentals necessary to place
the systems in operation as completed units to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
125-1.2 Additional details pertaining to a specific system covered in this item are contained
in the latest edition of Advisory Circulars listed below:
a. AC 150/5340-4, Installation Details for Runway Centerline and Touchdown
Zone Lighting Systems.
b. AC 150/5340-18C, Standard for Airport Sign System.
(:. AC 150/5340-24, Runway and Taxiway Edge Lighting System.
d. AC 150/5345-XX, Unlighted Taxiway and Runway Signs.
125-2.1 GENERAL.
3.. Airport lighting equipment and materials covered by FAA specifications shall have
the prior approval of the Federal Aviation Administration, Airports Service,
Washington, D.C. 20591, and shall be listed in the latest edition Of Advisory
Circular 150/5345-1, Approved Airport Lighting Equipment.
b. All other equipment and materials covered by other referenced specifications shall
be subject to acceptance through the manufacturer's certification of compliance with
the appl.icable specification, when requested by the Engineer.
c. A list of applicable Standards and Advisory Circulars for equipment and materials
required for a particular system is contained in Paragraph 125-6.
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125-2.2 TAPE. Rubber and plastic electrical tapes shall be Scotch Electrical Tape Numbers
23 and 88, respectively, as manufactured by the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company,
or an approved equal.
125-2.3 CONCRETE. Concrete shall conform to Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) "Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" Section 345, Class I, with a minimum
28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi.
The concrete supplier (ready-mix company) shall submit a certification to the Engineer prior to start
of work Ithat all concrete delivered meets the requirements of Section 345 for Class I concrete with
a minimum 3000 psi compressive strength. Each truckload of ready-mix delivered must be
accompanied with the certification stipulated in Section 345-43. Failure to provide the certifications
shall result in the concrete being rejected.
125-2.4 CONDUIT. Rigid steel conduit and fittings shall conform to the requirements of
Underwriters Laboratories Standard 6, 514 and 1252. Flexible metal conduit and fittings shall be
liquid-tight and shall conform to UL360.
125-2.5 SQUEEZE CONNECTORS. Squeeze connectors, if specified, shall be equal to
Crouse-Hinds Company, type CGB cable connector with neoprene rubber bushing.
125-2.6 TEES. Large radius bend tees, if specified, shall be equal to Crouse-Hinds Company
No. ET or equal.
125-2. 7 HEAT SHRINKABLE TUBING KIT. Heat shrinkable tubing kits shall be equal
to type APL, as manufactured by Raychem Corporation.
125-2.8 SAFETY SWITCHES. Safety switches shall be heavy duty, quick-make, quick-
break, with visible blades. Enclosure shall have interlocks to prevent operation when cover is open
and to prevent cover from being opened when switch is in "ON" position.
125-2.9 INFORMATIONAL AND MANDATORY SIGN. Signs shall be installed as per
AC No. l50/5345-XX "Specifications for Unlighted Taxiway and Runway Signs."
125-3.1 GENERAL. The installation and testing details for the systems shall be as specified
in the applicable AdvisC?ry Circulars or manufacturers specifications as approved by the Engineer.
The contractor shall ascertain that all lighting system components furnished by him (including FAA
Approved Equipment) are compatible in all respects with each other and remainder of the
new/existing system. Any non-compatible components furnished by this contractor shall be replaced
by him, at no additional cost to the Airport sponsor, with a similar unit, approved by the Engineer
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(different model or different manufacture) that is compatible with the remainder of the airport
lighting system.
Wiring diagrams shown on Drawings are generic and may not reflect actual field conditions or
specific equipment requirements. The Contractor shall verify field conditions and follow
instructions in installation manuals provided by equipment manufacturer and, if required, make the
necessary modifications to insure proper operation of equipment.
125-3.2 PLACING EQUIPMENT. All new or relocated equipment shall be installed at the
location indicated in the plans or as directed by the Engineer. All bolts or threaded parts, such as
breakable couplings, shall be greased with an antirust compound such as "Never-Seez."
125-3.3 OPERATING MANUALS. Operating manuals shall be submitted for all principal
items of electrical equipment. The submittal of manuals shall be submitted prior to Final
Acceptance. The manuals shall be complete with operational and repair part data on all component
devices in the principal equipment for which the manuals are submitted. The Contractor shall also
provide to the Owner's authorized representative instructions in the operation and maintenance of
the systems at such times as directed by the Owner.
125-4.1 The quantity of units to be paid for under this items shall be the number of each type
installed as completed units in place, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer.
125-5.1 Payment will be made at the Contract unit price for each complete unit, that is
installed in place, removed, relocated, or raised by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer.
This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, assembly,
and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to
complete these items.
Payment will be made under:
Item L-125-5.1
Installation of New Taxiway Stake Mounted Edge Lights (provided
by Owner) -- per each.
Item L-125-5.2
Taxiway Stake Mounted Edge Lights Removal and Reinstallation of
Existing Taxiway Stake Mounted Edge Lights -- per each.
Itc~m L-125-5.3
Taxi Retroreflective Signs -- per each.
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AC 150/5345-3
AC 150/5345-42
AC 150/5345-46
AC 150/5345-47
AC 150/5345-51
Rigid Metal Conduit - Standard 6
Liquid- Tight Flexible Conduit - Standard 360
Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes - Standard 514
Specification For L-82l Panels For Remote Control of
Airport Lighting
Specification For Airport Light Base and Transformer
Housings, Junction Boxes and Accessories
Specification For Runway and Taxiway Light Fixtures
Isolation Transformers For Airport Lighting Equipment
Specification For Discharge Type Flashing Light Equipment
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853-1.1 SCOPE. This specification covers the requirements for retroreflective markers for airport
runways and taxiways.
853-1.2 CLASSIFICATION. Two types and two styles of retroreflective markers are covered by
this specification.
853-1.2.1 TYPES. The type designation describes the function of the retroreflective marker.
3. Type I, Semiflush Marker for Centerline Marking.
b. Type II, Elevated Marker for Edge Marking.
853-1.2.2 STYLES. The style designation applies to Type I markers only.
3. Style I, Snowplowable Marker
b. Style II, Non-Snowplowable Marker.
853-2.1 GENERAL. The following publications of the issue in effect on the date of application
for qualification form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.
Quality Control Program Requirements
Sheeting and Tape, Reflective: Nonexposed Lens
Plastic Molding Material Methacrylate
Environmental Test methods
(Copies of FAA standards may be obtained from the Federal Aviation Administration, Airway
Facilities Service, Washington, D.C. 20591.)
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April, 1998
(Copies of Federal specifications may be obtained from General Services Administration Offices in
Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Boston, Denver, Chicago, Kansas City, New York, San Francisco, and
Seattle. )
(Copies of military standards may be obtained from the Commanding Officer, Naval Publications
and Fonns Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120, Attention: Code 1052.)
853-3.1.1 GENERAL
853- CONSTRUCTION. Retroreflective material is designed to reflect light approaching
at an oblique angle back toward its source. The required reflectivities of the retroreflective materials
are specified below. Two types of retroreflective material are in wide use:
a. Sealed plastic lenses with a smooth face and a prismatic configuration on the back
(referred to herein as lens retroreflectors).
b. Flexible sheeting with a smooth face, embedded optical retroreflective elements, and an
adhesive backing (referred to herein as sheet retroreflectors).
853- ALTERNATE REFLECTORS. Alternate retroreflective materials may be proposed
for use on L-853 markers. The manufacturer must demonstrate to the FAA's satisfaction that the
overall marker performance is equivalent to markers with lens or sheet material. Thus, a material
with superior reflectivity may be designed with a smaller retroreflective surface, while a material
with inferior reflectivity would require a marker with a larger retroreflective surface. Any alternate
material must meet all environmental requirements.
853-3-1.1.3 CONFIGURATION. The configuration of the retroreflective material on the Type II
marker is optional, but should be designed to maximize visibility. For example, sheeting may be laid
out in bands across the face of the marker, or a number of lenses may be arranged in a geometric
pattern on the marker. The proposed layout must present at least the specified viewing area in all
viewing directions.
853.3.1.2 RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING REQUIREMENTS. The retroreflective sheeting
shall be manufactured and shall perform in accordance with the requirements of Federal
Specification L-S-300, Sheeting and Tape, Reflective: Nonexposed Lens. The material shall be
reflectivity 2 or reflectivity 4. The sheeting manufacturer may certify compliance with this
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
853- REFLECTIVITY. Lens retroreflectors used in elevated markers shall have reflectivity
as specified in Table 1. Lens retroreflectors used in semi flush markers shall have retroreflectivity
as specified in Table 2. The values listed are for a white (clear) retroreflector. Yellow retroreflectors
shall be at least 60 percent of this value; red and green retroreflectors shall be at least 25 percent of
this value; and blue shall be at least 8 percent of this value.
853- CHROMATICITY. The colors approved for use on retroreflective markers are white
(clear), yellow, red, green, and blue. The manufacturer shall submit a sample of each proposed lens
color for the FAA's approval. The markers may be unidirectional, bi-directional with the same
color, or bi-directional with different colors. The particular color required depends on the intended
Table 1. Minimum specific intensity per unit area
for clear (white) lens retroreflectors
(candelas per footcandle per square inch).
angle (degrees)
angle (degrees)
angle (degrees)
Table 2. Minimum specific intensity for clear
(white) semiflush markers
(candelas per footcandle).
angle (degrees)
20 Right
20 Left
853- FABRICATION. The reflectors shall consist of a transparent plastic face (the lens) and
an opaque back fused to the lens (under heat and pressure) around the entire perimeter to form a
homogeneous unit permanently sealed against dust, water, and water vapor. The reflector shall be
one of the colors specified in 853- The lens shall consist of a smooth front surface free from
projections or indentations other than for identification and a rear surface bearing a prismatic
configuration so that it will effect total internal reflection of light. The manufacturer's trademark
shall be molded legibly into the face of the lens. The shell material shall conform to Federal
Specification L-P-380, Plastic Molding Material Methacrylate, Type I, Class 3.
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April, 1998
853-3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS. Retroreflective markers shall withstand the
following environmental conditions:
a. Temperature. Any temperature between 650C and -550C.
b. Corrosion. Exposure to a salt fog.
c. Humidity. Any relative humidity between 10 and 95 percent.
853-3.3.1 DESIGN. The centerline markers shall be designed to provide a large retroreflective
surface while providing a small obstruction to passing aircraft. Snowplowable markers shall
withstand the impact of a snowplow blade without damage or shall be configured so that the blade
passes over the marker. The base shall have adequate area to dissipate the loading specified in
853-4.2.7 and to provide for secure bonding to the pavement. The marker may be unidirectional or
bi-directional, depending on the user's requirements. The design of the marker shall minimize
scratching and abrasion of the retroreflective material.
853-3.3.2 DIMENSIONS. The semi flush marker shall not project more than 3/4 inch (20 mm)
above the pavement surface. All comers and edges projecting above the pavement shall be rounded
to a minimum radius of 1/8 inch (3 mm). The minimum retroreflective area in each viewing
direction shall be 1.5 square inches (1000 mm2) for style I markers and 3 square inches (2000 mm 2 )
for style II markers.
853-3.3.3 BONDING. All markers bonded to the pavement surface shall have a clean, flat, hard,
rough-textured surface that will promote bonding. The bonding material shall be specified or
supplied by the manufacturer and shall meet the requirements of 853-4.2.5.
853-3.4.1 DESIGN. Three configurations of elevated markers are described herein: (a) a plane (flat)
surface with retroreflective lenses attached; (b) a plane surface with retroreflective sheeting attached;
or (c) a cylindrical surface with retroreflective sheeting attached. The marker shall be as compact
as practical while presenting the required retroreflective area. Alternative marker configurations may
be utilized if the manufacturer demonstrates comparable retroreflective performance. The
retrorefle:ctive material must be at least 2 inches (50 mm) above the ground when mounted.
853-3.4.2 DIMENSIONS.
853- PLANE MARKERS. For a plane surface with retroreflective lenses, the retroreflective
surface must be at least 6.5 square inches (4000 mm2). For a plane surface marker with
retroreflective sheeting, the retroreflective area must be at least 24 square inches (15000 mm2). If
the plane markers are bi-directional, these figures represent the required area facing each direction.
853- CYLINDRICAL MARKERS. For a cylindrical surface marker, at least 96 square
inches (60000 mm2) of retroreflective sheeting shall be wrapped uniformly about the cylinder. The
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minimum cylinder diameter is 2 inches (50 mm) and the maximum cylinder diameter is 8 inches
(200 mm). The height of the marker shall be not less than 14 inches (350 mm) and not greater than
30 inches (750 mm). The marker height should be kept as low as practical, since it presents less of
an obstruction to aircraft and a lower profile to the wind.
853- MOUNTING SYSTEM. The elevated marker is intended to delineate active aircraft
areas; therefore, it may be mounted on paved or unpaved surfaces. The manufacturer shall provide
a satisfactory mounting system for the appropriate type of surface. The mounting system shall
withstand the required wind loading and shall be designed to prevent the marker or its components
from being ingested by jet aircraft.
853-3-4.3.2 FRANGIBILITY. The marker shall be designed so that it will not damage an aircraft
if it strikes the marker. To achieve this goal, the marker shall either be flexible or be mounted with
a frangible fitting. To utilize a nonfrangible mounting, the marker must readily bend or flex when
struck. Each marker and mounting system shall withstand a wind speed of 100 mi/h (85 knots)
without permanent deformation and shall retain its original shape and position in winds up to 5 mi/h
(45 knots).
853- MATERIALS. Any metal used in the elevated marker or associated mounting hardware
shall either be noncorrodible or be plated to resist corrosion. The plane-type markers and mounting
hardware shall be constructed so that the plane orientation will not change when the marker is
subjected to the specified wind conditions. The reflective sheeting for all styles of markers shall be
securely fastened to the marker body so that it will not slip or loosen when exposed to the specified
environmental conditions.
853-4-1.1 QUALIFICATION REQUEST. Requests for qualification approval must be submitted
in writing to the Office of Airport Standards, Attention: AAS-200, Federal Aviation Administration,
Washington, D.C. 20591. Requests must include:
a. A list of the types and styles of markers, along with the manufacturer's catalog numbers,
for which qualification approval is requested.
b. A copy of proposed test procedures and test data sheets and a statement as to whether the
manufacturer proposes to conduct the tests or name and location of the independent
testing laboratory where the tests are to be conducted (853-4-1.2).
c. A copy of the manufacturer's proposed guarantee for the equipment (853-4-1.4).
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April, 1998
d. A copy of the manufacturer's quality control plan (853-4.1.3).
e. A preliminary copy of the equipment installation instructions (853-4.1.5).
853-4.1.2 QUALIFICATION TESTING. The equipment must pass all tests in 853-4.2. The
manufacturer shall supply all test equipment and bear all testing costs. Tests may be conducted at
the manufacturer's plant or at an independent tests laboratory acceptable to the FAA. The FAA
reserves the right to witness any or all tests.
Where the FAA waives the option to witness tests, the manufacturer must submit a certified copy
of all test reports. The manufacturer must give 2 weeks' notice of the testing date.
853-4.1.3 QUALITY CONTROL PROVISIONS. The manufacturer shall provide and maintain
a quality control program in accordance with F AA-STD-O 13, Quality Control Program
Requirements, except that facilities for an FAA Quality Assurance Representative are not required.
853-4.1.4 GUARANTEE. The manufacturer shall provide the following minimum guarantee for
each equipment: That the equipment has been manufactured and will perform in accordance with
this specification and that any defect in material or workmanship which may occur during proper and
normal use during a period of I year from date of installation or a maximum of 2 years from date of
shipment will be corrected by repair or replacement by the manufacturer f.o.b. factory.
853-4.1.5 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. The manufacturer shall include complete
installation instructions with each shipment. These instructions shall give guidance on the
orientation of the markers, the site preparation, the specifications for adhesive (for semitlush
marker), the leveling criteria, and any other information necessary to insure that the installed markers
meet the specified performance levels.
853-4.1.16 QUALIFICATION APPROVAL. Manufacturers who have met all requirements
specified herein will be listed as approved suppliers in AC 150/5345-1, Approved Airport Lighting
Equipment. Once equipment is on the approved list, any changes to the equipment that are not
approved by the FAA will cause removal of the equipment from the list. Requests for design or
component changes must be submitted to the office in 4.1.1 and must be accompanied by supporting
documentation for the change. Substitution of components which are identical in rating and size and
equal or better in quality does not require prior FAA approval.
853-4-2 QUALIFICATION TESTS. The following tests shall be run on sample markers. A
sample of each proposed color shall be submitted for the FAA's approval.
853-4-2.1 RETROREFLECTIVE ELEMENTS. This section specifies tests for the retroretlective
component of the marker. The performance standards and tests are excerpted from Federal
Specification L-S-300. The manufacturer may either test the retrorefIective material or provide
certification from the supplier that these standards are met.
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April. 1998
853- RETROREFLECTlVE SHEETING. The retroreflective sheeting shall pass the tests
listed for reflectivity 2 or reflectivity 4 sheeting material in Federal Specification L-S-300.
853- RETROREFLECTlVE LENSES. Retroreflective lenses shall meet the requirements
for reflectivity and chromaticity in 853-3.1.3. The tests shall be conducted according to the
procedure in Federal Specification L-S-300, except that the angular aperture of the source shall be
0.1 degree and the angular aperture of the receptor shall be 0.025 degree.
853-4-2..2 HIGH TEMPERATURE TEST. Nonmetallic markers shall be subjected to a
temperature of 65 oC (::t2 0) for a period of 24 hours. Evidence of damage or porosity shall be cause
for rejection.
853-4.2.4 CORROSION TEST. The sample marker shall be subjected to a salt fog test as detailed
in MIL-STD-81 0, Environmental Test Methods, Method 509.1. Any evidence of damage, rust, or
corrosion shall be cause for rejection. Markers with no ferrous metal components are exempted from
this test.
853-4.2.5 TYPE I SEMIFLUSH MARKER BOND TEST. A 2- 112-inch :t 114 inch (57 mm :t6.4
mm) diameter steel fitting shall be bonded to the bottom surface of the Type I marker with adhesi ve
material specified for use with the marker. After the adhesive material cures, the steel fitting shall
be pulled. away from the marker at a rate not greater than 2,500 pounds (1150 kg) per minute. The
adhesive material and bottom surface of the marker shall be considered unsatisfactory if there is
complete separation with a pull of less than 1,500 pounds (700 kg).
853-4.2.6 TYPE I SEMIFLUSH MARKER SEAL TEST. To demonstrate the integrity of the
seal, the Type I marker shall be subjected to the immersion test described in MIL-STD-81 0, Method
512, Procedure I. Any evidence of water or condensation in the marker shall be considered
unsatisfactory performance.
853-4.2.7 TYPE I SEMIFLUSH MARKER LOAD TEST. This test shall be the last test made.
The Type I marker shall be bonded to a flat steel plate mounted in a standard testing machine. The
load shall be applied to the top part of the marker through a block of rubber, 4 inches (10 cm) in
diameter, I inch (2.5 cm) thick with Shore A hardness of 55 to 70. A total of 10,000 pounds (4500
kg) shall be applied uniformly over the area of the rubber at a rate of not greater than 2,500 pounds
(1500 kg) per minute. The marker shall be considered unsatisfactory if there is any permanent
deformation, cracking, or breaking of any materials used.
853-4.2.8 TYPE II ELEVATED MARKER WIND LOAD TEST. The elevated marker and its
mounting system shall be subjected to wind load tests. Apply a wind load of 50 milh (43 knots) for
a flexible marker to demonstrate that the marker remains upright at this wind speed. Apply a wind
load of 100 milh (86 knots) to all markers; the markers and mounting system shall not show any
signs of permanent distortion or failure from this wind load. Static loading may be used to
demonstrate the wind loading requirements.
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April, 1998
853-5.1 The quantity of units to be paid for under this item shall be the number of each type installed
as completed units in place, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer.
853-6.1 Payment will be made at the Contract unit price for each complete unit, that is installed in
place by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer. This price shall be full compensation for
furnishing all materials and for all preparation, assembly, and installation of these materials, and for
all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete these items.
Payment will be made under:
Installation of Type Semiflush Marker (Style II) -- per each.
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April, 1998
The work to be performed under the classification of Landscaping shall be in accordance with
the FOOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction Section 580 with the
following modifications:
Section 580-1 DESCRIPTION
ADD the following to this Article:
The work under this Contract consists of the relocation and maintenance of existing
marked trees in the clearing and grubbing area, the replacement of dead and damaged
trees after relocation or destroyed by clearing and grubbing operations, and the removal
of exotic specimens (i.e. Brazilian Peppertree, etc.), as designated by the county
Section 580-2 MATERIALS
ADD the following to this Article:
Existing trees to be relocated are "Collected Material". Replacement trees shall meet
the requirements of this Article.
ADD the following to this Article:
1. Contractor's Qualifications - The plant relocation contractor shall have a
minimum of 5 years experience in the relocation of native plant material in
Florida. The contractor shall have a working knowledge of soil types and their
implications for transplanting work. The contractor shall furnish to the Airport
Manager documentation of his qualifications.
2. Submittals - The contractor shall furnish to the Airport Manager a schedule of
material to be relocated. This schedule shall include daily production and total
time required to transplant all tree material.
The contractor shall furnish to the Airport Manager manufacturer's literature and
recommended rates of application of approved fertilizer.
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April, 1998
The contractor shall furnish to the Airport Manager manufacturer's literature and parts
and equipment schedule for temporary irrigation system.
contractor shall have the option of utilizing water trucks or temporary irrigation
systems for the purpose of irrigation.
All temporary irrigation equipment for transplanted areas shall be low volume
spray jet irrigation systems comprised of black polyethylene flexible main line,
small diameter black polyethylene risers, and plastic adapters, bases, and
interchangeable emitter heads. Equipment shall also include any accessory
items needed to facilitate proper functioning of the system.
Temporary irrigation mains shall be tied into a water supply at the location shown
on the Plans.
Temporary pumps, wells, and/or any other equipment needed for water supply
shall be provided by the contractor.
4. FERTILIZER - Fertilizer shall be agriform grow tablets or Milorganite fertilizer or
approved equal applied at the manufacturer's recommended rate.
5. LAYOUT - The contractor shall, prior to relocation, layout the planting areas
using colored wire flags to designate the locations selected by the airport
manager for transplanting trees.
Final placement of landscape material shall conform to clear zone setbacks.
6. SOIL PREPARATION - Soil conditions in the transplant area shall be tested and
compared to soil conditions in the donor site. Contractor shall submit soil
samples test results. If soil conditions in transplant area are substantially
different, to the extent that it would impair plant growth, the transplant area soils
shall be adjusted to provide the equivalent growing environment as the donor
7. HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION - Trees shall be properly handled during
moving so that trunks and fronds will not be damaged or scarred. Broken fronds
and wounds which are not, in the Airport Manager's judgment, cause for the tree
to be rejected may be relocated.
8. Trees shall be centered in the machine when dug.
Marathon Airport April, 1998
N :\DEIDRES\.\IARA THOl\'\S580. WJ>6
Trees shall be transported on vehicles of adequate size to prevent overcrowding,
foliage damage or rootball damage.
Rootballs shall be kept moist during all phases of relocation.
Plant materials shall be handled in ways and means accepted by the industry
and approved by the Airport Manager.
Locations of transplanted trees shall be adjusted to prevent interference or
crossing of branches on different trees.
Plant materials that are tree spaded and are relocated to areas accessible by
tree spade equipment shall be planted in tree spaded planting pits as required.
Plant materials that are tree spaded and are relocated to areas that are not
accessible by tree spade equipment shall be planted according to standard
FOOT specifications.
8. FERTilIZATION - Agriform grow tablets or Milorganite shall be incorporated in
all relocation pits for all transplanted material at the rate recommended by the
9. WA TERING/IRRIGA TION (TEMPORARY) - Transplanted material shall be
irrigated as follows:
The contractor shall be responsible for watering of all plant material in sufficient
quantity with respect to climatic and soil conditions to ensure survivability of
plant material.
Initial water after transplanting shall eliminate air pockets and achieve complete
saturation of the entire root zone of tree. Watering shall be maintained for a
necessary period for establishment after planting.
Temporary irrigation of transplanted material shall begin immediately after
planting. Transplanted material shall not go more than 12 hours without
Water quality shall be tested by the contractor and approved by the Airport
Manager. Testing shall include, but not be limited to, salts, p.h., and minerals.
10. PROTECTION OF TREES - The existing ground level of rootball shall not be
filled upon after transplantation.
Marathon Airport April, 1998
The contractor shall maintain all trees in a plumb, upright position. Damaged
trees resulting from lack of proper staking and guying shall be replaced by the
contractor at no expense to the Owner. All tree guy wires shall be flagged with
yellow safety ribbon.
1 'I. DONOR SITE - All holes created by the removal of trees shall be filled to the
level of surrounding ground using off-site borrow material.
ADD the following to this Article:
Mulch shall be fine needles.
REVISE the term of the establishment period from "90 days" to "1 year".
DELETE the last sentence of this Article and substitute the following:
Irrigation shall be continued for a minimum of 120 days and irrigation on a minimum 12
hour cycle shall be performed for a 2 week period following tree relocation. Payment for
all irrigation work shall be included in the prices bid for the Contract.
ADD the following to this Article:
Any trees that are excessively damaged during or do not survive the transplantation
process as determined by the airport manager shall be replaced at a 2 to 1 ratio in like
size and kind as approved by the airport manager, at no additional cost to the owner.
Poison Darkwoods (Metopium Toxiferum) might be replaced at the contractors option
by Piggeon Plums, Safran Plums and Mastic at a 2 to 1 ratio as directed by the Monroe
County Biologist.
REVISE the words "90 -day establishment period" to read "1 year establishment period".
DELETE all text following the first paragraph of this Article and substitute the following:
Marathon Airport
April, 1998
:-.J :\DElDRES\1\!ARA THO!\'\S580. WP6
Measurement for payment of the work specified under this Section shall be the number
of existing marked trees in the clearing and grubbing area successfully relocated to the
relocation planting area (inside airport property as directed by the airport manager)
including relocation, establishment (maintenance) donor site restoration, exotic tree
removal and disposal and all other work specified under this Section and detailed on
the Plans complete and accepted by the Airport Manager. Payment for the quantity
measured as described above will be made at the Unit Price Bid for: Item 580-13-1 -
Tree Relocation per each.
Marathon Airport
April, 1998